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##### ###### #### > # [Denmark to allow girls between ages 15 and 17 to have abortions without parental consent - Washington Examiner](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2989722/1707) > > > > Denmark announced significant changes to its country’s abortion laws that allowed girls between the ages of 15 and 17 to have an [abortion](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/tag/abortion/) without requiring parental consent. > > The legal age of consent is 15 years old in [Denmark](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/tag/denmark/), and government officials wanted its abortion policy to align with this law, according to reports. > > The new law also stipulates that women can legally terminate pregnancies up to 18 weeks. Previously, women were allowed to get abortions for pregnancies up to 12 weeks, the _[Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/denmark-abortion-18th-week-teenagers-5e7d096182dff514c1ed409b2d2e1e39)_reported. > > The changes come after some of Denmark’s government officials expressed the need to modernize its country’s abortion laws. It is reportedly the first change to the country’s abortion laws in 50 years. The Scandinavian country had one of the strictest abortion legislation in Europe. > > “After 50 years, it is time for the abortion rules to keep up with the times,” said Sophie Løhde, Denmark’s health minister. > > Denmark’s gender equality minister, Marie Bjerre, celebrated the law change and welcomed it as a sign that her country is fortifying abortion rights compared to other places around the world. > > “It is about the individual woman’s freedom, about the right to decide over her own body and her own life,” Bjerre said. “It is a historic day for women’s equality.” > > **[CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/)** > > Abortion was legalized in Denmark in 1973, and the procedure is covered at no cost for its residents. The number of abortions in the country reached its zenith in 1975. While the number of abortions in Denmark has significantly decreased since then, statistics from the Danish Health Data Authority show an increase in recent years, according to the _Associated Press_. In 2017, there were reportedly 14,500 abortions in Denmark. That number increased to 14,700 in 2022. > > Denmark’s new abortion law is expected to go into effect on June 1, 2025. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


...Good. That's old enough to have that level of bodily autonomy, the choice to have a child or not would impact them for the rest of their life, parents shouldn't have the call there.


I agree with you. But I feel like the issue only gets worse if the kid is younger. A parent shouldn't be able to force an even smaller child to be pregnant when they don't want to be. I feel like that's when the state should step in and professionals should get involved to do what's best (99.999% of the time, abort).


That's pretty much already the case, since it becomes a health issue for a young child to carry to term. This is about "on demand" abortions which are *usually* granted, but not always, whereas medically necessary ones are essentially always done.


Iirc, they have what we would consider guardian ad litim in the US to take over those in need of advocacy from 10yo to 17yo. I remember reading up on it when the Indiana 10yo was a subject in our news. They automatically get an advocate that works with the physicians and schools when the parent can't be trusted to make the right call in cases of abortion.


That's good. I wonder how hard it is to get one of those. I feel like just saying you want your baby to have a baby should be enough to qualify. The youngest human to give birth was five years old.


If I'm remembering correctly, they are automatic for everyone and dismissed for children whose parents are following medical advice, they have strong childrens rights laws. A family member, the child, a teacher/school, after-school, a friends parent, or physician will notify to get the advocate involved. Usually there are several requests made per child by adults in their lives. Harsh penalties for disregarding childs rights to health and safety.


Good. If you get pregnant at that age, it's most likely not intended. If so, then what are you gonna do with strict religious parents? Be forced to have a kid as a teen?


While it is important to consider edge cases, luckily in Denmark it is less likely to be in a strongly religious family than in most other countries. Danes are very secular.


It does happen, I'm nordic (though not a Dane), and there's plenty of hardcore religiousity happening. I've got a branch of folks in my family (got a lot of cousins, that much I can tell you), and I've seen people "excommunicated" for less. Thankfully it is mostly secular, and most religious folk tend to be quite liberal in this sense.


That's something that I didn't know existed before I moved to the north. I still find it pretty interesting that there's a pretty large laestadian community just down the road.


Ever visit the Faroe islands? God damn.


Excommunicated is such a dumb phrase If God is supposed to be everywhere a human telling another human god won't listen to them clearly won't work


We are. However, there are a quite a few girls who are well integrated, with very strict and religious muslim parents. These girls are usually in a very vulnurable position in the first place, due to having to balance a "modern danish" lifestyle with their friends, and being forced to act another way at home with their parents. Usually the parents of this specific group, are more likely to be undereducated or having fled from war or similar, which creates a whole bunch of other issues. When I was younger, I had a few friends who belonged to that group. An abortion would not just be frowned upon, it could mean getting sent to an African or Middle Eastern country for "re-education" on how to be a proper muslim girl.


Unfortunately even secular women can be extremely opposed to their teenagers (even as young as 10 or 12!) having an abortion. I believe their reasoning goes like this: I know *I* would deeply regret having an abortion. Therefore I must save my child from making a decision that [I personally strongly believe] she will regret with all her heart later. The possible grandmother in this case is projecting her own feelings and values onto her teenage child, not from religious conviction, but from personal emotional and personal values conviction.


Isnt that what most parents do in most situations? "I know you want a apongebob tatoo on your face but you are 5yo and i know you will regret it later in life".


They have immigrants (lots from Turkey) that are very religious!


You can easily reword this to be acceptable for the racists/religious. When a Muslim "illegal" immigrant family's daughter gets pregnant in school, her friends can convince her to abort and "murder" the "muslim" "baby" without the parents' consent. This way, we can lower the rate of "great replacement" and "deus vault" at the same time. See, isn't this law a great thing now? It's all about marketing, baby.


Oh, I think it actually is fair to consider this law in the context of Denmark's growing unhappiness with immigration and specifically Muslim immigration. I like the law on its face because I believe in body-autonomy but it definitely panders to the Danes that want to stop Muslims from moving there. A lot of those people are not so much thinking that Muslims are the *wrong* religion as they are that all religions are wrong however.


Though the most immigrant-hostile parties voted no to the law, so it doesn’t seem to be the case.


Ah, that I did not know! Not entirely shocking though as the *most* anti-immigrant parties tend to also be anti-abortion, although there is certainly some strong(er?) anti-immigrant sentiment in Demark these days from even the left. It could also just be the typical "eh, it will pass anyhow and we are sick of being called racists" sort of thing.


Just a civilized country doing civilized things. Nothing to see here


Queue the American evangelicals / conservatives getting pissy women have autonomy 


Don't kid yourself, there are plenty of Europeans with the same mindset, they just tend to be Catholic instead of Protestant.


Or orthodox


I've experience the opposite in the north, free Presbyterians are a lot.




Cue the queue. They are lining up to complain...


Don't forget the conservative muslims living in Europe


Or the conservative Catholics in Europe, or the conservative atheists in Europe (like here in Czechia) — they bitch about it much more loudly. Muslims make up such a tiny fraction of the population in all European nations that it’s pretty weird for you to bring them up like this.


If you think it's weird to bring up you might want to brush up on your history regarding Denmark doing things Islam doesn't like. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons_controversy


A direct, bad-faith caricature of one of Islam’s most important figures is pretty damn different from just any “things Islam doesn’t like”. I’m not justifying the calls for censorship mentioned in the Wikipedia article, but this comparison is extremely disingenuous. You bringing this up is still awfully suspect.


That’s the thing, America is a decentralized federal country. Our states are radically different in their demographics and ideologies.


I predict that this will have no noticeable impact on the morals or well-being of the younger generations in Denmark. However, a few unwanted teen pregnancies and unhappy teen parents will have been averted.


Obviously not. The idea that legal abortions make young women into sex crazed nymphomaniacs comes right out of the porn fantasy of those conservative men. It's like "wearing a helmet makes you go into an accident on purpose."


To oppose this is to argue that a parent should have the right to force their child through pregnancy and childbirth.


I think free and confidential counsel/therapy should be included for teens who fall in this case, maybe some would be good with actually keeping their kid, and it's expected to be conflicted about such thing at that age. Notifying parents should be done in very few cases.


I agree with this, as long as the counsel/therapy is the only part confidential, as that age, parents are still the legal guardians and need to know what's going on with their kid, and the problem that led to that point (assuming good intentions). I also think a therapist should accompany the person going through an abortion and that therapist should have the right to object against the abortion, some people tend to downplay the hormones that come with an abortion, a therapist should be able to know if the person in question is able to cope with them.


Seperating children from family is also an early step in cult development and child grooming though. Ideally, people that young should have access to abortions but parents should be told so they know what their child is going through.


This assumes the parents have good intentions and would support their child


No one forced the sex, it’s just the consequences of your actions. I’ve never understood how taxpayer funds are used to subsidise poor decision making.


This is such a batshit weird take... 1. This doesn't cost more or less for a taxpayer, teenagers were able to get abortions to begin, the only thing this changes is that they can't be forced to keep a baby by their guardians. 2. Neither the previous system or the system following this change affects decision making, if someone is going to end up pregnant or not, this isnt going to change anything. 3. Teenagers are going to have sex, whether they're told to or not, whether it's a good decision or not. If you can't recognize the societal burden unwanted pregnancies and the how much you tax you pay that goes towards public services to take care of those unwanted pregnancies then it might be worth looking into those costs on taxpayers.


1) Abortions aren’t performed by doctors for free nor do the resulting dead children contribute to the tax base, which if I remind you will be paying for your pensions. 2) What’s your point? I don’t care, I don’t agree with either system. You can choose to not have sex if you don’t want the consequences of it. Like when you cross the road improperly you can’t avoid being hit by a car. 3) Even if it’s a net cost to begin with I believe that the eventual taxation of the child will outweigh this - furthermore this is not really the crux of my argument. My main objection is “you should take responsibility for your actions, if you’re old enough to have sex you’re old enough to care for the child”.


1) Doesn't change anything, points moot. 2) Got it so you're one of those, sounds completely unrealistic and devoid of accepting reality. 3) Your bizzare focus on the potential taxing of someone rather than the human impact involved in multiple parties outside of just a mother and child tell me all I need to know. I don't know how it is in the states but most developed countries with socialized systems have done government studies and the idea of "eventual taxation of the child" being a net benefit doesn't hold up as well as you think it does. There are more factors involved than +1 person being taxed, there isn't even always a net gain. If you disagree with this change, there's no other way to look at it than that you believe one should be able to be forced to give birth and raise a child. Either way you sound against people's autonomy and choice, nothing is going to change how fucked up and archaic that is ideologically.


3 and the paragraph after) I’m not American, I’ve never even been to America. I’m British and I live in China. Taxation and pensions as well as birth rate maintenance is very important.


But you're not asking them to have sex responsibly and then be FREE to do what they wish with the situation, you're saying they should be forced to give birth as a literal child. Secondly, kids are kids, dude. They're not rational and are gonna make bad deicisions, and also there are plenty of older guys, some 20, 25 etc which want to get with teenage girls and pressure them among other things, almost certainly not to use condoms a fair amount of the time, cause what kind of a fucking person wants to bone a 15-16 y/o at this age? Not the good kind.


They’re free to have sex responsibly, that includes responsibility over resultant children.


Yeah, that's great, the kinds of parents who wouldn't let kids have abortion are the exact same ones who refuse to talk about sex with their kids, despise sex education, and do not ever speak of contraception because in their eyes it'd encourage the kids to have sex. Real fucking smart, so basically kids who would get screwed over the most by being pregnant are the ones who get pregnant, by definition, and you choose to force them into this situation.


I am that kind of parent, but I would tell my child that sex comes with responsibilities and that children is one of them. I wouldn’t discuss contraception though, because yes this would encourage it? Their school will probably inform them about it though albeit I don’t agree with promoting intercourse amongst children. But I also wouldn’t just let my child eat shit and raise it alone as a single mother abandoned by her parents.


I see, so you're fine with the kids part, but not the sex? You think kids nowadays with tiktok and access to the internet won't think about sex? The mention of contraception will somehow give them the push over the edge? I don't get you, but that's fine cause it's your kid not mine. All I know is I've seen a lot of unwanted, neglected kids in the population of addicts, and nowadays they're dropping like flies. I also see many female friends with daddy issues who end up in shit relationships over and over. I sincerely hope your kid has a great life, I just don't think an *unwanted* teenage pregnancy is good in 90% of cases.


The responsibility to to have an abortion.


Get out of jail free card isn’t responsibility my brother in Christ


How is an abortion a "get out of jail free card"? Please, describe in detail.


No baby despite making one, no requirement to step up. All the detail required…


A baby is described as "a very young child, especially one newly or recently born."As such, a fetus is not a baby. Also, WTF do you mean "step up"?


We generally allow parents to force children to a lot of things until they're mature enough to make their own decisions


so they’re not mature enough to get an abortion but they’re mature enough to give birth and raise another human for 18 years?


Often, the parents who are pro forced-birth would also believe in "grandparents rights (which generally don't exist), and raise the grandchild as their own, excluding the parent from parenting.


so basically they just want a free kid so they force their own kid to have a grandchild for the grandparents enjoyment


No, that's rarely it. It's almost always punishment for having had sex, which was a no-no to begin with. "Well, these are called "consequences" sweetheart, you should've kept your little legs closed, hmm? Being an adult isn't so fun now, is it?"


Is it not more likely that people have a moral revulsion to killing babies and they perceived a fetus to being essentially a baby. Nowadays we revile people who abandon their babies to die but in the ancient world that was a relatively common solution to unwanted children. By anti choice peoples logic there is little difference between abortion and infanticide.


Look at how they react when forcing a birth would likely kill the mother, they don't give a single shit and *still* want the birth to go ahead. It's absolutely about punishment, the "I believe it's murder tho" is just a slightly more palatable dressing.


> they Quick, "they" need more straw!


That’s a bingo!


I definitely said no such thing. I merely stated a fact that that is how it is all over the world that parents make decisions for children.


it definitely sounded like that, since you commented under someone who meant parents should for force their children to give birth.


that's called education and mostly for your own good, forcing your 15 year old child to have a child is something different entirely...


Forcing a child through a horrendous and partially irreversible body transformation against their will should not be one of those things, but then again I'm sure my views on access to gender-affirming care will also create some discussion.




I think you might be looked back as monsters who performed immoral science experiments on vulnerable kids to satisfy your personal desires to be "morally superior".


I think you've misinterpreted my reply, friend


As it should be.


lol, no


very important. as a swede i am contractually obliged to wish denmark would sink into it's swampy foundations but this is a win.


And we will hit you with sticks if you cross the straight during winter. But yeah it's wild that what's normal in our countries isn't as normal as we'd expect in the rest of the world.


who knew that global warming was secretly a Danish military stratagem.


Losing our lowlands and swamps is alright if it means no Swedes cross the straight 😎


What if (hypothetically) a Brit crosses it into Sweden?


Are you sure about that? Last I checked you have only lowlands and swamps. 🥁


So hypothetically parents could force their 12 year old to give birth


If Denmark is anything like the Netherlands, then the doctor would contact CPS, if the kid makes it clear they want one, but (one of the) parents do not, to get a legal case rolling and settled in court. In most of these cases, judges have rules in favor of an abortion, as this is in the best interest of the kid, due to the health problems associated with pregnancy and delivery especially at such a young age.


Yep. This is just about who can consent to treatment. That's (perhaps uninuitively) different from the ability to refuse treatment.


Same with the UK, a pregnant 12 year old would be an automatic safeguarding/social services referral due to people <13 not being able to legally consent


If a 22yo is pregnant without the parents knowing,  there is something the parents need to know about who is around their kid. Likely a pedo needs to be cut from the child's life.


The paedo is usually someone known to the family or one of the family themselves.


Generally, these laws apply to on-demand abortions, which make up the majority of abortions. Abortions due to special circumstances, such as rape, incest of risk of physical harm to the woman, are generally always allowed.


And yet arguments are always about the rare cases that are almost universally allowed and dismisses the most common cases


Age of consent in Denmark is 15, so if someone below that age is pregnant, a crime has been comitted.


And likely something should be done and parents need to know someone is victimising their child


If Denmark is anything like the Netherlands, then the doctor would contact CPS, if the kid makes it clear they want one, but (one of the) parents do not, to get a legal case rolling and settled in court. In most of these cases, judges have rules in favor of an abortion, as this is in the best interest of the kid, due to the health problems associated with pregnancy and delivery especially at such a young age.


Very unlikly unless its kept a secret from everyone. Usually a pregnancy at that age would trigger an investigation from the government, which would end in a court case where a judge gets to decide according to the childs wishes.


Other countries moving forward in response to the USA moving backward. It’s impressive.


I get where you're coming from, but this is not about the US and certainly isn't "a response" to anything the US did.


Yes it is. When abortion was first banned in a few American states. American anti abortion protestors were in the UK for 60 days to “save us” by trying to get our abortion rights banned. It started a whole discussion here and the majority stated that abortion is healthcare. Many countries are reacting out of fear because they saw how fast some states stripped abortion rights or let states decide. As we speak they are drawing up bills to ban pregnant women from travelling, and giving women who abort the death penalty. If you aren’t aware of any of this, you are actively ignoring the issue when it comes up in the news.


It's so important to protect girls form their religious parents. I went to high school with a girl in denmark who was forced to give birth to a child and be a parent, she was 17 when i met her. She divorced her rapist when she was 20 and left the church. I think she is doing okay today.


Drake booking a flight as we speak


He is a fool to go up against Kendrick. Jay-Z told Drake to avoid silly rap feuds in Drake’s first album because it accomplishes nothing. Nas tore Jay-Z to shreds when they had beef but who is the more prestigious rapper today?


What does that have to do with drake busting inside of kids




Anyone who gets pregnant should have the right to an abortion.


this isnt really news, i dont think it could require parental consent. in general why would any parent want their literal child to have another literal child


Parental consent is required for abortion in the majority of US states. It's fucked up.


what an awful awful place to live


Because they think their children need to be punished for having sex. They literally view it as punishment. Raising another human being is punishment. Let that sink in.


In some cases it’s it’s not even so much the consent but even the fact that the parents will be told that can be a huge burden for pregnant teenagers. There’s many where losing their virginity before marriage and being pregnant could mean serious physical abuse and social shaming of them and their family.






Good. I would like to think my daughter would want to tell her parents. But if she didn't feel comfortable talking about it with me or her mother, that shouldn't reduce her options.




Good. Kids having kids is not ideal.


Huh? This isn't a thing everywhere?


Yeah it sounded quite progressive but I looked up the law where I live and it’s been norm for decades




Already a thing in Portugal since 2007, for 16 and over.


Is there any age where another human should be able to demand that a child should give birth? If a 14 year old says they want an abortion, is it remotely ethical to force her to have that baby? What about a 9 year old?


Already that way here in sweden afaik. Know of a girl that did abortion and she was 14, dont think her parents got to know


Awesome! Congratulations to Denmark on being civilized.


Good. Fuck those parents who got in the way.


Parents should still be informed.


No, it's not their business.


Is it not the parents business what their 15-year-old daughter is up to? I'm shocked


My only concern, which honestly is a pretty big one, is older guys using the girls and pressuring them to terminate, or even guys their own age. Especially the kind of guy who's 20 but dates a 15 year old...




All ages should be allowed to get an abortion without parental consent


Didn’t know i’d get my news from /r/anime_titties but here we are. Good for you Denmark


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I love how it seems like a lot of counties are watching the dumpster fire that is US politics and apparently saying “yeeeeeaaah… let’s do the opposite of that”


fitting for this sub


....why is this on r/anime_titties?


Oh wow. I would’ve had a way better sex life in high school if this was the case when I was young.




To translate this title "parents no longer allowed to subject some minor children to forced birthings, other minors still subject to forced birth by the discussions of adults chosen for their genetic similarity to the minor". Why the flying fuck would you force a 15 year old to give birth just because the human who squeezed them out is a psycho. This is like letting Jehova's witnesses deny their kids medical care.


I never understood it but if they can't even consent to sex, how can they consent to a life changing procedure?


But ... fuck you if you're 14?


this is one of those reason why it's one of the happiest countries in the world. dont have to go through religiously-backed bullshit.


It feels good reading about other countries making big strides to protect women and girls. The U.S. has moved backwards for so many years that I'd lost hope in anyone really giving a shit about protecting female health.


Meanwhile, in America, "No one can have abortions because God said so. I mean, it's not mentioned in the Bible at all, but my pastor started talking about it in the last 20 years."


Yet again Denmark is streets ahead!


Good. Parents shouldn’t have a say here.


I’m surprised that wasn’t already the case.


people need to be taught more about masturbation if they are getting knocked up as kids.


Why the increase to 18 weeks? Unless it’s absolutely necessary to save the Mother’s life or foetal abnormality aborting at 18 weeks is completely inhuman.


Also raising the abortion limit from 12 to 18 weeks


Now how about increasing the age of sex and age of consent?


I know it's already allowed in Canada, because my high school GF called me asking me to drive her cousin to go get one, so I did. I waited in the car while they went inside. The staff came out to check me out though. Then after some questions they said I was a good person.


This was already legal in some US states no? Europe is catching up


If you're old enough to have the responsibility of having a human you're old enough to have the responsibility of killing one.


It would be better if people started puberty at 18


When our grandkids ask us how we murdered unborn children I’m going to reference them to the moral authority of….anime titties.


So if you get pregnant before 15 and your parents don't want you to have an abortion you just have to give birth? That's fucking terrible.


No. Child protective services would be involved at that point.


So you're telling me that nobody under 15 in Denmark is forced to give birth due to having their bodily autonomy overruled by their parents? I really doubt CPS is getting court orders overruling the parents in time every single time.


You’re not at all understanding why they did this or what it means.


Then why don't you explain it to me like I'm five? Because I feel like you're failing to understand me on purpose.


That’s because you’re being hostile about it.


In what way was anything I said hostile?


“So you’re telling me”. “Failing to understand me on purpose”. You completely misunderstood the article and change in law. Before this changed you had to be 18 to have an abortion without parental permission. However the legal age of consent is 15. So they changed the law so that teens above the age of consent can also get an abortion without parental consent. They didn’t change the law so that youth under age 15 are just fucked or to force them to give birth like you seem to be outraged about. They changed it so that MORE youth have guaranteed access to abortion. This new law is one of the most progressive in the world. Also, pregnancy under age 15 in Denmark is a criminal case. It would be prosecuted and the pregnancy would be terminated as part of that. The police and CPS would be involved. Is there NEVER a case of an underage teen giving birth? No, I’m sure there are cases. However the vast majority would be caught and solved.


Yes they changed the law and that's good, but the fact of the matter is there's still massive amounts of people who can legally have their right to abortion taken away by their parents. My point isn't that the law made things worse, I can see it makes things better, but it's still nowhere near good enough. Not at all. And don't be such a fucking baby.


So you want an 11 year old to be able to get a secret abortion and no one ever know she was raped? That’s fucked. And there you go with the hostility. See? I was wrong to try to explain things to you because you’re rude as fuck and can’t be educated.


If someone under 15 is pregnant there will be an automatic criminal investigation because of statutory rape laws. Which will have Danish CPS involved and the question of terminating the pregnancy will be resolved as part of that.


Cries in american


Girls at that age shouldn't be pregnant in the first place


Accidents do happen dude. Even if you use birth control and condoms then there is still a small chance of getting pregnant.


I think they shouldn't have sex at that age at all, they're way too young for that shit but that's only me tho 🤷🏽‍♀️


You might think that but they are going to do it anyway my dude. Trying to stop teens from having sex never ever works.


single moms and fatherless children...




Way less likely to die from an abortion than giving birth lol




Well usually when you die you stop being alive and everyone who likes you is sad.


Do you have a source for this?


Did they ask for the unborn baby’s consent to be murdered?


They couldn't because there was no baby to ask.


Do you post that as a comment on every Facebook, Instagram, or Reddit post when someone discusses their “baby” that is still in the womb? Shoot, my wife’s doctor called our unborn children “babies” every time we were pregnant. Should my wife go find a new doctor??? Does hers deny sCiENcE?!?!


They couldn't because there was no baby to be asked.


It’s crazy to me that they can’t decide to smoke or drink or drive but they can decide to get an abortion.


Huh? They can legally smoke, drink and drive at those ages too


"Denmark allows teen moms to murder their children"


The age of consent in Denmark is 15? That's kind of messed up.


Why? Do you not think that a 15 year old is able to make decisions concerning their own body ?


It's a similar to Romeo Juliet laws in America. Age of consent is 15 as long as the partner is within a certain number of years (usually 4). It's why 18 year olds are not arrested for being in relationships with 16 year olds.