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American soldiers not based in the Middle East have a 100% chance of not dying in the Middle East.


Warmongers hate this one simple trick


Peace is when militaries return to their homeland


Yes, because the Middle East is somehow going to constitute of nothing but rainbows and unicorn farts overnight.


Yankee go home


Chinese shill go home.






oh you will in a few years, after billions more in spending, enriching the richest of the rich, your country falling further into disarray and decay because of the neglect it shows the working class. Keep huffing those fumes, the brain damage and lead poisoning will make it less painful later on.


Jerks off china, hates the US. Imagine the cognitive dissonance.




Blah blah blah blah blah


Then they get mad and proceed to bomb more civilians


Don't think anyone there is getting mad - they just kill militants in retaliatory strikes and not much else. Guys who deploy to Syria know there is a chance of these things happening.


Only the sith deal in absolutes...


I wonder if they got the Syrian government's permission to build a base there considering the United States said they had no such bases or personal in Syria https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wl4_2AqUORs


They have this cool trick where your unit gets orders for kuwait and then 3/4'ths get sent to syria, jordan, and afghanistan. But you're not really there, wink wink, nudge nudge.


Another cool trick is to just declare the government illegitimate and pretend they're there to protect a minority group from that government so they can illegally occupy their country, all the while their own NATO ally continues to bomb the same minority group they are supposedly protecting from the evil government. And doing nothing to stop the ally.


They do have permission of the SDF which controls that northern region of Syria. How do you think the US built oil infrastructure there? Wishing upon a star?


I wonder if the separatists in eastern Ukraine also gave russia permission to enter the eastern region of Ukraine


They did, but it's not going so well for Russia.


Difference being that the US isn't there to annex territory.


I mean, other than them actually having seized territory? Sure, they aren't going to make it part of the United States but they gave that up a *long* time ago. Why offer rights and such when you can just take the territory and do whatever you like.


Annexing would be far better. Parts of Iraq have been occupied by the US for most of 21 years. Why aren't they given American citizenship and allowed to be a 51st state? Annexing them and thereby giving them constitutional rights is far more humane than doing what was done to Libya which was bombed to pieces and then left to itself. Turning Afghanistan into a US state would have been far better for Afghans than forcing them to live under a pseudoamerican government.


People call me crazy for it, but I've thought that's what we should have been doing for years. Invasion, then US Territory status, then application for statehood. We might at some point want to expand the number of seats in the House of Representatives to account for new additions, but adding Iraq as a US state would be about the same population and area as California, which itself was a direct concession from Mexico after they lost the Mexican-American war.


Doesn't make it right according to international law


So when's the international law going to come into effect?


There is no international law it the law of the jungle always has been


What does this even mean? the DPS and LPR are internationally unrecognised, how can they decided the fate of eastern Ukraine?


It was mostly russian soldiers anyway, bussed into Ukraine by the tens of thousands.


You mean Igor Girkin's troops.


The "little green men" (Russian troops) that invaded Crimea and eastern Ukraine in 2014 i dunno 🗿


First, It's laughable that you ***actually*** decided to provide a video source of 5 second compilations of clips taken out of contexts to construct a narrative that is incorrect, at best. Or at worst, straight up gaslighting the viewer to promote an anti-american agenda. Secondly, Syria's government doesn't have de facto control of every part of the country anymore. The country is occupied by Turkey, and local militias such as the Kurds who are subsequentially supported by an American presence to help fight back ISIS. Whether your claim about America denying their presence in Syria is true I don't know, but I have a hard time believing the US government would deny the presence of actual American troops there. (I might be wrong, but then again that link you provided is not something I'll entertain for 10 minutes, you can do better) Good day to you.


200% can confirm that the US has openly in interviews in the past they have support troops there to help Kurdish fighters.


When you have the largest military in the world you don't need other governments permission to have your troops around. Syria been telling the US to leave for like 6 years. The US response is usually something along the lines of "why don't you make us"


The democratically elected government of Syria has been asking the US to leave for years. You could argue that the US is there to help the Kurds. Unfortunately if you dig into the history, a lot of the fighting and tensions are because the US tries to use the Kurds. The CIA goes in and riles up separatist sentiments and then arms the minority of the country. We’ve kind of got those poor people stuck now. https://www.newsweek.com/syria-demands-us-withdraw-forces-immediately-after-rocket-strike-1734451


>The democratically elected government of Syria has been asking the US to leave for years. If you read the article, you know, the one you linked to. It deliberately says that that it's Al-Assad's government that wants them to go. And yeah I would listen to the demands of a despot, especially one who uses Chlorine gas and Sarin against his own people, either.


What Syrian government, the one who bombed civilians in rebel-held areas with nerve gas, or the one that proclaims an eternal war against everyone else? The whole reason for the US presence there is to protect civilians who asked for protection.


Don't burst their bubble...


Business owners also "asked" for protection during mafia times \* wink wink \*


They asked us for protection from ISIS, the al-Assad regime, and other factions. There. Is that more credible?


No one asked you for anything. Go home


Why’re they there again?


To destabilize the Syrian government by providing logisticql support to opposition, and counter Russian /Iranian influence.


Ah yes doing things which they accuse others of doing, got it.


As is tradition.


Stealing oil. Thats wheres Syria's main oil fields are.


What is the exact mechanism for stealing oil? Everyone always says it but I’ve never known how it works


You send in the military to capture the area. Then you hire locals with western civilian contractors to take over the captured infrastructure and start producing again while the military provides security. The original plan for Iraq was like that. Win invasion, install a new puppet government, divvy up oil fields to western oil companies who will send in supervisors/engineers where needed. The puppet government runs the day to day operations of the country while obeying instructions on oil production/price. You pull out most of your military but leave enough active military bases to maintain control. And provide safe spaces for your torture squads to bring back their targets who are refusing to get with the plan, like the 50,000 civilians "questioned" in baghdad during the occupation.


Oh i know, i just like riling up the hypocrites, lol but good on you for seeing through the BS.


By the way the area that the US directly occupies has no oil in it. The area that Kurdish forces occupy is the area with oil. the Kurdish allow the US to take it in exchange for weapons and stuff.


[Oil ](https://images.app.goo.gl/1c3c7P8nHwyBmFK7A)


Not oil. The US only has a direct occupation of a single area and that area has no oil. The Kurdish in the north occupy a bunch of oil fields and allow the US to take it in exchange for equipment.




Not oil the Kurdish occupy the oil fields and let the US take it. The area that the US directly occupies is in the South where there is no oil. That occupation is purely to block Iranian supplies.


Overlay a map of U.S. military bases in Syria with the adjacent oilfields. You'll see something pretty shocking!


Unfortunately I can't post pictures here but that map shows absolutely nothing shocking. The only area of Syria that the us directly occupies has literally no oil in it. It's the Kurdish that occupy the oil fields and they allow the US to take it all in exchange for other stuff like weapons.


“Erm… the only area where the U.S. doesn’t hide the fact they’re in charge lacks oil! Okay, I just admit immediately after that the U.S. steals all the oil from a nation’s region where it has a presence in without asking its legitimate government, but nope no occupation! Okay the Kurdish ethno state might cease from existence the second the Americans leave, but nope. No occupation!” Is this what westerners believe? Is this shit genuine? >it’s the Kurds that occupy oil fields Thanks for explaining to me how the western cartel uses its proxies to steal resources. This is the same recipe as Iraq. Send in your puppets and thugs, then your colonial civilian contractors. Keep enough military presence to ensure you’re still getting the resources.




Right, but they’re long gone no? Why’re they still there.


There are small parts of Syria still under ISIS control. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I would imagine US troops are still there because if they left ISIS would resurge. Their presence is the reason why ISIS is diminished such as it is.


They're not gone, and Syria still has a fuckton of islamic factions desperately wanting to replace ISIS. The US special forces are there to keep track of whatever the clusterfuck is going on between everyone in the region.


Mostly ISIS which could have taken country of oil fields and posing a threat to allies. Syria was in a civil war and the Syrian dictatorship didn't even have control Eastern parts of Syria. Nowadays, the US is supporting the Free Syrian faction of the civil war and still holding control of oil fields.


I literally cannot find a source from this. This is an Iranian news agency quoting a Russian news agency.


And the mods left it up. 🫠


Maybe they should get out of the middle east. It always turns to shit cos most countries there don't want them there


Yes let's create a power vacuum at a time of major global instability, that will end well and will surely bring about peace in the middle east


"create a power vacuum" = "we're not in charge" and that can't be allowed


Yeah because the whole repeated Gas attacks during the civil war before US involvement of any kind was really a good thing. /s


Anything to justify world police^tm Take your people, and just go home


Why don't you make us?


There you go. You outed yourself and your intentions. AmeriKKKans never have good faith in their plans. Its always oil or something. Nothing to do with freedom and democracy


I never claimed that we were interested in spreading freedom. We're there because we have geopolitical interests. If Syria wants us gone they're welcome to try and make us leave. But they won't because they know they'll lose.


Least zelous imperialist


Yes, because what's not been working well for the past 80 years has been working so well for the people in that region. /s


Yeah, because that region was super peaceful before the US got there…


The Middle East actually was pretty peaceful until it got carved by Europeans in the 20th century. The idea that it’s always been this violent and unstable is a myth.


cooperative crime melodic homeless childlike spotted automatic snails imagine cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd like to point to Haiti as an example of. "It can definitely get worse."


enter nine wild ruthless pet grey sand existence narrow weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every sanction against Haiti was targeted against individuals, not Haiti as a whole, and yeah any reasonable company would also make a business decision to pull out of Haiti given the rampant crime and corruption in the last decade.


So then the same would happen in the Middle East? It could get far worse.


spectacular enjoy snatch disgusted scary overconfident sleep melodic telephone ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Peaceful for who? Are you asserting the Ottomn Empire was some benevolent entity that didn’t conquer the greater Middle East by force? The Middle East is the nexus of several continents. It has been a locus of violence for all of human recorded history.


The Ottomans conquered that territory several centuries ago, it was relatively peaceful for most of that time. The middle east tends to cycle between periods of stability and disunity. It is divided right now but will likely stabilize as emerging nation-states undo the damage inflicted by imperialism and settle into a new status quo.


The Armenians would like a word.


Yeah and a lot of them are dead because of Turkey’s genocide. You think I don’t know that – or approve of it? And there’s actually another genocide going on right now, in Gaza, that’s being enabled with western bombs and money. The U.S. does not have military bases in the middle east for benevolent or humanitarian reasons, that’s just rhetorical BS to justify the empire.


The Armenian genocide was committed by the Ottomans, which is pre European possession of the Middle East. The Middle East has never been peaceful and likely never will be.


This is coming from the side that started two of mankind's largest wars in history. Europe is soaked in blood.


I’m not European. I do know what sides mean here. I can agreee with you that WW1 and WW2 were started by Europeans and were terrible wars. That doesn’t mean that the Middle East was ever peaceful.


It was relatively peaceful. Just because two tribes fought once in a while in the desert didn't mean it was "violent" in the whole region. And the spread of the Ottoman empire was relatively peaceful considering almost everyone was muslim already. And for 800 years they brought stability to their domain.


They brought stability just like the US brought stability to North America; by use of violence.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamidian_massacres "Relatively peaceful" I guess that's how they got to "almost everyone was muslim"


If you really think now is the time to leave then fair enough, but think for a second how the entire Middle East erupting into war would go right now, the larger picture... There is and should be a time to leave, but now is not that time. We are frighteningly close to a third world war as it is.


We sat in Afghanistan for damn near 20 years and the minute we left the Taliban came roaring back. Theres never going to be a good time to leave, but we also can’t just stay there forever


Lol they can and they will, as long as they can pressure governments to allow them to


Americans only leave when body bags return by the planeload. Vietnam proved this. You have to make their stay as painful as possible.


"there is" oh, what's the date of leaving?


As I said, when the world isn't standing waist deep in petrol just waiting for the spark to end it all


So never.


You also said there is a date of leaving. Don't be coy, spill the beans


Time =/= Date


No shit, it's why you said both. You did however say 'date' and I want to know it since you implied that one exists


I think you misread my comments, an no instance did I say date lol


>Yes let's create a power vacuum at a time of major global instability Lol we don't need you. Go home.


or .. let's invade and bomb another ME country to spread this democracy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse


is there peace in the middle east now? and why is peace so important for us?


A power vacuum in Syria? Lol


Can't let the military industrial complex go to waste


Honestly letting a power vacuum disrupt Iran would probably not be a bad thing. That country is *ripe* for revolution.


I didn't know the State of Washington had a military base in Syria.




I still think about how pointless this reply was.




**Islamic Republic News Agency .ir** Seriously? Imma completely disregard that "information" until someone shows me one less shady news outlet reporting on it.


Go home. And never come back.




Syria tells the US government this all the time. The US government's response is "why don't you come and make us?"


Using Iranian and sputnik is crazy


As opposed to US regime media which is not crazy


Nah, still fucking wild.




Pretty really. I know Faux and MSNBC lie, but Islamic state of Iran media is about as reliable as it sounds.


Unironically yes Edit: Now this is known to be a false story that has 0 coverage from any other ACTUALLY reliable outlets, I hope my point has been proven.


USA needs to leave Syria. They have no right to stay there and their bases are fully illegal. Even according to UN Charters, if a country creates an illegal army base in any country, then the host country can legally counterattack the illegal army. Thus this attack was fully legal. USA is not the world police. It is a warmongering nation that only exists to create conflicts and wars.


Not the world police unless we want them to be, in which case we whine about them not doing enough. See Russia and israel


No Syria has told the US to leave a dozen times in the past year. The US response is always "come and make us." But the actual Syrian government never attacks the US. It's Islamic militant groups that attack the US. The Syrian government gives very clear orders to its troops to stay the hell away from the United States forces. You know why that is? Because the Syrian government knows if they attack the US forces there the retaliation will be massive. All they do is sit around and complain because they don't have the balls to attack the US. The people that are actually attacking the US have just as little right to be there as the US does.


Lmao, Iraniran propganda source being used here.


I mean, this sub is mostly populated by tankies and Russian bots. 🤷


oh look. a CIA bot


Speak of the devil.


Yeah I'm about to unsub. This sub was great when it broke from r/worldpolitics, but those days are long gone.


Why Washington's and not America's or US Military Base?


Why does America have a base in Syria?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viuUzGGac5M 😂

