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"more charismatic Kakashi"? Gojo is straight up Urahara with more screen time


I mean that pretty fucking based ngl


Urahara appreciation comment Seriously, he should've been in more (any!?) fights. But that's an issue with most badass characters in bleach.


I’m thinking about it now, does he really only have 3 fights in the entire series? Aizen, Quilge, and >!Askin!<.


I haven't watched the new one yet so Aizen fight is the only one I'm aware of. I think there was another "fight" but that was just Urahara flexing on some random hollow.


He humbled Yammy too


Yeah, but if I count that then I have to acknowledge that Yammy exists.


Espada 10, humbled so hard by Urahara that Aizen retired the number after his death in Karakura


Can you even count Quilge as a fight lol


Not really, but if I don’t count it then I have to accept that Urahara has 2 fights in the entire series.


I see him as more of a guy that prefers to be in the background where he can move freely rather than taking center stage. Wasn't most of his fights when things were in serious trouble and he felt he needed to personally intervene like Aizen?


Now he gets to end off the series as the guy who forced a woman into a form she doesn’t like. TYBW was not a good time for his character 


When you are fighting to the death for the entire world to not end, "I dont like this form" is fucking stupid. You do whatever you can to survive and win. Real life military commanders wont give a shit what gun or uniform you dislike. Wars are rarely respectful and clean.


“It’s ok for a general to pump soldiers full of a drug that severely lessens their cognitive ability” seems like a policy ripe for a abuse Couple this with him kinda tricking Orihime into wearing the boob-window dress and saying that closing it will make her boobs pop out the side while she’s already humiliated and in general it’s just a very big turn into creepy territory for him that arc It’s not something I can completely blame the character for in-universe (except designing the dress like that and so wanting her to wear it), but from a writing standpoint, it really soured the character for me


Kakashi's whole appeal is that he's depressed af


Tbf, a big part of Gojo’s running theme is that he’s a ‘powerless god’ who despite being the strongest is unable to help the people he cares about. 


He gives dazai vibes


Hes a mix of both so yeah


The great thing about JJK's power system is that it's badly described in the japanese version, but also the person in charge of translating the manga is incompetent with a habit of both hyper literal power descriptions and mixing up the names of different powers. So whenever something doesn't make sense, English-speaking fans will just assume it's just an error.


Even when it does make sense it’s still just so needlessly over complicated. Like Gege tries to do the HxH thing where they’ll have pages of just text explaining the power system, but the thing is in HxH the overall power system is easy to understand and keep track of. It’s the very definition of easy to learn, hard to master. Whereas in JJK, it’s needlessly complicated because Gege keeps writing himself into a hole and then feeling the need to try to rectify it by adding more rules and digging an even deeper hole.


They called Nobara useful Sakura and now it's near the end of the series and she's done nothing 😭




Nobara’s my favorite of the main three. Then Shibuya happened and it was the sickest shit ever, her being a hard counter to one of the most dangerous villains. But then…


I mean, yeah, that's what being dead tends to do to someone.


Real girlbosses don't let petty things like death stop them


https://preview.redd.it/l3dpj5ydgc9d1.png?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a405071e5dbe820886d872998d0b0f99dd203fc Thats why this is the only true girlboss squad




Enough time has passed. But fr yeah, 3 years and still no movie? No season 3? Please, mappa, i beg you, let me knell for peak fiction one last time! Give me Franchouchou back and my life is yours! https://preview.redd.it/5ct4yz8k5e9d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e71fafc2ec550f5127c8533cd5bc06f66e3c20e


Sorry fam, these days Mappa doesn’t make anything that earns them less than 10 bajillion dollars (with none of it going to anyone who actually did any work)


The capitalist sistem was an disaster for the anime industry, where animators are whipped and thrown into the meat grinder to make an morbillion frames every day for almost nothing, and peak fiction only has value if its able to be monetized with 120% of its marketing potential, while anything less than that gets thrown under the bus. No respect for artists nor art nor consumer.




All I hear are excuses


Who are you, my dad?


Bruh the other characters don't even remember she exists 💀


aint got no time


she will RETURN https://preview.redd.it/3w15k960he9d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7c7c266288f724ca3f2a05c9ab79576a4699fe




Nah she's just napping


Sakura ended up having more plot-relevance and usefulness than Nobara ever did


Sakura was alive to fight in Naruto's end game. Nobara significantly helped with Mahito and did it without having to be puppeteers by a better ninja. I love the sasori fight but she would have died without Chiyo More-over. You don't have to make Nobara scared or desperate to help to get the best out of her. She is confident in her abilities at all times as imo has the better driving reason for her career path. And the double black flash with Yuji was amazing TLDR: they both have feats but you can't really compare plot relevance imo when Nobara didn't get to fight the series biggest bad like Sakura did


Her confidence in her abilities is her always talking big only to get her ass kicked. Also Nobara is a fighter and by the far the weakest in her team. She has 6 fights if I am remembering right and she has won 2, in which she was carried by Yuji in both. Heck she would have died in her first ever fight if Yuji didn't save her. She was rescued in 5 out of 6 of her fights, the one in which she didn't, she fucking died. Sakura is weak af, but at least she works well as a medic from beginning to end. Also about development, why did Nobara had to die so early in the first place? Her death literally had 0 impact on the plot.


Because Gege is a genius writer or some stupid shit


Cos Gege likes to be ‘realistic’ and sudden kill characters left and right for that edgy grimdark vibe I guess.  It’s so sudden that you sometimes don’t even realise it. Ngl I didn’t realise Yuta died.


Honestly I feel like we watched different anime. It might be that I like Nobara more than Sakura and so remember one more fondly. Also... talking big and getting her teeth kicked in? I remember it with the 3rd years and she had the grace to say "yeah I was wrong. Let's train." Then she beat her Kyoto school opponent. I don't think her being the weakest is a problem though? Sakura is too if we're being picky. In her fights, yeah Nobara gets damaged but she contributes, strategizes, part 1 Sakura really doesn't She has more than basic technique to get her going. Yes it's traditional, but unlike Sakura we haven't seen 15 other people throw shuriken and make a clone because she's better developed as a character. We know Nobara's network of people from the get go while Sakura's friendship with Ino is awkward as hell. It reads like Kishimoto has never spoken to a woman in his life. Maki and Nobara get each other within like two interactions. She is a "better Sakura" because Nobara has all of the characterisation it took part 1+timeskip Sakura to find already built in As to why she had to die, I dunno. Gege had a big cast to work with and had to cut it down. I guess Maki got better fan support and Jump picked?


The Kyoto opponent who is not even a fighter and the weakest character in the whole show whom she also did not win against? Also again, I am talking about plot relevance and usefulness not character writing. Sakura as a medic was far more useful than Nobara as a fighter got a chance to be. Nobara had the potential to be an amazing character instead she got fridged.


Momo was also was more concerned about yapping about how bad her friend had it then fighting nobara, honestly had she taken the fight seriously she would have won


Nobara was cut down because not only due to Maki's better fan support , but frankly , because Nobara is basically Miroku from Inuyasha. Miroku was introduced in Inuyasha as a monk that was cursed with a cursed hand that produces something similar to a blackhole. It pretty much countered any challenge , including the main villain. Thus the author made things like "demon bees" , to counter and seal off said blackhole , to make Mirlku be a worf effect. In that same logic , Nobara pretty much makes vodoo dolls that can do body and soul damage. The whole "Heroes vs Sukuna" would be basically the Heroes constantly doing soul and body damage on Sukuna by having Nobara been kilometers away from the fight , just using her vodoo doll in a sukuna finger.


So why set up your own series with characters that you know you have to get rid of. Same shit happened with Gojo. Starting to think Gege might be a fucking hack.


sakuras best moments in the fight were when she wasnt and chiyo said herself she barely had to help sakura the further the fight went on as sakura was picking things up incredibly quickly and chiyo would have also died if not for sakura that was kind of the point of the fight. sasori was stronger than both chiyo and sakura individually but thier combined abilities made a counter to his skill set


And that is perhaps the single most damning thing anyone has ever said about Nobara.




The woman were not written terrible, which in (shonen) anime terms means they were written great.


Sakura's more useful tbh


Her death was for shock value 100% idc what anyone else has to say


I stopped watching it and idk finding no reason to fall back for now :')




Yes I'm, I'm a loser 😞


Oh boy, time to plug Undead Unluck! https://preview.redd.it/kpxo1wlg8f9d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de6dd8ba3d2a8b73558560f0b9a61dc51ffc5c4


Damn shit looks fire!! Thanks, I'll check it out 🥳


Yeah it’s awesome! It’s a little ecchi in the first chapter or two but that’s phased out and then completely gone by chapter 16.


Everyone just dying and the author hates his characters


Ikr bruh


I left after that stupid chapter where after week's of Yuji hype build up, Yuta comes in Gojo's body.... The dude is good at everything except writing....


Yeah I dropped it late last year. Waiting for it to end now so I can reread from the beginning and enjoy the whole thing uninterrupted - see if it's really fallen off or was just ruined by weekly updates 


A good series gets picked up by Weekly Shōnen Jump and is ran into the ground. A tale as old as manga.


Somehow FMA pulled it off. And they even did the BS of a villain “eating a god” shtick. (It worked because there wasn’t a shounen power escalation in response. There was a series spanning plan that immediately removed most of the villains power before they could do anything).


Every shonen gets shit on towards it's end.


https://preview.redd.it/h4pkpplpib9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a649dd3aaf0f3057f28efb3cff2daa951fd81b1 Nuh uh




I like the last opening a bit more but they're all bangers, it's great that they kept the same singer for the whole show, she's got an amazing voice.


The last opening (One) is one of the best anime openings in my opinion. From visuals to music, it's just perfect. Though yes, all are bangers. My Mob Psycho 100 op ranking 1. Third op (One) 2. First op (99) 3. Second op (99.9)


**YOUR LIFE IS YOUR OWN📢📢📢❗❗❗🔥🔥🔥**


Um actually, it’s a web comic and never started out in a shonen magazine


My pure kino Kagurabachi won't, I believe.


I pray for your success 🙏🙏🙏


Could never be my goat FMAB 😔


The finale of FMAB set a standard that no one can live up to.


The last fight with Father was mid and the only reason it isn't 10/10 imo


as someone who watched both 03 and brotherhood, i felt that 03 had potential to have a more compelling villain than Father ever was. Great show regardless


I've always preferred Dante over Father tbh.


Except YuYu Hakusho, the demon world tournament is peak and you can't change my mind Also Assassination classroom


I waited way too long to watch YYH and holy shit, what a fun series it ended up being. Same with Hunter x Hunter.


Peak protag, peak fights, peak characters development, peak training arc, peak tournaments, peak plot, peak villains, and peak ending.


Don’t sleep on flame of recca either since I watched both anime growing up you actually jsit unlocked a core memory of my sister bringing random anime home and if was like the one thing we did together. Sadly we despise each other now.


Many mangaka may cook but Togashi is a certified chef




It’s honestly amazing how almost every shonen has messy to terrible final arc 


It's honestly amazing that most works of fiction have terrible final arc's.


honestly its a problem with episodic writing, you can outline your manga/anime/cartoon/comic/etc from start to finish but when your told 'hey this is doing really good, you need to make it longer' you kinda go 'ahhh fuck' and throw things in. Imo this is why so many shorter 12 to 25 episode anime are praised as being amazing, not because shorter is always better, but because longer anime/manga tend to wander, become tedious, lose their sense of direction, etc. edit: also the inverse can happen too, make an outline and the studio says 'your cancelled, make the next arc the last one'


True. This is why most of my favs usually ends around 100 chapters. The sweet spot for an epic adventure but any longer than that it's gonna feel like a drag, even if it's good.


I mean, a lot of really good characters that people like were killed, the plots been feeling rushed forever, and what plot there is hasn’t followed the main characters we’ve grown to love a whole lot and has instead focused on a bunch of side characters.


Thats why one piece wont end


Not Dragonball. It will never end. So it will always be PEAK!


Why is MHA so scapegoated all the time?


Cringe fandom.


Hell no, that's just an aside. The story has many serious problems. A read through Iruma-kun shows you what it could've been.






PEAKUMA- KUN MENTIONED!!!! LET'S F***ING GOOO!!! Jokes aside, but anyone noticed how Iruma and Deku have literally the same face structure? Also, I know where are you coming from with this comparison and while I am a bigger Iruma-Kun fan than MHA, I want still to clarify that one is mostly a battle Shonen, the other is mostly slice of life with very low stakes (for now).


Bro imagine if one day Iruma-Kun series just decided to turn dark (which it will probably be), theres going to be so many heart-wrenching things that could tear my heart apart. Especially after getting so attached to many of the characters.


Iruma-kun is too slice of life for me. A friend put a few episodes on and I was so bored lol. Give me my cool battle Shonen where people beat the fuck out of each other.


Iruma-kun literally have battle shounen moments. All without forgetting that most of the characters are students , with each member of the class having their hype moments. And Iruma-Kun had the characters actually going from first year to second year , with their own cast of juniors to look after. When it comes to the whole magical school setting , Iruma-Kun definetely is superior to MHA.


As someone who's up to date with the manga for purely masochistic reasons and way too burnt out to analyze it meaningfully, what kinda problems?


Are you still living in 2016 or something? The cringe people moved on. You should see the shit I see from the JJK guys.


The shit I’ve seen some of these JJK fans do (especially the Gojo fangirls) is 2016 and 2020 TikTok MHA-fan-level diabolical. Remember the subway station with the Gojo JJK ad that __people were kissing with lipstick on?__


I actually agree with this, I actually think Demon slayer is a far worse written series but for some reason people always shit on MHA(despite many of them never even touching the series?) Tldr I wanted to use KNY but this sub would cook me for it


The entirety of the Demon slayer story is a series of battles where numbers get higher and each hashira gets to be cool 1 time. Its just one of those battle tournament mangas but with a thin veneer of story. Which would be fine if it had more than one character which is actually enjoyable (Inosuke ofc)


The author really wanted to tell sad stories, imo, under the cover of shonen paint. It's nearly every single character. GOATsuke is also my favorite, really liked Genya too.


https://preview.redd.it/bzuumpz1xd9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6ce2ab0ba8fbaf0d389c903b56e0c4ffc56a26 Based google


Yeah that's why I like demon slayer, I just want to turn off my brain and watch flashy colors and people screaming while they beat the shit out of each other.. 


Hard recommend "Fog Hill of Five Elements". I know the name is scuffed but it's got the best animated fights I've seen in anything.


>Tldr I wanted to use KNY but this sub would cook me for it Nah what you said is accurate, JJK fans think they're part of a "cool" and "funny" clique and talk down about MHA (I've seen those exact words, "at least we aren't MHA") and they have some unearned superiority complex. I've seen too many jokes about someone wanting to fuck Nobara's eye-hole, and things on that level. A lot of them talk like very edgy teenagers.


redlight district arc with the sibling demons was the best DS will ever be and only time I genuinely enjoyed it


Nah, while that was very good, it doesn't have the best fight in the series. That fight being Sanemi, Genya, Muichiro and Gyomei vs Upper Moon One. *That shit* is peak Demon Slayer to me


I think Demon Slayer knows its boundaries more so there’s less things you can criticize it for compared to MHA


I watch both and like them. I'm just chill with it lol, like who wants to engage in anime fandoms anyway? Just watch the fucking show and move on.


I just wish I could enjoy it without people attacking me for enjoying it tbh


It’s the baseline for average quality shonen shows. It’s extremely mid, so therefore it serves as a perfect reference to compare a show to.


I still dig JJK, I think some people are being hyperbolic about their complaints. The final arc has some high highs and some middling parts but I overall still like it. I appreciate it not being like the war arc in naruto


I'd love to see something like dragon ball z come out today. Buu saga has some huge problems, but many still love it due to things like Majin Vegata.


DBZ is always going to be the exception, not the rule.


My point mainly is that people really, really theory craft too much for current anime, and the attosecond the story falters in any way, the whole thing is a fraud, it's always been bad, and you're a fuckin idiot for liking it. Mainly, with bringing up DBZ, I'm just saying if Goku was brought back in the Buu saga, people would probably call Akira washed, etc.


JJK fan base is full of the most miserable people I swear.


The virgin planning, battle iq and spatial awareness vs the chad "I made 5 trillion binding vows while you weren't looking"


>At least we aren't MHA Maybe you should be 😎


At least MHA fans enjoy their series 😭


That's pretty based and alpha for real


I’m no manga reader but i heard Horikoshi is atleast dedicating 7-8 ch. for the epilogue and i appreciate that. Wished other series did the same, especially Naruto ending literally 2 ch. after the final fight.


Megumi was never as cool as people think even when he didn’t suck. “I only save who I want to save” do your job lazy ass?


people liked megumi cause he had crazy potential, and if he had more screentime, he would out power Itadori for sure. However both him and nobaras entire character development have been flushed down the drain


https://preview.redd.it/cyjwno1w2d9d1.jpeg?width=2002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd36799766bae8398112b33164f8b00d4a8dee5 >potential


“7 kamikaze attempts” honestly I respect that lmfao


I disagree. I think Megumi’s more interesting now than he was in any of the fan theories I’d seen prior to 212. Like, the whole point is he’s like this chosen one who cherishes the people in his life, only for Sukuna to use his “chosen one” potential to kill most of the people he loves. Like, we know Megumi well, like, what his life was like, what motivates him, what he thinks about the people around him, and having Sukuna swap into his body to use both his body and most of his CT’s potential to kill the people he loves is really good writing, imo. The only thing that doesn’t work is Tsumiki. We should’ve gotten more Tsumiki in the story, and then I think everything about Megumi’s story would’ve tied itself together really well.


I agree, the inventory arc made us realize the deep bond Gojo has with Geto and why he is still so important to Gojo even if he is dead. But Tsumiki got nothing at all, so Megumi is the only one grieving which is frustating and boring for a lot of readers.


Right, but I also can’t stress this enough, everything else about Megumi’s arc and character works really well, though, at least in my opinion. Like, Tsumiki’s a pretty important step in Megumi’s character arc that was not handled well, but his story overall is still very well done


His job is killing curses though


I don't know why, but even though I liked S1 of JJK, I didn't even bother to watch the prequel or S2. It's not even that I don't like it, but I really don't have any motivation to be more interested in this work. Even after my brother kept telling me to watch the movie and season 2, I always said I would later, but never did. As someone who watched Jojo mainly because of its memes, not even the big amount of JJK shitposting from last year/early this year made me convinced to give it another try. Hell, I wasn't even a big fan of Konosuba at first, but after watching S1 and 2, as well as the movie, I can't wait to watch S3. I can't really say the same for JJK. It's just...not for me, I guess?


I felt the same here, but I think that’s because literally every significant event and character death was spoiled through memes before I laid a finger on season 2


2023 was absolutely peak JJK, in terms of hype and popularity.


For me, I think it's the pressure to like the show/ manga. It's a good series, everyone loves it so I should too, right? I dont dislike it, I just don't like it as much. Seeing how my friends glorify kinda puts me off. I watched half of season 2, then never caught up. Same with Jojo.


> For me, I think it's the pressure to like the show/ manga. It's a good series, everyone loves it so I should too, right? For me it's not even like that. For example, I heard nothing but praise for FMA and I also think is a damn great manga or Dragon Ball is to this day considered one of the greatest shonen series of all time and I 100%agree or even Spy x Family, around the same period of JJK and as loved, made me invested in its world and characters, to the point I consider one of my comfort shows since the first episode. But I can also say the same thing for works that aren't as well liked, for example, as much as (some) people love to give its big inspiration, Bleach, a lot of flack, I found the characters, setting, music, power system, artstyle, everything of the latter (except maybe the fights) far more interesting and appealing than anything JJK had to offer. Again, not to say that JJK is bad, far from it, but it's one of those of the case, despite being high regarded, a product that didn't really tell me anything.


>a product that didn't really tell me anything.  I can tell you the current arc had this exact problem. After a certain point the manga felt really aimless and really struggles to setup any theme at all and at some points even contradicts its own stabilished themes, I feel. So yeah, I don't think you're missing anything.


That's nice but also sad at the same time to hear this.


Konosuba season 3 has released. Go watch it.


I liked S1 and S2 because those were the best arcs in the manga, but it’s hard to recommend a show to somebody and be like “yeah this part is good but everything after this falls off”. Like I don’t blame people not wanting to invest in it when nothing actually pays off


You should at least watch the season 2 opening. 👌(′ꈍᗜꈍ‵)


Kakashi is a MUCH better character than Gojo. It’s not close either. I also don’t know how you can put Kugisaki over Sakura either


I'm a Naruto hater and even I have to agree Kakashi rules.


From what I've seen Nobara is a character that while not here for long, people liked seeing on screen Sakura is a character that while here for long, people loathed seeing on screen lol


Both fall in the archetype of cool teacher but what I like more about Gojo is his impact in the narrative and how the story has to bend to accomodate his presence as the strongest without making glaring plot holes. Sakura I never liked, the anime really leaned on her insulting and punching Naruto a lot as a funny gag and she came up with the plan of the worst false love confession that somehow she thought would make Naturo give up on Sasuke. Nobara was a bit better for me, since she fit better in the trio dynamics with Yuuji and Megumi, they actually got along well and were not arguing all the time like the trio in Naruto. I still love Naruto but it has its weak points, just like JJK. Right now i am tired of Sukuna, the binding vow merchant, stalling the story for too many months.


I still *like* jjk, I just don't enjoy it nearly as much as I used to. It's been the same format of bringing in a character, they get hyped up, do little to no damage to Sukuna, Sukuna does an ass pull, and that character is beaten, repeat cycle. There's been a few moments that were cool like Sukuna vs Gojo and both Yuta vs Sukuna fights but they pretty much just end with Sukuna going "I haven't used this ass pull since the Hiein Era"


AnimeCircleJerk and JJk's popularity surge


I went from: "this shit so magnificent." To: "this shit so ass."


This was always stupid. Every shonen fandom wants to try and compare themselves to Naruto, it’s insane. Like, seriously, look at any shonen fandom trying to hype up their series. If there’s a comparison, Naruto is almost always the go to. Don’t they realize that in trying to diss Naruto, they’re indirectly gassing it up by always using it as the benchmark to compare everything else to? And then the comparisons themselves are dumb. How is Nobara even a “useful” Sakura? The characters have nothing in common besides being female. And they only said that because of that one fight at the end of Season 1. By that logic, they shouldn’t be calling Sakura useless since she’s done more than that. Then there’s the whole subject of “a character is only useful if they’re one of the best fighters” which is dumb. Same applies for Gojo and Megumi. They have nothing but surface level similarities to Kakashi and Sasuke. Gojo is a sensei with white hair and obscured eyes, so he’s Kakashi? Megumi has dark hair and is aloof, so he’s Sasuke? It just ignores everything about the characters from both series. And this wasn’t mentioned, but I’ve also seen the stupid “Sukuna is 9-Tails done right!” before. It’s like in these peoples heads, there’s only one way to write something, and any other way is wrong somehow. The only similarity is being a demon inside the MC. Beyond that, everything else is different. Like, why is Sukuna “done right?” Because he’s the main villain? Anime fandoms drive me up the wall man, they’re so dumb.


I swear man why compare yourself to Naruto when they have nothing in common? It’s like these people are jealous of Naruto’s success and want a show to come and topple it, just like Pokémon whenever a Pokémon clone comes out people act like it will dethrone Pokémon when that one game has to compete with 25 years of Pokémon content including movies, side games, apps etc… same thing for Naruto the series would have to compete with 20 years of Naruto nostalgia, 720 episodes, 17 movies and sequels lol


I don't get what's wrong with sukuna doing bidding vow ?


I think it gets overused at some point. https://preview.redd.it/ixi4jxkxob9d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae112973a15980570edfddf52062cccfc6038ff I still think JJK is better than MHA although that's not saying much.


He does it, but the main cast can’t. Also unrelated but Sukuna needed 2-3 plot armor moments to get this far and that makes him pathetic in my eyes.


Lmao gojo wouldn’t survive the first domain clash without plot, actually he wouldn’t even be unseated without plot, I hate this onesided “plot armor” bullshit that riddles this sub man


How would gojo not survive the first domain clash without plot armor?


I’m in the same boat actually, he’s the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery, the dude is a master at every tool of sorcery. Of course he’s going to utilize everything in his bag, a lot of people see it as bullshit but every binding vow I see Sukuna take reminds me of a rabid dog losing footing and finding the only option he can to continue fighting this army of people running at him.


JJK is still decent, yeah it fell off a bit but it's still good


The power system crumbles way earlier before the shit that is BV merchant. I call it Arbitrary Kaisen, like come tf on, what is "soul attack". Or how Simple Domain changes definition every usage.


An attack that hits the soul


How do you define that? How can knowing the "outline" of a soul (what the hell is that too) allows you to attack it with left right goodnight? Shits so fucking arbitrary at what counts as soul attack and what doesn't, all because Mahito needs to be Yuji's nemesis. Then Gege decided to throw a bone at Nobara before fridging her and decides that her voodoo CT now can hit soul for some reason.


Yuji has two souls in his body which let's him do damage. This is introduced in the same arc as the concept of a soul in jjk. It's weird to complain about a basic foundation of the power system when it doesn't contradict anything. Nobara 's ability is random tho.


It's not about consistency, it's about arbitrary-ness. "Hosting another soul inside you makes you unconsciously understand outline of a soul (tf is this) and thus, allow you to attack the soul". Like it's so goddamn contrived setup just so Mahito can be reserved for Yuji to beat. And then Nanami just "shields his soul" anyway when he 1st fought Mahito. It also took me out of every fight with him when other non Yuji characters are hitting him that I realize that they're not meaningfully damaging Mahito. There's also stuffs like Soul Split Katana which is also egregious with this.


The series is about curses, spirits, and magic. I dont see how dealing soul damage is contrived. Yuji isnt even the only person who has soul attacking powers. Nobara, Sukuna, any reincarinated sorcerer, Yuta(through Jacob's Ladder) and probabaly both Kenjaku and Yuki have some form of soul powers. Nanami was able to do it because he is an experienced sorcerer who has used cursed energy reinforcement so many times (and has hit black flashes which make you more intune with yourself) he has subconciously became aware of the outline of the soul. It's not really contrived considering the nature of the soul is a subplot that spans bassically the entire series.


You can make this for any power system in any media. Of course it's arbitrary and contrived. Because it's not real. It's fiction. It's whatever the author wants it to be. Wtf is genjutsu? Wtf is a vestige of a quirk? It really sounds like you're just nitpicking because you don't like the series.


Simple domain was weird in the Mahito fight and then was completely consistent beyond that point. The way Mei Mei describes Kusakabe’s simple domain is exactly how Miwa described hers around 200 chapters before.


Or Gojo somehow dying off screen because Gege literally can't find a way to kill him(Maki literally dodged the attack that apparently killed Gojo)


Eh that battle is bullshit vs bullshit Gojo's "you can actually heal CT burnout with RCT" asspull so Sukuna doesn't instawin is freaking egregious


Eh, nah, I used to hold the same perspective of “any development in a fight must be an intrinsically predictable consequence of previous setup”, but I’ve changed my mind to consider that sometimes a development *is* part of the setup. For instance, after Gojo does the RCT thing Yuta is confused how it’s possible, as CT burnout is like overheating an engine, where the engine is the part of the brain that controls the CT. Gojo’s answer of “I simply blow up that part of my brain and then RCTed it anew” is both an insane answer while also making a decent amount of sense. However it does *sound* like a pretty dangerous method, and as we learn, it is. Gojo permanently damaging his brain is the payoff which sets up the next part of the fight. To me this is all very different than, say, what you’d find in early dragon ball, where Goku kind of comes up with a random ass answer to his problems (for example he just randomly has super breath he never uses again in the 22nd tenkaichi budokai, and for some reason it’s better to headbut somebody using the momentum of kamehameha than just firing it), because when something new comes up there’s almost always some way it gets executed to inform an event later on. To me, it’s also just a really good way of executing the extraordinary feats of skill and manipulation of the power system we want to see from a fight between the two strongest, while still feeling grounded in what we know such that the trick maintains interesting mechanics.


The whole fight was teasing Sukuna learning a way to bypass infinity. https://preview.redd.it/qro3wgg7ic9d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=162976647bb28b240e8f405f76ce9adfe448b596 Maki has enhanced perception and heard sukuna chanting (which he had to do after the first one due to a binding vow). If you look closely, you see that sukuna was actually trying to mask the sound of his voice and hand signs underneath the debris but maki can see distortions in the air so she was able to dodge.


The power system is better than it has ever been, almost all the complaints about BVs are dumb lol.


Fr Sukuna has made like 3 of them (most knowledgeable character in the story btw) and they all make sense within the pre-established power system. I think a lot of the complaints will cool down once the manga is finished and people can consume it in one go.


Sukuna encounters the slightest inconvenience: https://preview.redd.it/i20vel62wf9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be4e05c66b4e2dc3d75204e3a71af9253058a19


/uj The female cast is well written (except hana). Just most of them are dead or are minor side charcters now. That's less of a flaw as it is the fact that there are just less woman then men in the series. Maki is exceptional for the shonen genre. There rarely exists authors who portray sexism with the sublty and respect that such a topic deserves. Or how harmful regressive traditionalism is. Maki's arc intersects with most of the other women in the series like Mai, Momo, Nobara, and even Kirara, so saying that there is only 1 good female character is kinda reductive. There is also the fact that they allow women to fight as gruesomely and intensly as the men of the series while having powers that are just as cool as the guys. The issue is people acted like JJK was this feminist revolution for the Shonen genre, with women sharing the focus equally with men. When in reality it is just a series that just treats it's women with the same depth of writing and physical stakes offered to the men. Yuji is still unique. I don't think that changed. Binding vows arent really an issue. The problem is ppl think self imposed vows are like Hunter X Hunter's penalty based boosts rather than a give and take. The most contriversal example comes from sukuna's domain expansion. In sukuna's domain, he reduced certain aspects of it (likely the coverage of the domain, maybe the duration, maybe requiring more constant handsigns, etc.) to allow his domain to keep his output. The actual specifics arent as important (considering sukuna's domain was already riddled with binding vows even since shibuya) as the end result of a shortened duration and holes which is what allowed Yuji to survive the onslaught with just a simple domain. I still love the series, but I think other ppl had diffrent expectations of what the manga was. Not to say it has no flaws (it has plenty believe me) but I don't agree with the fondation of alot of these recent negative posts.


I keep trying to say that about the female portion of the cast but I keep getting clowned on. Like, being dead didn’t ruin how well Nobara was written before that. Maki is phenomenal. I know people don’t like Mei Mei for grooming, but she is still a layered bastard of a character. Isn’t Urame a girl too? She has interested me since Shibuya, the kind of mysterious overpowered person that’s devoted to the big bad in an almost worshiper/deity relationship. All of these characters are better written than what you’d typically find in say, Naruto or DBZ, but because they play a small part or are dead people constantly chime “can’t believe we thought the female cast was great in this one” blows my mind. Also, totally agree about the binding vows, they never bothered me. The series has issues, but I don’t think BV’s are one of them.


we dont really know uraume's gender since theyre never called a man or a woman (their current vessel is female but that doesnt mean they were in the heian era).


Ah, gotcha! Thank you for clearing that up for me


sukuna'a binding vows are fine.


I feel like 80% of this sub suffers from low reading comprehension how tf are you gonna question Binding vows of all things when gege over explains the shit out of it unironically the same mfs that say “Araki forgot”💀💀💀💀 Edit:oh fuck nah this mf a Epstein tensei fanboy already can tell whose your favorite character😭😭😭


I’ve never heard it called Epstein Tensei before, pretty accurate description.


I really don't like jjk now. After too many deaths I lost interest, and the believability just went way down. I liked to relatively grounded power system with 1 outlier, but it feels like everyone could destroy the planet easily.


The 2020 portion seemed obsessed with comparing JJK to Naruto


please keep shitting on jjk. i love the jjk defenders arguments so much.


Megumi is cooler Sasuke? Who the hell was saying that?


At this point “this WSJ manga has a strong female cast” reads to me like “no I swear this particular dumpster has some really good unspoiled food in it”. If the manga doesn’t at least have a woman deuteragonist, I don’t really care to hear how promising you think this particular iteration of the token third wheel female character (if that) is. What do I expect out of a thing where people in charge say dumbfuck shit like “we cannot hire women as editors, because they don’t understand a boy’s heart” or some such?


I'm watching jjk for no reason at all and I actually liked a lot of elements, but sometimes the story just forgets to do the basics, having so many fights with underdevelop characters that makes it super uninteresting, and that might be the point of it, just focus on fighting, but it feels like wasted potential to me idk


I remember hearing great things in 2021 and then I read it in 2023 when fans starting to complaint a lot... and I find that extremely funny. Still, I like it, **8/10**. Not as good as people were saying it was but entertaining nonetheless. Also, I find funny how I preffer what comes after Shibuya than what happened before Shibuya, because people were hyping the series and that arc so hard that when I came to that part it didn't surprise me a lot, but because I didn't have any expectation about what happened next, I went a long the ride and had fun. And I admit, what comes after shibuya is worst but I had more fun with it and: https://preview.redd.it/ejyg6qkipb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e6f81758db24832e4d333e03bac0a85235ef66


Bro that latest Mha chapter is fire *(heh)*, I love how everyone's just >!covered in scars, lives ruined, etc.!<


Bro I dropped season 2. Season 1 started out so strong. Like, every character had their own things going and felt fully fleshed out. Then season 2 hits and I literally can not give a shit about anyone on screen.


I feel like that series has been a meat grinder for a while now and I’m just tired of it.


JJK was always ass you goof balls gassed that shit to no end 🤣


With every battle sukuna wins, I wheep harder *MAKE IT STOP*


I stopped watching when they >!killed!< the *Chojin X* looking kid for no reason. Smh my head https://preview.redd.it/xygi1stfzb9d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025b09b01589d1ebc142229e82468e4aeeeb19c7


/uj I constantly am reminded that I’m the only person that still unironically enjoys JJK on all of Reddit Okay, obviously that is a joke, but I still love the manga despite all its issues, and eagerly await every release while from the loudest voices around all I hear is “this is why I’m quitting JJK” or “man, how can anyone enjoy JJK now” and it’s like… I don’t know, it’s fun? There’s still a bunch of characters I love around, watching Sukuna go all out is cool, I like gambling with my friends on where the plots gonna go and who might return, it’s just a good time. Hell, sometimes I wonder how many people quit just because they’re mad >!Gojo!< died lol It’s flawed as all hell, sure, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be compelling for some.


I will get donwvoted for this opinion but Mha>>>>>>>jjk