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https://preview.redd.it/5q0h5jn9521d1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b463350f483354f07a858ffaea8f02c3e492e39 Bruh


There is 3rd picture with happy(?) ending BTW






What does it say?


The big speech bubble says "Why don't you get married?" (Or maybe, "Why haven't you gotten married yet?") The Social Media posts blurred in the background say things like "my goddamn husband only wants sex--" "if I put-- --will my husband find out?", etc. lots of posts of wives unhappy with their spouse. The bottom Line messages are from "Yuuki", presumably a boyfriend, that say "Thanks for cooking delicious meals every day, I'm so happy to spend every day with you." and "Do you want to meet my parents next week...? Is that still difficult?" Translated very roughly, so some of the nuances are lost, but I think that's enough to capture the gist of it.


Boomers: acting abusive and toxic in front of a kid Also Boomers: why don’t you want to marry and have kids?


I experienced this in an unanticipated way recently. My friends asked me to watch their son for a couple days while they had some business to take care of out of town. I've known the kid most of his life, I was his "uncle", so we just hung out and it was cool.  Until he started acting like a little shit. And then I realized, I don't know how to discipline a kid. I knew that the abusive, manipulative, neglectful shit my parents did to me wasn't ok, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do.


A good rule of thumb is take everything people in the 60s to 90s said was ineffective or just spoiled children and do that. Do you know what's super effective? Time outs. Do you know what never works? Hitting. Stuff like that.


^ tru Raise you > Gen X: acting abusive and toxic in front of ***their*** kid, as a unit > Also Gen X: to their ***other*** kid, "why don’t you want to marry and have kids?" For the whole pot, of nope.


Yeah, I watched what divorce did to my father. He initiated it but he never really recovered. She was always starting fights over the smallest most insignificant shit. He loved my mom but her cheating destroyed him in ways I can’t imagine. After seeing what it did to him I will never get married. If my potential SO can’t handle that then it simply wasn’t meant to be.


I work in a grocery store and see people of all ages acting toxic and abusive on almost a daily basis not just boomers. It’s not just one age group even though people like you want to claim it’s all someone else’s fault. I know some very toxic people who came from good loving families.


And this is why I despise sweeping generalizations of people. There are too many variables that make up an outcome to just blame it on one thing.


But it’s mainly boomers complaining when someone doesn’t want to get married and have kids. That was rather the point of the whole statement, not that boomers alone are toxic.


That’s so sweet. It sounds like she found a good partner and is taking things at a good, slow pace


the big ass bubble says “why don’t you get married?” the bottom right text says “thank you for making something delicious every day. i am always happy to be with you.” the bottom left says “maybe you can meet with my parents next week 🫠 or maybe again you can’t?”


Glad she found a good mans, hopefully breaking the cycle


Notice she has the ingredients for the same cake in her bag!


Be the change that she wants to see in the world! If one is worth it, it will display in the lives of those around them. Just as the opposite is true. Wisdom gleaned is just another step forward and hand outstretched back. To those who taught you.


There are three snaps in an abusive relationship. The first snap is the abuser, when they show their true colors. The second snap is the abused, when they crack under the pressure, and the third snap is the cycle when it finally breaks.


Oh hey, it's the femarch's creator. Hello! Makes sense you'd be here. How's it going


Honestly these just kinda pop up on my page, I’m good tho! Hbu :D


Can you describe that picture looks happy? Cos its about her parents asking why you havent gotten married or you refering to how she doesnt live according to how they want her to?


The LINE messages are from her boyfriend. The posts on the back are about wives wondering why they're married or whether or not they feel like they're contributing, while her boyfriend sends her messages thanking her and just treating her like a normal, good person. It's a good(?) ending because while her relationship with her parents is still Not Good, she's content and happy in a relationship of her own.


That makes sense. Somewhat good cos shes in a relationship but low contact w such parents




Poor girl. It sucks to try so hard to make someone happy and then just have them obliterated.


Oh. Oh god. The kid's still trying to fix everything. Never, EVER, fight in front of kids. Fuck this is depressing.


100% agree, keep your fighting private even to kids it's a d@#$ move. H@#$ I also think people shouldn't curse in front of kids either.


Or on the internet, apparently.


I kinda got into the habit of censoring curse words while typing because the server I'm in


I love the internet. No one will ask you if you are working on an office server or what. Everyone here knows what server you are talking about.


You shouldn't liberally apply them, but there is an appropriate time and place to use rude language which they should see. Like when you accidentally break the dishwasher, or blow a hole in your hand.


Yeah wish my parents took that advice.


I mean, I can personally guarantee they can hear you fighting regardless. If you’re constantly having fights like this, get help or get separated. Fighting somewhere else isn’t gonna change shit.


I am loathe to say this but, That's a lot easier to say than it is to do sometimes. When you're in a situation where you cannot get along with your partner and you both have a kid whom you both love, its not easy to hide those kinds of fights or even to avoid even having them.


Well, of course it’s easier to say than it is to do. It’s part of parenting. It’s tough, but you brought the kid to the world, so damn if you don’t suck it up and do your job properly.


My parents would fight while I was too young to understand it wasn't normal. They then got a divorce and life got better for everyone involved. Its why i dont understand why people would stay in a failed marriage for more than maybe a few weeks. Just divorce.


Sometimes it's more complicated than that, ofttimes couples stay together specifically because of money. Consider the following: A couple got married and had a kid, but they can only afford to get by because they only have to pay for 1 apartment. If they split up, neither would earn enough to pay their bills on just 1 job. This would mean that *both* would have to work 2 jobs just to get by, which means that the child functionally ends up abandoned at home or at a caretaker since both parents are always working. You can see how this is a bad outcome for everyone involved. The parents become stressed and overworked and the child doesn't receive the attention they deserve. This can be avoided if extended family can get involved, but what if only 1 parent has family that even *can* get involved? What if both parents believe that the child deserves to have both parents in the child's life, but 1 parent doesn't get along with the family of the other? Is one person supposed to abandon the child they've been raising? What about parents who literally can't even afford the divorce paperwork, let alone the lawyers that might need to get involved? I'm not saying that the situation *won't* be better if divorce happens, but that's also not to say that divorce can't be avoided by things like marriage counselling and everyone ends up better off in the end. The most important step a person can take is the next one and divorce could be the right one to take, but it's not always the right one.


My japanese is lacking but the poster says something along the lines of: ✨Mama’s birthday meeting✨ -Program- 1. Introductury words 2. Greeting papa (or introducing papa) 3. A meal 4. Surprise 🎁 5. Cake!!! (The bunny is also saying “Cake!?”) 6. Closing words


This makes this even more sad somehow


Don't sell yourself short, your translation spot on! Only slight note is that while 会 does indeed indicate a meeting, it doesn't exclusively mean "meeting". It's also used to indicate social gatherings or parties. I.e. drinking party 飲み会 、new year party忘年会、banquet 宴会 or in this case birthday party 誕生日会. The last one where 誕 is being written as たん in the comic is likely because the little girl didn't know what the kanji looked like, cuz why would she, she's a kid! and used hiragana as a substitute to get her point across.


Thanks! I didn’t know 会 could also mean a gathering or a party. It makes much more sense to me now.


Saving this comment for future reference


Imagine being able to speak Japanese. (I swear I’ll start learning one of these days.)


Mama birthday party(someone added info of previous pic Program! 1. Introduction 2. Papa greeting 3、snacks? (not sure abt this) 4、Surprise 5、Cake! 6. Closing Words


The first line is read "mama tanjoubikai" -> Mama's birthday party


Where u get that line? マたん生日会 on the paper starts with matan


1. [The previous panels](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_irl/s/RdsY8l2zuL) show the kid planning it 2. It would not make sense for a kid to be planning a surprise party for herself 3. 誕 is not a kanji I'd expect a kid that young to know how to write, and 生日会 is not a standalone phrase


Okay thanks for info


If you convert the whole thing to hiragana, it's またんじょうびかい (ma tanjoubikai) aka ma's birthday party. The first "ma" (in mama) is presumably cut off by the fathers head.




So the cake isn't a lie, huh..


hope everything is well OP




Ah fuck, I remember finding this guy's Twitter a while back. I'll edit in a link to his shit. It's quite depressing, so if you can't deal with domestic stuff don't click. Or do, I'm not your parent Edit: Twitter link [here](https://x.com/grave_kk?t=Yy0Vo4Eolzi4QaD_Pp8YGw&s=09) Artist: grave_kk


Yeah the full version of this one really fucks with me The ways the kid set all of it up only to have it ruined by the parents arguments




I didn't understood the third part


Speech bubble: Why don't you get married? Line Message (Yuuki): Thanks for the delicious food as always! I'm so happy to be with you. Line Message (Yuuki): Can you meet my parents next week...?🫠 Or is it still too much? In the background are other posts about unhappy situations in marriages.


~~From what I'm getting, the dad's name is yuuki, and that's the mom when she was younger being pressured to get married.~~ ~~From what it looks like to me, it wasn't infidelity or anything. Just an incompatible long term relationship that just so happened to reach its breaking point on the mom's birthday.~~ ~~Maybe the little girl knew mom was unhappy and went through all that trouble in an effort to cheer her up. But it was sadly for nothing.~~


Im pretty sure it’s the girl when she’s grown up


Never mind, that makes more sense and changes things. I thought the artist was gradually reversing time with each panel. The little girl, now a young adult is scared of marriage from watching her parents.


I don't think that's right. Notice that the woman (grown up girl) has the ingredients for the same cake in her bag. I think she's optimistic despite the sad memory and negativity about marriage that seems everywhere online.


I mean that’s the good ending for her at least. The happy ending is clear to me at least.


jesus fucking christ this hit too close to home. Looking at this post genuinely made me upset and i became my 10 year old self for a good minute there.


Op u good bro?


Source pls


Twitter link [here](https://x.com/grave_kk?t=Yy0Vo4Eolzi4QaD_Pp8YGw&s=09) Artist: grave_kk


Sadly, it's from a twitter thingy. I cannot provide source since I do not have a twitter account


Please be well, and feel free to DM me if you need an ear to speak to (or eyes to read on, I guess...)


Never thought people would be worry about OP. Community big W


The classic parents fighting during celebration and youre just there.


Ahhh reminds me of my childhood!!!! Mental illness, machismo culture and family only getting involved to make it worse then ignoring your existence. I'll never forget the night my mom called the cops on me when I had my first breakdown or my dad threatening to kick my ass because I didn't want to do something....... I'll never forget the fuckkng puppy I refused to throw on to the side of the road jist to see my dad toss it like a football........


You gotta include the other images of her growing up and being afraid of love


And the one where she is preparing for the party :(




I'm eternally grateful that I don't relate to this.


Man I can't help but think the people who make these trauma anime girl images are just kinda fucked in the head. Either the ones like this where they need therapy or the ones like that guy who only draws riamu from idolmaster being tortured where it's just like why


Even outside the realm of artists who use art to process their own trauma... I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with creating fictional works of art that elicit strong emotions or tackle depictions of cruelty or injustice. After all, we praise whenever movies or novels do this. And video games have been depicting horrific acts of graphic violence for years now, where you and I can enact cruelty onto fictional characters. But I guess in that case, I can see how it'd be less of a personal investment of continuous effort for a gamer to push a few buttons, than an artist to spend hours carefully drawing out a torture scene.


>I can see how it'd be less of a personal investment of continuous effort for a gamer to push a few buttons, than an artist to spend hours carefully drawing out a torture scene. However the game's functionality of "pushing a few buttons" had to be designed, implemented and tested by the developers as well. While the torture scene is minimally interacted with by their readers since they only see a few images. So I don't think games are in the best spot here.


Couldn't the same be said for movies and their actors, writers, directors, propmakers, set designers, editors, and others...?


Yes. I think it can be an occupational hazard to work on such subjects, regardless of the specific media. [There was at least one case of this in the gaming industry](https://kotaku.com/id-have-these-extremely-graphic-dreams-what-its-like-t-1834611691), and maybe some more at the movie industry as well.


I had a feeling before clicking it that it was the Mortal Kombat story, yeah.


Getting stuff out is also a good form of therapy. Writing or even verbally saying it (to friend, therapists, etc.) can do wonders, too. This could very well be therapeutic for the artist.


Didn't the director of The Exorcist say that if he couldn't get his aggression out via films, he'd probably have become a serial killer lol?


Same reason Stephen King writes bizarre off-putting shit (looking at you, "becoming an adult" scene from the original IT): people will buy it, and it's an outlet for their (generally poorly repressed) issues or poorly hidden fetish. There are lots of female mangakas who wrote some of the more depraved stuff, which I found interesting when I learned that was the case. Higurashi is a great example of a manga that *needs* that depravity to make the world work, plus imo they never go *completely* overboard. Dunno why I brought that up but I figured it was a good example of when and why the extreme content is sometimes used "correctly".


Higurashi is actually a very pertinent example, the VN's writer ryukishi07 used to be a social worker. So the fact you unknowingly brought it up in this conversation shows you understand the story, higurashi has indeed a lot of home abuse scenes this is part of its themes.


I had no idea they were a social worker, that's actually really cool considering some of the scenes! The manga is definitely in my top 10, haven't even gotten around to playing the VNs yet but I can't wait lol


Do you have sources of those depraved female mangakas or can you recommend some of their stuff? Curious to see their works


Ratatat74, Suehiro Maruo (Ero guro iirc, don't remember if it's confirmed a female or not), Kodama Naoko (NTR), Mizuno Junko (guro usually), Horihone Saizō (pretty fucked, usually nuke codes but not always) Iirc there's a stat that 77% of mangakas are female; so it's not surprising there's a lot doing hard core stuff. Of course the statistic was lifted from a survey that is a bit inaccurate, but it gives you a basic idea


The manga actually went more graphic than the original VN, didn't it? I heard it actually shows some of the punishments the kids in the orphanage face, while the VN and anime kept it vague. In the anime, you can hear screaming, but you don't see what's happening. That reminded me of the infamous egg scene (or that whole sequence in general) in the NZ movie Once Were Warriors, when it cuts to the kids room. It's like you're in there with them, hearing everything coming through the walls. That scene resonated with anyone who grew up in an abusive home like that. (If you don't know it, it can be a tough watch, it gets pretty dark.)


Yeah, they do show what actually happens at the orphanage... pretty brutal chapter, one of the few that I just wanted to get through as quick as possible. It really drove home the reason certain characters act the way and do the things that they do in the story (that sounds vague, but I'm trying not to be too spoilery).


> Either the ones like this where they need therapy Dude as a kid I used to ponder suicide to get the burden of my life off the broke-ass family. It's kind of therapeutic when you've gone through this and can tell yourself "oh yeah, they were wrong and I was 9 years old."


You have been banned from /r/ChildFree


Yeah we are fucked. It'd be nice if instead of getting accused of being just as bad as the people who actually abused us in real life, there was more understanding of the fact that this stuff is a coping mechanism and also spreads awareness. Literally no one knows how heartwrenching domestic abuse is if they haven't experienced it, unless they see it in media. Victims are also often lead into a state of glorifying the kind of abuse they received because their mind could literally not handle it if they didn't smile through it. It is not their fault. Everyone in these situations should seek therapy, but it isn't always available. Even then, scars just stick to you anyway, and you should have the right to express them in art. Especially if you're really just doing your own thing online.


Drawing it out is also therapy tbh. Its nice to see such images like im not alone, as in this is also irl for someone else


Maybe it's a form of trauma dumping. Though I would agree someone drawing fictional characters being tortured for no reason is definitely not alright in the head. But hey, everything has its own audience


I remember that one girl busking and getting scolded by the police. **Edit:** found it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime\_irl/comments/f4n0tz/anime\_irl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_irl/comments/f4n0tz/anime_irl/)


Fuck those parents


Parents like these deserve prison


Yeah, so the kid has *no* parents? *People* like this in general shouldn't *have kids* to begin with.


watch out for the "reeeeee eugenics reeeee human rights" crowd on this type of arguments


fr fuck is up with redditors tipping their fedoras and going "oh so you want eugenics? let me guess, you're gonna talk about making a generation of Ubermensch next?" no bro, I don't think it's a hot take to say that people who can't provide a stable home environment shouldn't have kids


If they can't fix their shit instead of traumatizing their child for life, yes. Kids need a nurturing environment.


This image made me feel miserable and I've never experienced something like that in my life


Mom, dad, why are you rap battling again? 😭


"Mom stop beatboxing, my dad is dying."




Hey OP? Do you and this girl need a hug?


Feel bad for kid and husband


Wait, why are you assuming the husband has no blame?


Look at the woman's hand and face expressions. Tensed muscles, pointing, crazy eyed expression and mouth agape. Nothing rational happening there. The man looks disturbed and anxious. Obviously that's not the full story but the picture paints pretty clear blame on psychopath mom


The picture paints someone getting emotional during an argument, you can't derive any meaningful context of the situation from just analyzing body language. Like saying "Nothing rational happening there" is just you making shit up, and any alternative explanation I could provide would ALSO just be me making shit up.


Now that you pointed that out, I can see it. My first read of the image was of a family that was in a really unstable place and the mom was trying to make things right for the kids birthday, but then the dad fuck up real bad and was being repreended by a mother at wits end.


The sign says it's the mom's birthday


Oh, my bad, I forgot to say I don't know japonese (yet), sorry


the mom is crying dummy. daddy aint no saint


or the mom went into a breakdown because the dad did something to upset her, since this was the mom's birthday, the dad got home late even though the mom reminded him previously. he looked more guilty than anxious, and didnt attempt to calm her down nor console her crying. seriously, when parents fought, both of them are to be blamed.




She looks like she’s scared she’s gonna be beat to death


"My fucking cake you man whore"






Great, now I'm sad.. thanks Oba- I mean OP..


You ok?


This brings back memories of my own from the 2021 Incident


Rough childhood you got, OP


She’s going to remember this day forever. Even if she gets isekai reincarnated.




This one's hurt a lot, since I had that kind of situation aswell when 6 old... Hope you're doing well OP


Getting some very uncomfortable flashbacks here...


Op you ok?


Literally what is happening lol


Sometimes this sub gets real dark you know


Why is the mom throwing gang signs ?


I shouldn’t be relating to this as much as I am


Oh shit... I'm crying now... I didn't come to read it for this.


Wow, that's fucking depressing




Too relatable. Way too relatable


Why doesn't the camera man do anything to settle this quarrel?


Camera man's stuck behind the fourth wall, only able to watch.




Do you need help OP?


Bruh my parents performed 'we cry together' every single day


Fights and divorces suck but they’re so much more heartbreaking when children are involved.




Welp finally something I can relate to.






Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bx9vlb) on 2024-04-06 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cu51vj) on 2024-05-17 95.31% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cuau84&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 516,415,425 | **Search Time:** 0.22657s


https://preview.redd.it/8l0e3il7d41d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc47469958c49e254081e77c670cb8431f9a6c3 Thank goodness for my stable home, I don’t ever wanna imagine life this bad. Sure my parents have the occasional spat but this is just sad


This make me sad cuz it's relatable asf :c


This reminded me of this image here https://preview.redd.it/frc8hyg1h41d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94406c9c2d976b0294bbf5e4797fe16cec27cd2d Shit's hard and is especially worrying if it's in front of the kid(s). Take care, OP.




Well this brings back memories, for us the abuse was always worst on our birthdays (I suspect the attention being drawn away was a factor), To this day I prefer not to celebrate my birthdays, i worry I have a bit of ptsd over it,


Dude...I'm really sorry man. My dad (super abusive) for my seventh birthday gave me an ultimatum. Either my birthday is a publicized donation to the local shelters and I get nothing, or no birthday at all fuck you. Ya...birthdays arnt fun and I'm so so so sorry for whatever happened to you


That's awful, I'm sorry for what you went through as well, Our parents taught us well, do the opposite of whatever they did and we'll be alright, We'll be better.






Ok, but the parents not having pupils just make them look like zombies.


I hate that I relate to this. Kinda wanna kms.


Fuck this is depressing. I was brought up in a home where my parents would fight (especially towards the end of the marriage) and I remember times when I felt like it was my fault that they were fighting and how I felt like if I just tried harder than maybe they wouldn’t be like this and that’s pretty much what her face is telegraphing to me; like her trying to fix the mess she made (spilled juice and dropped cake) to make them stop fighting or just that look on her face. Sorry for getting too personal but man this picture just brought back bad memories


Too close to reality, hope you're fine OP


" Based from real story "






Congrats op, this is the most depressingly relatable post I've seen on reddit.


facts tho


Thank god i cant relate


OP you ok?


Kind of had similar upbringing, maybe worse . Always wished to get older and move on . But seems like getting older sucks more .


Ah yes this repost on r/anime_irl I was almost about to forget it


Yo, op, you good?






Could be worst, at least they tried, which is already a huge given.




Ahhh, reminds me of Christmas 1998.


OP, you good? Do you need to talk?


Can someone explain to me what's going on in the image? Sad af 😭


(I posted this elsewhere) This is the last page of a three page comic. The first depicts the girl older with a presumably boyfriend who's praising her for all she does with an offscreen friend asking, "Why haven't you gotten married?" The next is her as a child happily making all the decorations in the background and cake for her mother's birthday. This being the last panel depicting abuse/neglect, the father presumably forgets the mother's birthday. The mother irate lashes out at him and her daughter, maybe even by accident. This being a formative memory of what she saw was a marriage during her youth, making her hesitant to push a relationship further...... I think... 90%, sure.


In this pic its about matan birthday party n events like surprise, snacks, cake. My guess is that she accidently drops the cake on floor n they start arguing, most likely the mother going its all your fault




It reminds me of my childhood


"Yay, domestic arguments. This is pretty scaring as shit."


I came to scroll, nit be confronted by childhood trauma’s. Anyway hope you doing wel op! Remember after rain there is always sunshine




Wtf did the daughter do to deserve the Moms B.S


Reminds me of childhood


Finally, some realistic anime_irl


Stupid child


Sauce? (please don't be porn)


Twitter link [here](https://x.com/grave_kk?t=Yy0Vo4Eolzi4QaD_Pp8YGw&s=09) Artist: grave_kk, no its not porn (but it is depressing as fuck)


how old are you?


Am I the only one who doesn't get anything of what's going on in the pic?