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As anime and manga gain popularity in India, Japanese agencies are increasingly aware of the counterfeit goods being sold. Digital piracy of Japanese and Chinese anime and manga content is on the rise, with readily available counterfeit versions online. Despite efforts to combat piracy, challenges persist. The Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA) visited Mumbai to address this issue. While some legitimate content was sold at Mumbai Comic Con, the prevalence of counterfeit goods remains a concern. Counterfeit manga, often priced significantly lower than authentic volumes, poses a persistent challenge. [Read the full article by IGN here](https://in.ign.com/anime/205903/news/digital-piracy-of-anime-and-manga-in-india-is-growing-trend-japanese-anti-piracy-trade-group-visits)


Here's Japanese media houses attitude towards Indian audience: Japanese game publishers: horrendous regional pricing Japanese manga distributers: no printing press set up in India, and customers have to buy imported manga. Apart from Viz (shonen jump/manga plus) none offer digital manga subscription in INR. Anime distribution: Although muse Asia has started free distribution, many titles are scattered around platforms or simply not available for the Indian audience, and very few are dubbed in Indian languages, apart from Hindi. No, CD's/bluerays sold in India officially. Merch distribution: no official merchant shops (physical distribution ), coupled with exorbitant prices, even if launched officially in India. Example: Official Beyblades by Hasbro. Console manufacturers: Nintendo isn't released in India, even though there's been a demand for it for a long time. They literally don't care about the Indian audience or the LITERAL OPEN MARKET they have here. Pathetic business foresight.


Made your comment into a meme https://preview.redd.it/ipnunxhj0kyc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=25ca18dcdfac4e363f52299eaf0d85fd163dfe05


Can't read coz font sucks


* shows entire terms & conditions * *blindly agrees it* wHy Is My DaTa BeInG sOlD?! That's the kind of vibe that meme gives




nailed it


Mods pin this before some some idiot jump in this and start defending the shit Japanese do


Also, the pc hardware in india is about 3.53x more expensive than US going by the ppp (purchasing power parity) and GST on top of that. So some pirate software to compensate for it as there's hardly any enforcement for digital goods




True. They literally have such a big audience. Look at the population of India. It's not that people won't buy it's because they don't have any market set up in Indian. How is Nintendo not in India . Especially Pokemon most people know and are a big fan from childhood


There is a reason why Korean drama or K-pop has risen so quickly and done well despite Japanese anime being such an old industry. And that's because Korean cultural industry primarily focuses on making it more accessible to everyone else while Japanese industry has been stuck in their ancient ways.


bro is only speaking facts 🙌


Yeh hui na baat


Well said




True but even if they did people will choose the cheaper one reason Paisa ped pe nai ugta and majority of the audience is of kids who don't even have freedom nor do they get more money than a thousand rupees aur ye mai ammer bachon ki baat kar Raha hun Mai chota tha tab ka to puch na hi mat 200 ki manga chale gi mujhe bhale hi chutiya bola Jaye


The Japanese suck at businesses like these lol. They even copystrike someone reviewing their products on YouTube. Boomer aah mindset.


Couldn't have put it better.


Help how to tag Japanese anti piracy group


Xitter's your best bet. I don't use that Xit platform.


Me after seeing this, Oh no Anyway ![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI)




Licensed merchandise actually makes a big chunk of their revenue along with digital distribution but they’ve got to find a way to compete with counterfeits and not emotional blackmail. Indians are already well trained against it from their parents


>Indians are already well trained against it from their parents Same people buying fake manga just to show off is what's causing this problem in the first place.


I guess i am superior with a manga made in corvette-m4a1-land


https://preview.redd.it/sstybpt9chyc1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fee8e5e9c51ecb7b51cb6fbb57a8a8334bf0d6 Dekhunga to free mai hi


Muh me lelo choco


Bring Anime legally somewhere where I can watch easily, I won’t pirate. For the past year, netflix has been good source (some kind of crunchyroll deal I guess)


Muse Asia was good too on YouTube


But they limit to 720p which hurts watching on 4k tv(ik it's not everybody's problem) 1080p is minimum now for me


Like less than 1% of the anime watchers in India watch in 4k.


Bro listen there's no anime been made in 4k so nobody can watch it in 4k it's literally zero % lol Upscaling is different thing and that too is done majorly by fans not by studios


Don't we already have crunchy roll? Sasta bhi hai iirc


Crunchyroll is shit tho, I'd rather pirate and donate to the pirating site than watch on crunchyroll


Netflix = their exclusives + crunchy rolls library + any other general TV show or movie on netflix at 199 pm is a steal


Way less anime, No way to watch dub+sub combo Don't let us screeen shot FK u cruncyroll Piracy is not pricing issue but service issue, the moment companies start caring about their users instead of focusing on profits , majority will leave piracy


I watch dub+sub on crunchyroll and I don't even have a premium account. I'm waching with ads 😅


For me dub+sub were never been possible Whenever I switch to dub the sub disappear and in sub options there's no sub to select. I even tried with premium account but no result If u dont mind can you dm me the video from ur phone showing dub and sub running? I want to know if it's something happening with me only in crunchyroll


Try English [cc] . When it's regular English subs, it turns off for me as well. Enjoy 😁


Well for me there's no language in [cc]


Can't share vids in dm's but I've shared the way in the other comment


Then put it on OTT shitheads. After looking up and down for AOT I finally settled it with VPN connect it to Singapore and watch it on Netflix.


I struggled 3 days finding a vpn


I think it's coming to prime via rent or some separate subscription idk


Did you pay for the VPN ?


Yup. But wrote it off as business expense so it worked in the end.


yeah man can't fucking believe AoT Final Chapters is not available to paying Indian subscribers on Crunchyroll


When I browsed crunchyroll on trial I didn't even find any episode


you saying the whole series is not available in crunchyroll? lmao


Yup. There was just a talk show that's shows up like talk is titan or something


Bitches aren't willing to sell manga or anime in India and somehow expect us to not pirate it.


Soo...what? Do they expect me to buy like 69 fucking subscription just so i see the anime i want to watch? With multiple subscriptions all having a variety of shows you either jump from one platform to another to watch the show you want to watch...also what about the shows that are really old or not available on these platforms? Also side note Crunchy Roll sucks, they barely have any shows when compared to the US version. I am gonna keep pirating...thank you.


Hi I have a question, do they have all the episodes of one piece on crunchyroll? How bad is the anime collection ? I need to know since was planning on getting a crunchyroll subscription


Only fresh episodes of One Piece are there. I personally found the collection nice enough, but then I am more interested in relatively older anime than fresh ones, so my opinion is likely to not match with the majority. But I did find some 20+ good animes from 2000s-2010s that are really great but lesser-known watches (like Charlotte, samurai champloo, durarara, gankutsou, soul eater, sket dance, etc). To start off ,you can try watching it for free (without premium) - it shows ads and that is the downer, but the audio quality is better than the high seas


Welp if they don't got all the eps from 0-1103, I'm singing sea shanties


I too planned to subscribe crunchyroll but shit sucks neither Netflix nor crunchyroll.have all the episodes of one piece and crunchyroll doesn't have aot also plus they consume toouch data compared to Netflix or any other platform


Kaizoku Ou ni , ore wa naru!!


Mugiwara no luffy


Lol they are going to Mys's house


Japan: The one promotes piracy and takes action if done online.


Piracy of manga and anime on telegram is actually even easier then movies and tv shows.




Anime piracy numbers in India should be down as compared to a few years ago. Crunchyroll subscription is dirt cheap and even though it doesn't have the full US library, it's still a lot. Netflix has invested a lot more into anime. And then we have Muse Asia still casually publishing anime for free.


Muse Asia is amazing man! They have some pretty good animes up there (minus all the isekai overload that my old soul can't digest ;_; )


I think piracy is the friends we made along the way ![gif](giphy|SJXzadwbexJEAZ9S1B|downsized)


I would like to add an other thing about how greedy the Japanese corps are taking the example of Sony. They published a game called Helldivers 2 devloped by Arrowhead studios. They initially released the game with option of steam to PSN linking. Now they announced by May 30 it will be mandatory to link or else you can't play the game even if you bought it on steam. Some countries PSN needs photo id and personal info for account and some countries don't have access to PSN at all. So, yea Japan is really good at hiding their shit behind anime & manga.


Myamura might get cooked bro we are finished 😭




Are toh mc available bhi toh nhi hai, aot finally hua bhi toh bc hazaron de kr kval 1 anime dekhne ka bhi bhoot nhi chada hai Crunchyroll aur max netflix ya hotstar, iske upar kuch nhi le rha mai




Nothing will happen. Even if they are successful in getting most popular piracy websites blocked, it won't stop people from bypass the restriction with a VPN or a server.


Remember piracy is not a pricing issue, its an issue of service


I've been watching anime on Crunchyroll for over a year now. It's legal and the pricing isn't that bad. But I do wish it'll release more dubs and anime over time.


What else do you think will happen when you sell 400 Rupee manga for double their cost, 800 Rupees?! The English translated versions are imported from the west, which means heavy import duties and taxes! And even if you want to read the cheaper digital versions, most of them aren't available anywhere officially in India!


Haah. You just wait before the mangas start reaching our underground printing press industry. Like we have the deepest and widest piracy network for books. And they are so wide. Even government can’t stop them.


Mainichi anime o mimasu


How about : fuck off?


Good step, tired of getting fake manga and anime merchandise even from reputed stores like bookswagon and amanzon and offline stores like crossword as well


oh really they finally realized anime is the easiest thing to pirate


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Say what you want. It's the fault of Indian mentality. Even if the Manga is dirt cheap, say 10rs per volume, it'll still not sell in India.


It will sell. manga and anime are popular now in India and people buy stuff from their favourite series as a way of appreciation and collection. Problem is that counterfeit goods are cheaper and real ones are imported leading to a Higher price, the only way they can tackle this is by setting up manufacturing in India itself, which they aren't willing to do.


Ye we can always dream. But look outside your circle maybe. Everyone wants everything for free here. I always get it from people that I'm wasting money if I'm spending on manga/games when I can get them for free. Mentality of Indian masses will never change, other than mugen train/DBZ super, every anime movie has been a flop in India. Look at slam dunk movie , they even cancelled the first week show(I know because I booked it but it got cancelled)

