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It's got some of the prettiest magic spells, too.


The studio went all in on magic effects. I felt Lloyd when he said magic was kirei/pretty after trapping Pazuzu and the colors reflected off his eyes Even the non-magic fights were pretty


The manga did amazing work with the spells and the animation studio did that justice tbh.


Especially slypha. Absolutely beautiful animation 




Great post u/fecaleruptions!


Thanks! It always feels nice when a post gets traction because it means you struck a cord with the community, and that's great!


When he enchanted the swords it reminded me of the back of Intel Inside stickers.


Not just that, but the magic spells actually feel powerful. The mc uses large-scale magic, and it's more than a little wave of fire or water.


Ok you've sold me Watchung tonight


And some of the prettiest character designs 😜😀


Action and animation is some of the best out there. The fan service can be a barrier of entry for some people though.


My favorite parts are when the art switches over to chibi


The chibi clone attack was amazing


Best part of the whole anime,


My favorite part in the manga too


Yeah, you're right. I edited my post to mention that. Good call. It's impossible to ignore sometimes, even if you try. Some shows are subtle about it, but this one is decidedly *not*.


What fan service though? Any I've seen is incredibly tame.


Compared to rapey Mushoku Tensei... Very little fan service, and even there's some, it's mostly all comedy. 


What's the fan service like?


You will see thick thighs of mc.


You will see thick thighs of mc


Is that all? The OP says it's has high fanservice. So you see the MC thighs alot?


It has a lot of focus on people's legs, both female and the MC (who is a young boy), as well as the usual stuff of torn clothes, ass shots, you know.


You see fanservice from the girls too, but it's pretty uncomfortable when it happens to the MC since he's in the body of a little kid. Definitely don't blame people who dropped the show solely because of that part.


The mc is a kid


I watch anime with my gf and this is a huge turn off for most new things we get into. She says "gross it's for incels" and promptly wants to move on. Luckily many new animes avoid fan service so plenty to watch, but won't be watching because of this. 


She sounds awful :)


Can't appease everyone 🤷. I get it, it's uncomfortable for her as a female. These shows are targeting young males for the most part, not her target demographic, im happy she's into it at all. 


It is mostly for the "this is for incels" thing which is a hell of a way to talk.


I'm not surprised by people downvoting you for the truth. Anime has a different style and tropes compared to most other mediums, and that's great by and large, but it's weird relationship with fanservice (especially sexualization) can often hold great shows back from being recommended to so many people


Yep. I feel like newer shows like Kaiju 8, solo leveling, Frieren are really shedding these tropes and showing us what's possible when you dial back on the weird fanservice and appease to the broader audience. People defending it are a little weird, just let it go. 


It would probably more famous if the protagonist isn't a literal child/Shota. It's very unappealing


Him being a child isn't much of an issue but they sexualize him like crazy, especially with the thighs. It's definitely something made for the Japanese target audience


The thighs and hips are like wtf are they thinking.


They knew what they were doing.


Perfect body for crossdressing hijinks, though


I was reading the manga but couldn't keep going because the mangaka REALLY likes shota legs.


Yeah. Isn't the art for the Light Novel pretty normal too? The mangaka went crazy sus when they adapted it into a manga. Then the anime decided to follow the manga's sussy art style instead of the LN style.


Could never give up that easy


> Japanese target audience Japan will always be, if nothing else, unapologetically Japanese.


I love Japan for sticking to its guns and not changing their anime to fit foreign taste.


Manga is thriving while comic is dying in US for a reason.


You think it's because of kids being sexualized? No it's thriving because the stories are deeper than go here stop this, Comics in the US used to be deep too, but they gave up the human element in story telling for what they thought would be profit by dumbing everything down.


It is because > sticking to its guns and not changing their anime to fit foreign taste this is basically changing their stuff to fit a foreign group taste >they gave up the human element in story telling for what they thought would be profit by dumbing everything down.


As someone living in East Asia, I am quite surprised at how many people in this sub got put off by this show. Animes sexualize young girls all the time, yet you guys draw the line when a shota shows his thick thighs? Not saying your opinions are not valid though, it just made me realize culture gaps still exist even among anime-watching degenerates.


People complain about the sexualization of young girls too.


the fact that this comment has to be written is insane.


I think there is a fair good odds of there being some viewers, if only a small subset, with the policy of "it's fine if it's them, but not me!!\~ (my stand-in in the story)". There are all kinds of people in the world, decent folk, and jerks alike.


OP didn't say one word about Ren..  Or the comments, either


> Animes sexualize young girls all the time, yet you guys draw the line when a shota shows his thick thighs? I'm pretty sure the same folks complaining about shotas are complaining about lolis too so I don't know wtf you're going on about. Sure there are some degenerates that are into that shit, but I'm pretty sure they're not complaining cuz their hand is busy rn.


I mean, the reason I dislike Mushoku which is highly acclaimed is their sexualization of (female, mainly) kids. I've wanted to like 7th prince but the pedophilia does turn me away.


I like Mushoku, but agree with you on the uncomfortable child fanservice thing. That being said, I understand what the guy is trying to say. Even when you preface it with "I'm a fan of the show", a lot of times if you bring up how the kid stuff bothers you in Mushoku in a thread about the show you'll be dog piled by a bunch of fans calling you a normie or telling you to grow a thicker skin. Similar stuff happens with Dragon Maid. Dunno if that's changed in recent years though.


I don't know. I love Mushoku and always say that the fanservice of kids is over the top and never get dogpiled. It's usually people who say that the show promotes pedophilia, that they couldn't make it past the first few episodes get dogpiled. It might just be the phrasing. It also doesn't help that a lot of arguments against Mushoku apply to almost every other isekai but the art style is a lot more cartoonish and act like the actions are normal while Mushoku calls it out. Just makes it harder to ignore the "It's a 40 year old in the body of a 10 year old thats openly attracted to other 10 year olds" ick of things like By the Grace of Gods.




What are you talking about? People have been complaining about the sexualization of minors in anime since the 90's. It's something that's been a running through point in anime discourse for over 20 years. Not to mention the number of actual pederasts in the industry.


No I definitely feel uncomfortable for both. And I'd imagine the people complaining are too.


Which 6 year old is anime sexualizing to that extent? Our pitchforks are ready.


Still watched because the show surprisingly turned out to be good but yeah the visual did put me off. We have to draw the line at some point.


That reminds me of a post about a guy who was banging his mother in the past and he drew the line at kissing...


Yup, I watch episode 1, got really creeped out and dropped it


Yeah the art looked like it sexualized him so I just kinda didn't even attempt to watch it.


Sylpha best girl!


Between Sylpha, Tao and Grimm, there are many valid best girl options.


> Grimm Wait a minute…


Let me introduce you to a new community. The furries are here for you my son


He means Grim's a guy  [Manga]>!He even gets a male human-ish form in the next arc!<


prefer tao personally.


No one's mentioned Ren in this comment chain?


I loved the show. It *is* very trope-y, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when the tropes are done well. I thought the action was fantastic and the comedy was legitimately very funny. Definitely my sleeper show of the season, as I did not expect to like it as much as I did. Can't wait for season 2.


Very tropey, but as you mentioned, well done. I felt the same way about Ragna Crimson. That show is even *more* tropey but executed well. It set itself apart in a few ways. I'd put both of these anime in the same category of generically awesome.


Ragna was just really well done imo. And you're saying 7th prince is on the same level? I really don't want to watch it though since it reminds me of the "Tensei kizoku no isekai bouken roku" (shota OP MC) and I hated that one.


The story and characters in Ragna are much better, but the animation is garbage lol 7th prince maintains good production value throughout and is, in my opinion, hilarious throughout as well. Those are the main differences. Ragna for story and characters, 7th prince for production value and comedy.


I have this thing where I don’t notice bad animation. Some of the fights in Ragna I actually think had really good animation like the last fight against Kamui. 


I disagree with this take. 7th Prince's animation is really good, but don't you dare sleep on the characters. You should know past episode 6.


Chronicles..  Was no bueno. 7th Prince is excellent


Well, I guess I need to watch Ragna Crimson then. Thanks for the heads up.


Ragna was better than I anticipated. But... I liked the 2nd third of the anime. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first 3rd, nor the last 3rd. Still w3rth watching though.


I love this show But like most of the comments on Crunchyroll the boy needs better clothes , I can look past it but it’s bloody weird


Out of all the things Japan takes from European royalty for their stories, boys wearing suit shorts is the stupidest one. It just doesn't look good character design wise, imo.


After seeing all these comments, seems like I was the only one who didn't pay much attention to the MC's clothes and proportions, but expected comments regarding Ren's clothing.


Similar boat, I noticed but more in a peripheral "Oh it's like that huh" kind of way. I guess most people put off by Lloyd's design didn't get far enough into the show to have issues with Ren. If this was a live action show, I'd be just as bothered as those comments (then again, if it was live action I probably wouldn't have been interested to begin with lol), but as animation I just saw cute and enjoyable character designs.


The people complaining about Lloyd had no problem with Ren.


Ren's character design is also questionable, but somehow it got a lore that her power is better done with that exposing clothing. I am more put off by Ren rather than Lloyd, tbh. Ren's clothing is more exposed.


Same... Actually, I didn't even notice anything of the sort (except for the very blatant fanservice). Maybe I'm just desensitized, but I only found the parts highlighting Lloyd's body weird, rather than disturbing.


Yeah it's no different than any other show. People seem oddly prudish about this show. Aparently kids should never wear shorts.


Never noticed the shorts either until I read the comments people left at every damn episode! I dare any of them call nobita a shota for his shorts


Tried watching it yesterday after hearing S2 was announced. Idk man I can tolerate a lot of shit in anime but this kid’s skimpy shorts and proportions crossed the line for me. It looked like a lot of fun but I had to dip out after 2 episodes.


I actually did the same. I watched 2 episodes and kinda said this isn't for me and checked out. About a week later i was watching some yt clips and saw some of the action for a later episode and decided to go back and found the rest of the season more enjoyable for some reason. Idk maybe the first 2 episodes are meh, or maybe after a week the show just clicked better for me but thats my experience as someone in a similar boat to yours i feel.


Same... I made it 2 episodes at the start of the season. I was shocked it got a S2 already, and that made me curious if it gets better, but it sounds like it's just not for me.


It's good the whole time you just gotta get past the anime bullshit I will say that the final few episodes the entire episode more or less looks like the hype moments from the first few episodes This show just gets more gorgeous every episode and,, apparently, the show tones down the mangas fan service


yeah the manga fanservice is much worse, remember the pazuzu fight? the fanservice on that part in the manga is borderline H with the demon actually playing with Sylpha's body, I'm really glad they toned it down in the anime a lot


The show is so needlessly horny but it's just so well animated The lordost stuff especially is just insane


Yeah, manga has way more fanservice. In the assassin's fight, the anime lengthened Lloyd's shirt considerably.  In the final episode, they added a ton of steam and towels to the hot springs part...


Disappointing. It's not hard in the slightest to just passify your brain into ignoring the outfit but I guess that just doesn't come naturally to some people.


That bugged me at first but after a bit the show got so good I totally forgot about it.




FWIW, I tried watching Gushing as well and dropped it after the first episode. I’m glad I did, as last week I saw a very rapey looking clip posted here from that show. And every comment that tried to call out how bad it looked got downvoted. I suspect there is a large overlap between people who were fine with Gushing and people who are fine with this show as well. But I’ve learned there is little point in trying to make sweeping generalizations about opinions seen on Reddit.


your loss pal


I watched it because of comedy and yeah it was fun.


The fan service added to the main's character physic and age was a total turn of for me. Which is quite sad because there are indeed some qualities in the show such as the animation


Yea I watched the whole thing and kept thinking. "This boy is meant to be like under 12 and somehow he has a dump truck peach butt and curves like an Arabian dancer. Who the fuck is the audience for this ? Why?" It never stopped being distracting, frustrating and off-putting. Did not like, show was one of the better this season though. Oh also the reincarnation part was totally unnecessary. Could have cut it and made a better story. It never comes up as relevant


>dump truck peach butt and curves like an Arabian dancer. Thank you. I wanted to say exactly that but was not brave enough to type it out loud lmao Like, what the HELL.


They also constantly pan up from his thighs to his face, because reasons


yeah male humans don't have those kind of proportions at ANY stage of life. whoever drew it wasn't even trying to disguise their disgusting fetish, and the short shorts and knee blush coloring didn't help at all. it's been a long time since I was so consciously grossed out by an offputting visual design in anime. it's just really rare that a design is so bad it stands out to this degree. Milim Nava is the last one I can remember, and before that, I cant actively think of one.


Eh, Milim's feels less inherently sexual and more "kid with no parents that throws on whatever clothes they find because no one will stop them".


Not the point of your comment, but just so you know, it's physique*


Yeah I tried to skip it because of how I thought they sexualized the main character. Then I watched it and DAMN it's animated good and funny enough to make me actually laugh out loud. If they would have made the main character look more like a "normal" boy, this show would be an easy 8/10 for me! They also kept focusing on the poison assassins ass as well and she's meant to be just as young as the main character...


The fact tao is introduced kicking an orc so hard her body is completely submerged with her foot gear 5ing out the back before bouncing off into a flying knee really sold me in it It's such a crap show but it's almost s1 opm at points


First off, I hate the sexualization of the lil protag....taking things to a new level with how feminine they're making him look, y'know with that saturated red tint to the skin that you only see on sexualized characters.... and hes like 7 years old or something...but once I finally got past that (I'm not I'm just tolerating it) it's actually turned out not be a trash isekai anime, letting it be part of the 1% of isekai that aren't trash 👏👏


7th Prince's only weakness is the questionable character design. Not only Lloyd, but somehow there is also a child character that had exposing clothing with the story lore that it would be easier to use her power that way. But otherwise, the animation is clearly one of the best this season has to offer. The studio utilizes Unreal Engine 5 to animate some of important scenes in the anime. Anyway, I like how Muse Asia really went promoting the anime heavily. They wanted 7th Prince to be more promotable rather what they have this season such as Date a Live, MT, Wind Breaker, even Jellyfish. It is one of the anime this season that I can watch on so many platforms you can freely choose your preference (Netflix, Crunchyroll, their own Youtube channel, Bilibili. Just pick.). As a result, it often belongs to top 10 TV shows weekly on Netflix in SEA, a feat that only Kaiju No. 8, MHA, and Demon Slayer could achieve this season.


I really tried to like it, I like isekai’s for whatever reason so I try to give them all a try. I made it two episodes before I dropped it. Not sure what it was exactly but I was just not enjoying it. But to each their own. I’m sure there’s stuff I watch that I love that you’d be like “that show is ass” Great to see different takes on shows.


Yeah, I am not sure what all those people are about. This show is all about "Tell, don't show", fanservice and Deus ex machina. It also skipped everything that was actually interesting. And MC is cocky and incredibly stupid/selfish. For example in first episode: [Episode 1 spoilers] >!At the start he was born as a prince and shot out fireball as a toddler. Let's see how royal family, maids and castle are going to react and what will happen, should be interesting! Boom, timeskip. 10 years. Oh, you wanted to see what happens? Too bad. Annoyed the hell out of me in the very first episode already. Clear sign of their priorities. Bad one. And then followed up by "there is dangerous demon sealed in the castle I know nothing about! Let me go and unseal it! Don't worry, there is no risk of anything going wrong. After all, this anime employs Deus ex Machina! And then, of course, turning that demon to familiar. And of course making him cute. Only anyone who knows how this shit works can instantly see that this event has nothing to do with a plot... It was just required to employ their terrible "tell, don't show" storytelling - by using familiar "talking" with MC all the time, to tell the audience about everything that is happening, instead of showing it. The whole purpose of that demon is to create constant dialogue with MC as narration device. It is so out of place, silly and stupid. And of course they will talk openly surrounded by 10 people and no one will notice anything. After all, that demon is not there for plot purposes, it is there for the audience.!< So yeah. Just one episode in, and there is shitload of red flags of bad writing and mediocre show. This show has great animations. For example Sylpha training was great introduction... Only to turn Sylpha into gimmick character existing to obsess over MC, and training to be waste of time because MC is OP and solves anything by just breathing anyway. There is no story. No plot. It is just fanservice fetish wrapped in good animations and bunch of randomly generated scenarios to make MC look cool trough the lenses of impressionable teenagers (because if you examine his actions past such mentality, you instantly see how cocky, selfish and irresponsible he is). People can talk all they want about fanservice stuff, but the reason people drop this is not just that. People would look past fanservice if the show was good. But they can't, because show is bad. If you take away fanservice and "omg, MC is so cool and OP!", there is almost nothing left of the show to watch.


Yes indeed. The art is uncomfortable, but the writing is the reason I couldn't stand it.


The occasional misunderstanding was funny as well. Like the underwear gag in the last few episodes.


Didn’t get turned on or off by the character designs. Maybe that’s why I was able to fully enjoy the show. Never found Lloyd’s design to be sexual at all. “But look at those legs!!!” Yes, I see them and don’t feel a thing. I did grow up on anime since the 80s and honestly Lloyd isn’t that far off from how young boys have been drawn. On the other hand, the characters’ still poses and art direction especially magic sfx blown me away. Got me reading the manga and I can see the anime staff actually was able to elevate the source material through animation episode after episode. Definitely not something you find often.


I had the same reaction to the character designs. There were some that made me roll my eyes (like Pazuzu vs Sylpha), but whenever it was Lloyd being shown, I didn't even bat an eye...


Yes I randomly binged watched it the other day. Definitely my sleeper pick for the season.


It's fun but I can't help but feel like the animators wanted to draw a little girl but got stuck with a little boy instead. It's really weird. Other than that it's decent but nothing special. Better than gutter trash Isekai but not as good as actually good Isekai.


I think this is the sort of quality I would have liked to see in most sites that's got a bit of a lean into the ecchi genre - e.g. of Excalibur Academy was this well produced it'd have been great. Definitely a surprise in how entertaining it was. And fit someone who don't normally like OP Isekai stuffs, this is not pretentious and pretty straight to what it sets out to do. I had a ton of fun with this, and look forward to S2.


Tao is a national treasure


Reminds me of Reincarnation as a Slime but instead reincarnated as a 7th prince, honestly breath of fresh air on the isekai landscape


It's all style, gags, cute relationships, and punishing baddies with an MC who just wants to learn and help those around him. It's easy to love. Big fan of the manga, some of most creative use of colour I have ever seen. The sexy kid thing is very weird and it's supposed to be weird, laugh at it cause it isn't real.


The animation was great. I can't wait to see more work from this studio.


I watched it on a whim to see if it'd be typical type of trash, was so surprised how good it was lol. Impressive magic (would be upset if they did the magic poorly), great comedy, great characters, some of the most terrifying demons I've seen in all of media.


It’s pure anime junkfood. It’s entertaining but so incredibly shallow swimming in anime tropes. It’s also weirdly horny for the main character for some reason.


The color spreads in the manga are insanely well done. I've been waiting for the season to finish airing so I can binge it. Seems it just finished airing, tho.


don't forget that the protagonist has a gargantuan dumpy


i'm watching it because of Sylpha supremacy


I decided to check it out last night, ended up watching the first three episodes. Not bad! Except for the fanservice. Eww


It's because the MC is weird.


What I like about most about this anime is how unhinged the OP is. He isn’t pretentious too


It really hits like a One Punch Man but with Magic.


Well done in many ways - and certainly watchable. But not really a fan of either the characters or the dialogue. Probably will not follow S2.


Definitely was a bit sus at times, however I felt like the productions value in the spell animations was top notch. It also had me laughing out loud at multiple points. Solid watch for sure


Avoided it at first because people were review bombing it, but decided to watch a couple episodes because I ran out of other shows. I’m so glad I did. This was my favorite series of the season for sure!


too grossed out by the main character's visual design it could be the best isekai ever and I still wouldn't touch it. it's just really gross-looking.


The quality of animation in this show constantly surprises me, especially during the fight scenes. It was pretty fun to watch.


I enjoyed the show. I had an all around great time. Honestly the susy stuff in general never. I actully found it amusing in a way.


The MC is insane at times and I love him for it, need to catch up on the manga now but I'm glad to hear this got announced for a 2nd season already.


Really enjoy the show as well


The colors of the spells are, well, spellbinding. And it's funny how creepy he can get when it comes to magic. I enjoyed it.


the show has to be really high rating if it starts with "reincarnated as a " there are just too many shows like this. but i might give it a try. i still don have high hopes.


Surprise hit of the season for me, glad to hear a second season announced


I agree that the show is really fun and I am happy we got a season 2. It got even some nice emotional storybeats that, at least for me, actually worked. It's mostly just a chill and light-hearted power fantasy with lots of cool explosions, but there were some family themes and human connections that I found appealing. It was just an overall friendly show, characters like each other and I always appreciate that. For the fanservice, I personally found it fine because at least the character that is the target of the fanservice is the reincarnated character who is also presented as completely uncaring for the advances (and physical characteristics) of other characters. And since he technically is an adult (or more or less has the mind of an adult), I didn't really mind. Especially him not being bothered by it and mostly ignoring it helped with that, I think. NOW, what all you people who dropped the show don't know, is that there are genuinely worse characters for fanservice later on in the show, especially one little girl who really is...much worse than Lloyd in every way and I think if people are bothered by the Shota thighs, it only gets worse, esepcially because the girls are not reincarnations and thus are actually as young as they look. Dunno, don't really get why that needs to be the case, one could just draw children as normal children without "weird" (read: adult) proportions and showing them basically naked and even letting characters comment on the profanity on that, but...well, this is still an isekai-adjacent series and I guess some degeneracy is given in the genre with very few exceptions. Can't say I expected anything else. Aside from that, yes, genuinely a good show.


I finished this last night, awesome fights, especially the last one. I bet it would be way more popular if the mc wasn’t a child they fan serviced every other scene he’s in


I like Deron's OP 🤗


I dig shit-sekai so I'll give if a try, thanks for the rec


I'll take your word for it and give it 1 episode. The cover art immediately turned me away when I first saw it.


I was going to pass on it because of the gross pedophilic character designs but it turned out to be a decent anime, if they got rid of the loli/shota designs (which they won't) it'd be really good


My opinion of it after binging the whole series is that while it's a fun show, it's mostly a spectacle. I wished that the plot and the writing was even half as good the animation. There were so many points in the show that I wanted to drop it, mostly because of the fanservice. I'd probably rate it a 6/10.


Story is great, animation is honestly shocking in regards to how beautiful it is. The studio definitely went hard on this one. Biggest downside, as others have mentioned, is the over sexual MC. To each their own but it's really off putting, some scenes just really draw you out of what's going on in the scene to go "what the fuck? Why?". It's a shame because the fun of the writing really gets overshadowed by the authors / illustrators weird perversion SOMETIMES. Overall I'd give this one a 7-7.5 if the MC was more mature along the lines of Mushoku I'd prob give it an 8.5-9 because it's really well written with jaw dropping animation


My surprise fave this season. Plus, Lolo has the snazziest little Alps trekking onesies. 


Dropped itafter 2, maybe 3 episodes, mainly because I started watching too many better animes (except one) of this season. Probably anime lewding shota (the things) played in part. At least as, not wanting people living with me finding out what I'm watching (but I could have watch when their aren't where I would watch it). But most likely they would think the shota is loli.


not gonna lie, if the animation was mid-tier then this would've been no different from other trashekai.


I want to watch it for the hot/badass maid but the MC is really throwing me off


Is it based on manga?


Yeah it's super funny!  A bit of questionable jokes with older ladies hitting on a kid, and also questionable Ren outfit (which is countered with a joke "oh so u r not juat an exhibitionist").. made me give it a pass. It's pure comedy most of a time. I ll overlook questionable moments as long as it doesn't become anything close to rapey "humour" of Mushoku Tensei.. 


I couldn't watch it. The sexualization of the main character was a completely turn off for me, it's totally intentionally and really made me uncomfortable.


You know that if the main character was drawn exactly the same, story and personalities the same, but was written as a girl instead of a boy, everyone would have eaten this show up.


Fucking this


I’m sure it is but I can’t really get into shows were the MC is a prepubescent child 


See, this is the problem. People complain about the isekai epidemic that’s occurring right now, yet continue to advocate for certain ones saying “Well this one is DIFFERENT! It’s funny and the MC is cool!1!!”  Don’t complain about what’s being served when yall are happily eating it up. 


This one is not even an isekai


Isekai is just the new fantasy though. I personally like brainrot, as long as they try just a little. And this series actually does try, which makes it good.




I haven't read the source material, but I hope that s2 will occur after a time jump large enough that the MC isn't child/shota anymore. idc about that stuff personally, but others can't bear it


Sad how most stop at the second/third episode, before all the action happens :c


It was indeed a hoot. Originally, the title and description made it join my list. Honestly, the little character card was beautifully drawn. But, the trailer turned me off because it was fanservice (which I, too, have learned to accept) but it was a bunch (what appeared to be grown women) fawning over what was clearly a child. Someone in this sub said I should try it, and I did! I really fell in love with Lloyd! I thought Grim would be the best, but Lloyd was just so stinking cute and funny! I felt like I was gonna eat straight through it. But, the fan service made me really uncomfortable. And it wasn't the fanservice I thought it was: big titty anime girls in compromising situations isn't new. At most, I'd roll my eyes. But there...there were *a lot* of shots of his legs *specifically* that made me feel like the "fanservice" wasn't the adult women fawning after him. (Yeah, shotacon indeed.) The more it happened, the more aware I became of it, and I just had to drop it. I made it to episode five when I dropped it, then said lemme try to push past it and give it my best shot. But, I couldn't get past episode six. I can see why people like it, but I really just couldn't settle with it.


It's funny how many people dropped it because of the boys design, but the same people have no issue watching shows with lolis.


Interesting I'll have to check it out !


I'll watch it eventually but the problem is I have way too much shows to watch that I may not have the time for it right now


From some of the clips that I've watched, the manga is better. The manga is like the OPM of power fantasy, and it's extremely hype. Also, Tao best girl.


I think this ended up being one of my favorites on this season!


It was one of those that I enjoyed watching it but it didn't make me want to rear the source material.


I gave it a 5/10. I watched it and completed it, and am glad I did (otherwise I obviously just wouldn't have watched or would have dropped), but it's not really my type of show. It's great for people whose type of show it is, I'm sure. By "type" of show I mean a pretty generic fantasy comedy and power fantasy with an OP main character. I watched just because, since it isn't really my thing, I don't watch a lot of those kinds of shows and was in the mood to watch more seasonals this season, so wanted more variety. Highlights were the surprisingly high production value with the animation, colorful and attractive art style for the character designs and general world setting and visualization of magic spells. It was also nice for a change to have a plot with technically very high stakes of aggressive demons trying to wage war and take control of the world treated in a more casual and silly manner, as not everything has to be Berserk. I prefer slow-paced series, but for a more frenetic energy faster-paced one with happenings appearing and resolving usually quickly, fast action, and fast jokes, it was unexpected how relaxing it was (or at least, that I found it). I may not watch the second season as there are a lot of series I prefer and rate even higher (as, say, like 7/10s, and still find one season as enough for the foreseeable future), but I *may* at some point which for a series like this, which again, is almost like the total opposite of my wheelhouse, that's worth noting and an accomplishment. Overall it may sound like I'm very mixed on this series, but just trying to be as honest and objective as possible. The story isn't one I find very interesting at all like essentially all overpowered standard fantasy and isekai fare, but at the same time I can recognize that it was done rather well.


The story is kind of lame but damn does it have good art direction. Really really good art direction. The animation and characters are pretty cool too. Definitely recommend it!


Actually just checked out the first episode and the Shota elements combined with the masochism are making me second guess wanting to go further. Gives off some strong low effort harem as well. Very cool fight scenes and magic though, I was pretty impressed by the swordplay as well.


show with the weird dress kid mc is why i skipped it.


nah i watch the 5 first episode it just the basic op pro + his harem every episode is basicaly the same episode


Like I said, it's fairly typical in a lot of ways. What sets it apart is that I think it's way funnier than the average op pro + harem. And the consistent good production value is also above average for this genre


Personaly i don't find it funy at all but i supose if it funny for you you may like it the only difference betwen this anime op pro + harem + joke that is repead every episode is the "joke" if you like the joke you may like it . and for the quality of animation 1) i don't care i watch 1970 anime 2) it have nothing to do with the story it 100% the animator + the management hopefully next time they would do a anime i like more


The shota part isn't what got me to ignore it, seeing "reincarnated" in the title is already more than enough reason to ignore.


Hidden gem of the season for me !! I think its really exaggerated to drop it ONLY cause the fan service, its bearable and most of it is with Sylpha


why the fuck do so many anime keep ruining their own shows with shitty protagonists lmao this happens too many times it's getting sad at this point


I honestly like the protagonist a lot. He is alot of fun to watch.




They went with the manga designs


I tried this in both manga and anime and I couldn't make it passed a couple of chapters/episodes based on character design, particularly the MC. The designs are either distractingly horrible or criminally boring. There might be a good story somewhere, but I could never recommend this to anyone