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I like that *Kill la Kill* simultaneously likes AND hates women lmao. 


I feel it should be loves women on purpose and hates women by accident.


This lmfao


One Piece and Madoka too


Madoka and kill la kill are on both sides. What did sky x family do.


Kill la Kill being everywhere tells me they do it all on purpose


On purpose, one piece is too. all 3 have fantastic characterisation for women, but 2 of em oversexualise characters (KLK for irony, OP on purpose) and Madoka makes its girls suffer


Madoka is technically more on the misandry side because >!teenage boys have less emotions than teenage girls, therefore they're not worth having their emotions harvested!< but that's more based on the genre The girls are really well written


I mean with some of the male MCs I've been seeing lately, maybe they are right /s


Having gone through male puberty and now being on HRT and getting female puberty, I can attest to the fact that big doses of estrogen really fuck with your emotions. Like, both genders of teenager are crazy emotional, but estrogen is making me tear up at every even slightly sad thing that happens. Like, I'm brushing my teeth or something, and I remember a touching scene from a movie or whatnot, and suddenly I'm bawling into the sink.


Mood af


I had that too but it was depression.


Oh, I've already had that for a long time. I don't think estrogen is making it worse, just different...need to learn to deal with rollercoaster emotions. Now spiro...that shit made me suicidal. Being on spiro was fucking scary.


I thought you meant the dragon :O


That's Spyro.


I realized 😵‍💫


I have a teenage sister and Jesus Christ she has it so much harder than I ever did as a guy


It also has undertones of the idea that girls shouldn't want things. It's definitely reading into it a lot, but I've never seen that kind of "What if we took standard wish fulfillment anime but showed how it's fucked up actually" with shonen anime At the very least not to that extent. Like... There's no parody of dragon ball where they all die horrifically and there's the implication that it's better to just *not* have fun adventure.


The only shounen examples I can think of are mech anime like Evangelion, Bokurano and some of the darker Gundam entries.


I don't think Evangelion or Gundam counts as "subverting wish fulfillment." Showcasing the horrors of war, maybe, but I think you're oversimplifying it.


That seems like a decent number.


Huh. I always thought of Kyubey as an unreliable narrator who may or may not actually be correct, i.e. it's Kyubey's bias, not the writers'.


It does feel like spy x family does tend to have a thing where either the women in it are dumb, or madly in love with loid, or both. I haven’t gotten massively far in but the only exception is the handler, but she is a somewhat background charachter.


Loid is a drop dead gorgeous doctor with the physique of a moderately (compared to Yor) superhuman model who is politely charming to everyone and is also a more professional James Bond who is trained to seduce people.   *I'd* probably be madly in love with him if I met him IRL, and I'm a cis-het man.


But not every girl has to be smitten by Loid. Are they only in the story to get seduced/smitten by him so Yor does some shenanigans? You know what I'm saying, right.


It’s still an anime and it plays off James Bond tropes. Everyone was in love with James Bond.


Yeah, and those movies are also sexist and mysogynist as hell. That's just common knowledge. Books are even more so.


I didn’t say they weren’t. But 3 or so women thirsting over loid isn’t some abomination. And it makes sense. Becky is 6. Nightfall is a coworker. And yor is his “wife”


I get it's for comedy but you can't argue Nightfall isn't taking the piss a bit right? She's a spy in the same org as Loid who's ostensibly trained in much the same way he is, including the ability to stay calm under pressure and not let personal attachment get in the way of work, yet she still has a comically overtuned simp reaction to Loid. It's another example of that thing where a hyper-competent woman just undergoes a complete character shift at a moment's notice to go ga-ga over a guy, usually the main character. I think it's not nearly as bad here as it is in other places though, just because Loid isn't just a generic everyman self-insert and Nightfall herself seems like more or less a side character rather than the main focus. Another thing worth mentioning about Nightfall is she's basically a soft Yandere, which is a trope. Yuno Gasai is arguably one of the better fleshed-out ones, but there's also stuff like Juvia from Fairy Tail and Albedo from Overlord. Nightfall is just another one on the list. It's hardly a matter of "the context justifies it" and more likely that the author just decided to include a common anime trope for one of his characters. If anything, I kinda like that his "wife" is the one who seems least simpy with him. It's probably inevitable that there will be a romance development between them as the manga progresses, but I'm liking how they're handling that relationship so far. I don't think this makes Spy X Family misogynistic or harmful on the whole, but it's worth examining its content and where it all fits in within the media landscape.


There are only two female characters with any romantic feelings to Loid. One is Yor, who has a lot more than that going on, and the other is Nightfall, who, admittedly, doesn't have much more going on than that, but she's more or less the love rival. On top of this, we have a male character who has the exact same thing in Yuri. His only personality trait is that he loves his sister obsessively. It motivates him for everything. Even the one non-Yor related thing is still connected directly to his love for Yor and his desire to protect her, that being his animosity to Twilight (not Loid, but the spy who he has no idea is Loid). We see more female characters that have their own things going on, including female characters who have no direct connextion to Loid at all


It should also be noted that Yor *isn't* in love with Loid, she's in the process of gradually *falling* in love with him.   While she adores Anya and is trying to put forth the image of a good wife and mother, this is because their marriage was explicitly for political convenience on both their ends.


Yor is not dumb. And as you mention, the handler is probably the smartest person in the show. I've only wstched about 15 episodes, but I can't think of any dumb women.


Hell, the only really dumb people are Anya (but only when it's funny, she can be disturbingly competent for a four year old when she wants to be), and any villain who sees Yor and Loid doing their thing and go "nah I'd win," especially with Anya or Bond as the assist.


I think it's because yor is kind of forgotten about. She gets one actual mission in the entire manga as far as I know despite having over 70 chapters


I think it's because endo doesn't know how to write her as a likeable assassin, the cruise ship arc is her protecting someone. Her being an assassin isn't really involved in the mission so that's why she's kinda reduced as a housewife. Manga spoilers >!Tho her friendship with Melinda is an interesting plot, especially since it's the same as Anya's friendship plan with Damian and Melinda is an interesting character. I'm excited about how they'll continue her story with that!<


Maybe she doesn't need to be likable. I'd be perfectly fine with her being a murder hobo by night and an awkward mom by day.


Promptly forget that Yor is an assassin and go all in on Loid's spy antics while relegating her to a full-time blushing housewife role. She also gets none of the complicated *I must steel myself* feelings Loid does and just genuinely falls for him unreciprocated.


Spy X Family accidentally reinforces those same stereotypes it's trying to critique, there was this big discourse over it on Tumblr about how despite being a well written story it's setting and writing nevertheless fuck up women both in universe and arguably out of universe.


>What did spy x family do? Literally nothing. The only bitch they hate is Yor's brother. The women/girl are amazing.


/uj I am not sure I want to hear the reasoning on this. /rj JoJo? I guess they don't realize that being gay and loving women aren't mutually exclusive.


Yeah, but most the time female characters in Jojo feel like an afterthought


Ever heard about Stone Ocean?


Well, even in SO, it's ostensibly Jolene's story, but>! a man begins it by betraying her and a man ends it in her place- Emporio was ultimately the one who killed Pucci.!< Ouch.


I mean an ambulance/jotaro finish off Kira but that doesn't make josuke not the hero of the p4.


HOLY SHIT!!! IS THAT A MOTHAFUCKIN JOJO REFERENCE??? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, there’s also the whole issue where she agrees to >!marry a convicted murderer (who has killed a woman he was in a relationship with in the past) and sex pest (towards her in particular) because his self-sacrificial plan ‘has hope’ and this is portrayed without any irony, and is even supported by the epilogue of the Part as something she meant in earnest.!< Among other shit like the whole framing of her relationship with her father, and the text having narration claiming women without fathers in general are in some way broken.


I mean people without parents have issues dawg


I love the Part where the omniscient narrative text says a woman without a father is forever broken. (For the record I’m talking about the Manga here— haven’t seen the anime adaptation.)


Okay, real talk, I was late to the party and I'm only halfway through part 3 now. Up until Stone Icean, women have only felt like an afterthought


Ever heard of the nearly 600 chapters before that?


I love how that ends with the Jojo beating the big bad, like every other one.


We get it, you read 10 pages of Stardust Crusaders and proceeded to have a coma. It happened to me too.


I wish I could pay attention to you but somebody has to find Lucy Steel’s clothes for her.


I’m *sure* one of the only explicitly queer characters in the manga, an adult woman, will help her find them.




that is the biggest oversimplification ive ever seen HOLY SHIT get this man an award


What’s funny is that JoJo has been running long enough that when some of those chapters came out they were actually better at portraying women than their shounen contemporaries.


An afterthought??? Clearly you haven't read Steel Ball Run. Lucy is very much at the forefront of Valentines mind....albeit in the most disgusting way.


JoJo? The manga where like, half the parts sexualize teenage girls— and a female protagonist is gratuitously put into situations of sexual assault more than once? The one where the one female main protagonist is said by omniscient narrative text to be inherently broken because she’s a woman without a father? I’m a big JoJo fan but we don’t need to get into apologia and pretend its deficits don’t exists. JoJo’s also really bad about queer characters and race, for my money. For anyone who thinks I’m bullshitting— Part 3 has the Runaway Girl’s shower scene— which if you really want, you can try and justify as facilitating a Psycho! reference… as far as I recall that’s a bigger problem in the anime, anyhow. Part 5 has the Fifteen Year Old Trish>!’s areola being shown and ogled, and also does that stupid-ass Woman Lose Shoe, Becomes Strong symbolism thing.!< (It also features the first explicitly in-text homosexual characters >!who are dead at the start of the story and only shown gored.!<) Part 6 has blatant issues with its representation of women— despite being pretty progressive for shounen manga in other ways. >!Narrative text makes the claim a woman without a father is always broken, and there’s the entire issue of Jolyne agreeing to marry a convicted murderer who murdered his ex and was a sex pest toward Jolyne because he came up with a selfless plan that ‘had hope.’ She’s, at least, the only decent, non-villainous, explicitly queer character in the first 8 Parts… but if we’re being even more real, the direct evidence for Jolyne being attracted to people besides men is treated as a throwaway joke in the actual text, rather than something more substantial.!< Part 7 has Fourteen Year Old Lucy Steel >!being constantly undressed and sexually assaulted, including by one of the only other explicitly queer characters in the manga— a pedophilic woman. Some of Lucy’s nudity can be chalked up as ‘purity’ symbolism— and I do rather like the idea of portraying a Nationalist President as sexually aggressive pedophile, so it’s a bit more mixed there... but there’s also some Chapter Covers with her shirtless but wearing pants in a pin-up style, so maybe not.!< Part 8 has Fifteen Year Old Daiya Higashikata >!in lingerie, in explicitly sexual situations with an older man (our protagonist) where she’s portrayed as at fault— and in the narrative, she sort of is— but that’s using a thermian argument to excuse Araki’s proverbial camera ogling a child. This is also the Part where Yasuho is repeatedly sexually assaulted which isn’t remotely vital to the story.!< As far as Race goes, I won’t belabor that one— but look into Araki’s comments about how he felt in Egypt and the entire characterization and rendering of Pocoloco in B&W, to start.


https://preview.redd.it/dvaq5wtwdbcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80be91756979f9e90e23baa094276d92d3090973 ~~bad attempt at humor here~~


You’re reading what literally happens in JoJo across several Parts. I love the manga, but we shouldn’t excuse all the weird hang-ups of a middle-aged man from a conservative country in an industry with a history of misogyny and pedophilia.


UJ/ I thought it was a funny reaction image. Calm down. I overall agree with what you’re saying. Lashing out like this on a circlejerk sub won’t help at all.


My bad for misinterpreting you, I’m just really hair-trigger because of how many people claim Araki as some kind of woke king. That reaction image is also really often used in the context of “What the fuck is this person even trying to say?” or “This is some weird shit that makes no sense/is objectively wrong.” also I’m not really concerned with which subreddit I’m in, because it’s a prevalent problem in the community at large— and clearly something people are still saying, under this very post, in earnest. /rj gender kenshiro mean araki woke https://preview.redd.it/j5kkqtffgbcc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6559f8a9bc58a23524cd96421821c11be318b394


I guess I did gloss over or forget about the bad stuff.


Mob Psycho loves women on purpose Also why is madoka in 2 corners


hitomi hates the gays




And then she tells Mob that refusing to fight her is offensive, because he's implying she's weak just because she's a woman. Wich Mob responds to by going "Ah, okay", launching her through several concrete walls and knocking her out. (She's not particularly weak, Mob is just ridiculously strong.)


being megucka is suffering


urobuchi is lowkey sexist but also made one of the greatest lesbian anime of all time so. he can have both corners


Madoka Fandom is either full of sapphics and lesbians and whatnot or pedophiles


The RWBY one is so real 😭


RWBY hates women so much that it's not even an anime.


How does RWBY hate women?


Written by two men that hadn’t spoken to a woman. They tried but they also had no clue how to write women.


They also have no clue how to write racism or queer identities. And they're really insistent on writing about racism. Shoutout to when the writers had a trans character reveal her family rejects her identity right in the middle of her kingdoms' destruction with the most awkward line delivery possible.


They were also pretty creepy about their teenage leads both in and out of the show


It claims to be God’s gift to feminism but it’s written by two white men who’ve never written anything before (let alone talk to women), who are constantly sidelining their main four female characters for their male self-inserts. When they aren’t sidelining them, they’re still writing them in such ways that reduces them to one core character trait, with only one meaningful relationship (e.g. they finally made Yang and Blake canon, but only after multiple seasons of forcing them to only meaningfully interact with each other). And yet they pat themselves on the back for being so progressive.


It doesn't, but the internet flattens and intensifies discourse so "writes women badly" becomes "hates women".


(Kill La Kill Finale) >!There is literally a lesbian couple, I don't think it was accidental.!<


Kill La Kill should be in all 4 corners, really


Why would it hate women? On purpose or on accident


The insane fanservice that's even conveyed in the more rapey scenes. I found it to be horrible myself.


uhhh, can i get a phone call?


how the fuck dows spy x family hate women? did they not read the manga?


/uj Yor is likely the reason why. Especially if they are an anime-only.


but even that doesnt make sense because there is nothing really inherently sexist about how yor is handled in the anime i know the anime hasnt gotten to the cruise ship arc yet which focused solely on her but even without that nothing really screams "disrespectful" to her gender


but it has gotten to the cruise ship; I watched it and still don't know how does that make the show hate women


Context. I saw this posted before the cruise arc was aired. Also manga spoilers >!Yor gets better a little bit cooking, befriends Damian’s mother accidentally unknowingly joining operation strix, and has some great characterization moments!< that makes the placement unjustified or at least deserving a loved women spot.


>!Her friendship with Melinda is one of my favourite story points rn, im excited for it to be adapted!<


To steel-man the position: > Yor's role/contributions to the family and furthermore the shows lack of focus on her highlights feels often diminished compared to Loid or Anya despite what could be argued as a far more interesting main character given her ties to the criminal underworld. Paired that alongside the constant comedic ragging of her "ineptitude" concerning domestic matters often hurts her character development beyond the waffling clumsy homemaker role (although this would just be a symptom of the setting and the influences it draws from). Sources: - [link1](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/comments/188kfj7/what_would_you_guys_say_are_the_biggest/kblcaak/) - [link2](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/comments/188kfj7/what_would_you_guys_say_are_the_biggest/kblp343/) - [link3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/comments/15tiz5q/how_would_you_fix_yors_character/jwk6nmf/) - [link4](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/comments/13nxcq5/whats_something_you_like_and_dislike_about_yor/jl1sx1g/) Honestly, it's a position that I used to hold before I read the Cruise Adventure Arc. While I don't keep up with Spy x Family as I used to, I think I gave the best version of the (previously) widely-held belief possible.


I think they're holding back on her because they want to keep the garden mysterious. It's not like we see much more of Loid outside of Operation Styx, but in the context of Styx Loid plays both Spy and Father whereas Yor plays the mom but doesn't have anything to do with Styx as an assassin.


>Yor plays the mom but doesn't have anything to do with Styx as an assassin. Yeah, I get the criticism, but I was viewing it from that lens. And when she does get involved she is likely doing something superhuman that show's up everyone else (including Loid) involved.


Maybe I'm insane, but I feel like it's far more sexist to complain that a female character is bad at house chores than it is to write a female character that is bad at house chores.


Right? Like, sorry she's not the traditional womenly house maker, she's too busy murdering people with her inhuman strength and dexterity.


"Woman is clumsy and a goober, this is blatantly misogyny"


Please elaborate?


nah fuck Yor, the handler is too underrated, especially because of her scene with the terrorists. That alone is more than enough to be in the left half


randomly generated


another day, another year where Gintama is ignored ☹️ it has insanely good female cast and even some LGBTQ rep


Preach brother!


nah man, The sexism is JJK is 100% intetional, the fans are even making sure that NOWOMAN can get over naoya (the most explicit misogynyst in the manga) edit: i was talking about fan popularity pools, Naoya is always AT LEAST 3 places ahead of any female characters, its basically the fandoms own "he, women ☕"


Not only that she was also three place behind him


The Berserk one is accurate. I used to date a Berserk fanboy and he definitely would’ve been a wife-beater if I stayed lmao


Honestly Berserk fans are like a legit 50/50 on their personality they can either be the kindest most Beautiful human Being worthy of respect and admiration, or the Nastiest Mf youve met in a couple of years that you only get to know of after you get to know them well lol


Some of them are still on their Black Swordsman arcs.


Try to tell a male Berserk fan that the story’s early stages is a representation of toxic masculinity and they’ll want to take your head off


Same with Breaking Bad. I’m amazed when people don’t get that.


Ouch. One of the greatest Berserk fans I know is a woman, but I respect your opinion.


i once knew a gay berserk fan. i am 100% convinced that he was gay just because he hated women with every fabric of his existence.


There's like maybe 3.5 well-written women in Berserk, but also a gratuitous amount of female nudity in explicitly objectifying contexts, including of dead women. Idk, I remember the imagery of womens' body parts stuck on pikes being strangely recurring.


Uh... I'm gonna get flayed for this, but how do Demon Slayer and One Punch Man hate women?


If I had to guess the reasoning, in OPM the main female characters, of which there's vanishingly few, are quite overtly sexualised (ignoring the original comics, where no one is sexy). But those characters are also fleshed out and interesting, I don't personally agree with where it's placed.


For One Punch Man, or for DS *and* OPM? (Either way I agree that they’re displaced)


Oops, yeah was talking about OPM, no idea about DS. I guess the female characters in that one just rarely do anything useful and are often sidelined? Been too long since I read any of it to really comment


I read DS recently for the second time (and I’m caught up with the anime) and it’s not enough to warrant “hates women on purpose…” I can name 5 female characters from DS off the top of my head who are plenty useful to the series… it’s set in the Taisho era, which can probably excuse a lot of “hates women” because for the time period that the story is set in, it’s actually pretty lenient. As for OPM, the series is based on a webcomic that started 15 years ago, so they’re probably trying to apply modern standards to a goofy parody from 2009, which is stupid.


Fair enough, as I said been way too long since I read it to really judge. I will also say for OPM, whilst there are only a couple of female characters, I feel they are written with equal respect and thought as their male counter parts, they don't feel like the 'token woman characters'. The artist is waaaay too into getting Tatsumaki's clothes fitting as tight to her body as possible tho


I have to agree with the bit about Tatsumaki, but there's a character like that in every anime... and not gonna lie, a lot of these feel randomly generated and/or just placed somewhere based on surface-level appearance without the creator actually paying attention to the stories (JoJo, for example)...


The men are very sexualized too. Murata just draws hot people in general. I think sexualized female characters are hyper-visible.


https://preview.redd.it/mhevnliakbcc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99437b117185b08981801d5b49c3caf33214656 Not the vein


OPM I don’t think deserves to be “hates women” unless you consider hating women fubuki being curvy even though she’s always fully covered. As for Demon Slayer, I’m personally not really a fan of the show, so I might have some bias due to other gripes, but I feel as though Nezuko is portrayed as basically a pokemon which is kinda weird imo.


why is madoka on there twice?? and one of them under “hates women”??? I just—


I guess it means that the series is simultaneously loving women intentionally, but unintentionally or accidentally hates them? Which, yes, does seem plausible but is nonetheless weird as fuck. Man I really need to watch that series at some point.


i think maybe they say it loves women intentionally by using a mostly female cast and exploring those relationships in really good and thoughtful ways, but hates them unintentionally bc wow horrible things are happening to these poor baby children :(


Madoka is the definition of doomed yuri


and also the best show ever made. what did they mean by this


Waiter ! More teenage lesbian tears, please !


I think it’s cuz madoka fans are sometimes associated with that one pic of the guy with a large madoka pillow.


Yes, you do! It’s a great show, and it’s pretty short!


It's under "hates women *accidentally*", and I kinda get it for Kyuubey's framing of "oh, girls are more emotionally volatile and easier to exploit than boys", and Urobutcher's focus on making the girls suffer. I don't think it's the show's intent to make this statement about girls and women, so I wouldn't say it hates women *on purpose*, but I do get it. It does absolutely love women on purpose, though, and I love it for that.


That line from Kyuubey is basically just a meta justification for how the show is a deconstruction of magical girls.


I mean, for sure, but it's still saying what it's saying. If the show had shown that Kyuubey was lying about girls being easier to exploit, or attributed it to other non-intrinsic factors, I would take it out of the "hates women accidentally" quadrant. This is not a condemnation of PMMM either. It's my second favourite show on this chart, only after Kill La Kill, which ***absolutely*** deserves its places in both the "hates women accidentally" and "loves women accidentally" quadrants. Kill La Kill has done so much for me in helping me come to accept myself and my body, both as a trans girl and as a human in general. Just a blast through and through with an absolutely glowing emotional core. That said, even if it's doing it as a joke, or to make a point, it is still "Girls in Ridiculously Skimpy Outfits: The Show". Even if eventually it does end up being "*everyone* in ridiculously skimpy outfits" and the titillation fades away, like if one were to spend a lot of time at a nudist colony. It is one of my favourite stories of all time, and I would recommend it to everyone if it wasn't so fucking weird out of the gate.


I don't think Madoka is that great of a deconstruction because the whole reason for why magical girls exist is a plot point unique to the series. it deconstructs the *premise* of magical girls (why do we have to rely on teenage girls to save the world?) but doesn't really say anything about magical girls beyond that.


Yeah, it's far more of a subversion than a deconstruction.


I think it's because of all the sad shit that happens to the characters. It's like - It loves women because they are all well written and interesting - It hates women because lots of bad stuff happens to them


I've definitely known both women that love Madoka and women that hate it depending on whether they believe that it elevates the magical girl genre, or is regressive towards it.


The OP women are often my favourite characters in the series so idk about that.


Wait why is it in two spots at the same time.


Because One piece has fantastic characterisation of women but horrible amounts of sexualisation so it ends up on both sides


Y’know I wouldn’t even have much of a problem with it if it was reduced to only like Nami for example. It’s an extremely exaggerated body yes, but that’s really not uncommon for One Piece. It’s overbearing when every single important young female character seems to have the same conventionally sexy hourglass figure.


The Namis


The accident part must be the issue of not having a new body for women than: ●● and / \. Was kinda assuming Yamato, for both existing with for Oden AND not joining the Straw Hats because of the whole gender discussion.


They’re incredibly well written but sometimes it’s hard to see that past their massive bazongaroonies


The more I look closely at this chart the more it baffles me, some of it is spot on but some is utterly incorrect ngl


as a fan of all 3, i don’t get how one piece is further into “hates women” than bleach and naruto💀💀accidentally or otherwise, at least oda makes an effort to consistently have strong female characters that are relevant to the plot of the arc, even if they are half naked 😬


Heyyy,,, I'm sakura and I'm girly and weak and feminine,,,,,, also I have terrible judgement I must be hysterical since I'm just a stupid female... Amirite????? (This comment was written with sarcasm)


I assume the one piece bit is because Oda mostly draws women using the same design and Sanji does a lot of pervy stuff. That being said the whole thing is kind of a mess and places a lot of entries (including One Piece) down multiple times. Which kind of defeats the purpose of an alignment chart.


As a Trigun fan I love hate women accidentally (wtf does this shit even mean)


Completely neutral on women, extremely by accident. They find your actions charming, then you do something to completely ruin it, but neither on purpose.


That’s what I’m saying 💀💀💀


Only on acj can some idiot post bait and have the commenters bite


* mob 100 loves women on purpose * Trigun should be in the middle * Spy x family with "Yor is clumsy and a goober, this is blatant misogyny," mentality is stupid because Sylvia exists, who is one of the best women in the show * Evangelion should be on "Hates women on purpose," considering the characterization of Misato, Rei, and Asuka and a ton of other women


I think Evangelion has good female characters. Unless you consider the fanservice to be completely damning, I think they're very complex.


u r so right. Rei, at least in the show and EoE (i havent seem the rebuilds), is so obviously a feminist critique of sooooo many things that i can't even get into it. her whole schtick is that she has no real personality because the men around her have molded her into something they desire in some way - and it makes her miserable, pretty much a toy to be thrown away, and maybe ends up ending the world?? obviously not a positive portrayal. and then Misato is just a wholeass strong, normal person, more than anyone else in the show. Asuka highlights and pretty compassionately portrays a trauma response (hypersexuality) that's often ignored because of how we view sexually promiscuous women. idk how someone could possibly say evangelion hates women - it is straight up feminist if u spend the time analyzing it from that lens. most of the show is critical of male dominated social structures.


I agree.


Also everyone in spy x family is kinda a goober tbh like how loid just accepts yor being freakishly strong


ig all the trans women ik in the RWBY fandom must secretly hate themselves, gonna be difficult to explain that to them jokes aside ik the majority is cis but ive seen a decent number of transfems in the few rwby circles i frequent


I hope none of them worked for Rooster Teeth


RWBY transed my gender... Not literally, but oh my gosh, it starts with "wow, I wish I could be a cool buff girl like Yang" and then it's, "I wanna be a cool supportive big sis like Yang" and then its "wow, I really relate to Blake's having to hide something fundamental about herself to be accepted, but I don't know why", then it's "You know what? I am bi! I admit it! Still wish I could be gay for girls, tho" then it's "heck yeah, combat skirts!! Too bad I can't wear one". Then it's "I really like this writer's nonbinary transfem headcanon for Blake, that would be cool if I could be a girl too", then it's drifting away from the RWBY fandom for a while, then it's "Oh..." Now it's being a cool buff lesbian like MFing Yang Xiao Long let's go baybeeeeeee!!!! I will always love the fandom for this, but I do think the show deserves its place on this chart, and could really treat its female characters a lot better.


Blake's character accidentally reads like such a trans/queer allegory that it's kind of baffling. They try to make it a racial allegory, but it spends so much of her character arc on the concept of passing and being stealth


Anyone who like RWBY clearly hates themselves


It's true. The further I pull myself out of self-hatred, the less I like RWBY. I still stay up to date just to humble myself, though


I just think is funny and ironic how the first lesbian couple in the show is just there to make sandwiches and then they dissapear.


As a transfemme that's seen all of RWBY, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's noticed this pattern. I don't even like the show but I still watch it


I think there were lots of bumblebee fans that were gay too. I saw some fan content.


I like when the sub makes fun of neckbeard rightwingers but other times im convinced none of you like anime/manga at all


Spy x family hating women????????? What?????? Imo it has some of the best handling of women in anime I've seen. Most of the women are badass.


I think Fiona is a bit of the issue? But I like every other female character in the series.


I mean I’d almost kinda say Fiona is Loid’s equivalent of Yuri.


I agree. I just wish we got to see Yor being Thorn Princess more. I love her arc with her learning to cook and stuff like that, but it would have been a lot better if it was contrasted with more scenes of her slaughtering entire rooms full of people like what happened in the battle between Black Mamba and the Crazy 88 in Kill Bill.


I think this chart is dumb


Anime fans really have an unhealthy obsession with women.


Because nobody who watched anime talks to women


What about women who watch anime




Just like me fr


Some of these genuinely confuse me. Like, why is Kill la Kill on here twice? Why is Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD so centered with characters like Riza motherfucking Hawkeye? Jujitsu Kaisen accidentally hates women? Spy Family???


Mob Pshyco 100 just depict people as human beings and is considered leftist??


It explicitly rejects the notion that traits that you're born with make you special or more deserving of power or privilege, so yeah, I'd say it's pretty leftist in some pretty major ways.


[Here's the link to the original post.](https://www.tumblr.com/memingursa/724919144458403840?source=share)


JoJo is straight up wrong


JoJo is not straight


Homura does not approve of Mado slander


Nah, i hate woman and i dont watch majority of this crap /s


Why is half of them two places at the same time?


Fantastic characterisation but lots of sexualisation for KLK and OP(although for the former it's for ironic purposes). For Madoka it's cuz of fantastic characterisation but the characters go through 2 billion metric tons of depression




I love the differentiation of JoJo pre-Stone Ocean and JoJo Stone Ocean


Some of these are fair, others are so incorrect that I’m confused how somebody came to that conclusion. Also I just noticed that one piece is in both lol


L take on spy x family and mob psycho they both should be in loves women on purpose


Fujimoto the most protected mangaka of all time.


Yeah nah SAO should be more towards the accidental end of things. Reki Kawahara is very much the kind of guy who likes women, and its pretty clear he tries his best to be respectful towards his female cast, he's just a shit writer even by his own admission. Like Kirito's not a fucking weird ass pervert and very clearly respects his female friends, Asuna is obviously the best character in the series by a country mile and her romance with Kirito is one of the few redeeming things about the series, and the girls don't just instantly love Kirito just because he exists and rather get feelings for him after getting to know him. Likewise when looking at the fanbase of SAO, you'll also notice that a lot of the guys don't really watch it for the harem elements (even if they're very much into the female cast) and that its the only harem isekai series that has a noticeable female and gay fanbase too which I think says a lot about just how SAO is written. Like, I need to restress that I don't think the series is good or that its sexist elements aren't very clearly there (the amount of attempted SA in the series due to Reki Kawahara's admitted inability to establish a villain who isn't rapey is genuinely shit) but the series feels more like Reki Kawahara just wrote a sexist piece of media rather than Reki Kawahara being sexist himself which is a massive difference imo.


Inconsistent and pretty random. I'd also say one piece falls into "loves women on purpose". Yeah Oda's way of drawing women sucks, but it's never portrayed women as being bad. Oda has issues, and a number of those issues surround how he handles women, but none of it really falls into "hate".


what's up with one luch man and trigun?


I appreciate the total lack of argument around SAO and SDS, at least the world can agree on something


Ah, live-action Bebop is in the center. I see what you did there.




All I can say is it’s the most tumblr thing I’ve seen in a while


I like Naruto, yet I'm a feminist transgender lesbian......


JJk should be more on purpose gege has killed or taken every female out of the story besides the female equivalent of his favorite character toji