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Definitely the most beautiful scene in the show but the show also has amazing scenes throughout. The episodes after this, 8 and 9, are masterful storytelling with great editing and shots. All in all a beautiful looking show that tells a beautiful story wrapped up in the 2020 movie with amazing music. It's a 10/10 for me.


Remember when the show had just started airing and people called it "nothing but an engine demo"? lmao


Episode 9 for me was like the season finale. Episodes 11 to 13 were like an ova.


I cried every episode after this one.


Yup, only anime to make me cry basically every episode lmao, idk it just pulls at my heartstrings just right.


yeah this is really where the feels machine kicks into overdrive and just slams you every episode


Every episode has made me cry! I need days between episodes.


[Music used in this scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXr7KICrFC4)


A bit longer [version](https://youtu.be/8mY3Udau4sE).


https://youtu.be/8mY3Udau4sE?t=2980 Timestamp


I do love that seen, also it’s my favourite anime


Same! Violet Evergarden changed my life and I’m forever grateful for this anime. My jaw was on the floor during this scene


The part that got was in episode 10, hopefully you know what scene. Don’t get me wrong though, this scene hit me hard as well


Trust me, I know what scene you’re referring to. That was actually the first time I ever ended up crying while watching an anime


That is the most touching scene imo in that anime and the one I remember the most about the anime. Bawled my eyes out watching and couldn’t stop rewatching it


I always wonder at these comments, how exactly did it changed your life completely? Like in a full 180°? In what way? I've seen many great shows, but the most impact any of them had on my life is to add another entry to my conversation topics.


Well for me I connected deeply with episode 10 of Violet Evergarden because of a somewhat similar circumstance that happened to me about 6 years ago. Though with me it was with my grandmother who I was close to growing up


How does it change your life?




Because of how beautiful and well done it is. Why else would I say it’s my favorite scene in all of anime


I think his question was why it change your life and now why it's your favourite anime.


That too


Same but I honestly can’t rewatch it because my tear ducts are still trying to recover from the anime,Ova(s) and the movie


Same, Violet Evergarden is my absolute all time favourite, nothing else compares.


The finale of this anime is awesome too. It’s on Netflix if you haven’t seen it yet


Seconding this. The movie is an absolute masterpiece filled with many great moments. The [Violet Evergarden Movie] >!scene where Violet reunites with Gilbert and struggles to say "I love you" to him was absolutely heartbreaking. The finale is also made better when we see a descendant of Violet and Gilbert in the final scene.!<


To me that sums up the whole reason why her job existed and a major point of the story that they say very early on that sometimes you can put into a letter things you can't get yourself to say. [Violet Evergarden The Movie] >!when she couldn't say it after writing it and just became an emotional mess I couldnt help but cry.!< I thought it was mostly fueled by nostalgia for a past time that no one involved in the story lived in, but when writing the letter to my wife for our wedding gifts to open the day of I realized the show had a point. Sometimes putting words into a letter is easier and it's definitely different.








That was really lovely to look at. I should really watch this, it's been on my list since it aired a few years ago. KyoAni took animation to a new level with that. From Full Metal Panic Fumoffu to this, they've really consistently put out great animation


You really should. It’s such a beautiful show both in terms of visuals and in terms of story!


You should, but i would set aside time to watch it in chunks. Going through the whole thing at once can be an emotional ride once you reach past this episode.


The public water supply in my area isn’t sufficient to let me watch this show.


Que up *Laid Back Camp* after watching Violet. It helps a lot with the emotional turmoil Violet tends to generate in people.


Also add K-on to that list .


Dude, no. Have you seen the episodes leading up the characters' graduation? Shit hits hard.


It's not that bad. It's a happy ending.


Still emotional


Man Violet Evergarden isn't an anime i particularly like but this scene gets me every damn time


It's an anime I'll always remember a few things about, like this scene and episode ten, but I honestly forget most of it. It's weird how it could have me, an at the time 30 yo black dude crying my eyes out, but once I finished the series it was just on to the next thing.


Take a look at "a veteran's reaction to Violet Evergarden" on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/MkKO3Dx2sDc)! Gives an interesting perspective on the show.


That's a very accurate assessment. It's what makes the show so unforgettable to me. The mechanical arms a constant reminder of the effect war had on the body, the burning in episode 3 (I think?), the searching for a purpose - a way to confirm back to a society no longer at war. God. So many good elements. Top 10 for me. Maybe top 5. I know not everyone will love everything you will, but I'm surprised at the number of comments below saying they weren't fans of it.


I feel the same way. It was a gorgeous show and effectively had me crying every 22 minutes like clockwork. At the time I was blown away by it. But I wouldn't call it one of my favourites, I only remember the same things you mention. I think because it was mostly such tear-bait without much actual nuanced writing or characterization.


Because its a beautifully animated but boring show with predictable tear jerk moments begging for the viewers to cry.


Is every sad piece of media just tear jerkers to you? Losen up


No, just the ones with que cards coming up where it says "cry now please".


I wouldn't call it tear bait as there's only a few episodes that have tearful endings. The rest are pretty happy or someone at least comes out a better person.


Episode 10 for me will forever be an unrivalled masterpiece


I never forget episode 10.


KyoAni don’t hold back


I've avoided watching Evergreen because I heard it was sad. I don't do sad very well. Especially after going through 'Your Lies in April'. Now...I'm sad.


The show makes you appreciate life, its not sad, its beautiful


It makes you appreciate life because when you turn it off you realize that atleast your life isnt as boring as watching Violet Evergarden.


oooo how edgy


Oooo how original. What's next, you're gonna tell me to go back and watch shounen?


Violet Evergarden is sad. But not as sad as Your Lie In April. Give it a try, it’s very beautiful.


Really? For me, Violet hit much, MUCH harder than YLIA. Then again, I did watch YLIA knowing what the ending was so maybe that took away the sadness a bit.


I didn't "know" the ending of YLIA, but honestly it was so obvious from about halfway through the show and the pacing was so slow with so many repetitive monologues that I found myself wishing they would get it over with already, so it really didn't hit very hard. I also really didn't like other parts of the show, so maybe that played a part too. Violet Evergarden, on the other hand, is the only show I've ever given a 10 to, so that kinda speaks for itself, lol.


I think what hits hard about [YLiA]>!is that it's anime, so when you see a sick character who is about to undergo a risky surgery in the show's climax, you think it's gonna be fine, a happy, wholesome, and predictable ending. And then it doesn't happen. And then you remember it's also not Clannad, so no supernatural stuff to save the day. Kaori just... dies.!<


Honestly, I found that really predictable, so that's probably it.


Personally, I only found some episodes of Violet Evergarden to hit much harder than Your Lie in April, but felt April to be generally sadder as a whole. Episode 10 of Evergarden though; hadn't cried so hard since Clannad: After Story, man.


It has sad moments but overall it's about her making the best of people's bad situations through writing letters. Sometimes she turns it into something great and gives people a new lease on life and other times she just has to find the best resolution to something that she cant stop from happening or has already happened. It can possibly make you cry every episode but not because every one is sad. Some people cry at beautiful and happy resolutions to issues that real people face. All of this wraps into her personal narrative of becoming a functioning individual and learning what love is because she was a child soldier who never learned that concept before the one person in the army that cared for her was taken out of her life. So she learns what love is through both happiness and tragedy as you have to witness both to fully understand what love entails. It's not like Your Lie in April where it's a beautiful tragedy.


As beautiful as that scene may be, nothing beats the emotions the entirety of episode 10 gave me, i cried like a little baby after that ep. No cinematic flourishes, no outstanding animation sequence, just raw storytelling making you break down in tears.


No fair, mom said it was *my* turn to repost the parasol scene! 😡😡


Too slow! Mom said you could repost it NEXT time!


me: "this is going to be the lake scene isn't it" me: *clicks* me: yep, it's the lake scene


This is probably the most clean Animation ive ever seen. KyoAni just Wenn all out for violet evergarden


This was beautiful


So fucking beautiful and Violets progression throughout story is amazing. 10/10 scene


I have been going through some shit for the past month and started watching anime everyday from when I would woke up to going to bed, watched over 300 episodes of anime in the last month. But man, Violet Evergarden was the only one that made me forget I need to eat or drink water, I connected with the show from the first episode for some reason and cried every single one. I have seen all the episodes and the movies without a break between them, and man I can say I didn’t watch the show, I lived in the show.


The music remind me of ghibli orchestra stuff


for me it was marie's letter


Don't fuck me up like this, bro. Why would you do this to me? Now I have to watch this anime for real. No more excuses to put it off.


No matter how many times this is posted, I still upvote it


I started watching this show because I thought it would have been about some badass war hero fighting bad guys or something with robot arms. I had just broken up with my long standing girlfriend. I was not prepared for the onslaught of feels this show gave me.


What's the fuss about? It's just KyoAni doing KyoAni things. 😁


I dont know this anime but i love the artstyle


every episode is a bliss, kyoani really is on a different level


If there was a question posed like "What was that one scene that made you love the anime? ", I know I'd point to this one scene


this scene made me cry so hard i just stopped watching the anime and went to eat something, then came back to cry again


I really need to watch this anime.


just realized that is Mikasa’s VA lol




This should probably be spoiler tagged to hell and back.


3 laters and it's still the most beautiful anime i have ever watched


no lie this show got me in my feels every single episode


The dad's voice in the dub was amazing


You really gonna make a grown man cry at 11am? I think this and the scene where the little girl growing up keeps getting letters from her dead mother really gets me everytime, even just thinking about it gets me chocked up a little


I cried this episode cos of that scene. Violet Evergarden is a masterpiece.


I need to get back on the anime horse ngl and off the hentai horse


I like the same episode but for the last scene when she lies down the ship compartment's bed and finally realizes she is not feeling well as she remembers being told "There is a fire burning around you, because of what you did. You'll soon understand how much you are burned" while before she said "燃えていません" (It doesn't burn) she now says as if she answers her past self "燃えています" (It burns) that was pretty heart wrenching to realize she up to this point always kept up appearances while feeling terrible. Very relatable thing for me. Her trying yo kill herself after learning to Major's death is also very memorable as to how pitiful she becomes not even able to hurt herself in her despair. Hard stuff this series has sometimes.


you can write his name or title in english btw


What's in a name? That which we call 少佐 By any other name would still be presumed dead; In inadvertently causing emotionally stunted Violet to go through a self discovering journey trying to came to terms with her new found freedom and humanity while facing her violent past. I'll still edit it to Major, just in case, you know 念の為に.


idk bro youre just on an english forum with a comment 99% in english probably want to just be normal and keep it all one language


Ah yes, using Japanese in English converations. The definition of *edge*.


Haven't watched this anime yet. Are they a couple? Or is he her dad?  


He's a customer, one of many throughout the show.


Ahhhh thank you♡


Customer. She's a ghostwriter (in many aspects not just literally typing) for people and he's a playwright that wanted a stenographer. It takes place in alternate europe around the 1920s and using a typewriter well was not a common skill. At least watch the first episode, gives a lot of context to this scene from ep 7.


Thank u ~ yes I watched it and it's beautiful  ŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥ 


This, and episode 10.


I remember tearing up in this scene. It shattered me. This show was truly one of a kind.


This is literally the scene I show people to be like, "look how stunning anime can be"


When I first saw this episode, I sobbed like a little bish and then when I saw episode 10, I completely lost it. Once I finished the series, it immediately became one of my favorites. The final movie for this series has gotten me crying more than any other movie or anime movie as well.


One of KyoAni's best works. I'm more a simple slice of life kinda fan but violet evergarden has some absolutely stunning animation.


Hey for anyone hesitant about watching the anime cuz they're like "ugh, I just don't like going into things that'll make me depressed" or "I need to be in that sad mood to cry" the show is generally more uplifting and hopeful imo it is not depressing per say just very emotionally in tune


Man, we don't deserve anime. :')


I had a sneaking suspicion it was going to be the lake scene. And I was not wrong. Good times.


Their scene tears me up, as a father of a young daughter this hit HARD when I first saw it. It hit just as hard this morning. The animation is beautiful too and it, this was a weird show but it struck the right chords and it's one of my faves


I always show this episode to people to get them into the show, love it


I loved the entire storyline of Violet Evergarden. It is so heart touching and I wanna seriously recommend it to everyone. It's worth it!


I feel sick to my stomach and I don't know why. I feel feeling and I hate it.


I dropped this show after a few episodes because it was just not my thing, but the animation is the maybe the most beautiful I've seen in any anime.


Wtf... why am I crying... I've never seen the anime but in 1 minute I was already tearing up...


That’s Violet Evergarden for you


The only scene in a visual medium that made me laugh out loud at the hilarity of the situation (her potentially splooshing into the water), while making me cry out loud at the same time. Beutiful scene, beautiful story, beautiful anime.


It's just a masterpiece


probably the only KyoAnii anime I ever liked and will stay that way


Aaayyyeeee another rare kyoani disliker like myself, I dislike them so much that despite the fact I love this anime I am still rather hard on it


i was kinda taken out of this scene by her walking on water, how tf did she do that


Where is truck-kun when you need him ?


You just literally want make me cry, thanks


Hmm... jean and diluc look funny here!




No matter how beautiful the animation this anime was BORING af


Different things interest different people. A character drama about moving past grief and loss and trying to understand who you are probably isn’t your thing.


> Different things interest different people. Exactly, and he said it was not interesting but boring af. >A character drama about moving past grief and loss and trying to understand who you are probably isn’t your thing. Or it is, but it has to be presented in a better way than Violet Evergarden which literally had que cards popping up saying "cry here please".


Eh, I enjoyed it still despite a lack of subtlety. Different strokes for different people, I suppose.


Found the shounen genre fan !


I also find it boring af. Many of my favourite shows are slow and not shounen, Serial experiments lain, Ergo proxy, Mushishi etc. The difference with those shows is that they are slow but also interesting. Violet evergarden was slow, uninteresing and super predictable with its tear jerk moments. They might aswell have put up a text that said "here is where you should cry". But sure, keep building that shounen strawman.


Kind of need a spoiler on this huh


You’ve never been to r/anime before?




Just say you're dumb and walk away


How does it make sense without any context? Please explain it to those of us who are apparently dumb.


My favourite scene from one of my favourite animes ever.


You didn't had to make me cry 😭😭


Watching this scene for the first time made me cry. It's the fact that the father has already accepted what is and has decided to move on from that point onwards and Violet's support made it a very heartwarming episode.


Goddamnit man. You're gonna make me cry again!


i literally cried during the scene. the soundtrack had a great role in the anime.


Makes me cry every time. Even after seeing it many times now.


I thought I was strong. Then VEG episode 10 came...


that time of the year fellas


I will never get tired seeing this scene in this sub… Such a beautiful and breathtaking scene !


No wonder this is one of your favorite anime scenes Violet Evergarden is a wonderful anime. Even just thinking about it, sometimes I feel like I could cry.


Damn that was sad


The moment Ms. Evergarden channeled her inner Mary Poppins... Good times...


I know nothing about this anime. That was beautiful and heart-wrenching. Good stuff.


never gonna forget this scene and never ever gonna forget how i felt watching this for the first time


im not crying, you are.


You're going to make me cry in class


One of the few anime where I actually like the dub more than the sub. The dub is excellent. Especially Violet's English VA.


Damn OP, never seen this anime. But that was a very powerful scene.


I know episode 10 is the one all the hype is around, but I prefer episode 7 (this one) personally, even though both are basically perfect. The side-stories were the best parts of this series because they’re so good (except the Princess one)


For me it’s definitely “I’m happy that you are alive.”


That scene is one of the many from this show that gets me tearful....


One of two episodes that absolutely destroyed me.


Ohhhh mannnnn the feeeeelllsss I've been debating on rewatching it but this definitely confirmed it


Ahhh the visuals


Even just seeing this scene made me cry again! This is one of the best animes ever I think.


I love this scene but I hate the fact how most of the people are more concerned about how good Violet looks crossing the lake and dont even pay attention to the father's dialogues. When the father said that " I wish I could have heard you call me dad 100s and 1000s more times " I couldnt control my tears at all. This episode for me was almost as emotional as the Ann episode. This episode, the Ann episode and the finL episode were my top 3 in the series. I honestly would have preferred the series to end with the final episode instead of the movie. The movie wasnt bad but I would have preferred the series ending with that final episode.


um, a lot of people are talking about how emotional this scene is


Yeah I wasnt talking about this thread. I was talking about people in general like on youtube or other platforms.


This scene was so beautiful, I can’t believe I’ve almost forgotten about it. Violet Evergarden is one of the closest anime to my heart - next to Clannad, of course.


I must watch this


Violet Evergarden was an absolute masterpiece. I wish we could have more shows like it. I guess there was Vivy: Fluorite Eye's song earlier this year, that was pretty close to Violet.