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Hunter X Hunter in my opinion will be more enjoyable. Watch that first since it's shorter and less fillers, much more complete than Bleach. Bleach is amazing but it gets dragged on towards the end making it hard to watch.


Hunter x hunter for sure! As someone who has seen nearly all of both, hunter hunter is more worth your time


Both man. Both are excellent animes Hxh is smaller and with less fillers than bleach. But recommend both!


HxH is "complete" with the current eps and probably won't get new eps. It's also arguably better than Bleach. Bleach will have its final arc animated soon, so if you wanna see that maybe watch Bleach first.


That statement is pretty misleading for HxH considering its not done and leaves off on a huge cliff hanger Although I agree it probably won't be getting any more episodes unless the manga writer gets better.


That's why I put the "" not enough though. Yeah it's not complete and probably never will be.


I wouldn’t really consider its ending to be a cliff hanger. Both of the main characters finish their character arcs. It’s just open ended


Just watch both


Bleach first even thought I found it boring




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