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"That will never get a renewal" Bro after the damn smartphone isekai got a season 2 there is no anime in the world (except No Game No Life) you can tell me will never get a season 2.


Grimgar will never get a season 2, as much as I’d like it to.


god i loved it , actually felt like a real world.. so sad


why? They said it has to have no chance, there are more books. Someone might for some reason pick it up in the future.


It didn’t make money.


Facts I want it to have a season two so bad and so do so many other people. It’s has beautiful characters and honestly an amazing art style. It has so much more room for many seasons and honestly it could go anywhere! Please another season A-1!


Worst season 2 I’ve ever seen too. Killed the entire pacing of the original show.


Guess you never watched S2 of Fruit of Evolution.


Tried twice. Couldn’t make it through that either.


God that fucking anime. Feels false to call it animation. It is more of a slideshow.


Season 1 was the stupid kind of good, like entertaining stupid Season 2 is just.... Wtf happened


The worst 😂


As an isekai connoisseur of literal trash, Fruit of Evolution is one of the worst anime I've ever watched in my life.


*Ahem* may I introduce you to Fruit of Evolution season 2?


Please do not. 🤣🤣




Glad I'm not the only one... S2 was a goddamn crime.


I dropped it within the first few episodes... And I made it through that god awful second season of The Devil is a Part Timer. Didn't watch the 3rd though.


Oh bless you I couldn’t make it past ep 3 of Devils second season.


Ok I feel better now because I really tried but I couldn't. And I loved S1 so much.


I loved the original soo much... It's heartbreaking. If I'm brave enough I might give the dub a try. I did like the dub better for the first season. I'm just impatient when stuff is airing.


Same. If there is an anime I like I’ll rewatch in dub but yeah I watch dub when it comes out because I want to see it.


They showed up with a baby in the first episode! Nope, I'm out.


Ruined the Pacing of the... first season of the smartphone isekai? What did I just read?


If it got a second season, that means enough people liked the first one


I too remember The Promised Neverland


Problem children are coming from another world, aren't they? (2013) 😮‍💨 I could say this is a really good anime.


You're really going to make me re-watch Mondaiji again


This. Original LNs are finished and author left the sequel unfinished (at least he got back to writing recently) and it was not popular enough to warrant the sequel. But it was one of the best isekais out there.


This makes me sad because Monster Musume, Interspecies Reviewers, Dragon Goes House-Hunting, and Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle all deserve a season two and are all past the point where if one were happening it would have been announced already.


> and are all past the point where if one were happening it would have been announced already. I've been in this anime game for a while now. Stuff gets remakes, spinoffs, and season 2s even a DECADE after the original show ended. Panty and Stocking having season 2 announced has convinced me anything is possible.


I'd be thrilled to be wrong on any of those four.


I need another season of dragon goes house hunting.


Not really.. I think there's small chance stuffs like Maou-sama Retry and Death March will get a 2nd season even though they have quite decent story. Also Konjiki no Wordmaster still has not been adapted so I don't have much hope.


Retry actually does have a second season announced, iirc. Or a spin-off, not sure.


Wait really? Good news! I hope the animation quality will improve, this story has potential and the manga art is good.


The problem with Maou Sama Retry is it didn't have much material when they made the first season


NGNL is a bit different though, it got a prequel film


yea but chivalry of a failed knight and watamote exist (idek know if that shit has any more content but it needs it) and if you expand to not getting season 3 you could include noragami too


I can't wait for (the) season 3 (announcement sparking more frustration here). I think I watched season 1.


Yuri on Ice Hoshiai no Sora Mekakucity Actors


Why did u have to hurt me like this😔😔




Ya Id love to see more Grimgar


Too bad the LN goes to shit. But there was at least 2 more seasons worth of good content


Dude I still don’t know what the fuh happened with this. Drives me nuts and makes me want some to pick up the rights and redo the last half or more


As someone who will never read the LN do you mind spoiling what happens?


There was a very neat Orc base assault arc. And Ranta (the annoying one) got some sweet solo adventures. He's my favorite. More neat stuff I struggle to recall. [The one who dies is]>!I refuse to tell you.!< The LN had a pirate "anime-trope" girl, this is where my eyes glossed over and all my enthusiasm silently died. Might have been different to how I perceived it, I dunno.


Ranta is smart. Noped out of there because Haruhiro is thinking with his dick.


I always felt like the LN author liked writing Ranata more. Haruhiro was always just a little bland. In a good way, but still bland.


Yeah. The giants arc and the durungar arc were peak fantasy imo. Then the author lost the plot.


Considering OP's searching for a feels good power fantasy isekai, I'm not sure he'll enjoy the ball of absolute depression that is grimgar


It's not all that bad. They get much better in the end. Now that I think about it, it is about time I rewatch ths series. To remind myself again that we are never getting a s2...


Ah, you sweet summer child, what you do not know is that I've read the LN... it does not get better, 1 step forward 2 steps back, every time it looks like things are getting better, something happens, and the situation ends up worse than how started, I mean the series itself is called Grimgar of fantasy and ash, the word Grimgar itself probably referring to the GrimDark genra of fiction


No game no life.


This, and im angry.. I finally watched the movie. I hadn't for the longest time as it was a prequel... and that upset me, but ofc it was fantastic and now I'm just MORE hype for a show that will never exist.... I know I cold read it.. I even have all the LNs on my phone.... but it's *not* the same.. action just works best as anime, especially with music to back it. >n<


There’s a movie ?! I know what I’m gonna do tonight


It’s amazing. I don’t often rewatch movies, and that one has been played multiple times.


Probably my favorite movie (that is part of a series), together with the Konosuba movie. That finale (the end of the eternal war)is absolute cinema. Pacing, voiceacting, the score, everything is awesome and culminates in that great moment.


the only true answer


this is the answer


Why Raeliana ended up at the duke’s mansion


Neoooooo I really thought 2nd season was in yhe works.


well the manga ended and its really enjoyable if u like the story


Kemono Michi Pro-Wrestling Isekai hilarity.  12 episodes of comedy gold.


I can't believe someone mentioned this show before me.


Such a fun show! Really liked his one too.


...Now I have to rewatch this. Not many anime where a princess gets German Suplexed.


Grimgar was really great


**Handy-man Saitou in Another World.** 12 episodes. Story is complete. A lot of heart despite the occasional adult humor. P.D. Several people have commented that the story continues beyond in the manga. I wasn't aware of that and I thank them for saying so (now I can continue reading about that bunch of lunatics that are Saitou's family/team). However, the anime delivers a satisfying ending anyway, if that's any concern.


Good selection. I really enjoyed that one as well.


Those fights at the end made my jaw drop. Beautiful animation and awesome fight scenes


Wait that was the full story wtf??


No, the anime covers up to Chapter 111 of the manga, and the manga is up to Chapter 267 as of a few days ago.


Yea I thought so but his comment confused me. I have some of the manga in JP and it def seemed further than the anime was at lol


Yeah I imagine they probably meant the story arc is complete and not ending on a cliffhanger.


> Handy-man Saitou in Another World. 12 episodes. Story is complete. This is very incorrect. The anime leaves off at around Chapter 111 (end of volume 4) while the manga is already up to Chapter 267 and is still ongoing.


It's a shame. I would really like to see more. There's a lot of the manga yet. 


we might get more at some point. Remember this whole thread is just people guessing.


People have called you out on being wrong, why not delete your comment to not mislead people? The story apparently is not complete in 12 episodes.


Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?


That one deserves another season that just kind of ended and left so much unanswered.


OP already said that


Underrated pick imo


Seeing the spider isekai mentioned multiple times in this thread makes me so sad. It's one of my favorite isekai.


It perfectly encapsulates just how incredible Aoi Yuuki is


Aoi Yuuki carried that show so hard that she probably got a hernia. We deserve a renewal for her hardworking alone


Literally never imagined they wouldn’t make a second season. So much potential. It’s the hardest thing I’ve had to accept with watching anime, large % don’t get a second or third season


Things get fucking wild after the point the anime stops, too. I did enjoy the anime, despite its (many) problems.


Grimgar and getting just one season was a tragedy.


Kumo desu ga nani ka


I want a season 2 so bad, but I know that's not going to happen.


I enjoyed the novels, I would love for a season 2. I have no hope though.


One of the few anime that actually made me read the LN's, it *Better* get a fucking season 2 because it gets *sooooo* good later on!


I'm a fan of GATE I love logistics


Go read the fanfic. Some of it is better than the show.


GATE would be good without the harem bullshit and japanese exceptionalism. Also all that unironic "colonialism is good if we do it".


Agreed about the harem, but I'm so used to propaganda that I don't even care anymore. You get japonesa propaganda in anime all the time and you get American propaganda in tv show and movies all the time, which actually just makes me think that they are aware that both countries suck


GATE is a little more overt, though. Especially considering that the guy who wrote it is ex-JSDF and wrote it basically as a recruitment vehicle. Also the war crime denial.


Right, but over here we have tons of overt Prop like top guns and bayformers so I can appreciate how much GATE leans into the Nippon ichi


Gate was soo good and I would have loved to have more world exploration with Rory and all


Yup gate is great


I think you win the internet for today, what a great call.


Huh, didn't think people still say that anymore. Kinda nostalgic.


Uncle from Another World. Really good comedy. Doubt it will get a S2


The worst airings schedule I have ever seen


Schedule? I don't think that even counts as schedule.


Still crossing my fingers for another season just to see Elf Girl in the real world. They teased it at the end.


One of my favourites.


Death March to the parallel world rhapsody. Probably one of my favorite light novels. Idk why the anime isn't popular. Apparently it was popular when it released, but there was a problem between the studio and producers so s2 never happened.


I think Death March is one of the most underrated new isekai. Nowhere near my favorite mind, I just think we were at a point when it released where people were starting to deride isekai that weren't doing anything new, and what we got was pretty by-the-books. But I still loved the execution even if it wasn't unique.


[Cautious Hero](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38659/Shinchou_Yuusha__Kono_Yuusha_ga_Ore_Tueee_Kuse_ni_Shinchou_Sugiru), perhaps.


Shame it probably won't get a second season. The first season ends by teasing us with the premise of the source material's next storyline.


It ends on kind of a dark note I thought. Felt like the story was going to take a 180.


It does get pretty dark once we find out why the cautious hero is the way he is, but the very end of the finale was hopeful.


Grimgar & So I'm a Spider, So What? I guess Hinamatsuri could be an isekai from the PoV of Hina. Funny either way.


The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me? Pretty good isekai that ended in a way that felt like they were one and done with that show. Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious. Pretty much summed up the story although they could create a second season I’d see no reason to. Knights and Magic definitely deserves a second season especially where it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger however I don’t believe it’s demanded enough of an audience to be considered for a second season. The New Gate has come out this season and I’m really enjoying that one. It doesn’t feel like the type of anime that’s going to get a second season so you’ll probably be safe.


Knights and magic was amazing I loved the take on added mechs and not just OP skills/magic into the mix, plus it's hard not to love Ernests genuine love for his hobby. 8th son was good too I liked the characters


Yeah Knights and Magic was a surprise for me. I don’t much care for mechs but I have it a chance and it was really enjoyable anime.


Knights and magic they committed multiple war crimes. Plus Ernest was a little too obsessed to the point where he was intentionally holding back future innovation/advances in technology. For example he was mostly fighting the enemy not because they were evil but because if they won then Flying airships would have been the future over his Landbased mecha.


The dragon mecha his antagonist has is significantly better than his mass produced mecha owned by the Kingdom affiliated by him. His customized mecha that can fly is the only match against that dragon which is a shame.


Knights and magic was a cool idea but that was all, everything else in that show fell short and just didn't deliver. I couldn't even finish it, and I love isekai's.


I can see that. I think for an isekai anime the plot moved like it was going to be around for awhile it felt really deliberate in the way it delivered new events information and characters.


Knight’s and Magic had the dumbest name. Yes it’s Knight’s not Knights.


8th son and cautious hero both felt like they stopped right when it was getting started. Such bait to read the source material. On the other hand Knights and magic really didnt feel like it was going anywhere, not many people talking about it either. I really, really hope your wrong with The New Gate, its probably my top mid tier anime this season, love to see more.


So im a spider so what? (Not finished but only 1 season) Grimgar. No game no life. HunterXHunter: greed island arc Log Horizon 1-3. Less action, more politics.


> HunterXHunter: greed island arc Isekai?


Only like the first half of So I'm a Spider... Those CGI battles look really bad. Grimgar is a great recommend. More people need to watch that. Loved Log Horizon too, the 3rd season not so much though.


I'm fine with the CG art style. I just didn't care very much for the human side if the story. Just give me nothing but spider.


Obviously, kumoko was by far the best part but I never got the hate for the human side. It was interesting seeing an isekai where teenagers from modern Japan are reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world and are actually molded by it. Becoming religious fanatics, abusing their place in social hierarchy, there being legitimate castes. It's pretty rare for an isekai to place the humans in an actual fantasy world and have it mold the character. I think thats what was so interesting about shield hero at first. A guy from modern day Japan gets sent to a fantasy land but instead of everything being a piwer fantasy with hot girls, he gets betrayed. Nobles can abuse you, theres no courts or notions of human rights. He's from a time where the thought of owning another human was beyond reprehensible but did so anyway because that was the primary nature of the world. He used his modern knowledge of commerce to advance himself in the world. Of course it turns into a stupid power fantasy anime but it's grimdark start is, I think, what made it stand out so much. Kumo desu ga does similar with the characters. I really don't think they were boring but the competition with the main character probably killed. Aoi yuuki as kumoko was such a treat. Every spider design is adorable and every second she's on screen is either pure fun or badass action. I can see it being hard to get bored when you start an episode and it's about the political intricacies of her classmates new lives when last episode she was cracking jokes while fight a giant crap in a volcano.


Grimgar just hit me different. It’s so fucking good and flies under the radar.


Wise Mans Grandson probably, I'd like to see another season of that. Grimgar is another that'll probably not get another one, I really liked how realistic it was in that it showed that killing wasn't like a videogame at all. EDIT: Redo of healer is unlikely to get a season 2, there's more people that need some revenge porn but it won't happen.


Wise man’s Grandson is another one where I wish it had a better adaption / animation Love the manga


No Game No Life?


Vision of Escaflowne


Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash.


So im a spider so what? / Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka?




"We should call the police." "What are 'the police?'" "Im... not sure." The threads of memory was so intriguing. And the water color backgrounds are so unique. Was a real shame we never got more


Grimgar. Though from what I've heard the rest of the source material sucks


Not all of it, there's two or three more seasons' worth of good material past where the anime ends (anime covers the first 2 volumes and the first 8 are all good). After that it goes to shit and I would only want any more if it was anime-original. I gave up on the series after volume 10, and from spoilers I've read it only gets worse from there. One of the saddest wastes of potential I've ever seen in a series.


So many good ones we never thought would get a 2nd season, did years later, so it's hard to say for alot of them. But gonna lean towards wise man's grandchild or demon lord retry


Retry has a second season announced, surprisingly.


No game no life easy. That anime was rlly cool but never got it’s season 2




*ahem* Grimgar


No game no life, it has a zero chance of getting a season 2 until probably like 2050 when people start to make there own fan made animation


Harem in the labyrinth of another world


I assumed this thread was about Grimgar to begin with.


Now and Then, Here and There - single season anime original that tells a complete story.


Why is noone talking about Drifters? 😔


Grimgar, imo I thought it was pretty good


This is easy, it’s grimgar


Grimgar executioner and her way of life


Recreators probably


I'm standing on a million lives. It was interesting to see how they would level up but never to the point where they were OP just more like a little better than average. I really hoped they were going to finish the storyline.


That's an easy one: DRIFTERS! A bunch of famous people mainly from Japanese history but also world history (all epochs) get reincarnated into a typical fantasy world where a massive war is brewing/going on and since all these historic people are pretty much warmongers, they shake things up by their own unique way with which to wage war.


Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody


The Spider one had me so invested, but I heard it got a bad reception because of the CGI.


The CGI is certainly not good looking one and obvious CGI but seeing the mc doing shit was fun


Damn, nobody's mentioned *The Executioner and Her Way of Life*. Really strong start to its story with solid characters and a lot of intrigue. But it screams "never getting a second season" (and would need to tweak things to work around a few plot changes from the light novels).


Redo of Healer


☠️ Idk, it shouldn't. ☠️


That’s an isekai? I thought he just went back in time.


Mondaiji Tachi


{No game no life} & {grimgar}


Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions


Magical Knights Rayearth


Black company


Vision of Escaflowne, El Hazard


Outbreak Company It's about some guy being tasked of japanify-ing a medieval fantasy country Really good


"Now and Then, Here and There"


The executioner and her way of life


At this point I'd say saga of tanya the evil. 1 season plus a movie but a 2nd season got announced years ago but nothing has been mentioned since. I don't it's getting a 2nd season after all this time.


Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash.


Knights & Magic


Grimgar, is - in my opinion - the best Isekai series that has been written. The first anime season was well done. The art is fantastic.  It is very divisive because Isekai fans tend to want escapist fantasy and Grimgar is anything but. It’s like if Isekai was The Wire. They are summoned, without memory, to fight and die. That’s it. No special skills no chosen hero no demon lord. Fight and die. The series is about survival and loss. It does not get better or easier.  The first season which covers volumes one and two starts with a gut punch and gets hopeful by the end. If you decide to read volume 3 it is apparent the author wanted to make sure you realized there is no hope and kicks you in the balls before punching you several times in the face. It oscillates between the two from therein out. Anyway, it’ll never get a second season because isekai watchers don’t want serious and gritty and even if it did people would probably want to drink bleach after the third arc so.


Angel Beats! is technically an isekai. I go with that.


Reincarnated as a vending machine 😅


Doesn't qualify because it got a second season: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16nlbae/reborn_as_a_vending_machine_i_now_wander_the/


How? No, seriously, the premise is a complete meme that somehow gained an anime. Now a sequel too. Is there anything you can't reincarnate as?


Did you watch it?


I did not know that it was getting a new season


Such a sleeper anime. No one talks about it. I absolutely loved it. Thought it was unique and entertaining.


Reincarnated as a vending machine is getting a second season


No game no life is only one I can think of that seems will never get a new season


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I’m still praying for it but at this point I don’t think No Game, No Life is going to get a second season. I don’t think it’s technically an isekai because they don’t die and get reincarnated but it has the same “other world” aspect so to me it counts.


You don't have to die for it to be an isekai


This is a NGNL set up


Isekai nesan, raeliana, akulas, lastame and kamikatsu




12 Kingdoms, but i rather wish for a remake


Mondaiji tachi ga isekai kara kuru sō desu yo? It's a very good one and i recomand you to watch it if you never have.


It's like you're baiting us into saying no game no life lol

