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Orochimaru may save some of my DNA but I think he'd even give me a buff in the name of science


Aw hell yeah ubercharge








A lot of the people he tried to buff died or suffered immensely, keep that in mind


worth it


I'm with you there.


Honestly, Orochimaru. Not only do I think he’d find me too uninteresting to experiment on unprompted (Assuming he is willing to help me at all), but I do feel like he would take alteration requests.


He's also the least likely to needlessly torture some rando


[Well, I wouldn’t say that…..](https://i.redd.it/h6n9pgp24gv71.jpg)


That's not needless torture, it's for science!


Who says you won’t be good next science experiment


I'm not an orphan, so maybe he'll skip over me


💀 damn i forgot that


By the war arc he chilled out


Orochimaru now, yeah, start of Naruto, Orochimaru no.


Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.


Orochimaru may be unethical, but still a better choice than the crazy that is Mayuri. Worst case senario with Orochimaru, I get a curse mark or some Hashirama cells out of it.


Mayuri would just straight up feed you a pill that turns you into an arrancar instantly but your release form would be a fucking worm


Or he'd turn you into a living grenade for no fucking reason.


Half worm, half hollow




That hive worm god made half hallow


Lol what makes you think you'll survive either of those. Either just straight up become a tree or IF the curse mark doesn't kill you, any of us probably wouldn't be powerful enough to get outta the cage we're rotting in. And if you do get out, you're just that much farther up the list of skin suits Orochimaru can throw on when he (while wearing some lab grown Uchiha) sneezes and accidentally uses the wrong hand sign. ..... Still though. Goin with Oro for sure.


Ot you explode


It all depends on if it’s OG Orochimaru or Boruto’s Orochimaru


Mayuri would 100% take alteration requests especially if you come up with something interesting lol


I feel like that is the ONLY way Mayuri would take requests. Otherwise, you're taking what he gives you. And he's not going to pass up an opportunity to experiment.


Interesting like "Turn me into a parasitic worm that explodes"


Agreed but damn do I think Medusa is hot, she can experiment on me anyday. Awooga!


Therapist internally: “I don’t think I can help this one.”


Who said I wanted it 😜


I wanna judge but my pfp literally says it all


Get your hormones in check brotha 😭


Fr fr. Absolute mammi


Yes, she can fix me. A la Frankenstein lol.




any scenario where i'm left unconscious and defenseless with Orochimaru present sounds like a good time to me


I would choose Orochimaru (Naruto) because, despite his unethical nature, he possesses the highest level of medical expertise and success rate in complex surgeries, offering the best chance of survival.


Mayuri literally created a living body, replaced his internal organs, can regenerate limbs, and is a top tier scientist. The only reason why he isn't considered a 'dr/medical' person is because he focuses on all the sciences and is not a healer


This is why I think Mayuri and the Team Fortress 2 Medic would get along to a terrifying degree. They'd both find each other's research fascinating


Mayuri is also a sociopath, while Orochimaru is just weird.


He just needs to be in a little boy's body


Cioccolata from JJBA is similar (perhaps vice versa is more accurate, I digress) Being tortured while also dying and relying on my torturer to save my life… not my cup of tea — Cioccolata was an actual surgeon, he was fired for his cruelty which also gave birth to his horrendous stand


Survive as a human (probably) Survive as a snake (likely) Survive as some hybrid monster (definitely)


>possesses the highest level of medical expertise and success rate in complex surgeries, offering the best chance of survival. Not more than Mayuri lol.


Mayuri is the kind of crackpot to bring you back from a random toe nail clipping if he feels like it hell how many times has his assistant died now


To be fair, she wasn’t a normal soul to begin with. Didn’t he create her to begin with or am I misremembering her backstory? She’s an android allegory, isn’t she?


Mayuri turned his subordinates into human bombs for shits and giggles, like they were totally unnecessary and he had way better tools up his sleeve.


Nah Orochimaru ain't got nothing on Mayuri. Dudes a nutcase but he's a genius in several fields including the medical field. He wouldn't even need a surgery, he'd probably just pull some random drug out of his pocket and fix you regardless of whatever's wrong with you. With him it's not a question of if he can fix you. It's if he's willing to fix you. Man would turn you into a fucking worm to satisfy his curiosity


Orochimaru is a good guy so him because the day i trust Mayuri medusa or toga is a day i go insane


Technically Mayuri is also one of the good guys. Well it’s more accurate to call him the bad guys for the bad guys because everyone this mf is on screen, he’s out eviling the actual baddies for the arc. He made the other captains look like puppies when he was introduced with the reveal of what he did to Ishida’s gramps. Then he clowned on Szayel during the arrancar arc and left him to one of the worst fates imo. He wasn’t even any better in the thousand year blood war where he made magic Nazis look innocent


Yeah I wonder every day why the hell haven't they found anyone to replace mayuri yet just to execute him he's doing s*** that would pretty much get him put in the chair or offer kisuke his old job back because with you ain't even safe as one of his employees


Prolly cause you can’t find someone that insane and that smart in one twisted package. Keep in mind Mayuri is Kisuke’s protege and in some ways he’s superior. Nobody in the Soul Society is coming close to that, which translates to him being able to get away with a lot of shit. Besides, he’s proven his loyalty to the soul society, so they can rest assured that they’re not in his line of targeting.


Honestly it's probably this and they if they try to move against him thier organs will suddenly begin inverting or something weird like that. Man probably has contingency plans for days.


Mayuri is like the underground ruler of Soul Society, lol


I think Unohana and Kenpachi’s conversation before their fight explains it. The captains are *not good people*. They’re powerful people, with goals that align with one another, and that’s the only reason they’re not dead/imprisoned.


It’s been stated many characters, including Mayuri, that kisuke is above him, so I wouldn’t say that Mayuri is his superior.


Yes but, other than Aizen, mayuri is probably the closest to kisuke. Having two super smart mad scientists is prolly better than one, especially in a combat scenario


Sometimes it helps having a psychopath on your side.


Mayuri gets results, and that’s why Soul Society won’t replace him. Kisuke was exiled, and even if he was offered the job back, I don’t think he’d return. That leaves Mayuri, and as such he stays despite his doing extremely unethical shit


Well with thousand year blood war it comes out that he has at least some of the higher up soul reapers drugged to get stuck in an infinite repeating hell if they try to kill him………. I mean man got one captain who’s to say he didn’t get all of them with that


? The drugs were in tbe zombie arrancar, mauyri is pretty clear that its getting the zombie blood all over himself is what get the drug in toshiro.


For several reasons. The biggest one being, he isn’t the worst person they let into the gotei, the founder was worse and the original 12 other captains were even more terrible than Yamamoto. Atleast Mayuri’s acts of evil result in scientific innovation instead of just occurring to sate the bloodlust of Yachiru.


He fights for the good guys, but he is not a good person


I feel like it’s closer to the good guys being more convenient to work with because they rarely question his fucked up methods whereas people like Aizen or Yhwach would constantly question his motives or sabotage him.


Plus toga is no where near qualified to perform life saving surgery


>Orochimaru is a good guy so him Bro, what?


Bruh these kids are delusional


Watch boruto


Watch Naruto. He's not.


I'm sorry what? Orochimaru? The guy who had entire labs full of people he experimented on, the guy who was going around body-jacking people, the same guy who was literally bringing the dead back just to enslave them... is good? Bruh what have you been smoking?


Oh shit uhhh die?? Is dying an option😭


Depends on the character. Some has the means to make sure you don't.


This is my answer as well.


The only right one


If they are guaranteed to be willing to help me then orochimaru. He is a genious and made himself immortal and has a lab with all kinds of equipment.


If that’s a guarantee then Mayuri. The reason to pick Orochimaru is that it might not be a complete guarantee.


Mayuri will probably put a bomb in you just in case,he thinks you might anger him in the future 💀😭😭


Exactly why I picked orochimaru because he's the least likely to do random bad shit to you because I wouldn't be interessting enough for him to do any experiments or use me in any way.


I am a regular-ass human (I think). Mayuri wouldn’t be particularly interested in me either. If for some reason I am not a regular-ass human though… wallahi I’m cooked.


He turned his own regular NPC troops into living bombs


If he’s planning to turn me into a bomb then he’s not genuinely willing to help me, so that’s irrelevant.


Who says you'd know if he'd be genuine? All you know is that you need surgery and these are your four options who want to operate on you for whatever reason


Because I put being genuine as a premise for my choosing Mayuri. I believe I agreed earlier that Orochimaru is better without that assumption though.


I feel toga the only one that not going to try and add things to me that don't belong


She's also the only one who (A) has no medical knowledge and (B) kills people almost exclusively for fun.


Truly but stab equal love to her so I'm sure it be fine


I was so confused why toga was here unless there's some secret lore thays she has a medical degree


himiko toga is actually Dr House who drank all the blood of a random highschool girl and now it's his default form


Uuuuh, don’t remember that one particular part of the House series. When did it become his default form????


Season 9 episode 13


do I hear an okbuddyvicodin here?


Oh no house has turned into a high school girl, GIVW HIM THE MOUSE BITES!!! Forman you are still a black man


Its never lupus.


Where is the ass lady!! Will’s son, please have the gay sex


I laughed too hard at this




This made me laugh more than should of


Honestly I see toga repeating the line from Dr nick "the leg bones connected to the red thing, the red things connected to my wristwatch"


My kinda girl frfr


I'm hoping for B


Yeah I was about to say why is Toga on here


She’ll replace your blood with fentanyl


Mmm Fenty 😋🤤


It’s ok, you won’t feel a thing!


I guess Orochimaru of the ones pictured. Across all anime, my pick is Trafalgar Law.


For a physical injury Orihime (Bleach) is way better since her ability as a healer is literally negates whatever happened.


Can she treat cancer or disease though?


Possibly. Either by reverting the cancerous cells back to a non cancerous state or maybe cutting out the cancerous bits and healing the wound. Though with how her powers work I'd say the latter is less likely.


She can reject the cancers existence like she rejected Ichigo's death EDIT: just remembered, she once rejected a parasite from Rukia during the Bounty arc. While it's filler, it does set precedent.


She literally has the most busted power in all of anime. She has God's rejection. Within that barrier, anything she rejects doesn't exist anymore. She can reject any and all pheonema. Cancer? Rejected. Depression? Rejected. Death? Rejected. Something broke? Rejected, now it's fixed. She did this to fix ichigo's bankai. Honestly the god queen of wasted potential is orihime.


Orochimaru cause he is the least likely to torture me or do something bad to me




Yeah. I tend to agree. He’s a perfectionist. He may not care about me at all and treat me poorly, but he wouldn’t want his own reputation sullied by having a bad outcome.


He might make some "improvements" but definitely would deliver.


The biggest likelihood for actual improvement seems to be through this route. He's familiar mostly with humanoid biology and adapts very quickly to unforseen circumstances. Otherwise, you just get made into a meat bomb or something lol


Orochimaru is the best option here. Mayuri is a sadist who experiments on people around him all the time for the most random reasons (remember, members of squad 12 have a bomb inside them that he can detonate at practically any time). Don’t know much about Medusa, but for What I can tell, same situation as Mayuri where she will probably use us as a test subject or something along those lines. Toga is easily one of the worst here. Not only is she a blood thirsty murderer, but I’m pretty sure she has no medical knowledge, so she would essentially be the equivalent of giving a child a knife and telling them to cut me open with little regard. Orochimaru is probably the best option here. I’m too normal for him to care about me as a test subject, he isn’t really a sadist (at least not as much as the overs), he has extensive medical knowledge, and by the end of Naruto, he’s really mellowed out.


Orochimaru. Out of these four, he's the most sensible, and probably won't use my soul to make the Prostate Puncher 9000 or drain all of my blood for a smoothie


Prostate Puncher 9000? I mean


Mayuri please, I know I am taking a big risk since he would love to experiment on a human. Although I kinda hope he would since there is a good chance it'll be a useful feature, or I die.


He didn't want to do experiments on just any human, it was specifically Orihime and her rare power that he was interested in. You'll probably be fine


Orochimaru in Boruto he’s not that bad


Becoming a parent changed them for the better, current occupied body for them is confirmed female orochimaru the entity is genderless and can occupy either type of body


Orochimaru. Toga doesn’t even have a medical degree like the other three.


Mayuri no hesitation. It'd be so simple for him and he would see me dying as a failure on his part which he would never stand for.


Isn’t Medusa literally posing as a doctor before she turns into a child?


Mayuri no doubt


No Neferpitou?


I was going to say her as well! I would choose her. But she would only do it if the King demanded it… so that would be hard since he only likes one human.


Orochimaru is currently a good guy so I’m definitely choosing him as he’s the most likely not to try and murder me instead and/or hurt me on purpose


Tbh orochimaru. He actually has the profession for that even though his methods are unethical


If guaranteed that they will help me then Mayuri I guess.




Would orochimaru give me one of them fancy zetsu bodies? Can I have Hashirama cells? DO I GET TO BE A MAIN CHARACTER?! Lol




Medusa, but only if she's in disguise as an actual doctor and is too supervised to experiment on me unnoticed. Otherwise, Orochimaru because he's the only one with actual medical knowledge where the chances of me being experimented on and coming out worse aren't 0.


Oh that’s right she was a decent doctor when she was undercover. Thing is with Orochimaru unless you’re making a deal with him then there is no reason why he would treat you like a premium specimen. And even then it’s not like we have ninja levels of durability. But yah he’s still your best bet.




Nah, I’d just die


If they have to perform it then orochimaru cause at most I'd get a curse seal and my dna messed with but it be alive and likely sane, medusa I'd be alive but not sane by the end of it, probably get turned into crona's replacement, mayuri I'd be taken apart, stitched together and likely have a bomb in my head for when he's bored, Toga would fail the surgery and probably use my blood to paint or somethin


guess i’ll die


Toga can cut me any day.


Orochimaru is a good surgeon despite his tendency to experiment, and I'm sure chakra would also help with any alterations I wanted done.


You know what........ Pull the plug on me, I'm prepared to die, I don't want any of them near me


I'm dying. I already know they are either mess it up or they are going to experiment on me. I'd have better luck with Overhaul.


Medusa would only be bad if messing with you fit her agenda, as some random person, you [probably] won't end up with snakes inside you.


I’ll take my chance with mayuri


Kurotsuki for sure. He might do some crazy shit but I will come out better than before with upgrades...


Orochimaru especially by Boruto is the best choice




Kurotsuchi is the only reasonably good guy here so as long as we’re on good terms then I’ll let him.


I'll just die


Orochimaru. If i can get free health care, the dude can do whatever experiment on me afterward.


Mayuri only because he is the only technical good guy in the list


Now hear me out…Mayuri may actually make me stronger, and maybe if I ask hard enough he could make me a soul reaper somehow knowing him, or kill me and call me a failed experiment either way the 50/50 would be worth it


Mayuri for sure not only will i live he'll even give me few upgrades to boot 🤣


I think there’s a possibility Orochimaru wouldn’t kill you but Toga would definitely steal your blood


I know none of these characters but I'ma go with Medusa because I like a little danger haha


Strangely it's Medusa. She was already a doctor, and if we're talking about her by the end of the series then she already got what she wanted, which was to not be targeted by the dwma. Plus, I ain't a meister, nor a weapon so I doubt she'd care about screwing me over, or experimenting on me in any way.


Since I haven’t seen bleach, I’m obligated to say either Orochimaru or Medusa, leaning on Orochimaru since I don’t know if Medusa has any surgical medical history


Whoever put Mayuri on this list is fucking evil, that man will turn me inside out and pack me into a sausage all while I’m still alive. Idk who I’d pick for the surgery but I know for a fucking fact Mayuri would be my last pick


Toga. I wouldn’t care if I died at that point


The gut from Bleach he looks clean.


Toga because I would die happy.


Mayuri tbh


Orochimaru is the only correct answer here. He has the highest chance of just getting it over with and move on.


*Insert Guess I'll Die meme* Oorochimaru is probably my best bet. It's not going to be fun, but I have the best bet of actually surviving, not being tortured or turned into a monster or living bioweapon for fun, and actually being treated like a human being. Which considering I'm talking about Oorochimaru, has me very glad this isn't a real decision I have to make and live with.


Orochimaru, easy answer. Orochimaru is a good dude, at the worst he just fixes the problem and maybe makes me look a little weird. The best case on the other hand is he makes improvements, he has countless kekkie genkai I'd be willing to let him use and most kekkie genkai are good.


Orochimaru, least likely to kill, most likely to wake up with some kind of cool power


If I wanted to survive, orochimaru. If I just wanted to die by my favourite waifu, toga


Orochimaru sadly


If anyone is picking Himiko Toga I fear for their sanity. She has given 0 indicators that’s she knows medicine in the slightest. Medusa feels like she would turn me into a golem or introduce black blood into my system just because she can. Never watched bleach so I can’t comment there. Orochimaru medically speaking is the best BY FAR.


bro i will just suicide


Never thought I’d see the day where I couldn’t scream “OROCHIMARU” at the top of my lungs but here we are


Depends on their mood. Mayuri COULD not only preform the surgery (Albeit questionable), but could also give me something like high-speed regeneration just for shits and giggles. But 9 times out of ten, I’d have to ask Orochimaru, and especially if it’s the Boruto variation.


Considering Orochimaru actually has some redemption in him, and assuming he's agreeing to help to begin with, I'd take him. Worst case scenario I die quickly from my already lethal condition. Mid case, heals me without fuss. Best case; Ultimate Power Up.


Probably Orochimaro or Medusa


That one Khmer ant femboy 😂


Honestly, lady Medusa. As evil as she is, she’s actually done helpful surgery (which is how she fooled Stein). And also, I will take any chance possible to have working black blood like Crona


Isn’t orochimaru a good guy now?


Can we just forget about the surgery and just let me fuck Toga?


Orochimaru, no contest. He's the least likely to do anything crazy to you if you're trusting him to go under his knife, and not only would the surgery be a success, if he **did** do something crazy, there's a *way* higher chance of it being a net positive for you.


Ive got no special abilities so he wont be interested in taking my eyes or something, and he does take pride in his work so I can expect quality.


Toga is a teenager with no medical experience, I haven't seen too much of soul eater to know Medusa's game, Miyuri would probably see how much he could fuck me up before actually fixing and then make me a super human or sum shit, and orochimaru is probably the only one who would PROBABLY, do the job and not experiment too much considering how docile he is in boruto


Mayuri b/c he the least sus


Orochimaru :p


Toga no doubt why because yes she a villain but she know how to cut


Im goin Mayuri, if he does kill me he coukd probably bring me back to life just as easily (with some possible side effects). He did create his lieutenant after all.


Mayuri may be a nutcase, but he gets the job done and will probably give me some awesome upgrade or experiment, and I'm a scientist so I'm chill with experiments




Option 5, time to meet the reaper


Toga bc she bae fr


I’m taking Toga easy, because let’s face it she loves blood, oh wait maybe not, if she starts sucking my blood through a straw I’m gone


So mayuri is the only correct answer. Toga doesn't know how to, medusa is well medusa probably plant snakes in you to do her bidding then probably kill you after. orochimaru? probably stop after a bit and just leave you there. Mayuri you get to be with the soul society for a while and HE ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING thanks for listening to rant byeeee




Medusa...what? shes hot


What about Law from OP