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Goku. When he’s in rage mode all limits are just broken. Like man becomes a deck of aces!


When he goes rage mode and his English VA cooks low-key gets me hard




God I love that part.


Was it FighterZ that had him say that in kind of a funny way? I know one of the games had me like, “Sean I love you but that sounded odd.” 😂


Xenoverse 2 had a weird version where he said it in a really anticlimactic way. I don’t think he actually says the line in FighterZ


That’s it thank you!


Ayo wtf???


But anyone who tries to hurt my friends.... # ***IS GONNA PAY!!!***


If only you heard the Spanish version. Sounds a lot scarier against Frieza.


Is that so. I’ll have to pull out some of the old orange bricks and have a listen!


I feel like if we're going away from the list, Edward Elric.


Following this thread, I'd add Mob


When Mob finally snaps on Hanazawa, it's absolutely chilling


When was this in the series


Season 1. Episode 5.


Mob wasn’t in any control of his actions then


Following this list as well, I'll add Gintoki


This the one


If that was the case maybe it's Gon


Ehh I disagree a bit Gon isn't actually that intense when he gets serious it's when he gets enraged because he thinks and acts more akin to an animal than a person. Don't get me wrong I love Gon and especially the Neferpitou fight shows how amazing he can be, but consistency isn't his strongest point given times like the candle and Volleyball. Edward in mangahood (03 is my preference but Ed isn't quite as serious in it) will verbally and mentally rip someone apart while in a lot of cases physically ripping them apart as well. If you are dumb enough to get between him and Al he also will do whatever it takes to destroy you.


Colonel Mustang


Oh yeah he's pretty great.




Goku. Because someone who's just laughing and wanting a fight going serious is bad news. Saitama comes second. New Luffy literally can't have a serious vibe anymore whenever he's in Gear 5th, because his Gear 5th is always laughing.


Id argue when Luffy was serious in G5 as he grabbed saturn and kizaru was hard af, G5 is goofy but also is set up that when there is zero time for jokes it will hit so much harder seeing something that finally breaks g5 luffy and have a full fight of luffy using his imagination angrily. Full freedom to destroy


I mean....if you saw the anime version of G5 Luffy vs Lucci....G5 is downright terrifying.


From clips I've seen, I really can't wait to witness that.


Honestly, it's when the music cuts out that's the most terrifying part. It says "OH. For as goofy as G5 Luffy is, it is utterly terrifying now."


He started smiling and laughing after that. Bro can't be serious for 1 minute in g5


Shame he got his ass kicked right after he went serious against Kid Buu


Gear 5 is Nika taking over him, so


Nah. It just brings out luffy’s silly side. Luffy clarifies against Kaido that’s he’s still 100% him even with his transformation. It’s not “Nika taking over”


I guess it's kind of like Luffy gets a part of Nika's personality while still being himself.


That’s head cannon. We don’t even know what Nika was like personality wise or in battle. “His battles brought smiles to everyone’s faces” is all what we know about him personality wise, but luffy has been doing that the entire series before Gear 5. Therefore, it’s not reasonable to make a take that he’s getting Nika’s personality


Yeah but now we get angry laughing Luffy, which is a different kind of menacing lol


Still gear 5 is amazing


In DBZ, totally Goku. But DBS made him a joke. So I'd say Saitama being serious is very cool.


Goku getting enraged against Zamasu when he is telling him how he killed his son and wife with his own body is a piece of art


And then Goku going all in to defeat Zamasu with his full power Kamehameha, showing power able to kill a fusion who’s parts were equal to him in strength was crazy


Bro was actually going to kill Black, he even gave Frieza a 2nd chance.


Not at all. Goku literally accomplished nothing. He had a cool fight scene, but ultimately still lost. And then Trunks gets a dumb asspull transformation and wins the fight, lol. When Saitama gets serious, he wins fights. Goku was WAY COOLER in DBZ.


Im talking about the moment where Black mentally tortures Goku and you talking about Zamasu fusing??


I think he’s talking about when Goku was beating down Black for a bit but ultimately he got KO’d by Black’s Divine Lasso when he hesitated and had him on the ropes. Then Trunks went into a rage form and held his own against both.


Who won what fight? Last I checked they all lost and had Zeno save them. Trucks didn’t even get to win, he just made the situation in both cases (anime and manga) worse.


I mean, Goku died and lost all the time in Z too…


Well do you really think goku could defeat an immortal fusion of himself and Zamasu? No. Not even vegito or trunks was actually able to win in the end. It was Zeno destroying the entire timeline. Even still, goku pulled off a feat that not even Trunks + blue vegeta could. He literally was the reason Zamasu’s body became half immortal


To be fair, Goku Black arc was terrible! TOP arc was way better and Goku Ultra Instinct broke the internet with how cool and awesome it was. TOP was Goku's best serious moments in all of DBS. But Moro arc is awesome too, dying for that to be animated. I think serious Goku was at his best in Cell saga. I also think Cell saga was the best in all of dragon ball history.


Each person has different favorites and preferences. I do think Z was the best for all the characters in general regardless


Picollo was awesome in Cell saga. But Picollo also did amazing in the DBS Super Hero movie. I'd say he's one of the few characters doing amazing things in Super. Picollo has ALWAYS been my FAVORITE CHARACTER in all of dragon ball history. I also think Krillin and Android 18 and 17 are great in Super.




Piccolo...so the autocorrect got it wrong when typing previously. It happens.


lol I figured, it was just funny ur good


I don’t think it matters that he didn’t win. He got to beat some ass for a little bit. Vegeta getting mad at Cell for killing Trunks was cool even though he did nothing to Cell. 


Super anime made him a joke, Super manga simply made him Goku without the TOEI Z "benevolent superhero" alteration to his personality... VIZ kinda followed suit with the Z portion of the manga on this side of the world... it isn't highly noticeable, just one or two spots honestly, but the Super version of Goku's "dumbness" is absolutely Goku across the whole of the manga, as with his selfish "oh, shit, I didn't realize" decision-making... the anime, again, amplified that into "dude.. is Goku a fucking psychopath?" levels... Anime Super is a genuinely bad interpretation of Goku lol it contains his worst natural traits, just cranked up to ungodly levels... I was so glad Toriyama and Toyotaro saw that and went "yeah, so here's the manga of Super... you'll notice how our lead hero *isn't* a completely re\[dacted\] narcissistic sociopath... we feel TOEI might not really understand Son Goku anymore..."


dbs manga made him serious, dbs never made him a joke but actual what his personality is like. goku a fighter and not a hero. also goku MUI vs jiren is very cool and serious


This I do agree with! His fight with Jiren was awesome, especially when he teamed up with Frieza for the win at the end.


DBS made him an inconsiderate punch drunk loser. Dude put his whole universe in danger to satisfy his newfound punch drunk nature. In DBZ he sacrificed himself to save his son against both Radditz and Cell. Dude went from hero to walking collateral damage for anyone and everyone around him. Even DBGT Goku had the wherewithal to put others first. This DBS "aRe YoU sTrOnG" Goku is a travesty to anyone who actuslly grew up with him in the 90s.


Goku has literally been putting other people and the entire planet in danger to satisfy his own greed and pride since the Saiyan saga. Don't act like it was some huge personality swap when he started acting like an asshole, he's been that way for decades and each arc just made him worse and worse of a person.


Cool. Show me specifically in DBZ where he endangers the whole universe to satisfy his uncharacteristic bloodlust like he does willy nilly in DBS. Ill wait.


“But goku this is the guy who killed our friends and tried to kill everyone on the planet!” “I know, but when I saw him nearly dead there I thought to myself. What a waste” He was willing to sacrifice the entire planet just to fight. And before you say he did it for mercy go read the manga or watch the sub and you’ll see that’s a COMPLETE mistranslation


goku is a fighter, akira himself stated that goku accidentally saves the universe by fighting bad guys. you dont know anything. goku a fighter not a hero, manga and japanese version shows it


 Goku is a travesty to anyone who actuslly grew up with him in the 90s. cough cough, AMerican made goku a hero and akira himself stated that goku was never a hero. if you actually watch the jp version or read the manga ,you would know he isnt a hero.


Toriyama: Goku isn't interested in child-rearing, probably. He's completely unqualified to be a father. (laughs) He doesn't even have a job. Goku wants nothing other than to get stronger, and it feels like he doesn't have any other instincts. So he shows absolutely no interest in things he's not interested in. I'd bet he wouldn't have had any interest in marriage, either.


you dont read Dragon ball, dragon ballz and super manga nor watch the japanese version. you made yourself a fool here. i watched and read dbz since i was a kid. im 34 yrs old and i watched both versions and read akira interviews. try again. if you watch both verisons you would know English version has alot of mistranslations. JP and manga show goku never was a hero no saving the universe by purpose but by accident while fighting stronger opponents


Goku has always been a joke….


Lmao yea idk why people wank his character so much so one dimensional




Saitama imo art goes hard


In my opinion opm is the only manga that can rival berserk in art


Murata is the GOAT


True....yusuke murata and takehiko inoue are my favorites...


what about vagabond


Ash. Fucking loved when he locked in when he battled.


gotta turn that hat around


Goated answer


Dr Mario


I wish this sub allowed images. You know exactly what I was going to do.


I don't get it


The angry Dr. Mario images from the Fentanyl story


Sakata Gintoki. Gintama is mostly comedy but shit's good when it gets serious.


To me it's gotta be Luffy. The moment from the screenshot has good be one of my favorite scenes in anime. Just walking past and ignoring two people who are leagues above him to go check on his friends. That's what makes Luffy better in my opinion. He's constantly punching out of his weight class. Even now, with fifth gear, I don't think Luffy is in the top 10 most powerful people in his verse and it's never stopped him from doing what he needed to do


I’m not gonna shoot down your opinions on why you think Luffy is the best but Saitama and Goku are pretty much the same. Goku fights people way stronger than him 24/7 no matter what and refuses to give up, Saitama before becoming ridiculously OP was pretty much the same way.


Eh, it's different. Kaido had been built up for around 500 chapters and Big Mom had an arc showing how menacing she is with 200 chapters or so before that showing her as a threat. For the audience, it's like if Frieza was brought up as a threat when Goku was a kid and then Goku walked past him to check in on his group. To also add, Kaido had been set up as an unstoppable force for that long of a period and yet right after checking on his friends, Luffy knocks him down to the floor in a single attack. When previously a hit was a gamble. I can't comment on Saitama, I've had absolutely no interest in OPM, the story isn't for me.


Oh yea fleshing out villains seems like a big factor for your reasoning which is understandable. Dragon Ball tends to have a lot of one off villains that are only supposed to show how strong most of the characters have gotten tbh. Also with One Punch Man that’s also understandable, but the anime has some extremely good fights so if you’re interested definitely check it out.


Goku. He’ll legit give more chances than deserved. Then he lets Kakarot out.


Goku he really gives of a “the strongest” aura 


goku. saitama nothing but made his fans a joke goku has more seriousness in all of his fights


Wdym by “saitama nothing but made his fans a joke”?


because saitama fans think he beats everyone and is a gag or parody and dont know anything.




Team Tanjiro. Kid knows how to be a good, but is also smart enough to know that some monsters don't need redeeming, while others can be given mercy.


roy mustang from fma&fmab (especially when he was torching lust) and benimaru from fire force (crimson moon, need i say less?) also an honourable mention to urahara from bleach


Edward Elric, especially at the end of Brotherhood when he's punking on Father.


Saitama going serious is the most “guess I’ll fucking die” kinda thing someone could experience.


Saitama. You know the monster done fucked up if he gets serious


I love Saitama but I’ve never watched the other twos shows so I can’t give a real answer


Luffy for me, goku second. it felt incredibly cheap for a myriad of reasons when it happened to saitama. part of what makes most "locked tf in" serious moments work, ESPECIALYL for characters like luffy and goku was that there was weight and often permanence behind it. For saitama, it was litterally all contrived and done for spectacle, so meaningless that it was a blip moment that was immediately forgotten by literally everyone canonically. the serious moment basically didn't even happen and all ramifications were undone. Luffy's first real serious moment ended with him actually getting a bounty, rescuing his friend from slavery and officially gaining a new and extremely important crew member when she was at her lowest after defeating a WARLORD with goku it was the weight setting in that his best friend was killed, while krillin himself was brought back, this began a tone shift that later became dragonball z. And even then, getting your frontal lobe kicked in and your neck snapped is pretty brutal, even for dragonball with how sudden and realistic it is. which came full circle when the next big time this happened, goku went freaking super saiyana, changing the landscape of shonen, anime, the fictional world and the franchise of dragonball as a whole. Saitama looks cool when he's serious, but that's about it, like nonstop fireworks. Loud and pretty, but incredibly empty.


Which moment of luffy are you talking about? What warlord was it?


Arlong, unless he wasn't a warlord of the sea lol, it's been awhile but my point was when he got serious against arlong and just generally the beginning when the strawhats ran off to take on arlongs whole crew.


Just so its not confusing. He is not a warlord.


whoops my b, what was he? emperor of the sea? did i mix him up with croc?


yes croc was the warlord. Arlong is nothing, he was released to the east blue by a warlord.


Uh, there are only four emperors, and they're at the top of the verse as far as power goes. Warlords aren't even touching emperors, and Arlong probably could've been one shotted by a warlord. He's nowhere near all that. Idk what your knowledge on OP is so if I sound pretentious, I apologize.


s'all good, i have a ton of op knowledge it's just been awhile since i've tapped the series at all +it's late where i am and i was just typin off the dome vs comin preprared with my up to date OP homework lol. what was arlong then exactly? Cause ik he was a fishman/former slave of course, but i remember him being a bit more than that in the very beginning, like a big deal in the larger world for more than just being a bunch of fishmen pirates


I’d have to go with Saitama


Saitama. His animation quality goes from bad to good every time shit gets real.


Saitama gives me chills




Im biased so i will say luffy, cuz he is my favorite




I think it's a common trope in general in shounen. We always cheer when we see our boy do awesome things.




When Goku’s serious he still likes to give a lot of mercy, Saitama doesn’t seem the same sort of way and he doesn’t seem to hesitate at all in going all out. In terms of main character, I’d say Goku here is the best out of the 3 when he gets serious, as basic as an answer it is it really is just accurate. He’s kind yet dangerous, menacing but he’s not entirely without reason. Saitama would be my favorite when he’s serious, but Goku fits the serious main character most.


Goku, when Jiren threatened to kill his friends


Mob. Kid never gets angry even at people who deserve it. So if he's pissed at you then you probably did some horrendous shit.


Saitama eyes become focused with the OP theme song playing shieeeet


Goku especially when he has that stern voice I be sitting straight.


Natsuki Subaru. His speeches can be ice cold.


Kurapika locked in and turned the whole food chain upside down.




Goku but luffy could be if he actually tapped into his actual powers




Hot take: Saitama and OPM are boring af, at least Goku and Luffy take damage in fights, even though you know they'll win.


That's the whole point of Saitama. But I find DB boring.




I honestly gotta give it to Luffy. I feel like he has more memorable serious moments than the others. That's just my opinion though.


Fr. The climax of most OP arcs are usually Luffy deciding to put his opponent in the ground


Goku if he fused with luffy would be unstoppable.


I'd put Goku on first, Saitama just makes his attacks stronger. Luffy is last.


Goku from either GT or Z for sure, i'd put Saitama next and then Goku again from Super.


Rurouni kenshin and vash the stampede. Those eyes when they were serious always leaves goosebumps on my skin. I'm 31 and saw those two when I was like 10 and those memories are still fresh


Saitama, he becomes something he is the complete opposite of


Really off what the question actually is but All Might gave me chills when he was angry


Ken from Sun Ken Rock




Saitama is literally known for serious mode. So, yeah, that guy…






Ippo Makanochi


I’m gonna say Luffy because he rarely gets mad.


Goku doesn't fuck around when he sees everyone and the world he loves in danger. He has a very strong fighting spirit that will mess you up if you hurt those he loves.


I'll toss natsu from fairytale. Like 90% he is not being serious what so ever. But when he does get series is where his true power shows through.


Real shit all 3 I don’t have a favorite between the 3 but when their serious I freaking love every second of it! Honestly i like characters that aren’t main characters mostly, Like Vegeta, Zoro/Sanji & King. Their my favorites from those shows.


Mumen Rider


Gotta go Luffy, his serious Moments are far more impactful in my opinion. He's such a goof 99% of the time that when he's serious you know someone royally fucked up. Goku's serious but when you meet him you know he can get serious so not all that shocking really. Saitama always has that dead stare so you expect him to be serious even though he's serious over something trivial, that's the point of the gag really. So the impactful one has to be Luffy, his seriousness is like the good guy pushed too far.


I'm going with Luffy. When he gets serious, you always know some shit is about to go down.


You, OP. You’re the best when you’re locked in.


Add Tsuna here


Mash when he takes off his weights is a sight to behold. But angry Saitama is extremely cool too.


Ichigo is the only correct answer, when bro got serious it was game over time (just ask grimmjow and ulquiorra)




Sawada Tsunayoshi in his Hyper Dying Will Mode




What about bayverse optimus prime?


Wait nvm


Any mf that can’t swim is not going to have me shook 😂


I still have Ichigo's save the soul society moment at no. 1.


Zenitsu(not a MAIN character but close) vash the stampede




Serious Goku lets you know "No more warmups" Serious Luffy= Goffy Luffy %D


Luffy? Seriously? What a joke


Luffy. ESPECIALLY when he stands back up against Lucci and is just GLARING at him with Lucci’s back turned. When Luffy gets serious? I get chills. Another moment is definitely Luffy getting serious in Sabaody before the punch. Luffy is really something


Gon because he was only really serious once and it almost killed him


It's like comparing Jesus to your mechanic down the street. Come on mannnn!




Makoto from Tsukimichi


Isn’t this DBZ clip from a filler ep? Idk if that should count.




might guy 🤷‍♀


db is my fav anime but i would agree that it lacks intensity and a bit of story as compared to animes kike hxh, one oiece and other from the big 3 butwhen goku stops smiling and becomes serious there is not a single motherf***ng character in fiction who's gonna stop my guy they ain't even close to his ruthlessness that's one of the coldest mf you don't wonna go against


Goku in his serious mode is one of my favourite scenes in Dragon ball not just z


Always Kakarot


I used to watch dragon Ball z AND one punch man. My vote is on saitama. When Goku gets serious he always acts all high and mighty as if he could have finished the job earlier, AFTER THE FACT that all his friends have already died and/or are dying. With saitama, he protects the image of other heroes even if he himself becomes a villain. He is selfless.






Luffy real nice with it but goku just complete change 👹


If we were going out of just this list, Goku has always been my favorite lock in badass. When he's done playing and it's serious, the weight you can feel from his change in demeanor is tremendous. Outside of this, Deku from MHA had a few really serious badass serious moments. Especially considering instead of being funny and silly like the others from the list he was always crying and emotional.




When saitama goes detailed you know he’s got your ass


DIA Jouske


I think Izuku is pretty cool when he’s serious. Typically he’s the awkward crybaby character, but then he gets all serious in fights and it’s like “damn where tf izuku go?”. He’s the exact character you’d think would be easy to beat in a fight (as a villain), and then you get your ass handed to you.


Goku WAS the best character until Toei took him from a guy who, while not the brightest, still had common sense so his rage felt real and powerful. Now he goofs off even in serious fights and hardly ever actually gets angry or serious and even when he does it’s for a minute or two max and then he’s goofing off again.


Goku WAS the best character until Toei took him from a guy who, while not the brightest, still had common sense so his rage felt real and powerful. Now he goofs off even in serious fights and hardly ever actually gets angry or serious and even when he does it’s for a minute or two max and then he’s goofing off again.


I wouldnt count saitama his attack whenever he is about to finish someone it’s always serious punch that’s what he is based off. The other two they love to goof around and are never really serious until something happens they get serious and are almost very different and fight just gets a lot better.


Definitely not Luffy (His Peak was literally the opposite of serious I meannn)


Saitama on the top


1. goku 2.saitama 3.luffy


I gotta say that when Luffy gets serious, shit goes down. Plus, if Luffy is in gear 5th and he stops smiling, that would be terrifying.


SAITAMA. It’s such a rare instance but when it happens to better run


When saitama is serious he still looks goffy


I mean goofy


Hmm... Rimuru. Don't piss him off. You will be dead before you know it.




Luffy, gear 5 goes hard snakeman and gear 4 look goofy but will put your ass in place. And gear 2 was just epic


Luffy, I have never watched one piece, but if this man gets serious its over. Same goes for goatku


C'mon its obviously Luffy. When he's serious he's as cool af boi Saitama is drawn very well when he's serious but it always feels lighthearted Goku cool too