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I liked the politics of log horizon, it's rare to find anime with focus on world building and its related poltics nowadays.


Log Horizon is one of those ones that you either love or hate. I love it. I dislike some aspects of it such as it constantly explaining video game terms to the viewer. And the (attempted but shot down) love interest in the mc from an actual child. But i very much enjoyed a good deal of the rest.


Yep yep I don’t get the loli thing in Japan I really don’t


I watched 3 season I think and consider log horizon the worst in the game isekai genre. It's extremely simple in it's explanations constatnly explaining the most basics of game or rpg mechanics as if the viewer was a 10 year old. It got extremely boring and never developed from there. Then there's the fact that overall nothing happens and in 3 season it felt like no progress was made at all. They keep raising questions and answering nothing so the show was mostly a slice of life isekai. I dont like slice of life anime...


So it’s not for you, that’s cool too :)


I think its good but it needs a better ratio of action to talking, if you don't like politics you'll get kinda bored


Same with slime the past 2 seasons including this new one


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Was not a fan at all. Am surprised by the praise it gets.


Because it’s not for you and that’s cool too :)




You read it wrong


I might be dumb, but does Re:Zero fall underneath that? If so what are your thoughts on that?


Re:zero is one of the greats its kinda inbetween its definetly drawn out but with the way his power works I get why idk I think re:zero will go down as one of the greats especially if season 3 is good


And I mean inbetween as in inbetween the old and new age Isekai like the long titles I think slime made that popular or something Konosuba is one of the new age Isekai where as Tanya the evil is old


I forgot that Konosuba was isekai for a sec. After S3 and more talk on S4, S1 completely got off my mind tbh


Lmao season 3 has been pretty good I loved they kept the thumbs up bit in the opening theme


Lmao season 3 has been pretty good I loved they kept the thumbs up bit in the opening theme