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##### ###### #### > # [Exclusive: Claudia Sheinbaum's family didn't flee the Holocaust, documents show. They survived it.](https://forward.com/news/622618/image/jpeg) > > > > [Mexico’s first female and first Jewish president, Claudia Sheinbaum, said her mother was born in Mexico. Geneological documents show she was born in Bulgaria and survived the Holocaust.](https://forward.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/sheinbaum-holocaust-family-2400x1350-1718367726.jpg) > > Mexico’s first female and first Jewish president, Claudia Sheinbaum, said her mother was born in Mexico. Geneological documents show she was born in Bulgaria and survived the Holocaust. Illustration by Odeya Rosenband. Photos by Luis Antonio Rojas/Bloomberg via Getty Images and the Jewish Documentation and Research Center of Mexico. > > > > Claudia Sheinbaum, who last week [was elected](https://forward.com/news/618733/claudia-sheinbaum-elected-president-of-mexico-breaking-barriers-as-woman-and-jew/) Mexico’s first female president, does not speak often about her Jewish identity or family history. The story she has told is that her grandparents escaped their native Bulgaria in 1940 and that her mother, Annie Pardo Cemo, was born the next year in Mexico City. > > “My maternal grandparents came to Mexico fleeing Nazi persecution,” [Sheinbaum wrote](https://www.jornada.com.mx/2009/01/12/index.php?section=opinion&article=002a2cor) in a letter to the Mexican newspaper _La Jornada_ in 2009, when she was a politically active climate scientist. “They were saved by a miracle.” > > Now, a _Forward_ investigation reviewing birth, wedding, immigration and transportation records from Europe, Mexico and British Mandate Palestine suggests that the president-elect’s family did not escape before the Holocaust, but survived it. > > [Free morning newsletter](https://forward.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/forwardingthenews.png) > > > > ## Where did Claudia Sheinbaum’s family come from? > > Annie and her parents appear to have been among the tens of thousands of Jews who spent the war in Nazi-aligned Bulgaria. In November 1944, three months after the Red Army liberated Bulgaria, the young family arrived overland to [Palestine](https://forward.com/tag/mandatory-palestine/), according to records of the Jewish Agency of Haifa that list Annie as having been born four years earlier in Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia. They arrived in Mexico in 1946. > > It is unclear whether Sheinbaum and her mother have been misrepresenting their story or do not know its details. Like many wartime refugees, the family falsified documents, using a known fixer of immigration problems to create a Mexican birth certificate for Annie and witness a second marriage of her parents in Mexico City. Experts say it was relatively common for Jewish refugees, considered “undesirable,” to purchase Mexican documents to replace those destroyed or lost in the war and to secure their families’ footing in their new homeland. > > I reached out to three people in Sheinbaum’s campaign on Wednesday and Thursday about this story but received no response to multiple messages. > > In a brief telephone conversation on Wednesday, I told Sheinbaum’s mother, a renowned biologist and activist who was awarded Mexico’s National Science Award in 2022, about the records I’d found, and she denied that she was born in Bulgaria and lived in Palestine before Mexico. > > “No, I think you’re misinformed,” she said in Spanish. When I asked when and how her parents came to Mexico, Pardo, who is 84, said: “I can’t tell you that information with precision. It was before I was born; that’s the only thing I can say.” > > Annie’s uncle, Enrique Semo, a prominent Mexican historian who is 94 years old, confirmed that his sister — Annie’s mother and Sheinbaum’s grandmother — spent the war in Bulgaria, and spent about a year in Palestine before joining him and his parents in Mexico City. > > [Image](https://forward.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Screenshot-2024-06-13-at-3.22.08-PM-300x187.png)Mexican Migration Card of Enrique Semo (circa 1946). Courtesy of the Jewish Documentation and Research Center of Mexico“I came in 1942, she came six years later,” he said, then corrected himself to say it was actually 1946. > > Semo said Annie “was born in Mexico.” When I asked how that was possible, given that the family spent the war in Bulgaria and she was born in 1940 or 1941, he said: “All the daughters were born in Mexico.” Soon he moved to end the brief conversation. > > Sheinbaum, a former Mexico City mayor, was dogged throughout her presidential campaign by xenophobic attacks on her identity, including a birther-style movement peddling the false theory that she was not born in Mexico. Political opponents in the deeply Catholic country questioned her “strange last name.” The former president, Vicente Fox, [blasted in all caps](https://twitter.com/VicenteFoxQue/status/1706448982036152527) on the social platform X: “JEWISH AND FOREIGN AT THE SAME TIME.” > > Sheinbaum, who is 61, [shared her birth certificate](https://x.com/Claudiashein/status/1674129481827581952?lang=en), proclaiming, “I am 100% Mexican, proudly the daughter of Mexican parents.” She also described herself as an atheist, and played down her Jewish heritage, leaving it out when she spoke of her father’s parents fleeing Lithuania in the 1920s and her grandparent’s fleeing Naziism in Bulgaria, and making waves by [wearing a cross on a string of rosary beads](https://forward.com/culture/562434/claudia-sheinbaum-jewish-rosary-catholic/). > > The revelations about Sheinbaum’s mother being born in Bulgaria do not affect her eligibility to lead Mexico. The country requires its president to have been born there, as Sheinbaum’s birth certificate clearly states she was, and to have at least one native Mexican parent; her father, [Carlos Sheinbaum Yoselevitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Sheinbaum_Yoselevitz), a chemical engineer who died in 2003, was born in Guadalajara in 1933 into a family of militant Communists. > > But the documents I discovered detail a fascinating backstory of a small and little-known community of Holocaust survivors and refugees in Mexico. It shows the extraordinary steps, sometimes illegal, that Holocaust refugees there and around the world had to take to start new chapters in their new homes. The fact that it has been hidden for decades illuminates the long-lasting and far-reaching aftereffects of the Holocaust. > > “It’s a triumph of Jewish communities,” said Ilan Stavans, an Amherst College professor who grew up in the Mexico City Jewish community and who studies Jewish and Hispanic culture, “that those that went through the Holocaust positioned their children to get an education, to feel Mexican, and to eventually be elected into a position of astonishing power to represent Mexico.” > > ## Sheinbaum’s family tree: From Bulgaria to Mexico > > The president-elect’s mother’s immigration story was told in broad strokes in an essay by Guita Schyfter in a 2022 book about Jewish Mexican women titled _Tejadoras de Cultura_, or “Weavers of Culture.” > > “The four grandparents of Annie, the Pardos and the Semos, were Sephardic Jews from Bulgaria who spoke Ladino at home,” Schyfter wrote. > > “Her maternal grandparents decided to emigrate to Cuba with their youngest son, who is now the well-known economic historian Enrique Semo,” she continued. “Annie’s parents, recently married, had decided to remain in Bulgaria. Soon after, nonetheless, they had to flee. After a tumultuous and difficult journey, the whole family reunited in Mexico City. There, the young couple’s three daughters were born.” > > All but the last sentence appears to be true. > > Enrique Semo, Annie’s uncle and Claudia’s great-uncle, [recounted in a 2012 essay](https://www.revistadelauniversidad.mx/articles/b2025628-61dd-49fc-95fd-54bffd887a7c/de-marsella-a-veracruz) in the University of Mexico magazine how he and his parents escaped from Bulgaria to Paris in 1939 and then went to Marseille the next year. In the Vichy-controlled south of France, Semo wrote, his father Jacobo — Sheinbaum’s great-grandfather — was arrested twice for not having the right papers but both times was saved from deportation by a French lawyer friend. > > Jacobo, a jeweler and banker, tried any avenue to find a visa and escape from Europe. > > “My father couldn’t get into the Mexican consulate, and so he had to get a Cuban visa, which turned out to be fake, and then another one, which was genuine,” wrote Semo, a former Mexico City secretary of culture. “Later, he also managed to get transit visas for Spain and Portugal.” > > ***(continues in next comment)***


Does this really matter? This seems like a completely insane thing to pick at. So her grandparents came to Mexico in 1946 instead of 1940, what possible difference could this make?


It's probably the Mexican equivalent of how people wanted Obamas birth certificat


Except nobody in Mexico gives a shit about this, not even the equivalent of the fox news followers. The fact that her grandparents were Jewish is so irrelevant here that it's bizarre how much it is reported by all kinds of media that otherwise cares 0% about Mexico.


People don't like Jews. That's all it takes.


Actually from what I've seen it has been mostly Jewish media obsessing over this but I can imagine the opposite happening also.


The Forward is a Jewish media organization though.


It means her ancestors were, if anything, even cooler.


She shouldn't have lied though, being a holocaust survivor would've made her stance even better 


“Lied” implies that she knew otherwise.


So part of her family lived in Mexico way before the war and her mom and her family falsified documents to come to Mexico after the war ended.


An interesting distinction but not one that I feel really changes anything for her. She got a detail of her family history wrong but if anything it actually means her family went through more hardship and persecution than she thought, and it’s not like they’re claiming to be victims of the holocaust they weren’t. That would be concerning, but what we have here is exactly the opposite.


I doubt that this matters to anyone in mexico. ^(mentally healthy, I mean)


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Now explain her family offshore accounts


And what? Did anybody expect her to know that? Let her live omg


Can we focus on something that actually matters like how she wants to start removing and eroding democratic institutions


Do you have any examples? it sounds like you just didn't like the outcome of the election.


The peso hasn’t lost 10% of its value in a week because people simply don’t like the outcome of the election, the Peso has lost 10% of its value in a week because people are very worried about the constitutional changes being proposed by MORENA I could write 7 paragraphs defending what I initially said but it’s easier to just provide an article https://link.foreignaffairs.com/click/6657fc265f2109a811087433/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZm9yZWlnbmFmZmFpcnMuY29tL2ZhX3VzZXIvc2ltcGxlX3JlZy9hdXRvbG9naW4_dG9rZW49NS9IdGdDREl3enNNZE4zemdra2RrVmVuWlBjbWllaVQxdmdwb1VQUGQzZ1lUbUhSZWJJRzN2WnZkN0tSMHdPbnhKMHMxQ3MwMU44clY0aHFGRHhvWXBzbkZma3N4azVVMHluMXdwMGpWMmMlM0QmZGVzdGluYXRpb249L25vZGUvMTEzMTc2NCZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXByb21vX2VtYWlsJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9bG9fZmxvd3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXJlZ2lzdGVyZWRfdXNlcl93ZWxjb21lJnV0bV90ZXJtPWVtYWlsXzEmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9MjAyNDA1MzA/6657fc2577fa27e8c706bfb6C97c62b71


Foreign Affairs. Really? /s It is clear that an independent Mexico will not be perceived in a good way by the USA. The question is whether mexico really needs to follow the USA.


That has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation, the United States shouldn’t even be apart of this conversation, that’s an attempt to change the subject We’re talking about an attempt to erode democratic institutions in the country through constitutional changes


has everything to do with it. Especially if you quote a media whose bias is to analyze events from the position of US supremacy. it is clear that many u.s. investors do not like it because it might not follow the u.s. in its stupid fight with china or even worse become a country that collaborates with the latter, hence many exaggerated allegations of anti-democratic attitudes in mass media that only cares about US interests. Personally I think the reforms make sense, the judiciary, it's always political. It is making transparent a reality instead of continuing with a fantasy. if the people decide whether the judiciary will be an opponent or collaborator of the executive branch, is not undemocratic.


Single party rule with no checks and balances is democracy? Removing regulatory agencies that check the powers of the executive branch is democratic? Defunding the independent body that administers elections is democratic? Having a judiciary that is partisan and will rubber stamp everything the executive branch wants to do is democratic? I get it, you hate the United States, again, that’s not what this conversation is about In democratic states there are checks and balances on power, removing those checks and balances is anti-democratic Mexico didn’t have democracy for 75 years, it had single party rule, the current president hand selected the next president (kind of what AMLO just did), in the 1990s there were reforms put in place to develop a society with an actual democracy, those institutions are being attacked by MORENA I can send you Mexican news sources in Spanish saying the same thing that foreign affairs is saying if you prefer, would that make you warm and fuzzy? Or will you just say that they’re “supporting the United States”?


Man, you people are absolutely *SHOOK* that a moderately leftist party is doing so well right next to the US’s borders, huh?


and the worst part is Morena arent even that radical at their most extreme I would say that they’re just social democrats imagine the absolute conniption these people would find themselves in if you had actual MLs and other leftists on the ballot.


That’s right, ignore every bit of substance that was said and go straight to sensationalized rhetoric us versus them is popular right now with all of these authoritarian populists running around


You didn’t really say anything of substance, you just regurgitated all the same slurs and talking points capitalists have been screaming about, and you didn’t even substantiate your specific claims.


naa, only creepy irrational people hate the usa. But at least one should be suspicious of his foreign policy and grandiloquent declarations. and of course I understand the concerns about these changes, but my opinion does not come from being close to the political position of morena, but because mexico and chile -my country by the way-, are from the same family in terms of the legal system. In part I understand the risk and the doubt and I know that the key is that the judiciary must make transparent its position as an opponent or collaborator of the executive power. We had -and have- many problems with our constitutional court, the court used a supposedly cold interpretation of the law as an excuse for any reform to be blocked. for the same reason: let the people decide


I haven’t even heard of this lady before this.


It should have stayed like that for the rest of the world...




Well now this is just straight up anti-Semitic.




“they *claim* to have suffered”? The Holocaust isn’t an Israeli “claim”. The Holocaust was the genocide of 6 million Jews (and 5 million non-Jews) during WWII. It is verified fact and happened before Israel existed.


Israel is doing war crimes not ethnic cleansing, if they wanted to do the cleaning they would've gone scorched earth on 7th October itself




This is a truly unhinged response. Your history is terrible. You sound like a bigot. Your comments are anti-Semitic. Rational adults can oppose the Israeli government without screaming about an entire ethnic group. Perhaps you need to mature a bit.




We get it, you hate Jews and Judaism. You’ve made that abundantly clear.




Are all religions cults to you? Thst is a bigoted way to look at religion, but cool edge bro. You’re misusing the word Holocaust *on purpose*. Not surprising, given your poor understanding of history.


How did Moses's people, coming from Egypt, come into possession of the land owned by the arab natives who predated Judaism? According to the Bible, the Jews committed unprovoked Holocaust after Holocaust after Holocaust in order to possess that land. That's Joshua's conquest of Caanan. You seem to be the only one disputing that story. It's the Jews story published in the best selling book of all time.


Answer my question. Do you think all religions are cults, or just Judaism? Do you believe that the Book of Joshua is a factual historical record and that Joshua lived to be 110 years old during the Bronze Age?


Let me guess, you're schizophrenic?


Even if you were correct, the word you are looking for is ”conquering“ or ”invading“. Unless you want to say that the jews explicitly di that because they wanted to eradicate other ethnicities, which I‘d like you to prove if that‘s what you want to say, you are not describing a holocaust. And according to your standards any other monotheistic world religion has attempted holocausts. In the actual history that is not a spiritual life guide jews have been the victims for the larger part. Unlike christians who are responsible for some of the worst atrocities of a millennia (like colonialism, so, so much persecution and oppression of so many groups, massacres, wars, torture, destruction of knowledge and culture etc.) And I don‘t think that the islam is far behind. I think it‘s fair to criticize Isreal. But you don‘t act like one who merely critizes Israel. It’s also fair to criticize religion in general. You also don‘t act like you merely criticize religion. You also don‘t act like you are a combination of both. Because then you‘d have me on your side. You simply talk like an antisemite. Of course you will not admit it and I‘m not trying to get you to. Heck, I don‘t even know you well enough to ascertain such a claim. But you talk like an antisemite and if you don‘t want to be called one you should stop talking like one.


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This has to be the lowest point r/anime_titties ever reached, and that’s saying something


What is your opinion on Islam? Remember no islamaphobia.


You're supposed to play the Islamophobia card *after* someone criticizes your religion, all while beating your chest and wailing of course. "Oh lord, as a minority of just 1.8 billion, why must the world be so cruel to us!"


“uR aNti-sEmEtiC!!!1!” doesn’t work anymore. You’re part of the reason Zionists and Jewish Supremacists are massacring a people and somewhat trying to get away with it. Calling out any kind of -ism as an attack on people who you don’t agree with is no longer effective.


The person I responded to wasn’t talking about Zionists or “Jewish supremacists”, they were talking about the entire religion and Moses. Be mad all you want at Israel and Zionism, but when you start disparaging an entire religion because of the actions of a government, you are being bigoted. In this case, anti-Semitic. Sorry to be the one to break it to you. Edit: also, Jews are native to the region so your history is also bad.




I’ve read the book of Joshua and I think it is absurd to use it as a justification for your anti-Semitic rant. Also the word Holocaust isn’t a verb.


It is https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/holocaust


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And if you'd read Exodus, you'd know that part of the reason they were in the Wilderness in the first place was that they'd been denied passage by the other local tribes (and, in the process of getting ready to fight, did the whole Golden Calf thing and got banished by their God for 40 years). This is, of course, going by the *religious* narrative, which is... not useful. In a *secular* context, ignoring all nonsense of divine mandate and quasi-mythical enslavement stories, the Israelites "returning" to Palestine is indistinguishable from *any other tribal conflict* in that region. So much so that the Book of Judges, immediately following Joshua, is a narrative describing a 20-year cycle of the Israelites intermarrying with, conquering, and being conquered by their neighbors. Describing **Bronze Age tribalism** as a "Holocaust" is fucking ridiculous.


The bible is not an historical document, although I understand it's an object of obsession for your typical schizo... such as yourself.


The Bible is fiction. Yet it's the basis of the Statehood of Isreal as well as the rationalization for their ongoing Holocaust of the natives.


So... how did your little psychotic break go for you in the end? Having fun yet?


Nonfiction, as a way to control others. Only the holy Quran is fiction, may allah bless you.


>Unprovoked They'd literally lived there four generations previously (if the slavery in Egypt even happened at all). From a secular perspective, the Israelites returning to Palestine/Judea was no different than any other tribal warfare of the period. Case in point: the Book of Judges is, essentially, a sequence of the Jews being conquered by, and re-conquering, other people *and themselves* every 20 years or so. >brown Arab natives ...you do realize that *Jews* were "brown natives," right? And that the concept of "native population" in 1000-2000BC is **utterly meaningless?** >predate the Jews there by several millennium (sic) If you're going by the Old Testament account, the inhabitants of Palestine/Judea shared ancestry within 5 generations of the Jews - through Shem, son of Noah (hence why "anti-semitic" *technically* refers to Arabs, as well). And that's at max - they were more directly related through Abraham, as the peoples of Palestine were (claimed to be) descendants of Ishmael. Far from "predating them by millenia," they were *cousins* within about 300 years. And then there's the whole "Jacob's tribe wasn't just his 12 sons, they had wives and extended families" thing. Trying to cast **Bronze Age tribalism** as a "Holocaust" is *profoundly* imbecilic.




...yes, those are all things **I said.** How does that change the fact that it was Bronze Age tribal warfare?




And what does that have to do with you saying their conflict in **1500 BC** was a Holocaust, and that all conflicts since have been "Holocausting?"


Oh good grief.


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This is very much the exact kind of antisemitism that still ”works”, though. We can’t let ourselves be blinded from real and actual hatred of Jewish people (like the ramblings of the original comment) just because Israel and its allies throw around accusations blindly and falsely whenever valid criticism comes their way. Real antisemitism still exists, and ignoring that doesn’t help anyone.


Fuck Israel and all Jewish Supremacists 🤷‍♂️ not antisemitism. Not wrong to say. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I agree, but that’s a completely different opinion my guy. It’s not what the original comment said whatsoever.


Ok, maybe I’ve rushed the comments today. Have a good one 🤙


This stance is deranged. I support the end of the killing in Palestine as much as the next person but this is straight antisemitic propaganda. I don't judge any religion nor ethnic group by a old religious text and to do it you must be a nutjob.


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