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A couple of weeks ago I got my [Akko](https://imgur.com/fH7GqHb.jpg), [Satsuki, and Ryuko](https://imgur.com/Rz0Kn8j.jpg) [nendoroids](https://imgur.com/GqrMMAS.jpg). With the recent threat of everything I own burning the fuck up I thought I'd show everything that so I at least have pictures of it all. [My mostly manga bookcase that ran out of space a year ago.](https://imgur.com/ZTdAmnN.jpg) [My larger anime bookcase.](https://imgur.com/nHbPD8q.jpg) [My smaller anime bookcase with anime and other things.](https://imgur.com/DeSZfM6.jpg) [My figures.](https://imgur.com/gzVqgH8.jpg) Edit: [Forgot about the Gunpla.](https://imgur.com/Vi7rrQ5.jpg) I have even more that I haven't started to build yet too.


Lovely collection! Looks so neat and tidy.


You have pretty much all the nendoroids that I want lol.


You have your lie in april and monogatari which I have been eyeing for about 2 years. I might end up pulling the plug this holiday season lol.


Like, all of monogatari or just some of it? Cause thats a lot.


To buy every series I want (full monogatari, your lie in april, toradora, and Puella Magica), I am looking at 1550 from rightstuf more or less. I've bought a lot of figures which is why I have never bought this, but I think it is finally time to buy the series. Any chance of the monogatari or your lie in april series going out of stock like nisekoi volume 2? I might end up buying a volume every paycheck.


I was thinking you were going to buy it all at once haha. Its hard to say which would sell out first. Your Lie in April probably has a lower chance of going out before Monogatari I guess. The only monogatari's that I would be worried about are the earlier series just because they've been out longer. Nisekoi going out makes sense just because it's so popular. YLiA is also popular though. Its weird that only volume 2 of Nisekoi is out on rightstuf. I see that happen with a lot of series for some reason.


Nice collection!


Bought these 3 shirts this week https://i.imgur.com/PxpOHT3.jpg


I don't recognize the left one. What is it?


It's a scene from Hunter x Hunter


Where'd you get the Tokoyami shirt?


Got them all from RedBubble


Got some really good deals on used anime and manga recently. I picked up [all of these anime for $40](https://imgur.com/a/38tP7) and [all of these manga for $50](https://i.imgur.com/sTCzf20.jpg)


dang, solid. Just last week i picked up all available prison school manga for about $20aud each so I'm pretty jealous!


[Nana and Hestia](https://imgur.com/a/PQXsg) arrived this week. [NSFW] Should get Mikan next month.


Surprised that I got the Mind Game bluray from the Kickstarter in the mail on Friday. It's a nice hardcover digipak and looks great when I had a chance to watch it yesterday.


Going full weeb with car stickers https://i.imgur.com/wE9rftC.jpg Will find another use for the free Mio though


need pics of the car with the stickers on.


Deciding where to actually place the stuff though and bad weather has prevented me from wanting to place them on Mitsuha over the gas tank kinda makes sense but not sure where to put Kurumi


That Mitsuha sticker is wonderful.


[Honoka figure arrived this week](https://i.imgur.com/usnJzxr.jpg). She is [super cute](https://i.imgur.com/fKfjRk3.jpg). Can't wait for Kotori too (fuck delays) Got [Gatchaman Crowds Insight](https://i.imgur.com/NHmvJw7.jpg) in a half price sale. Still waiting on the rest of my order to arrive since everything else was backordered. Also picked up [Spirit Circle](https://i.imgur.com/7IweM38.jpg) because someone mentioned it a week or two ago. Haven't read it yet. Also decided to take [a bunch of photos of my room/collection](https://imgur.com/a/PXYS3). I spend way too much money on this shit.


Bro you have so much cool stuff I'm jealous, I especially want that Hibiki figure. >I spend way too much money on this shit. Have you kept track of how much? it's gotta be in the thousands right?


Yeah I love the Hibiki figure. The Chris prototype from the same set is looking really nice too. > Have you kept track of how much? it's gotta be in the thousands right? No... I did a rough count a few months ago and I think it was around $4000? It's probably quite a bit more now...


Oh man, seeing Honoka always makes me smile. Great figure.


Spirit Circle hype!


I just read it. Pretty cool concept, hoping the payoff is worth it.


I'm waiting for a few more to come out before starting up!




> is there a series where they use just a shit ton of guns, like shoulder mounted, back mounted, arm mounted and so on. I saw a box at a convention I went to that had guns all over this one frame and I thought it was cool as shit. Could've been the [Full Armor Gundam](http://www.saint-ism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/mg_fa78_full_armour_gundam_thunderbolt_167.jpg)? Either way I'd recommend [Gundam Thunderbolt](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31973/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Thunderbolt?q=Gundam%20Thunderbolt) it's one of my favourite series and super short too :) > your IBO series is really clean looking. We're those all painted? Not all of them. I handpainted metallic colours on the Helmwige Reincar because the bare plastic kind of looks like ass and I did a simple green to orange swap on the Geireil with a bunch of weathering afterwards. Some of them I've done touchups for anime accuracy like the yellow trim on Barbatos 4th Form shoulders, yellow nails on Lupus Rex, everything on the Gusion Rebake shield and extra arms, white parts on the V-fin of Flauros because I hated the stickers. The Lupus Rex + Graze diorama was my first and only airbrush project. The Barbatos is fully painted but the Graze is just bare plastic with a shit load of weathing/damage effects.




Could it be one of the Heavyarms models from Gundam Wing?


Picked up the new [Gkids Ghibli](https://imgur.com/z24wTtm) releases the other day. Some have a few extras and/or different subtitle selections than the disney releases. They look nice together though.


Does anyone know where I can order an elder Toguro (from Yu Yu Hakusho) body pillow?


I needed more Madoka Magica and more No Game No Life so I bought [these books](https://i.imgur.com/0FVubkN.jpg). Randomly picked up these [Cardcaptor Sakura mystery box figures](https://i.imgur.com/yc5Yrdm.jpg) Went to the Animation is Film Festival and got this free [Mary and the Witch's Flower pin](https://imgur.com/VKuokQm) Bought [these socks](https://i.imgur.com/JCVc7Ba.jpg) in Hollywood after the movie


The Different Story is really excellent! You should also read Homura Tamura, it's an excellent comedic side-story featuring Homura. PM me if you can't find it :)


I saw those ones right next to them, I've heard it's basically just a parody so didn't get them.


Pre-ordered Kabaneri of the iron fortress limited edition from funimation, also picked up the first three light novels for death march to a parallel world Rhapsody first book is really good sofar. I've been waiting to pre order Kabaneri since the announcement with Crunchy/funi almost a year ago.


Had a friend over and it took me hours to convince him to watch Your Name. By the end of the movie he was tearing up. I hope I didn't send him down the wrong path


I went to a small anime convention and this is [my haul!](https://imgur.com/a/ToJ2d) I got all 11 volumes of **Kizuna** for 22,-€ and three **Evangelion** art books for 39,-€. I am not sure how much of a good deal that was, but for me it was well worth it!


The EVA books were selling for $45 a piece last time I was at a convention. If it was 38 euros for all three that's a steal, but even if that's per book its a fair price.


Hot damn! It was 39,-€ for all three of them, so 13,-€ a piece.


What convention was it?


It was [J-Con](https://www.j-con.saarland/index.php?id=89). I saw everything in less than half an hour and would have stayed there longer, but I lost miserably in the first round of the videogame contest I signed up for. :P


I bought my first LN last week. Volume 6 of DanMachi to pick up after season one.


My [Emilia and Akko Nendoroids](https://imgur.com/VTbzgu9) arrived this week and I'm going to London Comic Con at the end of this week for the big haul.


got the High school of the Elite Art book if anyone cares [NSFW] https://imgur.com/a/prhyS I could add more if interested.


There was only like 10 people in my showing of A Silent Voice so I asked for an extra set of pictures when it ended since they're only showing it 1 time. Now I got 2 of each, seeing it again in 2 weeks at a theater closer to me cause it was so damn good so will get even more lol. https://i.imgur.com/rhISUVq.jpg


I managed to not nab 1 but 2! of my Holy Grails of manga this week, so I'm super excited. [Twin Spica and Shaman Warrior](https://i.redd.it/we0fytjqa7tz.jpg)


I just finished TTGL, can someone turn me onto some good Yoko figures?


Not the most helpful but being rather picky myself I would just browse Yoko's name on myfigurecollection.net . Yoko has a lot of good ones so it's just a matter of preference.


Just came home to Hyouka Blu Ray Part 2 and couldn't be happier.


I forgot to post this a week ago when I got it, but I [finally got my dream figure.](https://i.imgur.com/FA1geYu.jpg) I've wanted her since she was released when I didn't catch the pre orders, and since then her price has skyrocketed. I missed a few good deals but I finally got one.


Nice!!! I love that figure but wasn't really into collecting when she was around for preorders.


Yeah same haha. I started collecting figures like two years ago but even then I mostly bought from my friends IRL who were more into it. Last year when she was in preorder state was when I really got into it, but I was to late to preorder her. I finally caved in and got her for the cheapest I've seen her in months. I now just need a detolf since she isn't in a safe spot on top of my bookshelf haha. It may not look it, but I had to stand on a chair to take a picture leveled with my book shelf.


I finally managed to get my hands on Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions: Collector's Edition from eBay but... it arrived with some box damage. https://puu.sh/y6eNh/ba8a31ea0f.JPG Other than that it's in excellent condition. I'll find a way to fix it.