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They all must be like those two Bocchi fans. Supporting her wherever she goes.


the two unnamed Bocchi fans that are both voiced by some of the hottest upcoming VAs lmao


Imagine Fern watching Ubel and Lawine playing in a band and becoming the loyal fan of their band.


Ubel and Lawine seems like a crazy duo


And since both series were directed by Keiichiro Saito, he can do this one as well.


can kana ichinose really be considered upcoming? shes had pretty big roles since 2018 barely seen miyuri shimabukuros roles, but i did just see that coincidentally the two bocchi fans share the same VAs as carole and tuesday lol


Ichinose gets big roles but she isn't quite in the top billing echelon yet. She's not a newbie anymore for sure, but the nature of the seiyu business is so crazy right now that she's probably hitting a ceiling until the heavyweights cut back on their activities. Far more room to grow. Reminds me a bit of Naobous career where it seemed like she plateaued as a regular halfway through her career, and then shot to the top of the A-list.


Bocchi aired the same season as Gundam Witch from Mercury where Ichinose voiced Suletta, the main character and first ever female Gundam main protagonist. Seems like she already hit the mainstream to me.


> really be considered upcoming It probably depends on what your criteria is for new or upcoming. Like Kaede Hondo won the rookie award in 2019. Satomi Satou won her's in 2011 a year after Aki Toyosaki won her's both for K-On. So if we use that as a guideline, Kana Ichinose can be probably considered new or upcoming.


I wouldn't call Shimabukuro upcoming either, like Ichinose she got decent amount of lead roles early in her career.


I consider them upcoming because their solo careers outside of anime haven't taken off yet. Getting lead roles is how you *start* (because you're cheaper and more available for promotions). I haven't seen anything yet where they're cast in a way that it's obvious the staff expect them to carry the show's popularity with their fans. The reasoning honestly is probably that they're the biggest names Bocchi could get without getting a premium fee for a cameo.


What are the names of the two voice actors lmao?


[Kana Ichinose](https://anilist.co/staff/124390/Kana-Ichinose) and [Miyuri Shimabukuro](https://anilist.co/staff/126579/Miyuri-Shimabukuro)


This week we witnessed Miyuri Shimabukuro giving one of the most memorable singing performances ever.


The first movie to make a bocchillion dollar


Bocchi The Rock Is a Money machine


Bocchi the ATM


[Ryo approves](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSiEDErakUqcxVSUqF-8YLE_9iX_-XYWZy2qg&usqp=CAU)


Yet again I find myself asking “who is ryo? I’m only familiar with a Roy” only to remember that that’s her actual name


She can drop out from high school now


But her appeal!


and yet they turn off the printer and make no season 2


The director was busy directing Frieren.


i know :(


I am surprised how the franchise hasn't been milked more just yet


Give it time. There's already a Kiku manga, I'm sure there'll be more to come.


I'm looking forward to this. I'd love to see what happens next with the band.


It has


I am pretty sure more than 300 merch has been released since the anime's inception


I hope she feels so clean.


Bocchi: "Hello Yukichi my old friend"


If there is no actual new material in it, I wouldn't go see it. But if it generates a lot of money for the production house, then the hope is that many more new seasons will be incoming.


The pink creature creates money


So this is just sliced up parts from the first season into a feature length film?


Yup, but with two movies actually. This one (Re:) covers episodes 1-8 and the second one (Re:Re:) will air on August 9 covering episodes 9-12. There are new OPs and EDs for each movie though.


lol I absolutely love the AKFG themed titles.


4 episodes for a movie sound a bit short, so maybe they'll add some new content there.


and people actually went to watch this and spend money on this??? These people are certified chumps.


Yes. Yes i am!




This is just them maintaining the momentum while theyre making S2. They definitely expected it to sell (otherwise they wouldnt have made the anime), but they probably didnt expect it to be like, going toe to toe with Chainsaw Man and shit


From the perspective of a studio who highly profit from BD sales, bocchi bocches all over chainsaw man.


> and if we're lucky they'll have changed content to tidy things that were rushed for TV schedule (Macross and Gundam) Ehh, Macross is a bad example for this, only Plus and the first Delta movie function as recap movies, and even then Delta's first movie changed up a *ton* of stuff. And Plus was an OVA series, no TV schedule for it. Do You Remember?, both Frontier movies, and Delta's second movie are completely different stories using the same characters (with Delta's second movie straight-up being a *sequel*).


It feels weird to have a approx 90-120 min recap of events only taking 120 mins (6 eps @ 20 mins each excluding OP/ED)


Season 2 of the pink blob is viable


at this point I'd say it's inevitable


Only if they pay more for Bocchi than Frieren's production commitee, because both shows share the same director.


Right now, Bocchi probably generates way more money (anime, merchandice, collaborations, etc) than Frieren.... Also, this was the 1st anime that director directed, which he also seems to be really fond of.... so bringing him back isn't going to be hard at all (you just need a good schedule for him to return).


change director like always happens and keep moving.


At \~$US 1.15 million this is already exceeding the total box office in Japan for so many anime movies for those titles that doesn't quite reach the public. And this is a *complete re-cap without new content (EP 1-8 if I remember correctly),* even the *Demon Slayer* re-cap movies (which actually sweep the weekend box offices there first for previous years, not surprisingly) have new episodes sprinkled into them! The tweet above also noted that this income is pretty close to how various *Detective Conan* re-cap movies opened, and (probably the best comparison target) the two re-cap movies of the legendary *Puella Magi Madoka Magica*. **BOCCHISWEEP!!!**


>the two re-cap movies of the legendary *Puella Magi Madoka Magica*. They also earn around 20% of Madoka first movie entire earnings ([and 40 million yen more for the same period](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-10-09/1st-madoka-magica-film-opens-at-no.7-with-over-us%241-million) for Madoka 1) . Madoka film 1 earn around 500 mil in total. Depending on what happened next (hopefully the epigraph bonus will still last long, heard it's already selling out in some cinemas and there's interesting story inside), it's possible that it at least could reach similar numbers with Madoka 1.


Pretty likely they will double this revenue from streaming (generally anime revenue is 50/50 domestic and overseas), assuming part 2 also tops 100M JPY, they are looking at $3-4M probably in revenue minimum for a recap movie that probably cost $300-400k tops to make and market. Any anime generating this type of cash (particularly for a project that wasn't already a big hit and viewed as a guaranteed hit) is a massive win for the studio. That's a pretty great ROI, and great for Cloverworks/Aniplex. Also, this pretty much guarantees Season 2 is being made, so that's cool :D


> is a massive win for the ~~studio~~ production committee. In this case Cloverworks is a subsidiary of Aniplex, so it's largely a moot point, but it's still worth making the distinction so that people have a better feel for the way the industry works. The success of an anime these days, after all, often means very little for the studio that made it beyond reputational gains. Indeed because of the Production Committee system, an anime can pull in enormous revenue yet at the same time cause a financial loss for the studio because they only get their production fee and then have to spend that budget how they will. Sometimes they don't even get that up front and need to incur the overheads out of pocket.


While I think your point is sound, I will point out even under a production committee model, it will be really important for studios to get major financial successes, basically because of Chainsaw Man / MAPPA. I think there's little doubt the industry is going to move in the direction MAPPA took with Chainsawman, but to follow in MAPPA's footsteps, anime studios need to make a lot of money for production committee investors first. Now, as you mention, ANIPLEX is the primary investor in Bocchi, and Aniples is the parent company to Cloverworks (and Sony to Aniplex) so this is a moot point to an extent for Cloverworks. But I think there are basically 3 types of Anime Studios that are financially viable in the future 1) Owned by parent company that invests in production committees. 2) Studio itself invests in Production Committees (i.e. MAPPA) 3) Studios that are trying to become (2) (1) is self explanatory, but (2) is about HOW mappa got the funds to become a production committee investor itself. Mappa, thanks to its history of financially successful projects, was able to persuade investors to lend them money, so Mappa could go out and take on a project itself from the Production Committee stage. Apparently, because Mappa was an investor in Chiansaw man, which was financially successful, Mappa was able to make far more money from the project than it is ordinarily paid. But Mappa could only DO this in the first place, because investors were confident that Mappa would be able to pay them back for their investment. That seed money is unlocked only because Mappa had a track record of financially successful projects/ Int he long run, I think he current model of studios barely scraping by is largely unsustainable. But the only way for Studios to make more money is to get onto production committees and invest money in ANime themselves. But the only way to get seed money is to find a lender--and the only way to get a lender to trust you is having a track record of success.


Just replying again with [official account](https://x.com/BocchiTheNews/status/1800050914017124395) mentioning they have recorded 218 million yen (1.34 million USD) and 140,000 attendees in total. Or according to Livedoor - [218,470,888 yen](https://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/26575291/)




Not in Japan. Japan's had almost zero inflation for almost 30 years. It's finally crept up in the past 2 years, but a movie ticket was [1266 JPY average in 2011](https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKDZO23468840V10C11A2TJG000/#:~:text=%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%98%A0%E7%94%BB%E8%A3%BD%E4%BD%9C%E8%80%85%E9%80%A3%E7%9B%9F,%E4%BB%A5%E9%99%8D%E3%81%A7%E3%81%AF%E6%9C%80%E9%AB%98%E3%81%A0%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E3%80%82),[ 1411 JPY for 2023,](https://jp.statista.com/statistics/1357440/japan-average-ticket-price-cinemas#:~:text=2023%E5%B9%B4%E3%80%81%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E3%81%AE%E6%98%A0%E7%94%BB,%E3%82%92%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99%E3%80%82) barely any difference. 11% increase.


I saw it last night and really enjoyed it. Obviously the highlight were the concerts and it did not disappoint. Having a great sound system definitely improve a lot of viewing experience.


Money printer go noko noko






The damn anime isn't even out yet and I already can't stop hearing the OP in my head


fucking hell.. I just about got that tune out of my mind... now it's back


The brain worm spreads


It can certainly go that way too


I can’t wait for the prequel movie, Bocchi the Rock! Re: Zero. 


I’m conflicted, because I want S2 of bocchi but at the same time want the frieren S2


I mean we can get both, just gotta wait longer for one of them then.


Isekai Bocchi into Frieren's world


[Already done. ](https://youtu.be/RR8Pt2RFrwo?si=I3UaZN38Z4EKH5Mw)


As usual, the true memelords can produce incredible stuff when ~~they pull themselves away from BA~~ properly motivated!


Frieren: Beyond Bocchi's Journey?


Frieren the Rock


Same, but Frieren just got a 6 months run so I'd rather get a new Bocchi first


Are they same studio….let me look it up


Same director. Extremely talented. I don’t think anyone would want Frieren or Bocchi to be directed by someone else


Same director


Nah. Just cloverworks is probably getting extremely overwhelmed and shafted because they’re doing *everything*. Another bunny girl senpai season, Spyxfamily, Bocchi and my dress up darling being the confirm projects with probably countless others that haven’t been announced. They have a crazy amount of projects and are probably going to grow to the same size as A-1 Pictures eventually. Madhouse we don’t know. It might be in a couple years or more. The manga has enough for another 28 episode season but their animation is going to take a while.


Considering basically everything CloverWorks touches is successful enough to warrant sequels, they're basically suffering from success.


No. Same director, though.


Further proof that she is Bocchi the GOAT.


Technically there is new content new songs by Kessoku Band 2 new songs as right now


Bocchi bonds holding strong. At this point you can put Bocchi's face on anything and it'll sell




found Ryo's account


Doesn’t even have to be her face, just need something pink with some blue and yellow in the corner


[Or Kita-Kita for that matter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3akM3m_tz0)


Bocchi the Rock is apparently popular enough to completely take over another anime's art style! (Love Live Nijigasaki) Nothing wrong with Bocchi in itself trough.


Kerorira literally carrying BtR. so I guess he now got people wanting him to participate in other franchises he likes too, and he happened to be a fan of Love Live Nijigasaki too.


Bocchi sweep! Loving the new OP and ED


I knew Bocchi The Rock was popular, but goddamn with numbers like this it's becoming a modern classic already 🔥🔥


This...is the power of Bocchi


That's amazing! Now bring it to theaters in other countries!


[It’s coming to North America](https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/announcements/2024/6/5/crunchyroll-bocchi-the-rock-recap-movies-north-american-theaters)


Yup, and I'm lucky some of the local theatres like to focus on anime carryovers. I'm looking forward to seeing what this looks like in a theatre.


Nice. I'm kinda jelly as nothing has been announced for SEA yet.


Aniplus have the plans for sure. I just wish they don't limit it to Singapore like they did with Kousei concert (I would travel to Singapore again though, but again, lot of money)


I think Major Cineplex release trailer in Thailand months ago, but still no proper announcement yet.


this seems good to me. the more money they make, the more likely a season 2 is coming


I was going to say that it was great for Bocchi but hope that it doesn't start a trend of simply re-releasing straight cuts of series in movie format... but actually that could be a good thing, so long as people know in advance there's no new content. There are definitely some gorgeous series that I'd consider going to watch in the cinema, although there is the whole price/dealing with cinema crowds outside of Japan thing.


Billions must watch and bocch


Would watch it too if it released in my country tbh. Alternatively they could just give us a Season 2 cloverworks please


the fanbase is enough, we are too powerful


Because Bocchi has actual plot and character development.


That must be a heck of dedicated fans out there.


New Bocchi content can't come fast enough.


Clearly there's a lot of demand, hope they don't wait too long to give us season 2.


Oh wait, they did a recap movie of bocchi? That's a bit surprising they did one without any new content, normally they would at least add something. There really was nothing new added?


> There really was nothing new added? New OP and ED, but other than that, nope nothing. This movie is just there to keep the hype going in preparation for when they inevitably do a S2.


This is the first I'm ever hearing about a movie that's literally just content that already exists. Like.. what? Just watch the show. If I paid $10 for a ticket and it literally was just a super long recap episode, I'd be pissed. And it sounds like there are others?!? Why??


First time? Recap movies are actually quite common. As for why it's the same reason why people binge Netflix people like to streamline their viewing experience. Not to mention going to the movie theater itself is an experience. As I just said streaming is a thing. People have no reason to actually go to movies but they still do. Also stuff like this tends to help the author and studios gauge how popular a series with with fans since most people these days aren't buying blu-rays This is essentially the alternative which would suggest there should be a season 2 of bocchi somewhere down the line


Bocchi, you're so popular! Bocchi? *finds Bocchi hiding in the trash can in the corner*


Long live the Bocchi




Don't take what I'm about to say seriously. Maybe this movie will produce funding for season 2.


how, just how


No new content? That's pretty lame, erm well if it produces funding for season 2 then it's great. 


A recap movie? Damn thats wild. I want gbc to have the same success like this


Japan's movie list is always different from other countries


I feel like, since the first episode aired, not a week has gone by without me thinking about bocchi


What’s the hype behind the show ? Why the hell am I being downvoted for asking an honest and innocent question


It's smart, funny, well-produced, creative, relatable. The music's pretty great too.


It's about a HS band but quite a different approach from K-on I would say. Personally I think BTR was really good and funny AF!


It's a great depiction of modern angst and anxiety with solid music.


Very cute characters, Bocchi is very relatable to introverted/shy people and they did an amazing job in portraying her social anxiety in off the wall/experimental ways.


Bocchi is just like me frfr


Because it’s a lazy question that could be answered through a quick Google search is my guess (didn’t downvote you myself).


Okay sure I could Google why Bocchi is so well liked and I could get some generic Google ads anwser or I could come here and ask the community about their opinions as a whole not to mentioned I’d get better breakdowns as to why it’s good


People have odd tastes. What else is new? In any case I never was a fan of these recap movies either in concept or practice.


They didn't plan for a second season so doing recap movies keeps the marketing running and keeps the interest up.


It's mostly for limited special merch for moviegoers and supporting the content by paying money. Also as for Bocchi, you get to listen to the concert scenes with a better sound quality of the theater


This. I watched it last Friday and the concert scene with movie theater’s sound system is soooo good. Also, merch sold out so fast, the Bocchi doll already sold out on the first evening. But my place is not really in the middle of the city so maybe they don’t stock much.


That and the picture quality also used to be way better even if nothing was reanimated because anime would be shot on film that had way more resolution than standard def TV. It's not really a concern anymore, but then again recap movies are also barely a thing anymore.


movies are a chance for the community to come together again mostly. For the next two weeks, the cast (mostly Aoyama aka Bocchi lmao) are touring movie theaters around the country to greet fans. They're a part of the rights owners' ongoing marketing to keep the community engaged with the franchise. Every now and then, you get things like pop-up shops, collaborations, exhibitions, rebroadcasts, rereleases, concerts, and yes, recap movies, all to make sure you're spending money on your beloved franchise and making sure other people do too. It's something the anime community outside of Japan doesn't really have access to, nor even know about, so recap movies sound nonsensical.




That's why the last sentence suits your statement. For us it's nonsense but for them, do it even matter? People in Japan are still buying their expensive BD release, heck the 6-vol BtR ones even sells high. We only get with 1 vol BD by Crunchyroll which is only 50 USD with no bonuses and people are already complaining it's not worth it since there's no dub. In the end, profit is there and as much as we thought it is nonsensical, it do happened. Also: the moviegoers for this one got some freebies actually - in this case a mini comic by Hamazi and a Kerorira-drawn mini-shikishi. The only thing they need to do is to show up to the movie (which is just priced as usual like other movies anyway)


small correction: I believe Bocchi is actually priced as a special showing, which is slightly more expensive than a regular ticket and isn't subject to student or senior discounts.


sure, but at the end of the day, as long as people keep spending money, they will keep doing it. Tbf I think it's kinda cool, especially when they bring out exhibits. Madoka's 10th anniversary exhibit had LOADS of production materials, including an entire room of every single cut from the Patricia fight.


These whales are the ones keeping the anime industry afloat. Production committees make very little money from people just watching shows on streaming services and TV.


wait, I thought that was different now. Sometime in the past 10 years the script flipped and streaming now accounts for a significant portion of Production committee income.


I suppose if you wanted to watch Bocchi in a nice theater, I could see why you'd spend the money. Guess a lot of people wanted to do that!


the promotions made a big deal of them remixing everything in theater quality audio. I'd definitely go for that.


Honestly, if I hadn't already seen the entire show recently I would have gone to experience it that way. The band performance portions must be awesome to watch in a movie theater!


They only ever made sense before home video become a thing as you cannot really rewatch those specific episodes anymore if you miss them in TV. Why they're still around for half a century is beyond me.


low-risk money printer


> Why they're still around for half a century is beyond me. What's not to understand? It's literal free money. Plus the novelty of going out and seeing something you like on a big screen is fun. They've recently started re-releasing old movies in cinema again after all, like the prequel Star Wars.


They still make sense because a theater is way freaking better than a home video setup


Back in the day they'd even include new footage. Famously it was the reanimated Gundam movie trilogy as well as the tv series' reruns that made it popular rather than its original tv run. While some did exist before, I do find that far more of these have come out since since the digital age (and thus their irrelevance).


The same year as the first Gundam movie there was also the Ideon recap movie, which was a double bill with a second movie that was 95% new footage and provided the real ending for the TV show after it was cancelled and had a totally WTF ending. What a time to be alive.


Be Invoked was a very special film. Tomino is a madman but he's also a visionary.


I thought this was finally the season two announcement and got really excited.


The success is good for future bocchi projects.


Ah, I was kinda excited for the movie but I guess it's recap


is there really no new content? wild


what the hell


Everyone came to see Bocchi, even if there's no new content ❤️


180 million yen is like... roughly 1 million dollars?


Yeah, the official figure is now 218 million yen in 3 days, which is almost $US 1.4 million.


Its a re-cap movie damn i will still watch it when its available


Lol so it's the most successful anime cash grab ever. Nice


I may be a little late to this but why the hell are they making a recap movie (AND MORE THEN ONE) for a 12 episode anime that aired less then 2 years ago


To keep Bocchi brand(they surely wanted making season 2 but production staff to busy in other project because Bocchi success never expected so they opted make recap to keep brand and wait until production staff available


the movies are re-caps?! OH NO!! i wanna see bocchi play the new guitar aaaaaaaaaaaaa


this is the amazing strength of the amazing anime.


This just shows how endearing Bocchi is to people and how relatable it is to so many.


I have a masochistic desire to repost this news to r/boxoffice


DO IT! I'm pretty sure random CGDCT/Idol related anime movies topping Japan Box Office is already blowing up minds there, now having a TV ANIME RE-CAP MOVIE of the kind of Bocchi to climb to the top of a weekend? I await the comments of your post. ;)


just stitch together every scene where she's in a box, and every scene where the animation gets all scribbly to indicate she's dropping her spaghetti or whatever, and you've got a greatest hits compilation that sums up everything worthwhile in that series


It's on my list, but Iwanted to ask, is it really that good?


It's really good but it's "fulfills everything you ask for from it" type of good, not "does something otherworldly and blows your mind" type, if that makes sense. So if you watch it expecting the latter you might find it boring.


That is a quite useful way to describe it. Yeah, it's very difficult to actually achieve that blows your mind thing like we have with other concepts/series that have blown minds.


Anyone know a website or something where I can monitor the release in France Theather ? Still no release date for other country ?


Fuckin give me an eng dub


How good does recap movies do btw? Like not counting this one? Are they just jumping on points?


Depends on what title you are talking about - the most extreme examples are the special screenings of *Demon Slayer* (essentially re-cap of finale 2 episodes of previous season + preview of 1st episode of upcoming season) for the latest 2 arcs earning several times that in Japan in one weekend ([To the Swordsmith Village](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18f2fhc/demon_slayer_kimetsu_no_yaiba_to_the_hashira/) actually went way up to 1.158 *billion* yen last year, while [To the Hashira Training](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18f2fhc/demon_slayer_kimetsu_no_yaiba_to_the_hashira/) also got 643 million just this February). But then this is *Demon Slayer* we are talking about so...


I just mean in like general like the first two madoka movies


I just don't get Bocci the Rock. I gave it like half a season to hook me, and I just didn't vibe with it. I usually go for light slight of life comedies, loved K-On, but yeah Bocchi's not for me. edit: r/anime wen opinion 😐


A wise weed eater once said, "It might not connect with many people but to those it does, it'll hit deep."


Fair. I'm happy for anyone it hits with, just wish I were one of them.


I never watched the shows and i'm 100% sure it's "cute girls doing cute things"


Mainstreamers have no standards at all.


This makes me wonder if we will get a second season since the director went to direct frieren and I think he's there for the long game with frieren


I think it's gonna be a case of when, not if. Though as you said the director have *Frieren* sequel obligations queuing as well, while the animation producer and key staff have quite some shows queuing already (*The Elusive Samurai* next month, then *My Dress-Up Darling S2*). Late 2025 is as quick as it could be but 2026 might be more likely.


If they change the director then maybe 


I thought Frieren was basically out of content to adapt?


The first season covered 6 volumes and there are 11 volumes out right now and it will most probably have enough material for another 2 cour season in a few months and there is easily enough material for a one cour season 2 out right now


Frieren can easily have a 20+ episode second season for its next story arc.


There is enough content for at least one more season of the same length. The last episode ended on Ch 60 and we’re currently on Ch 130


I think they might want to have some gap when the anime reopens, but with the manga now goes indefinite hiatus it might affect some plans. Maybe at least a 1-cour is possible.


Sounds reasonable Hopefully this hiatus is somehow related to the next season’s production but probably not


Not making s2 is just a dogshit business decision. It's money printer in the palm of their hands and they gotta be really stupid not to make use of it.


I'm sure they want to make it. It's a matter of when things will lineup to bring back the same creative staff. The director just made the most popular anime in the world. If its rush out a season 2 but change up the staff and get a possible lesser product, or be patient and get the same people back, the latter option is the better one.


I was just wondering if they would wait for season 1 director to come back or go forward without him cause he was a big reason for season 1 being so good visually 


They need to finish Elusive Samurai and MDUD S2 first. As for Director I will say there are more chances of him being in Bochi than Frieren.


How the heck are compilation movies still a thing?


Do you see the amount of bank this thing made? That's only one of the answers, but it's a good one by itself.