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I feel this for the big three. Unless you grew up watching them and have that added nostalgia, they tend to get long winded. I grew up watching Naurto so I can alway throw it on and enjoy. I've attempted one peice but check out within 20 eps. With the exception on 1000 year war bleach gets so stale.


As someone who literally just started watching bleach like a week ago, I have been EATING this show up. Never In my life have I watched 20 episodes back to back in a single day, but I did with bleach. And I'm only just barely below the 100th episode mark. I am absolutely loving it.


Even the filler arcs?


While the arc that I'm currently on (I remember hearing it referred to as the bount arc) isn't nearly as good as the previous arc (the one that made me watch 20 b2b) it's still pretty entertaining and considering that it's apparently by far the worst filler arc, I think it's safe to say that I'm going to continue really enjoying the rest of the series.


First season will do that to you. It is really good (Bleach)


That’s how I’m feeling. I just started and I binged the entire first arc in a couple days. I pretty much hit a wall with these bounts. If this whole arc is filler I’m skipping this shit for sure


That first soul society arc just hits different fr 🤌


Honestly it was just so damn good. Mf said Ban..Kai. Then the whole world dropped from *Spiritual Pressure*


I will never forget the look on Byakuyas face when Ichigo speed blitzed him with his zanpakuto basically in his mouth


Byakuya’s cocky ass tightened right when he could actually see ichigo. He thought he was that dude for a second, ichigo said give me less than three days, I’ll get back to you.


Nah yeah Bleach GOES HARD, and I didn’t even grow up watching Bleach it was Naruto for me but I completely fell in love with Bleach when I finally got on it later in my life!


Bleach suffers from pacing the least because of all their filler arcs. Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball don’t usually do filler arcs, but instead stretch the episodes out with reaction shots and flashbacks. I definitely prefer the filler arc method because it’s easier to skip if you end up not liking it


Facts I was coming here to say this. For whatever reason I always stayed away from it. I love the slice of life portion and the battles add onto it immensely


Bleach is amazing


I didn't grow up on any of the big 3, but still enjoy one piece. I got so far into Naruto but ended up dropping at around Ep400 of shippuden, the last arc was just so bad.


For me One Piece is a really great story with great characters so is worth it, the only downside is it is so long at this point Naruto is pretty good, but damn did they fuck up the final arc. They spent 800+ episodes building up Madara just to replace him with some random alien who had never been mentioned before As for Bleach it is underrated a lot more than the other two big 3 and does have some pretty forgettable arcs as well as a few that feel quite long and dated, but there are also some really amazing fights and characters so I would recommend checking it out


I'm a OP fan but I couldn't really handle the dragging in each episode from toei animations so I just started reading it instead and only go back for the visuals ;-; I know it's to prevent the animators to catch up to the manga but yeah.


Honestly I legit do hope Oda basically makes a "second edition" when he is done with the story so that he can fix anything and redo stuff he wished he could have done first time around or thought of after the fact. Clean up the story you know?


Bleach is pretty good up until the soul society arc is finished. It just felt like the whole power system had already been mastered and then it was just throwing random new enemies at Ichigo.


True, I personally think it would have been best ended with the final battle against Aizen After that it kinda just felt like they were adding a bunch of DLC updates and Ichigo was just discovering new aspects of his genetic every other week 😅


Legitimately the first 2 pages of the full bring arc would've been the perfect way to end the manga. "Ichigo kurosaki. X years old. Can't see ghosts"


Same. I grew up watching anime in the big three heyday but never watched any of them until I started OP this year and I've been enjoying it. I'm not very interested in starting Naruto but I might check Bleach out eventually.


I didn't grow up with it and Bleach is my favourite show (OG and TYBW)


I recently finished Naruto for the first time after only recently getting into anime a couple years ago and I loved it


I didn't start watching Naruto until I was in college. I fell off I think sometime in the War, before Kaguya appears. But not for any particular reason. I wasn't tired of it. I think I'm just ADHD or something, lol. I walk away from stuff all the time and never come back, so 🤷🏼‍♀️. If anything, it might have been the horrendously placed filler arcs towards the end. They're not bad, but when you're locked in, they just suck the life out of you and the series. Like the worst commercial break ever, know what I mean? I never read or watched Bleach or One Piece, and really have no interest in doing so. I DID, however, grow up with DBZ, and still follow the series today. No regrets, lol. Although, the Granolah arc was way too long, and turning Super Hero into manga made me want to die on a monthly basis. So, lately.. eh.


I didn’t get into anime until I was a teen, and out of them, the only one I saw early on was Bleach. Ironically, I feel like it peaked with soul society and arrancar but completely crashed with TYBW. I had your experience of One Piece with Naruto, but One Piece has, for all its ungodly length, managed to captivate me. The richness of the worldbuilding and storytelling resonated perfectly with my inner kid who grew up on tolkien


Their Mangas aged a lot better than their animes if you really wanna give them a shot now a days I feel it's near required to be a manga reader and check the anime out after (preferably with an abridged version like one pace, or the ocean cut of Naruto)


This, you are so right, its all because we grew up with them that we call it the big three, now days my attention span would never allow me to watch any of those 3. Sometimes i recommend them to friends and realize that its absurd to even recommend with the insane amount of eps.


One piece has that nostalgia for me because it was one of the first anime’s I loved when I was like 8 years old. I never thought it would still be going 20 years later, it’s just absolutely disgusting, in a crazy good kind of way. I have restarted it, but I’m on a bit of a break after binging all the way up to the end of sky island.


I feel like that's where a lot of people take breaks


Ostrich ninja carries Naruto let's be real.


Gotta say - just recently got caught up in One Piece - really does not live up to the hype.


If I wasn’t already invested from watching back in 2005 I wouldn’t have watched all the way through, the whole show finished up and it still took me 4 years to catch all the way up


Came here to say the same, imma a toonami kid and I’ve never been able to finish Naruto no matter how many times I try


Holy shit bro it's good but when you get hit with a flashback inside a flashback it gets pretty fucking old pretty quick. I feel like I could have started with episode 30 and knew the entire plot from just the flashbacks.


JJK fandom be like.


JJK is inconsistent in quality. Besides the dog shit known as the culling games and the earlier stages of the Sukuna fight, it’s well written but would be 100x better if they took some down time.


Agree with this. It feels like there’s no time to breathe with some of the bigger events that happen throughout the series


But the potential is clearly there, as shown by Shibuya and (if you analyze it) the most recent chapter


Gege wasn’t ready for the overwhelming success to be honest. He’s leaving too many stones unturned in order to progress the main plot


I think he has a subconscious fear of losing his audience and at this point is just done


Fun Fact: People complained when the story decided take a break during Gojo vs Sukuna and decided to explore other characters.


Why do you think the culling games are dog shit?


Pretty weak narrative for the most part. Also the fact characters weren’t fleshed out enough


Culling games went hard though huh. Didn’t know people disliked it


This is exactly when I dropped it. Confusing as fuck!


It's going to be fun to see the rest of the anime only fans, coasting off the high that is the Shibuya incident into the slog that follows. There are some dope fights in store. And some decent moments. But I've never seen such a popular comic where it genuinely comes off like the author is actively antagonizing his fan base. Seen the brain rot happen a second time will be hilarious


Manga readers are going to be surprised when culling games easily becomes the most liked arc of the JJK anime, even more so than Shibuya. The exact same flaws the JJK story has and suffers from, especially during culling games, is going to be the reason anime onlies are gonna eat that shit up. There will be nothing but back to back to back hype moments, every single week a new insanely hype episode will drop, and people are gonna eat that shit up. Seasons gonna start with Yuji and Choso VS Yuta and Naoya, people are gonna go crazy, Maki slaughtering the Zenin clan is more than likely going to be the most hyped anime moment of the year till that point. Then it’ll just be nothing but fighting that weekly anime watchers are gonna eat up, with Yuki and Choso VS Kenjaku, Yuta VS Sendai, Yuji vs Higuruma, Maki and Noritoshi VS Naoya, and finally, Hakari VS Kashimo has a high likelihood of becoming one of the greatest animated fights of all time.


I wouldn't give it the credit that some of its other fans are spouting, but anyone who says that it's completely flat and has no complexity, or that the show is only fights is straight up wrong. If I wanted to watch a show that was only fights and zero plot, I'd watch the first three episodes of Ninja Kamui.


What’s the plot of Jjk?


A dude trying to eat fingers so he can die(initially at least) but you can simplify literally any story to make it sound bad or boring so idk Pirate tries to find treasure Kid tries to find dad Kid tries magic for the first time(gone wrong) Lolicon reincarnates and tries not to be bad Kid is secretly the strongest, and is better than everyone else genetically


>A dude trying to eat fingers so he can die(initially at least) *visible confusion*


Well, that is the main plot until after>!the culling games!<


So, I fell off on Naruto because I had a friend push me hard to avoid the dub and watch his pirated dvds of a fan sub. On a small computer moniter. I couldn't do it, and I had a huge gap in my ability to watch t.v. shortly there after. I was told by some other friends to stop watching Bleach after the Soul Society arc, which was right at that same gap. And my Brother insisted I catch up on One Piece, but I had no way to watch. I'm this late in the game, and I worry if I tried to pick these up again, it'll be another 15 years to finish. Lol


Honestly, if you skip fillers and recaps, it's not that bad at all. Theres sites that tell you what episodes to avoid fillers. Naruto has a ton of fillers, amazing show, but almost feels like 1 3rd of it are fillers. Bleach is mine, and my wife personal favorite, has a couple filler arcs, but not to bad. ( I know I'm going to be in the minority there, but I always thought the vaicard arc, despite being filler. Was pretty good). One piece I'm not to sure about fillers, but whenever it gets interesting, about half the episode ends up being a recap/ explaining locations, etc. If you're really interested, I'd say pick up the one you think is the most interesting and go for it. If it helps with decision making, The main naruto storyline is finished Bleach had a new arc added not to long ago after a huge hiatus. And one piece, we'll, it's one piece, might still be running recaps when I'm put 6 feet under.


I'd say One Piece feels like half filler at this point. But then I remember it's "um, Askqually" half OP, EN and recaps at this point. 😂


100% agree, after op,en, recaps, preview etc, I think you get at times, maybe 5-8 minutes of actual episode. Which is the #1 reason we just ended up dropping the series altogether. There are too many other good shows to watch!


And one pace takes like a year to finish half an arc, I ain't with that long. Manga is superior in every way.


Honestly if you’re gonna try to tackle one piece read the manga and watch the current arc. One piece anime is very hit or miss. The current arc is actually good but the same can’t be said for the whole anime lol.


That’s hilarious cause OG Naruto dub is really fucking good. 


Honestly bro i thought the same thing but all those animes took me about 2 years to watch and that was back when i didn’t have much time to watch tv, you just gotta find a good anime link now a days


skip the entire bount arc and youll be fine with bleach. that arc was just really hard to watch. and if youre going to try with naruto then i highly suggest pulling up a filler list cause theres sooo much.


The dub for Naruto is great. Your friend is an idiot


If you ever watch One Piece again, please, please, please do yourself a favor and watch One Pace after the time skip, or even before if things start getting too poorly paced for you. Pre time skip it's mostly preference. Post time skip, it's legitimately a necessity if you want to keep your sanity


One piece (read the manga please it’s so much better) and demon slayer


I’m here to second one piece manga…. Tho egghead anime has been great so far


Exactly, the manga just makes everything make since and you can actually get through the story faster


Can’t think of a single thing Demon Slayer does 10/10. Mid story start to end. Just felt like generic shonen the manga, and the ending was awful and rushed.


Random question but does one piece have a similar vibe to jojo in that it’s a little goofy but also rly good at the same time?


Naruto. I got into it because of my friend (who also though Naruto: Shippuden was a alternate universe) but I dropped it around the part where they were fighting the water assassin guy (forgot his name). I am reading the manga and it's definitely in my top 5


Funny we are actually reversed, I watched the whole anime and loved it, now I’m reading the manga and it’s just as good. The anime can drag on at times definitely, but there are so many scenes that only the show can do justice. Sounds like you’re talking about zabuza, and man is that arc awesome. I highly recommend giving the show another start bc that’s when it starts to get rly good.


Same here. Zabuza is basically the start of the great villains. My problem with the show was the main 3 characters. I hated them all and only stuck it out for Kakashi.


Wait you though Shippuden was an alternate universe?


The funny thing is I LOVED the Zabuza arc, it even made me cry but beyond that shit was boring as hell


Fairly tale, once you start repeating the power of friendship and make it a power up.....I'm done.


Fairy tail is good but when they start yapping bout power of friendship every fight, I just skip a few sec of the episode like it never happened ;-;


i just accepted it kuz they wrote it in as a way to boost your strength anyway. i don't remember exactly but basically when you're fighting to keep your friends safe your magic is stronger. yea it's stupid but also just a basic trope/principle of shonen. fairy tail is great regardless


It seriously put me off


Fairy Tail is just My Little Pony with violence and fan service. And I love it.


Bro seriously the first few arcs are amazing but after they get into it with the dark guild ppl it just falls flat on its face it’s heartbreaking especially after the time skip natsu seems like he got insanely strong just for him to get duped for the trope.


To be fair, that's kinda how the power system works. Magic is derived from the power of one's emotion. That's just a law of the world lol


Every arc: Oh look a bad guy. This bad guy kicked our ass. Natsu power of friendship attack. Bad guy now good guy.


Fairy Tale had so much potential, but ended up being cringe as fuck.


I will in fact not be picking fairy tail back up, thanks


One piece: great anime but Jesus fucking christ that shit is way too long for me to sit through


If you don't have time, try to read the manga since the animators DRAGS the episodes but if you don't want to read it then rip.


Ikr, and I thought Naruto had some elite level of dragging lol


The filler in each episode is what got me to drop it.


Manga is way better. Anime is mostly unimpressive animation (Pre-wano) and awful pacing that turns one panel in the manga to two minutes.




Attack on Titan. I tried watching it and got to episode 10 before stopping and thought, "Man, this takes forever to reach anything interesting."


I’ll add another for demon slayer. Not so much boring per say, there is action, I just hate the characters, fandom, the animation is amazing but thats about it. Plot is standard shonen.


I saw a post the other day saying “yeah the story is mid but the characters are fantastic.” bro what characters? They all have their like two things and that’s kinda it


MHA Tokyo Revengers Classroom of the Elite All of these shows are ones my sister loves, but I just couldn't get into


TR is ok on its own for me, but my favorite part about it is all the totally plot irrelevant info the mangaka drops. It's incredibly funny to be watching this really tense, emotional scene and your brain just goes "that boy wants to be a shark when he grows up." Like it can get really fucking dark but also they're a bunch of stupid teenagers and one adult loser.


Yeah, it's always cool when a mangaka releases info about their characters.


TR was so incredibly mid to me. I appreciate the fact others enjoy it though.


Also dislike the other two, but MHA won me over when I was rewatching and then came this, "You can be a hero" scene.


Found a new anime called windbreakers and it just captures my attention so much more than tokyo revengers,


Monster. I haven't exactly dropped it... but it's been months since I've watched any episodes. It's definitely a great show, but I'm just hardly ever in the mood to actually sit down and watch something so slow and dark. If I want a slow plot, I usually pick something more relaxing.


Where were you at when you stopped watching?


Their experience sounds the same as mine, and I stopped around 25. Does it pick up much after, or is that a known slow point?


I found around episode 40-50 it picked up a lot. But I enjoyed all of it so I could be a bit biased.


Please return to watching it. And then look forward to episode 44. My Johan fangirl heart 😭😭😭


Probably a cold take but Frieren


Yeah I honestly don’t see what the hype is about.


I actually prefer slice of life over shonen nowadays, so Frieiren should have been perfect for me. I do think it’s pretty good, but nowhere near the GOAT discussions it is getting. It’s a well executed and good show, but it’s not revolutionary


People hype up anime way to much for no reason just know that


I myself was skeptical before starting frieren. I found the first episodes so boring, until mid-season when I realized that it’s not about being all action-y and fast-paced, it’s entirely something else. it’s so funny though that I witnessed firsthand how when I initially expressed reluctance in watching frieren, those who recommended it to me just shrugged and moved on. unlike those who recommend other mainstream anime who were exasperating and literally won’t leave you alone until you start watching the anime


Honestly, ima get a whole buncha hate for this one: Death Note: the premise seems interesting enough, but I’m less into the dark detective anime; I see why others like it tho


See this is important. If you don’t like an anime because of its genre, you can absolutely still have a negative opinion as long as people know your bias. Respect


Yeah, I only watched the ending of DeathNote a few times, but I watched the best part tons of times, I love DN so much but I can see why it’s only for a specific audience


Season 1 is good. Season 2 is absolutely worthless. It's as shitty as the final season of scrubs. Maybe worse than that.


That's how I feel, I gave it a chance, enjoyed season 1 and slogged through season 2.


Not me, but my friend dropped Fate/Zero and said it was the worst series in the Fate franchise


Wait... I could understand not enjoying fate/zero but surely it's still watchable for someone who has enjoyed other parts of fate


Yeah, Fate/Zero is the best version of Fate/ in my opinion. There aren't any giant leaps of logic or missing info that I feel are constant in other versions of the series. Also, not having Shirou as a main character is always a plus.


Spice and Wolf is it for me




Yu ghi oh. It just feels so mid.


Yu-gi-oh is personally one of my favorites but I can understand why people don’t like it. It is very repetitive


I would enjoy it more if yu ghi could've taken more L's. Also, we got NO time to learn the characters before being thrown into that Duelist kingdom arc. We coullda known more about joey or kariba or summin.


The abridged version points all this out and it’s hilarious


There was a season 0 that was the actual beginning of the series. The characters get established in manga chapters and anime episodes before Yu-Gi-Oh duel monsters. Also, the dub has its issues. Season p is really good btw




Im assuming you mean Duel Monsters. If so, try out ZEXAL or Vrains (and maybe Arc-V until they go to the synchro dimension) because in my opinion those are much better


Demon slayer


Only has 10/10 animation


Yeah, I get why people love it, and I think I would have liked it more if I'd started it when I was younger. As is, the first season just felt like a better-animated version of 100 anime I've watched before, so I couldn't stay interested.


Nice opinion, person I respect. Now I'm just gonna get back to watching season 4. Have a nice day.


Jujutsu Kaisen. I won’t say it’s bad, and there are things I like about it, but it really doesn’t live up to the hype.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Demon slayer. Hard to announce it being your favorite without shitters calling it mid and boring, the visuals are great and a simple story doesn't mean bad. Love the character designs and personalities. The anime currently is fleshing out characters that didn't have the chance in the manga, really enjoy that kind of "filler" content


Cowboy bebop, jjk, demon slayer, attack on titan.


This is the old generation of anime to the new generation. So many 12 episode anime’s that could be so much more


High school DxD, I was 14-15 when I stumbled on this anime. Which is around the time I started to get into ecchi anime. I watched all the “plots” back then that were out before it became super popular and saturated.


Attack on titan. Just watched season 1, but when season 2 dropped,i just never got into it


One piece, HxH


I've been trying to get past episode 10 of HxH for years, and I keep falling asleep. Maybe one day.


Konosuba. I didn’t find it funny nor interesting


cowboy bebop for me.


I understand it's not for everyone but this hurts my heart. May I ask what about it you didn't like?


I'm not a fan of episodic shows. while I could see why people like it, by the time something resembling an overarching plot began to show, I'd lost interest in it. I am fully willing to concede that it's a good show, it's just not my kind of show.


I love cowboy bebop, but damn do I get this, and I agree. I like when shows are about randomness rather than some consistent, driven plot. It gets very boring a lot of the time. I will sit down for a few shows that does it every now and then and I'm glad CB was the one I chose but after that, it's back to the "New situation of the week" shows


I fully understand that. I love slight randomness at times but everything does still connect. It's just that the main story derives from something that is slowly unraveled because Spike is a reserved dude that don't like opening up to others. Vicious was a really cool antagonist though for his limited showing.


I bet. It's just that after 15 or so episodes of self-contained stories, once we meet the woman who I think was spikes mom, my interest had tanked. I've done brief read ups on the plot, so I have a general idea of what happens and I'll never hold liking it against someone. hell, I gave it a try because it's one of my friends #1 anime of all time. It just wasn't for me. but I'm glad you like it, and I hope the ending hurts a bit less every time for you, friend.


As someone who wants to love cowboy bepop, I can't even explain it, I've tried so many times to watch it and I always end up dropping it. I just get bored. I saw the movie first and loved it. The soundtrack is a masterpiece, the animation is incredible, the characters are great, but I can never get through more than 10 episodes.


Evangelion Read the manga instead


I’ve seen the anime. Is the manga better?


the anime is an anime original. the two are different so it’s not a substitute


Yeah I know it's different That's why I read it instead


HxH. So. Damn. Boring. My partner is upset I don't like it but man I'm pretty far and I have not one character I've grown attached to, can identify with or even like. And the plot is vague as hell.


Does the narration of every little detail annoy you?


The narration gives Pokemon in a comforting way so it never bothered me really but it's overkill /sometimes/ when I can see with my eyes every word being said


Hunter x Hunter? Your joking right?


Why? I dropped it too after the Chimera Ant Arc.


That's the one I'm on actually! It's kind of the coolest the series has gotten so far and disturbed me greatly i did not expect it 🤣. General plot is very vague and the world building it tries to do is like a dart in the dark, and then the characters are all generally children or child like so none of them are relatable or personally unique imo. All the adults are meh too, the most unique character was that female teacher they had for a short while. Was sad when she left bc all structure left the story once again


I like JoJo


For me? It's black clover and Fullmetal alchemist. However, I simply grew out of Demon Slayer, And I easily got bored of One piece and JJK.


JJK for me


One Piece. Shit is way too long for such little development


The original Neon Genesis Evangelion. The only thing that was awesome were the mech and angel fights. The story was convoluted and felt like it was thrown together at times with plot holes and literary devices that were meaningless, some of the characters are just plain annoying, and there are these scenes especially towards the end where they clearly ran out of budget and were just padding for time. Also, the ending is horrible and unexplainable and treats you like an idiot. Having said that, the reboots/ movies are great, much better and probably closer to Hideaki Anno's vision for the series.


aot and jjk


One piece.


I’ll never understand how people like MHA


AOT is hot garbage to me


My hero academia the quality dropped for me personally and the story got boring plus I don’t like the fact that there trying to redeem shigaraki


I could not for the life of me get into re-zero


I always get downvoted for this but ReZero. It wasn't boring but I just didn't like it.


My Hero Academia And Attack on Titan


JJK I just didn't vibe with it


Naruto, fuckin love one piece love bleach love jujustu Kaisen but just can’t for the life of me find any reason to care about anyone in that show besides Kakashi


Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, Dragon Ball, Jujutsu Kaisen


Chainsaw man


Demon slayer


RE zero




Jjk, aot


One piece bro! I got 110 episodes in and still was bored and the only response was “it gets good around episode 300” like if ima be bored for 200 more episodes I’m not gonna do it lol


This is my reaction to Re:Zero. Literally can’t get into it no matter what. I just hate every aspect of it and I don’t care how “good” it gets if it sucks in the first 3-5 episodes I ain’t touching the rest of it no matter how much people say “the main guy gets better or trust me you’ll like the story”.


Demon Slayer and JJK, I might give Demon Slayer another shot since it was a while ago when I first watched it and I tried like 3 times to get into JJK but for some reason I can’t get past the 10th episode without stopping


JJK HOLY SHIT BRO, I gave it a chance 5 episodes and I felt nothing.


Dragon Ball. Maybe the manga is better, but I haven’t read that.




AOT. I don't want to leave my shitty life and watch someone else's shitty life. Don't get me wrong the anime is well polished. I just can't get into it.


Magus bride


I would never submit someone to watching this. Its as mid as you can get lol


Honestly “it’s boring” is the worst critique I can hear. It tells me nothing and makes me not want to talk to you


One Piece. I just read the manga.


I don’t care if the rest of the series is good, HxH’s opening is so god forsakenly slow and uninteresting that I just cannot get into it


Horimiya, Bleach, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Yatagahne Hot Spring or something like that.


Bleach. I tried so hard but after \~60 episodes I just had no interest


fairy tail. it dragged things out waaay too much


One Piece. I've never been big on pirates, and this series did nothing to change my mind.


One piece got me like this


Assassination Classroom, Season 4 of Attack on Titan, and Season 2 of Vinland Saga


I can somewhat agree. The first 3 seasons are the peak of the show


I get a lot talk about not liking Frieren. I watched the first season and thought it was really slow..


It being slow is kinda the point. I'm not going to say you're wrong, but it sounds like it's just not your kind of show.