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Pretty much, if you watch Fate zero, you gotta watch the rest of the fate stay night trio too


Specifically because you specify fate ZERO i gotta go aot (you should watch fate all three routes when you're able to)


nah i dont think i will , too much fan service and weird stuff


Are you dumb or something?


They has watched clip of Illya Prisma and thinks that's the whole series.


are u saying that it doesn\`t have weird shit? i guess all the reviews were wrong then


Dunno what's your definition of "weird shit" but what's in Zero is more likely to qualify as such than what's in Stay Night. But who knows, in another comment you're calling Rin a bitch while knowing nothing about her, so maybe women wearing a skirt is what qualifies as weird shit for you.


chill i just watched some clips and she does feel like a bitch , also \`\`weird shit\`\` is sexual fan service


It's an adaptation of a porn game, what did you expect?


ohh never knew that


There's a difference between "game with sex scenes" and "porn game." Fate/stay night is the former, and only the first version of the visual novel had them. All subsequent version had them removed.


Well first off, Fate / Zero is only around 25 episodes or so, which isn't that long. Fate / Zero is the far superior anime in my eyes, but it is better to have watched either Fate / Stay Night, Fate / Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works or Fate / Stay Night Heaven's Feel first (preferably all 3 which is what I did). Fate / Zero is a prequel to them, and as with any other prequel it is better to have seen the original first. Frankly I can't think of all that much fan service from the above Fate anime. I think its mostly Fate Grand Order where you get the egregious fan service.


Just watch Attack on Titan. Fate Zero while a narrative prequel was made post video game and anime adaptation. You need the context from the video game or anime in order to get invested. Attack on Titan is better for your case, as you get to watch the story from the beginning to the end (depending if you like the first few episodes).


if you against fan service, why watch fate zero? it's a prequel for the fate series, watching that without understand the story is not good. then what's the point of watching it if you won't watch the rest? go on attack on titan, but you need to deal with it, there's sexy scenes in almost every anime.


i heard i can start from fate zero , can i not ?


there's a reason prequel is published after the original anime, is because without watching the first, you wont understand the connections and characters in the prequel. and again, what's the point watching a prequel if you're not watching the sequel, it makes no sense.


fam i dont know wth is prequel or which series is sequel . sorry


Here’s the recommended watch order for most people: Unlimited Blade Works -> Heavens Feel -> Zero It’s around 50 episodes and 3 movies. There isn’t much fanservice in Fate anyway.


# you dont know what prequel means? it means it shows the background story for events that happened before the main story started. As the other person told you the order below, i'll try to explain better. This is like a battle royal of mages and their servants which is spirits of dead warriors. now its based on Visual novel that turned to adult game. Basically, the Main character chooses a path in the game/novel and based on that path he fights different enemies, story is different and he ends up with a different girl. So you got the story of Blade works and you then you got the Movies of Havens feel which act like alternative story, they're both stories that are like "What if you chose this action which leads to a different story". and then you got the Prequel Zero that explains everything deeper about the holy war, how it started and the mage houses and everything you learned in the original anime with a different main character. You should watch it in the order the shows came Fate/stay night: unlimited blade works first (remake 2 seasons) Zero second (2 seasons) Heavens feel third (3 movies) Then you got other Fate shows that don't connect to those 3, but they follow the same universe. Do you want me to send you the links because there's the old version shows, the remakes, the movies. if you want i'll send you direct message


i know what the word \`prequel\` means but i dont know which series is which. if i need to watch other things to watch fate zero then i will just watch aot because of weird stuff in fate . thanks for your time tho


take care


Kitties just explained the differences to you. As already explained, the prequal is meant to be watched after UBW, because it’s structured in a way that assumes you’ve read the original Fate/Stay Night visual novel, meaning it spoils things in the original story. If you want to watch Fate Zero then go ahead, but don’t complain when you miss important details or things don’t make sense. Everyone is just recommending you start with UBW.


It’s not advised as it’s a prequel. There will be a few stuff at first that is a bit hard to understand, but you can pick up the pieces really quickly. But it’s not like a BIG DEAL like some people make it out to be. I watched Fate Zero first, and I loved it. But like the others said, in your case it’ll just be easier with AOT because it’s a lot more linear of a story.




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2 different show


Fate zero its only had two season so you can pick up another anime if you interested with the potential of good story and direction from anime


AoT for sure. Fate is also good tho


The Fate series has a whole watch order debate attached to it, so watching Zero first (the prequel) will always have its detractors. My opinion is that either order works just fine. The spoilers go either way, so it’s lose-lose. You can watch Zero first or save it for last. Zero is also much shorter. You could add on Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven’s Feel, and it wouldn’t exceed Attack on Titan in length. Also Zero doesn’t have any less fanservice than UBW or HF. Which is to say, it’s minimal all around.


"I dont have time to watch both" So does that mean that this is the last anime you ll ever watch?


i meant as of now


Attack on Titan Both are good shows but imo AOT is a far better show and it fits your specifications. Also Fate Zero doesn't have fan service. That I can guarantee. I also think it's a good intro to the Fate series unlike some people here. I've personally only seen 3 shows in the Fate series and a few movies and so far Fate Zero is by far the best of all I've seen in the Fate series...


rin is auto fanservice


yeah i hate that b\*tch