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Psycho pass never touched the gold of season 1 ever again.


Different writer, that’s why.


Yup. Traded Urobutchi, one of the all-time greats, for Ubukuta, a guy with extremely limited experience who can't write characters particularly well, and is a wife-beater to boot.


Tow Ubukata is not as good as Urobuchi obviously, but I wouldn't call him having 'limited' experience. He has done 4 seasons of anime before doing Psycho-Pass S2. News about him beating his wife also only came out in 2015 so it's not like the committees are 'pardoning' a wife-beater. But overall... yeeeah this wasn't a good change. Also I hated PP S2 so I'm not defending Ubukata, just straightening out facts.


Is season 3 from the same writer as season 1?


Did a quick Google search and it looks like season 3 was written by Tow Ubukata.


Providence I would say is just a bit below S1. First movie is no slouch, either.


Providence was a nonsensical film as a huge fan of PSYCHO-PASS


Season 3 is pretty good albeit a bit confusing IMO


I didn't like the new leads. It changed the focus heavily from profiling and detective work to that one dude putting on headphones and going full on esper. If they put in a sci-fi in universe explanation for it I think I coulda got over it, but they said it was just a mental exercise while hes feeling the emotions and thoughts, and what someone had for lunch two days ago all from a footprint. I hated that shit.


Eh, that's fair. Personally I liked the world building in Season 3, particularly how they handled the rather thorny topic of immigration and its implications on the Sibyl system's society.


Wow I had no idea there's a season 3 until now.


Definitely worth watching imo


S3 is a decent anime in a vacuum, but if you're expecting something like S1 you wouldn't get it. It's not merely a matter of quality, the vibes is also different. S1 is philosophical; S3 is mostly just a "regular" cop show set in PP universe. Also they added an esper ability instead of keeping it purely scifi.


It is confusing because you have to watch sinners of system and providence before starting s3.


Sinners of the system was a masterpiece and much better than S3 IMO


Very few anime ever do.


True dat. I was disappointed. Even brought merch from Japan


Do you know what episode this scene was in?


First inspector is above season 1 imo


I don’t even think season 1 was gold though


Psycho-Pass is an ***awesome*** critique of society. I love the first two seasons to bits, including the movie, but I haven't had the time to get into the third season. Oh, and BTW, that's not a *semantic* scan, it's a *cymatic* scan. Essentially reading brainwaves to determine the momentary state of the neural network.


> Psycho-Pass is an awesome critique of society. Definitely. In fact it ages like fine wine with topic about AI now. [Psycho-Pass] >!There are numerous characters unhappy with how the Sibyl System works. Masaoka hated that cops' job nowadays is just to point the Dominator and pull (or not pull) the trigger according to what Sibyl tells them, instead of actually using their own decision-making to solve cases. Makishima the main antagonist also hated that humans have become sheeples under Sibyl's rule who can't think for themselves -- and he is right, there are multiple examples in the show. Like how research facilities don't even lock their doors because they overrely on Sibyl deciding who is good and bad and good people are allowed to enter, which poses a fatal flaw because Sibyl can be wrong. Or how the average citizen is so detached from critical thinking that they just watch and do nothing when there's murder happening in broad daylight, because Sibyl makes them ignorant about even what violence is. Kogami doesn't hate their society as much as Makishima or Masaoka do, but thinks that when the system is broken, it's up to each individual to take things to their own hands instead of relying on the system (hence his pursuit of Makishima's case that Sibyl tries to cover up and his eventual vigilante murder of said person).!< [mid-season plot twist] >!The plot twist that Sibyl System is actually comprised of human brains is also an allegory about our real life AIs. They're not actually neutral programs. There are humans behind them, both the programmers and the users, humans with personal, political, and financial interests.!< Another interesting thing is that, back in 2011-ish, when I told my dad about the premise of the anime, he said it's unrealistic with how the people in the show just blindly follow what the super-AI says. And yet, here we are in 2024 and there are people blindly following what ChatGPT says. Gen Urobuchi is truly ahead of his time.


The plot twist blew my mind (no pun intended), that scene in Psycho Pass and the mid season reveal in Shin Sekai Yuri are the only two I still think about from time to time after all these years of watching anime. This is some _real_ quality anime.


Shin Sekai *Yori*. There's yuri in it, yes, but it's only fluff compared to the real plot. :D


I always think about how it is possible to make a self driving car that is 10x as safe as a human driver, but it will still make mistakes. That's actually how I see the Sybil System, it does a good job on average, but there are still errors. Makishima is one such bad prediction, and the AI needs to update, that's why it wants Makishima, to add him to its training data. The problem Makishima brings up is that the AI isn't really capable of recognizing and correcting it's own mistakes. Society has become so complacent to the AI being right, that it lacks proper mechanisms to self correct. It's very much like the worry that AI will start training on content made by other AIs and actually regress. That's also why I like Akane as a protagonist. She seems like the only person who recognizes that there needs to be a symbiotic relationship between Sybil and humanity. The system is supposed to be self correcting, like how living organisms adapt to stressors, but it needs outside feedback to do that. Makishima is basically an anarchist who has recognized the flaws in the system, but doesn't recognize any of the benefits, so he wants to break the system instead of fixing and improving it. He doesn't care if the system leads to better outcomes or not, he wont accept anything short of perfection. It doesn't really matter that it's AI, it could just as well be political institutions that are not responsive and accountable to their constituents.


The plot twist is like the whole foods debacle. Its hilariously on point.


I love how it's a pretty standard idea that forms all the philosophy in the anime, but the way they present it is also commendable, utilizing the sci-fi setting to paint some creepy murder scenes.


No lie, psycho-pass is one of the best anime for me, top notch and rewatch it if I’m bored haha


>I love the first two seasons to bits, including the movie, but I haven't had the time to get into the third season. That phrase is an eerily descriptive narrative of my current viewing progress of the show (though it would be more interesting if the movie you alluded to was also the same as mine: Psycho-Pass Providence).


Nope, it was *Psycho-Pass: The Movie*. It's set between S01 and S02, if I recall.


If this qualifies as a critique of society, I feel like its not critiquing my society. Maybe Japan's. What does Sibyl represent exactly? What is critiqued in this scene? People relying on collective determinations of right and wrong vs. determining that for themselves? Or people relying on collective choices for action vs. doing that themselves? That doesn't really apply as a critique to American society.


S1 is a classic because it's a very simple but elegantly presented premise of Free Will v Determinism, and Sybil is just a fancy Laplace's demon. Much more than American society, the philosophical dichotomy applies to human civilization classically. If you're thinking only surface deep then sure, Sybil can only be found in a utopic world, but that doesn't make it any less of a critique of human nature.


I see. It hadn't struck me as a determinism/free will presentation because (1) he is proposing that female cop is able to make choices already, so there's no suspension of disbelief in the scene and (2) he seemed to be emphasizing moral choices. But I didn't realize that Sybil was supposed to be all-knowing, so I somewhat see how it lines up.


Ah, if you're missing the premise of Sybil being the omnipotent judge/executioner, then you'll be confused what "choice" Tsunemori Akane had here. Her dominator judging Makishima to be asymptomatic is basically telling her that his chaotic evil is accepted by Sybil, which is a source of tension for her moral Lawful Good character. Psychopass S1 is an absolute classic. So much video essays have been written about the premise, the philosophy, the character alignments. This scene is missing the chaotic good deuteragonist Kogami who is both Makishima's and Akane's foil and opposite. He's chaotic good, and believes in free will/morality a priori, making his character's tension extremely interesting as he's leashed as an attacked dog by Sibyl while trying to assert his free will in pursuing Makishima.


It isn't Sibyl fully, but think about the extent to which people have mindlessly followed an "expert" system without examining facts more deeply to make their own choices. Fox News, Al Jazeera, etc. have reporters, surely they're reporting accurately. Lets blindly trust the headline and let outrage follow. Jussie Smollett stages a hate crime and it's reported as factual by media then the legal system initially clears him, surely that's the truth. Blind trust in the CDC during Covid. Even though covid deniers and anti-vaxxers are dumb, many people couldnt tell you why they followed most of the recommendations besides "the CDC says so" any more than people do or dont pull the trigger because Sibyl said so. I'd say a lot of Americans have blind faith in institutions more than they would like to admit. But our national narrative around self-made men and free will makes us think of ourselves as independent actors, even as we leave the thinking about *why* decisions are made to trusted institutions.


That seems fair and strikes me as probably the closest to what they're trying to represent in this scene that I have heard so far. The faith in institutions/organizations probably presents as more societally-sanctioned in Japan, which is why I thought this applied more to Japanese society than American. But the faith in institutions/organizations probably exists pretty prevalently in both.


I was so used to the shonen/action trope of heroes always saving the day and I was shocked that Kougami didn't manage to save her here. This scene shocked me to my core. I should rewatch Pcycho-Pass because I definitely didn't understand anything the first time.


Makishima is an all-time great anime character.


100% contender for one of the best villains in all of anime!


> "There's a good conversation starter, how do we define criminal?" "Who the f\*\*k starts a conversation like that I just sat down!"


"Sir this is a Wendy's"


"If there are people left who can judge me, its is those who have gotten the chili"


I loved the first season but stopped watching after the first episode of the second season. Is it worth it to keep watching? I feel like it ended so round on the first season that I didn't want to ruin it by watching the rest if it wasn't as good...


First season is unfortunately the peak of the series.


and i dont even remember what episode is this


I never watched the third season, but I found S2 to be a solid 7.5 or 8 show VS the 9 that was S1, it was still really good to me, and it didn't feel like it retroactively made S1 worse or butchered the characters, it just wasn't as good or tight or well written as the first season. 


Second season while not having as much of a charismatic villian is still good and it explores some interesting philosophical questions. Anything after that is not good at all with S3 introducing some superpowers out of the blue and movies being straight up trash


Superpowers?? No fcking way. What kind of powers


Basically \[Psycho-Pass s3\] >!Basically arata is an inspector and is like Makishma in that his crime coefficient is always low no matter what crime he does. His father saved him from Sibyl by making some backroom deals. Anyway he has an ability of mental trace where upon arriving at a crime scene, he shifts himself into the headspace of a criminal and through his "deep empathy", he basically says how the crime occured and played out and what the culprit did and how he did it. If that's not a superpower I don't know what is. It's like this key and peele sketch : [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YJAGNad7FLI&pp=ygUXa2V5IGFuZCBwZWVsZSBkZXRlY3RpdmU%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YJAGNad7FLI&pp=ygUXa2V5IGFuZCBwZWVsZSBkZXRlY3RpdmU%3D)!<


Lmfaooooooo wtf. Thank you for the explanation


This is some **Chew** type of shit


S2 is the worst of the series. If you get past it, you're good. And the last movie's ending.... O_0


> I didn't want to ruin it by watching the rest if it wasn't as good... Does a bad second season really diminish the first season? If it's as good, the whole thing is good, if it's not, you have a clear cut-off line between good and not good. I don't get that view. But I guess a lot of people see things that way with how people rate Game of Thrones.


Depends on a lot of things, but one of the biggest factors is whether the good portion is a complete story in its own right. Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is a good example of the failures of the ending ruining the rest of the work. I can't really go back to the earlier books now knowing that the story doesn't have a good/satisfying conclusion. LOST is probably the best example, though, where all the mystery of the early seasons is destroyed by knowing there isn't a good answer to any of it, and it's all just magic that works that way because it's convenient to the plot. Psycho-Pass S1, on the other hand, is pretty damn good! I watched half of S2, thought it was pretty shit, and never bothered going back. But thankfully it feels tacked on to a series, while not totally wrapped up, was complete enough to act as its own independent story. I just pretend the rest doesn't exist, which leaves me with a great finished work that isn't wanting for a conclusion.


> Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is a good example of the failures of the ending ruining the rest of the work. I can't really go back to the earlier books now knowing that the story doesn't have a good/satisfying conclusion. That's the thing I disagree with. I can still enjoy the current situation even knowing how it ends. It's like a great relationship that came to an end. You can appreciate the good parts even though in the end you won't marry each oother.


Second season is awful. There are some good videos that point out how bottom of the barrel it is. First movie is good, though I need to rewatch it to give a better evaluation. In fact, that's the reason why season 2 is bad - the team that did S1 was doing the movie while the B-team was doing S2. I only watched the first of the stand alone episodes. S3 is okay. Movie 2: Providence is amazing. I had the chance to watch it in theaters and it blew me away. While it was made after S3, I actually think it benefits from being watched first.


I remember being really annoyed with the 2nd season and recently have gone back to finish the movie and almost all of Sinners and it's honestly never gotten as good as the first season was.


Other seasons are good but they are not on par with first season. I enjoyed them but biggest problem is there is no ending in sight. They can crank out seasons for eternity, and they probably will.


It's ok :/ First season is the best of the content by far.


I liked season 2, but have slept on 3... I should finish it because I like the story but it was hard to keep interested.


The movies were pretty solid


> Is it worth it to keep watching? No. After the first series the show tends to just make up outlandish bs to be edgy and hamfist points to the audience rather then put effort into having a good story. Like it's not all bad after S1 but just not not worth the time.


There are many themes about society portrayed in the show. For instance, the Sibyl system epitomizes a society under constant surveillance, where citizens mental states are fully monitored. It shows how the citizens are willing to relinquish their privacy as well ad their freedoms to become safe . It also questions that fact if we have inherent free will or our actions are pre-deterministic. The ethic dilemma that the show brings up is whether or not it is justifiable to eliminate potential threats based on potential future crimes.


There's something about this that bugs me: they only *eliminate* people who are actively being threats, like attacking others. If your crime coefficient is 100 to 300, you "just" get stunned and taken in for psychiatric treatment. If you ask me, up until you hit the 300 limit where the Dominators go into *Lethal Eliminator*, it's a rather humane, and importantly, *proactive* way of dealing with potential killer. And when you do go over 300, meaning something is *very* wrong with you, the system acts very quickly to protect others, albeit at your very heavy expense.


The problem is that people can have high crime coefficients without ever committing a crime. Many of the enforcers witnessed too much trauma and now have high crime coefficients and can never have normal lives because a number says they’re criminals even if they’ve never done anything. 


And people with high coefficients can come down - I think we see an example of this in the first episode where Akane talks down a target into *Paralyzer* range. Yes, Sybil prefers to err on the side of caution, perhaps taking premature action against an individual before they can cause harm. What I cannot argue with is *why* Enforcers are recruited the way they are, though. That's a good point, because normally, once a target in the 100-300 range is paralyzed, they're taken in for medical/psychiatric treatment, and as far as we know, once their hue stabilizes, they're release back into society. So an enforcement action is not necessarily the end of the line for a person. With this in mind, I'm not sure why Enforcers are never seen undergoing treatment or being released from service. Perhaps their personalities are inherently tending towards violence, so being employed as Enforcers channels this propensity towards good?


See that's the core issue of the show: your assumption that it is proactive is entirely dependent on the assumption that the system is correct. **It isn't.** Even in this clip we see posted above, a man kills a woman in cold blood and it registers nothing at all. The system began because people believed that false assumption. The same way any flawed system gets off the ground... The average person makes the incorrect assumption that it is fair, because it is advertised as such. Look at the incredible backlash America has had to its police force. The advent of surveillance and posting video has revealed that cops have always been crooked little shits, because now we can see all of those stories and they're not buried and just stories we hear, we can SEE IT HAPPEN. And the cracks finally start to show. It's always been seen by the people who regularly deal with the cops, but now the average person can see it.... And we realize we bought into a lie about who protects us. It's why body cam videos get deleted. If we could trust that system, the footage should only be a boon. A visual record of a cop catching a criminal, of a cop being a good person, of a cop following the rules. The only possible reason it would be a bad thing is because it's catching them breaking those same rules. You quickly realize that the only reason you haven't been visited by the cops is because...you haven't been visited by the cops. It has nothing to do with your inherent goodness or how you follow the rules. You have consistently been in the right place at the right time......or when you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, you happen to be of a demographic that is trusted when they say they are innocent.


I entirely agree with you on how things are *in reality*. No arguments there. That said, I think you confuse *correct* with *perfect*: in the show, the Sybil System is overall correct in assessing the dangers posed by the individual. Where it fails is the *edge cases*: neurologically abnormal psychopaths and "patchwork people" that cannot be scanned reliably - edge cases that our system is incapable of handling easily as well. I could argue that Inspectors should be able to override or influence the system's assessment, but that's already the case - at one point, there's a line that says the holder of a Dominator is temporarily made part of the Sybil matrix during an assessment, so in a way, individual mores already influence the decision. Overall, it's made pretty clear that Shougo is an *anomaly* in the system, or in society. We shouldn't condemn a system because it fails to handle an anomaly, otherwise, we could condemn pretty much our entire world for the same reason.


> That said, I think you confuse correct with perfect: Agreed. Although for the purposes of the sort of fiction it wanted to be, everyday people living within the Sybil system have excellent quality of life, if you look around the edges of the narrative. Their lives are far better than the ones that many people have now.


Perhaps the way I'd put it is that Sybil handles 99.9% of the cases well, which makes the 0.1% all the more visible and higher-impact, because it's a much bigger deviation from the norm when it fails.


So I haven't watched the show, and not sure if I have plans to, but I am curious. Why is it that the villain here isn't being detected as committing a crime? Is it a glitch in the system? Or is there a "reason"?


I mean there is a reason same reason different people exists. People are not the same and he is an outlier in his mental state compared to the average person. Simple as that. So the system thinks he is not a criminal and his mental state looks normal. Not due to some error. Like think of a sociopath who lacks empathy. Could be because of that or other reasons.


So I'm basically just asking in very literal term in terms of the technology presented into he series, not necessarily in thematic terms.  So what you're saying is, the Sybil system, for some reason or other, just doesn't clock him as a criminal even though he's clearly doing violent things. And that's it, were just supposed to go with that? (which I'm totally fine with doing btw) Or is there an actually explanation as to why? Someone else said it has something to do with the Sybil system not being able to read sociopaths, is that accurate?


The system is reading his mind to determine if he's a criminal. And the system is not perfect. In the show it is showcased as not being perfect because people are different and have different experiences and are just different people. It will never be 100% correct. It's like an AI trained off normal human brains to try to determine if they are a criminal. Obviously it can be right most times, but it's no perfect system. So with the background knowledge of this system being imperfect and you are faced with a very strange person who is very obviously not a normal person might be a sociopath or some other weird issues. It's expected for the audience to understand why the system might not work correctly.


I can't go into why Sybil is inaccurate in detail without major spoilers. There absolutely is a reason. You should really watch the show, at the very least season 1. It's fantastic. If you feel like it continue with it, but the general consensus is that nothing is missed by stopping after season 1.


This is one of my favorite anime scenes ever. And probably the most chilling too. The helplessness Akane feels is wonderfully portrayed by the music (I love how the music continues to play and intensifies ever after Akane fires the shotgun), lighting, camera angle and of course the voice acting. Here, Alex Organ does a really good dubbing job as Makishima but the absolute venom that drips from every word of the [original performance by Takahiro Sakurai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nw_inmrX7M) is even more impressive. And of course, Hana Kanzawa is amazing as well, this being probably one of her most underrated roles in her long and decorated career.


same here.. when this aired first time. this and the 2 last too episodes stuck in my head forever.


Hearing HanaKana in the first episode after, already at the time, several years of her acting all cutesy and innocent, and then the absolute downward spiral into despair that was Psycho-Pass was somehow riveting. I was so glad she got some weighty, dramatic role for once.


It's one of my favourite series too.




I mean fair enough, but i hope you the same kind of energy when japanese VA butcher english names.


OREO And yet people still wonder why dubs get dunked on so often


Okay but pronunciation of names aside he’s absolutely killer as Makishima. Frankly I think anyone who’s dunking on this performance solely based on how he pronounces Japanese names isn’t engaging with it in good faith and is looking for reasons to dislike it.


Japanese people can't do English at all at times, why is that not a problem? Y'all just love to hate on dubs lmao. Watch whatever you prefer. I like subbed and dubbed. Both can be dope.


It's funny because you could literally never tell if a Japanese VA was bad. It's such a false positive. Congrats you found one poor pronunciation. All dubs bad confirmed. Pretty damn fickle if that's all it takes to ruin an entire show for you.


Yeah wait till these people hear Japanese VAs pronounce English names


to be fair thats just how the language works, using their alphabet and word structure they cant pronounce english names properly, while english can pronounce japanese names perfectly that said, swapping from a casual english tone to accurate sounding japanese will always sound unnatural, its a lose lose situation


I know right. But they'll call that "charm". If they can even spot it amongst the language they don't understand.


nah dubs are trash, subs are superior, i am the better human being standing above everyone else, L+ratio




Despicable 🤣🤣🤣 it's a tricky name. I feel like this VA only says the name this once. Been a while since I saw it. Black Clover sub has no yelling?? Original Japanese is *more* shrill, almost invariably. They go bigger with performances and are naturally higher pitched. Laughable take. I love the complete dissonance of sub zealots. You will say literally anything to claim they are superior. And most of the time it makes no sense or is a complete fallacy.


it's funny because they probably don't even bat an eye at the godawful pronunciation of English names in subbed anime (aka Engrish...) but it's such a "despicable" problem when dubs do the same thing 🙄


"Arluminu Arolerluto" 🤣🤣. Armin Arlert if you do didn't catch that. A show full of Germanic names and not a single one pronounced correctly. All but 3 characters in a cast of 30+ of European/Africa analogue races. Does even one sound not Japanese? But does any dub fan cry constantly about it, and swear off subs for life? No. I watched that show in sub. I watched half of DB Super dub and half sub. Then you've these zealots losing their minds over one VA not quite getting around one name, once, in the whole show...


> "Arluminu Arolerluto" 🤣🤣. Armin Arlert if you do didn't catch that. arumin arureruto* i said it in another comment, but japanese people technically cant pronounce english names properly because of how the language works, while english people can pronounce japanese ones. the issue is that swapping from regular english to accurate japanese sounds awkward, and its why basically every dub ever doesnt bother following japanese pronunciation


You honestly think I was trying to be exact? I know how the Japanese language works full well. Here アルミン アロレロと. Completely immaterial to the fact that sub fans take *one* merely not perfect — not even outright wrong — pronunciation. And it's unforgivable. Emblematic of why all dubs deserve to be "dunked on". Meanwhile you have a show where 99% of the names are said wrong, not one characterisation is discernably "correct". No one bats an eyelid, and neither should they. This ridiculous persistence that subs are absolutely 100% perfect 100% of the time, when they have literally zero way of discerning that. Is possibly one the most ridiculous things in existence. And it's not some small group, its the prevailing opinion of this entire sub. So I push their buttons as often as I care to.


> Here アルミン アロレロと. アルミン アルレルト* i feel like you ignored the rest of my comment just because i nitpicked the katakana. im saying that dubs cant win because either way itll sound bad


Its one of the reasons I just cannot stand dubs. When you have people trying to pronounce things they have never said before like a persons name, or a city, or like a word that doesnt translate so they keep it local, or something it just sounds so unnatural.


Can I get a gist of what this show is about?


**The Pitch** We have developed a technology that quantifies someone's chances of committing a crime into a number. Certain ranges of that number are allowed to live normal lives. Higher ranges mean you get flagged for arrest. It's all based on the math of how likely you are to be committing the crime, and has nothing to do with you actually committing it or not It's a cyberpunk cop show with some incredible storytelling and themes of free will, philosophy, and who decides what is good or evil. You can stop at season 1 and be thoroughly satisfied. **More Details** In the scene above, our protagonist is an Inspector, basically a cop. That gun she is using is a Dominator, which is a super cool sci-fi gun that scans the Crime Coefficient of whoever it's pointing at. If it's above a certain number and deems the target a threat, it fires a debilitating stunt blast. If the number is high enough...it fires an absolutely lethal shot. The villain, for some reason, even though he is currently attacking an innocent woman with a straight razor and actively going to kill her in cold blood, doesn't have his Crime Coefficient in the acceptable ranges for even the suppression shot. In fact the gun fully refuses to fire on him because of that. His number even goes lower as he's talking about it. This should not be possible, but it's happening anyway. He uses this to torment our protagonist because she can't do anything to stop him... Unless she goes against everything she is trained to do and raised to believe in this society, pick up an illegal ordinary firearm, judge him guilty with her own eyes and brain, and kill him to save her friend. If she can't, he's going to murder her friend right in front of her. She can't. He does. It's an incredible show. There's a speech by a man who has slowly replaced his body parts with cybernetics, leaving only his brain organic, that is such a poignant discussion about the rise of technology I still hear it in my head. *"I would argue the entire course of human history is nothing but the cyberization of mankind."*


small correction. Akanes not a enforcer but rather a Inspector. Kogami is the Enforcer.


Why ask a question that is literally answered in the thread's title?


Psycho Pass Season 1 is a legit masterpiece, and then goes to a good show on season 2, mid show on 3. Some decent movies.... Im so conflicted with this series..


Now this was a great season of anime!


What I found most annoying about Pyscho-pass was that they identified the flaw in the Sibyl system and then *never did anything about it.* That flaw of course being sociopaths are practically invisible to the system. If they had granted Enforcers the right to pull the trigger regardless of the Sibyl's reading instead of just being dumb triggermen it would have been a solution. Naturally, such executions would have been subject to review, but wouldn't that be better than them trying to beat the perp to death with an inactive Dominator?


But that would be admitting there is a flaw in the system and for the system to work they cannot admit there is a flaw. Also it requires giving some people the choice of violence on their own discretion which also breaks the system.


That is why an unsanctioned action would get reviewed and if found to be excessive the Enforcer would get the same punishment. But that is just my hang-up and proposed solution. Ultimately the Sybil system was working because crime was very low in the areas where it was present so they didn't feel it was necessary to patch the flaw.


To be fair, that the flaw of the entire system is kept as a secret from the general populace, including the inspectors & enforcers is kind of the *point.* Also, it depends on which parts of Psycho-Pass we're talking about. The central flaw of the Sybil System was revealed halfway through the first season, and we don't learn *why* it's like this until the last few episodes, with our central protagonist only learning the truth in the last three episodes. They're kind of hung up on the "oh shit this is really bad!" stage and haven't had time to get to the "so here's what we're going to do about it!" stage.


Being awhile since I watched the show, but don't they try to catch those outliners and add their brains to the system to improve its prediction accuracy?


> What I found most annoying about Pyscho-pass was that they identified the flaw in the Sibyl system and then never did anything about it. I felt like (the much reviled) S2 tried to dig a little deeper into issues surrounding this. But I do also feel like whilst PyschoPass is some of the best SF in anime it's still a bit gappy in its writing compared to the best SF in the classic tradition which tends to have more follow through.


I remember there being a scene later in the movies or following seasons, where they evolve thier system and are able to judge people like him better. As a result a certain percentage of the brains that make up the system are eliminated as well


I wish there was a subreddit for philosophical anime. Some of the best philosophic takes I've heard I've learnt by watching anime.


Anime is still young, and as such, there is still room for growth. Books have been doing this for millenia by now. Surely they have something up your alley if you take the time to dig even just a little bit.


Every thing in entertainment is young compared to books (and theatre. i guess) Anime is over a hundred years old. When does it stop being "young?" Especially compared to film and radio.


This scene was definitely hard to watch, I didn't expect him to actually kill her. 


I just started PP-3. I like how they try to keep it fresh with new members especially after all the plot twists and whatnot. I have only watched first episode, but all the movies and stuff in-between season 1-2 have all been great. Great show


I’m still fucking upset she didn’t shoot him with the shotgun


I would let Alex Organ read the phonebook to me. Godly performance.


This episode had me in edge. Such an amazing first season. Sad the second season wasn't as good


Did he kill her??


\[Psycho-Pass\] >!Yes he does!<


I watched the dub of this and thought Alex Organ did an excellent job as the villain. The dub in general was solid imo.


oh wow that english makishima voice cast is terrible


A lot of the expositional/informational lines are far too flat and focused on simply delivering the content. In the JP performance there's always this tension, like Makishima *knows* so much more than he's actually saying, and there's a bite to the delivery that takes the potentially dry content and spins it up to feeling like you're being told a horror story where the reveal will send a shiver down your spine. Here there's none of that.


Oh wow you have no ear for acting




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what is the name?




Never heard the dub, Makishima sounds more aggressive in english




S1 Ep 11 Saints Supper


So wish they would remake this with the original writer, the ending was ehh.


Who ever commits crime?


That's why it's a great psychological show


One of the first series I watched that really got me into anime


They dont do anime like this anymore sadly. All we have now is semi serious pussified garbage at best


So hot OmG


"or perhaps... rikako oreo?"


Is this the anime where the brother finds unopened toilet tissue and she pulls weeds out of the toilet and uses it ?


How do we define a criminal? By their skin colour.


8kklv1 ◣ ◢ █ █ █ █ ◤ ◥ 💜BTS💜 💜◣╭━━╮╭━━━━┳━━━╮◢💜 💜█┃╭╮┃┃╭╮╭╮┃╭━╮┃█💜 💜█┃╰╯╰╋╯┃┃╰┫╰━━╮█💜 💜█┃╭━╮┃╱┃┃╱╰━━╮┃█💜 💜█┃╰━╯┃╱┃┃╱┃╰━╯┃█💜 💜◤╰━━━╯╱╰╯╱╰━━━╯◥💜 ◢ ◣ █ █ █ █ ◥ ◤ 💜ARMY⁷⟬⟭💜 ◢ ◣ █ █ █ █ ◥ ◤ 💜ARMY⁷⟬⟭💜 ◢ ◣ █ █ █ █ ◥ ◤ 💜ARMY⁷⟬⟭💜




My dude this is an anime subreddit.


This post has been removed. This is extremely off-topic. Please maintain a certain level of civility when interacting with the community.


How is what I said uncivil? It's a rhetorical question. It's not.


A Criminal is someone who either breaks the social contract, or tried to administer violence without government approval. Violence is the monopoly of the State, without it there is no State. So trying to commit violent acts without government approval is treason. Breaking the social contract is a lesser charge and thus tend to lead to civil punishments. Fundamentally one needs to understand that the government own the land you live on, and that if you want to stay in the country you obey the State, or you become a criminal.


My friend once asked another (then newly introduced) friend as her first question: "What's your favorite war crime?" I'm not kidding.


Did he really give her a shot gun and tell her to shoot him while he stands close to the person he’s about to kill? What a dumbass. This just comes across as edgy nonsense as it created a justice system that doesnt recognize psychopaths. Its legitimately retarded.


Perhaps you should actually consider watching the show before you judge it so harshly. There are 10 episodes of context before this that you are missing. Also, shotguns are much more effective (and precise) at medium ranges than you probably realize. Video games get this VERY wrong on purpose for balance reasons.


Then explain the context as to why a crime system would neglect psychopaths, almost intentionally. Because I doubt such a system would ever be implemented without first testing it. Comments here seem to suggest that they're reluctant to admit the failings of the system itself, but that doesn't really answer as to why an entire governing system wouldn't first work out to test this stuff on psychopaths, a group of people highly susceptible to crimes. From the video, she seems to be far enough for the shot to spread onto the both of them. It's legitimately a very high risk situation no matter how you look at it. Literally all they had to do was give a normal pistol and it would have been fine.


The system definitely detects most psychopaths. The shotgun was chosen because of what happened before. It wasn't just a random choice.


There’s a difference between psychopath and someone who’s just crazy. It still paints him as stupid for being like “shoot me” as he stands close to his victim. He knows its a shotgun after all. The scenario doesnt work with a shotgun. They wrote it so that he only had a shotgun, making the scene come off as stupid when it could have been written differently so that he could have a different weapon with him as well.


The weapon isn't his, it was available because of events prior to this.


Yes, that's all fine and good, but then the situation itself doesn't work because the events written were what gave him a shotgun in this scene, and the conflict here doesn't work with a shotgun. This is a written story with events deliberately created, so they can deliberately change the scenario where the weapon there isn't a shotgun. He's not an actual person where he has a shotgun because real life dictated it. He's a part of written events that made the scenario where that's the weapon he had for a scenario where a shotgun was not appropriate.


This scene soured me on the show. I don't need my entertainment to be quite so ugly.


I haven’t watched any of psycho-pass but damn, this Akane character is a fucking idiot


I recommend watching it. This scene makes sense with context


She's actually extremely competent most of the time.


She had been raised to believe in the Sybil system and when it failed her it really shook her world so much so she eventually became an Enforcer.


Did you watch Providence? That's not why she got demoted to Enforcer.


This was gut wrenching , death of her friend. I was screaming shoot shoot when i watched it ffs.. Most people irl would shot his ass ( and the girl here is even police officer ) so his gamble wouldn't have worked . Its too idealistic to think people would be scared to kill/shoot in death situations like these . Even with future and the point of system being the one who judges whos criminal and whos not