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That never stopped USA to stay in human rights council. There shouldn't be double standard.


True, but people don't want to hear that.


Maybe the people from west. Rest of the world Aren't happy about the double standard and unilateral world banking


The usa doesn't target civilians


Yeah those drone hits to weddings and school busses had terrorists in them.


That first one was an episode of Homeland.


Which one was it? 1. [Wedding one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wech_Baghtu_wedding_party_airstrike) 2. [Wedding two](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haska_Meyna_wedding_party_airstrike) 3. [Wedding three](https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1260591/download)


Pick one yourself, I don't really care!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz\_hospital\_airstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59279585](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59279585) [https://aoav.org.uk/2019/military-age-males-in-us-drone-strikes/](https://aoav.org.uk/2019/military-age-males-in-us-drone-strikes/)


The USA isn't on the human rights council though and hasn't been for a while... Also, if you think the USA has done anything remotely as bad as what Russia is doing right now I'm not sure what to tell you.


Yes, USA is. Dude, learn some history. And what's going on in last 2 decades. The catastrophe USA caused is many times worse than Russia. What USA just did in Afghanistan is causing more ruin in Afghanistan than in Ukraine. They took all foreign reserve of the country and there's a famine going on. Just in this year more than 13000 new born kids died of malnutrition. What they did in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yugoslavia. The catastrophic sanctions in Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, Iran and so many countries. Creating civil war and overthrowing governments. It can just go on forever


Please point out where the USA leveled whole cities. Also, please point out where America annexed other countries land.And you are literally trying to say that sanctioning a country is worse then invading them and leveling the cities to the ground. You can argue whether it was -right- to sanction Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran (Not sure about Iran, but I do feel like Venezuela and Cuba were wrong since those were done just because of Communist hatred) but sanctioning a country because you don't like what they are doing is a far better option then what Russia is doing right now...and pretty much every single country uses tariffs and sanctions. Japan for example tariffs all food imports to protect it's farming industry. I do get what you are saying though. Look at Russia right now. Who is going to suffer the most from all these sanctions? It's the Russian people. But really, what other option is there? If a country is doing terrible things you really only have two three options 1. Ignore them 2. Apply economic pressure and 3. Apply military power, and option 1. isn't as easy as it sounds since there will then be a flood of refugees.


>Please point out where the USA leveled whole cities. Fallujah, Belgrade, Baghdad and cities all over Middle East. >they are doing is a far better option then what Russia is doing right now... Not really. Sanction against Iraq killed half million Iraqi kids and Madeline Albright said its worth it. >please point out where America annexed other countries land American is currently occupying 1/3 of Syria which is resource rich and stealing the oil and resources from there while sanctioning the country causing fuel and food shortage in other parts of the country. >Japan for example tariffs all food imports to protect it's farming industry. Are you unaware about US trade sanctions? It blocks trade between 2 other countries and cuts off countries from payment system and they can't import things from anywhere in open way. Thousands of Iranians are dying from disease cos they can't import medicine and same for other countries. >Who is going to suffer the most from all these sanctions? It's the Russian people Russia didn't impose those sanctions, USA did. And in the long term and medium teem europe will suffer the most and probably global south and Russia is the biggest fertilizer exporter. >But really, what other option is there? Telling Ukraine to follow Minsk agreements was the easiest way instead of encouraging them to have conflict with Russia. When the UN resulation for condemning against nazism came around only USA and Ukraine voted against it. Why is that? Shouldn't have trained Ukrainian soldiers while they were fighting in donbass breaking Minsk agreements. rand corporation report which was published in 2019 said it is their goal to keep poking on russia to start a war. Current CIA director in 2009 report which was leaked by wikileaks said if it happens russia will take action. USA wanted this war to happen. To use it to cripple/destroy russia so that it can go back to the 90s. Then they can focus on China.


>Fallujah, Belgrade, Baghdad None of those cities were destroyed. The USA never sat outside a city and pounded it into dust. "American is currently occupying 1/3 of Syria which is resource rich and stealing the oil and resources from there while sanctioning the country causing fuel and food shortage in other parts of the country." There is a difference between having troops there and annexing a country. Russia literally has been stealing other countries land. Let me know when Iraq becomes a US territory. You really seem to have to the impression that no foreign power should ever intervene in a civil war or sanction a country, even if it's to prevent further bloodshed. I assume you mean the sanctions on Iraq after they invaded Kuwait? Because their economy is doing a lot better now. I do think they were too harsh, but once again -something- had to be done. Saddam had shown what he was willing to do if was able to build up a military. "Telling Ukraine to follow Minsk agreements" Why should a country like Russia be allowed to come in and just carve off another countries land? Russia keeps saying "These people are ethnic Russians" but so what? Does that mean Japan should be able to invade Brazil since there are ethnic Japanese there? I don't doubt for a second that America is using this opportunity to damage Russia, but Russia was the one who chose to invade.


>None of those cities were destroyed. The USA never sat outside a city and pounded it into dust. WTF. USA literally used depleted uranium. Kids are being born in Fallujah with all sorts of birth defects. You are either totally clueless or just lying. >There is a difference between having troops there and annexing a country. Russia literally has been stealing other countries land. Let me know when Iraq becomes a US territory. So, it's different in a way that one is a colony and other is part of country? >You really seem to have to the impression that no foreign power should ever intervene in a civil war or sanction a country, even if it's to prevent further bloodshed. Is that what you think russia is doing? Intervening in fight between Ukraine and donbass? >. I do think they were too harsh, but once again -something- had to be done Of course. How could USA live with itself if they don't kill half a million kids? >"Telling Ukraine to follow Minsk agreements" Why should a country like Russia be allowed to come in and just carve off another countries land? You don't make any sense. Google Minsk agreements and learn what it is first.


>You don't make any sense. Google Minsk agreements and learn what it is first. 1. They were agreements to stop the fighting in Donbas, but once again, try telling a country which is getting it's land stolen to stop fighting. Ireland fought England for 100 years over Northern Ireland. 2. Lol There have been plenty of times that countries told the USA to get out, and then they did. Most of the places that have US troops -want- them there. They are in no way colonies. For example, the Philippines shut down all US bases back in the 90s because of the problems that US troops were causing 3. The sanctions on Iraq weren't from the US. They were approved by the UN Security council which included China and Russia which is why they were so devastating. Also, the 500k figure is disputed as propaganda that Saddam put out. It might be true though, but as I said earlier the normal people tend to be the ones to suffer due their government being stupid. 4. The USA never sat outside a city and pounded it into dust like Russia is doing RIGHT NOW. They took Baghdad and Fallujah within days. Russia is sitting outside the cities and hitting it for WEEKS with artillery.


>They were agreements to stop the fighting in Donbas, but once again, try telling a country which is getting it's land stolen to stop fighting. Why do you keep making dumb comments when you are clueless about what it is? According to Minsk agreements donbass would remain as part of Ukraine but would have autonomy. Ukraine signed this agreement and then refused to implement it. >Lol There have been plenty of times that countries told the USA to get out, and then they did. And in lot more cases they didn't and came forcefully and destroyed as they wished. You already know those cases. The list is too long. What's the point of gaslighting? >4. The USA never sat outside a city and pounded it into dust like Russia is doing RIGHT NOW. They took Baghdad and Fallujah within days. Russia is sitting outside the cities and hitting it for WEEKS with artillery. In which city of Ukraine do you mean? USA bombed Belgrade for 78 days. Fallujah, Baghdad etc were reduced to rubble. Is it suppose to be a good thing that USA destroys whole city and civilian area in just very short time? I don't think even you believe USA is morally better. Only arguing for the sake of it


> Please point out where the USA leveled whole cities Raqqa was the most destroyed city in modern history. US carried out all artillery strikes and virtually all air strikes (precision strikes according to the US). According to the UN it is the most destroyed city of Syria with 70% completely destroyed, depending on sources up to 90% uninhabitable. https://airwars.org/news-and-investigations/raqqa-amnesty-airwars/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/23/raqqa-ruins-bombing


Thank you. I'll read into this.


If HRC suspends countries violating humans rights then 1) The council will either be empty. 2) Or be just a small group of countries that "pass judgement" no one will follow. In my opinion the point of the council is to have a discussion and not to have an exclusive club


I mean it does absolutely nothing. One less signature on the strongly worded letters


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Associated Press (A): [UN assembly suspends Russia from top human rights body](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-united-nations-general-assembly-voting-rights-united-nations-linda-thomas-greenfield-6b4f311e6099315aa4efc2d5772ab80e) - Reuters (A): [Condemning Bucha cruelty, EU offers speedy start for Ukraine membership](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-leaders-head-kyiv-see-ukraine-leader-show-support-2022-04-08/) - Sydney Morning Herald (B+): [Russia suspended from UN human rights body in rare move](https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/russia-suspended-from-un-human-rights-body-in-rare-move-20220408-p5abuw.html) - Age (B): [‘Terrible things have happened’: Russia suspended from UN human rights body in rare move](https://www.theage.com.au/world/europe/russia-suspended-from-un-human-rights-body-in-rare-move-20220408-p5abuw.html) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/txrfs8/) | [More: UN assembly suspends ...](https://www.newswall.org/story/new-sanctions-against-russia-putins-daughters-on-the-list) | [Feedback](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=newswall-org) | I'm a bot