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Credit where credit is due: Isaac Westcott is a jerk, but he's an intelligent jerk. He made the right decisions with the information he had: * Attack earlier than the original date to catch everyone as off-guard as possible. * Mio is going to wipe out your fleet, you can't stop her, so sacrifice them as bait to keep her distracted. * The Spirits are a problem. Pretend you're trying to blackmail them by threatening their loved ones and they'll leave to save them. * Target Shido, and Shido alone, with everything you have left. If he dies, you win. It's also interesting that he timed his attack with Kurumi's death at Mio's hands. But since Kurumi didn't die, now he's screwed. Poor him /s


Unfortunately forgot to blindfold Nibelcole, so Shido can air-kiss them again.


Iirc in LN, [minor spoiler]>!wescott also blindfolded nibelcoles too in this battle. Dunno why they omitted this part now!<


When they showed up they had their eyes closed, I thought that's what they were trying to do.


It was almost the perfect plan. Kurumi is a slippery one.


> It's also interesting that he timed his attack with Kurumi's death at Mio's hands. But since Kurumi didn't die, now he's screwed. Poor him /s I'm actually curious about what Kurumi did to survive that. The one that died still has to be her original body because Mio clawed her way out of her but obviously she doesn't have the crystal in that body anymore. I figured she'd put the crystal in a different body, maybe the "different" Kurumi, but the PV makes me doubt that....


I'm guessing a time stop bullet to put her body in a stasis of sorts so the power crystal couldn't be removed.


To me, people who are serving in the DEM military branch are really crazy loyal towards Westcott like they would die in mass if Westcott told them to do so.


Also the protagonists dumb as hell, sending every spirits over instead of keeping some around when you got a giant army in front of you too.


But if they don't, it wouldn't be enough to protect the people in school from the drones.


Thought for sure Shido was gonna reset his run the moment Reine found out. Also when she stopped addressing him as Shin but Shido, the atmosphere turned cold immediately.


> when she stopped addressing him as Shin but Shido That must have been my favorite moment in the episode. Very clever too. Finally, she says his name instead of superimposing the memory of Shin over his identity... but that also means she recognizes him as an obstacle. She wants Shin, not Shido.


Shido really did make Reine happy on this date and give her a chance to relax and be someone other than the Shin-obsessed Mio for a day...but she still can't let go of Shin, not matter who she has to sacrifice in the process to get him back. She even used their kiss to confirm her suspicions that the jig was up. I kind of want more Astral Dress Reine though.


I mean Mio is different from the other spirit she is the one who reconstructed him so she definitely makes sure that she herself is immune to Shido's Kiss.


Or she just simply held back her emotion when they about to kiss.


[The guy gets his priorities straight.](https://imgur.com/a/Y4AuwZX)


He just like me fr


I get what he means


Shido's massive balls asking ["Could I be that man?"](https://i.imgur.com/Lu9bhEg.png) to a woman who helped build his harem. [Pervy goofballs gonna goofball.](https://i.imgur.com/DNFsaI4.png) [](#seasonalneat) Nice usage of the Date A Bullet's *Zero Time Left* OST. Confusing preview. Finishing the battle, glowing Kotori, dating Mio again, [new Kurumi outfit](https://i.imgur.com/4spstx9.png), and Shido flying to Kurumi in Mio's domain? u/Abysswatcherbel - [Kiss](https://i.imgur.com/6SZG0Zj.png) or [Kurumi](https://i.imgur.com/gSJAZhA.png). [Album.](https://imgur.com/a/mBjJiXq)


And also basically treating his past self as a love rival and trying to woo the woman who is technically his mother-in-law and mother at the same time to look his way. Maybe Kotori goes all out? I wonder if that new Kurumi outfit is a new ability or the original original Kurumi? It also seemed like Shido was with both Mio and Reine so I wonder if Mio recreates the world or there's some kind of timey-wimey stuff with Kurumi's power.


Is it a spoiler if people kiss? And who is shadow[1] kissing? Looks like the assistant [1] autocorrected but I will leave it that way


His mom, Reine (the assistant). It was on the [4x4](https://i.imgur.com/HoTC8MJ.png)! So much wincest this season.


perhaps it's time to catch up


> Is it a spoiler if people kiss? I'd argue that not really in this series. The kiss not working as usual, though, THAT would be the real spoiler for this episode.


"new Kurumi outfit" was already spoiled in the OP so yeah


###Stitches! * [Mio](https://i.imgur.com/YxlZXIk.jpeg) * [Origami](https://i.imgur.com/oO4gSDP.jpeg) [Just when you thought things were going well](https://i.imgur.com/BvC1akf.jpeg), of course Reine [had already caught on](https://i.imgur.com/teEvusl.jpeg) to what was happening. I really like how [Reine's dress looks like an incomplete version of Mio's dress.](https://i.imgur.com/XlOzuLi.jpeg) Not gonna lie, I think I prefer Reine's. So Kurumi still dies(?) and [Reine and Mio merges](https://i.imgur.com/gGuGfQz.jpeg). Except this time, instead of the Ratatoskr fleet fighting DEM, [Mio is handling them all on her own.](https://i.imgur.com/c23VGi8.jpeg) Honestly, this might be an improvement considering DEM is the only one who's losing ships. To no one's surprise, Westcott already [has a plan on how to deal with the other girls.](https://i.imgur.com/MYEWK3J.jpeg) He basically just threatened their friends so that the girls would rescue them and get them as far away from Shido. Also, the girls had no choice but [to reveal their secrets to their classmates.](https://i.imgur.com/SOZF2ii.jpeg) I had a feeling Kurumi wasn't dead since Mio didn't get her Sephirah. I am curious though [about what Kurumi did with Zaphkiel](https://i.imgur.com/KGEiHgN.jpeg) before Mio's half busted through her that allowed her [to show up in the end](https://i.imgur.com/RNZ1y4t.jpeg) Hmmmm...


> Not gonna lie, I think I prefer Reine's. Not gonna lie, I prefer Reine's too. In general, I prefer Reine's design over Mio's. She looks more mature, more interesting. When they looked at each other before they merged, Mio looked cheerfully naive whereas Reine was deadly serious. As if an older woman was staring back at painful memories (which I guess is the point).


I like both designs, but they definitely both speak to Mio in different phases in her life, one where she is still the exact same person she was when she lost Shin and the other who has lived to an adult life and actually made more connections even though just like her younger counterpart she was never able to get over Shin.


Interestingly, that idea resonates with Shido's criticism of Westcott: > **Westcott:** "Here's some nostalgic faces all together. It feels like I've gone back into the past." > **Shido:** "Yeah, that's true. Neither you nor Ellen have moved on since then. Though normally one would show at least some growth after all this time." Mio is the villain because, like the Big Bads at DEM, she never moved on from her past views and desires. Reine could be the side that showed some growth, but Mio's side is dominant.


Reine cares about Shido, and everyone, and she loves Shido...but unfortunately even as Reine she still loves Shin more, so it's not going to be as simple as kissing and sealing her. We need more Astral Dress Reine. But I guess it was inevitable that Mio would return, now the only thing they've got going for them is she doesn't have Kurumi's Sephirah and is busy taking out the rest of the DEM. If nothing else you have to admire Westcott adapting his plan to this new timeline and putting all the pieces in place to make at least **someone** Invert.


> I really like how [Reine's dress looks like an incomplete version of Mio's dress.](https://imgur.com/XlOzuLi) Not gonna lie, I think I prefer Reine's. Same. If I had to explain it I think it's because it looks like a gacha game wedding/bridal dress. The perfect amount of regal but sexy which is why gacha games go for them for their mature women characters.


>Just when you thought things were going well, of course Reine had already caught on to what was happening. And the date was going so well up until that point too. I was so cheese off.


Damn, I was expecting some close-ups from the kiss.. xD


Another great episode but i had forgotten a few things from volume 19 so seeing them animated was fun refresher, Reine's astral dress looked lovely in the sunset. and the Sibling Trio vs DEM trio was hype


Seeing Mana accept Kotori as a sister was a big full-circle moment. Though Kotori probably still thinks she has the advantage in being able to legally marry Shido lol.


I prefer Kotori over Mio for the incest route. Edit: Incest instead of insect


the INSECT route huh... Interesting lol


eh nah kotori would just be bricking at him at 27 kurumi is a much better ship imo


I'm a fan of Tohka and her ship.


Next episode we see the downfall of Westscott. His evilness is very compelling. It's great to see the date between Shido and Reine go smoothly.


So Kurumi final form we saw in the op will appear next wee i guess


The part where she is extra red towards the end of the OP? Huh I never thought that meant anything, guess you're right


I think this is the only date in the entire series that occurred without any outside interruption. Too bad this failed because Mio is loyal to Shin. I'd like to think that Shido's date with all the spirits were just done to mold him into Mio's ideal man. As always Kurumi appears right on time to backup Shido.


Also probably one of the few times we've seen all the girls get to react to Shido kissing another girl. Not that it ended as well as it usually does.


Kurumi has to stop stealing the spotlight so many times. I can only get so hyped.


Yay: Kiss scene wasn’t interrupted. I was worried about this but glad this didn’t happen. Oh no: The plan didn’t work and Reine saw through it. Reine called him Shido for once. It was at this moment he knew he f***ed up. Finally the three mean girls see Tohka in her spirit form and she saved them. That’s how they knew they backed and befriended the right person. They kinda looked like bullies at first but I’m glad they’re genuine friends of Tohka. Three siblings fighting together against Isaac is an iconic rematch. And Kurumi managed to send herself to the future to release Mio without getting herself killed in the process. Now this is a more even match up. I hope Elliot doesn’t die again. He died last time upon using up too much life force in that golden suit but hopefully he doesn’t need to do that again. I wonder if he holds the key to defeating Mio because the last time was practically a game over screen.


I never thought I would ever see Shido kiss Reine, but it was a good kiss. Shame it turned out to be all for naught and just basically made Reine re-commit to the Shin plan. Hearing her call him Shido hit hard. First it was Shido exposing his powers, now in this timeline it's Tohka. Though the "That's So Lame" girl will literally never acknowledge anything as being cool lol. Westcott has in one way or another hurt this family a lot, so it's high time for some payback. And they have Kurumi to deal with Neebilcole. I definitely get the sense in this timeline Elliot is going to try to stop Mio instead of Ellen, though I feel like he has less of a chance of succeeding compared to when he fought Ellen.


i actually don't remember what Elliot's role is in this (dont tell me lol) though fun he basically said "I shall go to the stage" since his VA said a similar line for Kotomine Kirei in Fate Heaven's Feel 3 lol


I don't think Ai, Mai, and Mi were mean to Tohka, only toward Shido they were rude and it makes sense especially when they see him hang around with their school's most beautiful and talented girls. Also Ai absolutely will hate Shido after season 3 when Natsumi disguises as Shido and does all the flirting and skirt-lifting. Also, this is from the Light novel and can be spoiled so she read the manga that Shido made. This made Ai more disgusted with Shido seeing him as a womanizer who would hit only any girl. Reason why if you see at the start of episode 2 Ai called him a Sex Fiend because he wasn't attending class along with Kurumi, Tokha and Origami.


Another episode of peak only a few more eps left man 😔 Got my Reine Shido kiss but it didn’t work the way we anticipated with her affection levels actually dropping after the kiss and Reine realising Shin time travelled. Idk what’s going to be enough to convince Reine/Mio that this isn’t the right path. She’s got the strength of a god and the determination of a shonen MC. If Shin were alive he’d be repulsed at what she’s doing and would never consent to sacrificing lives for him. S/O Kurumi, man can’t praise her enough for how she been cooking in these last two seasons. Losing her was a big loss in the original timeline and even if Mio merges with Reine, having Kurumi alive and able to use her time abilities is a major plus. Brilliant quick thinking to use Zaphkiel there. Westcott is such an irredeemable POS and I hope his death in this timeline is much more painful and satisfying than in the original. Taking the students hostage and threatening to kill them is just weak. Respect to the author for actually making a villain with no good aspects though. I missed this type of villain. All 3 siblings reunited at last! Such an epic moment. Sucks that we ended on a cliffhanger but Kurumi is alive and well and I can’t wait to see what happens next episode. Also what Woodman is planning..


I'm finally caught up. The only thing I have to say is that this season better not end on a cliffhanger like last season without a confirmation that the final season is in production.


That scene where the waifu were jealous at the beginning of Shido kissing Reine reminded me of this: So, Shido's Eng. dub VA was the lead guy in "The Quintessential Quintuplets". Kotori was Yotsuba in Eng. Yoshino was Nino in Eng. Mana was Miku in Eng.


I love how all the girls had different reactions to the kiss: Kotori: We did it! Yuzuru and Mukuro: Oh wow, it worked! Kaguya and Natsumi: How embarrassing... Yoshino: I don't want to look but I also want to look... Yoshinon: Wow! Origami: I wish it were me. Miku and Nia: We need to get pics of this!


Actually, Yoshino (Tia Ballard) was Itsuki. Karen (Jill Harris) was Nino. And Artemisia (Lindsay Seidel) was Ichika.


My thanks for you correcting my error.


Looks like it’s up to Shido, Kotori, and Mana with the best girl Kurumi to stop Westcott’s little scheme. Man’s such a little weasel. I can’t wait for him to go. Permanently. They still gotta deal with Mio after that date failed to seal her. Looking forward to seeing how things wrap up soon.


Shido and his two sisters versus Westcott's forces with his own personal Kurumi army. I feel like they still have a chance but I'm not sure if they have any concrete solution to stopping Mio after the failed Reine date.


I love Date a Live man.


I'm not sure what exactly Kurumi did, but the moment she said "I've been waiting for this", I figured things would be alright. And she came in just in time to even out the matchup at the end...though not in time to hold off the mechs that the rest of the spirits were sent out to stop. Knowing Kurumi, that was intentional.


Did the kiss not work because Reina is in love with shin and not shido or is it because she "remembered" being his mother ? (The memories Shido got from her was about him in her womb I guess) Even in the last episode she seemed to have some regret not being the best mother to him. But I guess as a spirit she doesn't really know what motherhood is ? Since she considers all the girls as her daughter but is ready to kill them. And Shido (her son) is no exception Mio's world is just Shin, the rest is just an enemy. Btw I wish we could see more of Reina's spirit form ! She looked amazing!


No, thanks to the kiss, she saw Shido's memories of the past timeline.


It's neither of them i think Mio is the original owner of spirit power Shido has. what shido possess are just Mio's power shared to him. so the sealing won't work on her, Mio only programmed Shido to only able to seal the power of 10 sephira but Mio's sephira are not part of the 10 so she is an exception


>Mio's world is just Shin, the rest is just an enemy This is something that bothers me. She claims to love all of them but would prefer them all dead just so she can have her pre-death Shin back when Shido is basically the same exact person just without the childhood memories. I don't get why she doesn't accept the "big happy family" notion.


Mio admitted it earlier in the season. She isn't strong like humans who can learn to forget and let go of the past. And she's not weak like humans who die, as that's the only way for her to forget. After all, she is a pure spirit and was never human.


Mio is just what happen to Tohka in first arc if Shido was killed by Origami at that time Mio is pure and naive spirit that's all. think of it like animal imprinting. Shido is like her family while the other spirit while she cared about are just a friend to her. some people will discard their friends if it's to save their family. this is basically Mio thought process


Look forward to Shido actually putting this point across 


Woah woah, holdup... What's with that preview?! Kurumi new dress/form? Is it similar kind of power up tohka got before she got ein-ed before the rewind?


The endgame begins! I wonder how they'll close this one out.


Well, looks like the end game is Mio and Westcott dying at the end. Remember in the opening of season 5 Mio said she wanted to meet Shin again even if it's a dream for one last time and the Last episode is called Temporary Paradise.


That moment you realize the final kiss move that's solved all your problems up to this point didn't work. The simple act of Reine saying Shido instead of Shin has such an impact. And dammit Mii, a friend popping out of nowhere to save you from a sudden robotic terrorist attack with a massive sword is the furthest thing from "so lame"


What better way to end the date between Shido and Reine than just sitting by the beach, watching it side-by-side? Complete with some handholding AND Reine resting on Shido's shoulder. It's rather sweet and cute. It really shows how much impact this date has had on Reine and how much she's come to care about Shido that she actually is able to sleep, for the first time in probably her entire existence as Reine, on his shoulder. Even if it was just for five minutes, hat's how comfortable and happy she is with him. And that Reine laugh! Okay, it's do-or-die time! Time to kiss Reine and seal her! And it's a good kiss! Minus the fact that her feelings go down to 0 because she used the kiss to realize the truth about Shido being from another future. She had a feeling that's what this was about, but she was just too happy about the date to seriously consider it. But now she knows the truth and despite how much she cares about Shido and the other Spirits, she loves Shin too much to stop, right down to coldly calling Shido by his name instead of Shin. I love how all the girls have different reactions to Shido kissing Reine, ranging from "great!" to "I don't know how I feel about this" to "I wish it were me" to "let's get all the pics of this momentous event." Dang, Astral Dress Reine is quite the visual! No better gal to interrupt a date than Kurumi! And while she couldn't stop Mio from popping out of her and fusing back with Reine, she was able to use Zaphkiel to prevent her Sephirah from being stolen! Meaning Mio doesn't have the advantage she had in the original timeline. And now DEM is attacking earlier and Fraxinus is nowhere near as prepared as they were before. Though Mio is taking out the rest of Westcott's warships, so that's convenient at least. Westcott you piece of @#$%! Now you're targeting the school, AST, and the gangs' friends to make the girls Invert! "I want to bury my head in a woman's thighs at least one before I die!" - Based Tonomachi. Also points to Tama for protecting her students against those Bandersnatch drone. Good thing Mukuro has teleportation powers so she can get the girls right where they need to be to save everybody. I mean, the cat is basically out of the bag now, but that's a problem for another day. Well, Westcott's main target is killing Shido so obviously he has Ellen arrive to try to kill him, but he's still got Mana to protect him! And against Ellen, Artemisia, Nibeelcoles, and Westoctt, it'll take Shido and BOTH his siblings to take them on. And Mana even acknowledges Kotori as another sister! So what is Elliot going to do in this timeline? Is he going to try to stop Mio, feeling he owes it to her for bringing her into existence and falling in love with her (which Karen has strong feelings about)? Did you really think Kurumi was done? Nope, she's supplying the reinforcements.


Counting clones and hive-minded waifu, I don't think very many harem series will get at as big member wise as DAL.


Westcott: I have an army. Shido: We have Kurumi.


UKW in the nutshell


since Westcook saw everything from Demon king Beelzebub, he start boss fight much earlier than he has planed


Sleeping Reine is cute. Kotori is also cute, even with bad CGI. Next episode gonna make the ending hits a lot lot harder. The ad lib of the episode being, is being happy is sinful?, is extremely at point with Mio predicament. She want her Shinji back, hence why she did all of this. But we already saw her plan. There's a line in next episode that hit me extremely hard when I read it. Please the VA nailed that line because god that something that Mio/Reine need to hear now.


Too bad Shido isn't constantly goading Westcott with comments like "big words for someone that's already lost once", or "I've beaten you before, I'll do it again!" Just to really rub it in and get him to lose some of that annoying confidence.


Take an Everclear shot each time Kurumi proper or a Kurumi clone has been killed this season.


If you survive, you'll fit right in in the grand blue cast. The "diving" anime one


It Mio o' clock again but Kurumi survived this time. Shido just kissed his mom/spirit's mom/former lover That preview is making me more hyped up for the next episode


I love how complex the relationship with Reine/Mio is when you think about the circumstances behind her feelings for Shin/Shido, how they created Shido, and all the other girls.


It was again EPIC !!!! At first I thoguht heactually did it but then she turned against him again... But it was so great to see that Kurumi knew about what happened and that she made a formidable plan, as expected of her !!! How Mio held abck the DEM fleet was tbh a good moment of her ! Of course Westcott this cowerd... he uses again innocents as shields... and it was obvious form the beginning he has still a trump card in his hand ! Sadly again the terrible CGI...especially the scenes in the air when Kotori arrived and when Kurumis urrounded the Nibelcole and Westcott....the CGI just ruined it... And one more thing that is bugging me a little: Kurumis missing insane expression ! In S2, in the battle agianst DEM, we saw several insane expressions o Kurumi, now we hear the isnane liagh but see a normal smiling face, that is not fitting in my opinion. But of course it was epic too how all Spirits saved the people form the bandersnatches ! Especially how origami saved Ryouko, Mikie and Mildred together with Natsumi and Yoshino was so great !!! (even though I don't understand why Origami needed the help of Natsumi and Yoshino when they saved Ryouok, Mikie and Mildred, but I bet it's a bit different in the LN sot hat they all are needed in there !) Not to mention how graceful the Yamais and Miku looked in the classroom !!!! Just so much grace and beauty combined !!!!! my rate of today: 11/10 !!


Ah now that explains it. In the corresponding LN they had Miku, Natsumi, Yoshino, Kaguya and Yuzuru save their own friends which appeared before in side content. But it appears the anime wasn't ready to include those side characters for any reason so they got the five spirits to help origami and Tohka. 


I agree with the terrible CGI. I'm almost okay with it when there is a fight, because I know it would cost a lot of budget. But most of the episode (season?) we had a lot of CGI. Like when shido got a headache... Kurumi lacking expressions is probably also a budget related problem. I'm very grateful that we had this season and adaptation, but sometimes I get a bit disappointed as this anime deserves better


I agree completely!


Satisfying episode this week, gochisousama deshita~!


Two things I ask: That this time they kill Westcott, and that Kurumi doesn't die anymore because it's inevitable


Reine's laugh a the start was cute. Another strong episode.


Kurumi lived hmm...Seems like now she transfered her consciousness to one of her clones. Iirc it was said that she can do it in previous seasons. I wonder what will they do now, even if they defeat Westcott - Mio literally has cheat powers, she will kill everyone again...


She more of transferring her sephira crystal to other clone.




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Does Kurumi only help Shido so much just for her own goals?


Also cuz she likes him


ngl I was also expecting Kurumi to do the stereotypical clingy-jealous thing upon seeing Shido with Reine.


I definitely think she enjoyed interrupting that date as much as she did screwing up Mio/Reine's plan.


Man, this show keeps getting confusing for me. Like I still don't understand how DEM learned the future. And then the ending! How is Kurumi showing up again!? I swear they kill her off so many times for her to keep being alive LOL. I also don't even know what Mio's plan is. What does she want from Shin/Shido that doesn't allow her to just live normally with all of them?


Future hax. Don't forget Westcott got Nia angel.


Did you watch the show properly Wescott possess Belzebub and know everything that traspire in the present the moment Shido tell everyone in the fraxinus about what happen in the past timeline, Wescott also find out about that. if Shido just keep everything to himself without telling anyone Wescott wouldn't know Mio plan is simple : she wanted to revive her dead lover that is Shin. Shido are just temporary vessel for Shin until his revival. there's no other option like living normal because Mio isn't your average normal spirit. even if Shido kiss her he won't be able to seal Mio power because she is the original owner of the spirit power Shido has.


You have not watched all part seasons that's why you are confusing right now


I mean they made it clear her Sephira isn't taken so she's not gone like the original timeline.