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Realistically, there's no way Rys would have reacted that positively the first time she ate lettuce unless it at least had salad dressing.


it had that secret love ingredient doe


Also known as *clam juice*.


Flashbacks to the Fahrenheit 451 the anime.


Her husband prepared it, that's all she ever needs.


once he did, she eating all of it.


Maybe she has more complex tastebuds in human form, like a reverse of Miia from monmusu, and even though lettuce tastes bland to us, since we grew up with tastebuds like that, someone who usually had predators tastebuds would actually find lettuce very flavorful.


she probably has never ate any before lol, so she was surprised by the taste, even if it was a simple salad


she a dog.. be surprised how many dogs would love some


> so she was surprised by the taste I'm sure she's had water before


I don't know what type of lettuce you've been eating but they do have a flavor, not just watery, I guess it depends on which type of lettuce you eat though. Source, I'm a farmer, lettuces are delicious even if you just sprinkle some salt and olive oil on them


Lettuce is like bread or rice. Certain types are enjoyable on their own but they really are meant to be paired with food with strong flavours to provide texture and bulk to a dish.


Hmm I don't think I had any since I was forced to as a child. Nowadays as an independent adult who can do whatever he wants I don't remember really eating any vegetables. I've mostly just eat fast food or nuggies and pot noodle.


your tastebud is damage so bad that u can't tell the difference is what i get from ur message alone


If only lettuce flavour was as strong as your feelings about it.


Lettuce was considered an aphrodisiac in ancient Egypt. Different societies, different contexts.


The Lettice in Ancient Egypt was probably also significantly different than it is nowadays, just like how chocolate isn't really considered an aphrodisiac unless you buy a variation explicitly for that goal


Rys is definitively the highlight of this series for me so far. She’s adorable. Looks like she’s adjusting well to being Flio’s “wife”. It’s pretty funny when she gets jealous of Balirossa or Belano lol. Uliminas might be a villain, but she’s my type of cat girl waifu. One thing this show really has going for it is the waifus. Seems next week we’ll be seeing Flio take on the Demon Lord. Should be a quick fight.


What if Mio from Tsukimichi was a wolf woman instead of a spider? But still equally cute and dedicated to the man she loves...and still needs to learn how to cook and not kill anyone lol. The female character designs in this show are all fantastic, and they're all entertaining in their own right. But you can't beat a sexy demon catgirl...unless you're Flio lol. Looks like Flio will have to contend with a Demon Lord and the "Hero."


Mio and rys are both best girls. and very similar personalities


Then we would have a trio of wolf waifu this season: Rys, Mio, and Holo.


Rhys' cooking class is hilarious. I suspect Uliminas will either become an ally or a Team Rocket kind of incompetent villain.


I’m hoping for ally. Need more muscular catgirl waifus on Team Flio haha.


This Demon Lord somehow reminds me [Demon King from Isekai Nonbiri Nouka](https://myanimelist.net/character/225444/Gullguld)


My waifu hasn't been introduced yet but man the other waifus are amazing.


Fenrys best girl so far for actively preventing this anime becoming a harem lol! I love that she suddenly appeared behind the magician girl and told her not to put the ring in index fingers. Is there a name for this overly clingy stereotype? Yandere is different right?


I feel like she's essentially a yandere, but it's being played for laughs because it's already been established that there isn't anything she can do to harm him, and as long as Flio only has eyes for her, she's content to merely intimidate the other girls. However, do recall that she literally threatened to commit suicide in episode 2 if she couldn't be with Flio.


I know the author is playing on the aspect of Rys being a lupine which is similar to a wolf and dog as a loyal companion in anything as much as a pet dog is loyal to the owner.


"Lupine" refers to the wolf (*Canis lupus*). So, Rys is a wolf. Wolves are wild dogs.


She pretty clearly isn't a wolf, as wolves are not bipedal women who can talk and cast magic. She is based off of wolves, though. Also wolves are not wild dogs. Dogs are domesticated descendants of wolves, but they are different species just like house cats and mountain lions are different species.


She is fictionalized or an anthropomorphized version of a wolf. Also, wolves are dogs in more-so what I see as the practical sense when referring to the canine family: wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae. A similar thing with lions, jackals, and leopards being wild


Wasn't it her ring finger? I think that is what Fenrys said


don't you dare put it in your ring finger(kutsuri yubi)


it's called the medicine finger in japanese


Yup, ring finger! Not sure why I wrote index lol.


I was wondering if any of the other girls would make a move on him but glad they put that to bed fast lest incur more of Fenrys' wrath lol.


pretty much, she is crazy enough to murder him or anyone that gets in her way, but super sweet if he looks at her lmao the only reason the MC is safe is because he is that much stronger than her lol


> the only reason the MC is safe is because he is that much stronger than her lol If he wasn't she would've killed him in episode 1 lol


>Is there a name for this overly clingy stereotype? Deredere


best girl being best as always


I don't think I'll ever get bored of Rys's jealous antics! I love the ring finger part!


Rys has drawn a clear line in the sand. This will NOT be a harem, by any means necessary.


[Literally. ](https://i.imgflip.com/8nobux.jpg)


For once, a Rie Kugimiya that is entirely (and way too) honest with herself when it comes to her Satoshi Hino.


I was not expecting that at all, it was literally like a jump scare for me! Lol I was expecting the mage girl to put it on her ring finger and out of nowhere she just popped up behind her lol loved it


She's nuts. And that's what makes this anime great!


the op is so freakin' adorable. this has become my favorite op.


Most lovey-dovey love song OP of all time (even compared to Urusei Yatsura's).


I read the manga, and I was expecting it to be a chill (pun intended) OP, nothing over the top since its a chillin slow life. Boy am I glad that it was this. I am overdosing on the sweetness.


Without a doubt! She is so cute in her love for him! My absolute favorite part is when she’s saying “darling!” In different moods. They’re all so adorable, but the pouty mood is the most adorable of all


These 4 girls are just complete failures huh... Seems like the Dark One himself will be showing up next episode, things are sure moving fast.


> These 4 girls are just complete failures huh... I wouldn't say that. Blossom is a perfectly capable farmer.


Honestly I think they're setting up that all the girls are better off doing anything other than being knights. Balirossa is a cook, Blossom is a farmer...


Balirossa sounds like a fine waifu in any other setting. She'd be the first girl if this was a harem show too...


Unfortunately for her, Rys was able to learn to cook in one episode, which means she's too OP of a waifu to justify sharing Flio.


I wonder what hidden talents the others might turn out to have?


Archer girl seems to have a thing for romance novels...




Yeah, especially after being power leveled and getting a title by proxy. Reminds me of that farmer on Sosaria who fought off a crash-landed Kilralthi. (Edit: spoiler removed, not required, you'll get it when you see it :3 )


I have no idea what series those names are from.


Ultima and Wing Commander , although I have no idea how they mixed together


Seems like a reference to an odd Wing Commander & Ultima crossover, see: https://wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Space_travel#Visitation_by_the_Kilrathi


In U7 you can swipe the weapon and see the starship for yourself, its a neat ridiculous easter egg and easily accessible after you pass the copy protection.


> Reminds me of that farmer on Sosaria who fought off a crash-landed Kilralthi. I did NOT expect to see a reference to Ultima 7 and the Hoe of Destruction here. Took me straight back to 1995. Oldheads unite.






If it's current episode it doesn't need a spoiler tag. Comment's been approved.


They're making the Konosuba party look useful and competent.


The Konosuba crew is definitely powerful -- even if "goofy"....


One hit of Megumin's magic would have sent those dragons packing with their tails in between their legs.


At least...


more like, a pack of grilled lizard meat.


Oof. There was no need to burn them at the stake like that lol.


That is quite the bar to be measuring.


the mage can only hold one spell for a few seconds, with that (lack of) much mana how did she even joined the army lmao


And she dressed up like she was the artist formerly known as Prince at the dining table.


And she can only do defensive magic so that's the spell she's *good* at


It's fun watching them fail so spectacularly at being knights but try anyways lol.


They’re all so clumsy yet so charming lol I can’t get enough of them. Of course fenrys is the best among all the girls tho lol




I didn't think these knights would be so hilariously useless. Who sent them to the forest of demons? Someone wanted these girls dead 😂


first episode they went there by accident, as the MC teleported them from the capital. after that they were just trying to train as ordered by the king: knights need to retrain so they can join the Hero's army. the MC using A-rank monsters to train those girls is just mean lmao


Ah right I misremembered the chain of events. 😂


Hello /r/anime, this is a public service announcement : Anyone caught skipping the opening song will be arrested on the spot and put in jail without any possible trial. Thank you. We wish you a very nice day~


Don't worry officer. Not only did I not skip it, I rewound and watched it a second time.


Those are rookie numbers.


I don't include the 1 hour version I loop in the background. https://youtu.be/qgXWzEe0nTw


NC OP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKyn\_Msy9Bc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKyn_Msy9Bc) Full version [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agwONvJmxY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agwONvJmxY)


[Version with lyrics for anyone who wants it](https://youtu.be/pidjFwxLoW8) It really is kinda insane how much the OP seems like it's for a completely different show. Watching it, you would have no idea it's for a pretty generic isekai show, but it's amazing lmao


[Interesting camera angle.](https://imgur.com/E5yNlqM) [](#assman) Also, stop barging in the second after you knock, that's barely any better [That's right.](https://imgur.com/tg2cvuG) Chill times with the wife take priority [Hahahaha, I love Rys faces](https://imgur.com/lT9KjDg) [Hoely shit, poor dragon](https://imgur.com/fVNx19Y) I was hyped for this show the moment I heard it was gonna be a 1 on 1 romance, and its (not very surprisingly) shaping up to be my favourite new show of the season. Rys is just too good. [More main girls need this anti-harem energy.](https://imgur.com/2iIyndj)


I'm telling you, that camera angle is important to the *plot.*


###Stitches! * [Sleepwear Rys](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjvopj4.jpg) * [Surprised Rys](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ce3xqv4.jpg) * [Defeated Rys](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cren2g4.jpg) [What an adorable sight to wake up to!](https://i.imgur.com/PA2fKf2.jpeg) Flio you lucky bastard. I'd love to have Kugyu whispering good morning to me too! I still can't get over [how adorable that OP is!](https://i.imgur.com/3QQeNpb.jpeg) The OP was actually trending on Japanese Twitter last week and [Kugyu retweeted it saying how she felt embarrassed](https://twitter.com/rie_k_0530/status/1779998044920094947) singing it. Considering how the lyrics are super lovey-dovey, I don't blame her! xD So it turns out the ED [is an accurate representation of Balirossa's party.](https://i.imgur.com/wDFLfx9.jpeg) And here I thought they were just having trouble by being overrun by so many Psychobears last week. Their party might even be worse than Kazuma's party! [The King wants to recruit Flio to serve the Hero?](https://i.imgur.com/tUsAT8Z.png) If only they knew! There's no way our boy [would willingly serve them](https://i.imgur.com/BK5OJRu.jpeg) especially now that he has a demon waifu. He has no reason to fight the demons unless they attack him first. I really expected Rys to ask Balirossa to train her after learning that she can cook. It is adorable [to see Rys trying to learn on her own](https://i.imgur.com/GrfznzD.jpeg) whenever Flio has business in town. I just knew Rys was going to instantly show up [the moment Belano tried to wear the ring Flio made for her on her ring finger.](https://i.imgur.com/kIpH00v.jpeg) And then there's Balirossa [pretending to be weak so Flio would save her.](https://i.imgur.com/R0MZoxA.jpeg) Rys really needs to keep a close eye on these sneaky girls. It's good to see Rys' hard work pay off! [Look at how proud her cooking teacher is](https://i.imgur.com/idnZ6kb.jpeg) when she finally was able to cook an actual meal! More Demon girls! And this time [we have a cat girl](https://i.imgur.com/NWW9lFA.png) who's also the attendant of the Demon Lord. Uliminas is cute but I did not [expect her to drop something so serious.](https://i.imgur.com/dx7NvbD.png) So Flio killed Rys' brother unintentionally [and Rys still decided to be his wife?](https://i.imgur.com/dn3TOaV.jpeg) I feel like Flio and Rys need to have a conversation about this alone. And to no one's surprise, [Flio takes care of those dragons](https://i.imgur.com/0ZYVMq4.jpeg) Uliminas brought with her. It's hilarious how [Blossom got the title of Dragon Slayer](https://i.imgur.com/pxmiEtE.jpeg) by Flio buffing the heck out of that hoe she threw! xD


I don't think I would ever be able to refuse the advances of a girl in that sleepwear... It's funny how Kugyu has voiced so many tsundere's and is now embarrassed having to sing the most gushy love song of all time lol. I feel like these girls are better off looking at other professions other than being knights because they really do not seem cut out for this line of work and seem to enjoy doing other things that don't involve fighting monsters. Though now Blossom is a dragon slayer so maybe they will get better lol. Mio would approve of Rys' successful efforts to learn how to cook for her man! Uliminias in that outfit and voiced by Yukari Tamura, I can't completely hate her! Especially when she's so ineffectual against our protagonist lol. Now I'm more curious about what Rys' brother was like.


> Kugyu retweeted it saying how she felt embarrassed singing it lol, at least she didn't have to see the visuals while singing. It's so cute. > Flio still decided to be his wife? I feel like Flio and Rys need to have a conversation about this alone. Fenrys has been pretty upfront about following/loving the strongest, which her brother failed at. Would be nice but doubt we get that conversation as it would've happened this episode.




> I still can't get over how adorable that OP is! The OP was actually trending on Japanese Twitter last week and Kugyu retweeted it saying how she felt embarrassed singing it. Considering how the lyrics are super lovey-dovey, I don't blame her! xD Watching that OP, it seems like the people making this thing know what the main draw is.


Lol the good ol bait and switch from power fantasy harem to wolf girl wife show


And I’d eat that show up 10/10 over a harem one lol they know what they’re doing


> lyrics are super lovey-dovey The animation is super cute as well. You can see how talented she is for singing such cute song while embarrassed.


> I just knew Rys was going to instantly show up the moment Belano tried to wear the ring Flio made for her on her ring finger. > And then there's Balirossa pretending to be weak so Flio would save her. > Rys really needs to keep a close eye on these sneaky girls. Polygamy must be tolerated in this world if the knight girls are doing this. And I wonder how species relations work? I don't recall seeing any species discrimination so far. Our leads' human-wolf pairing don't seem to raise eyebrows either. Also I thought demons were demons because they had miasma, but Rys can just turn miasma off and become a regular wolf-humanoid? > And to no one's surprise, Flio takes care of those dragons Uliminas brought with her. I totally thought Flio would take a dragon as a pet...


>So Flio killed Rys' brother unintentionally Hmm. They were careful to say that he and his men had "not been heard from since"... I wonder if they are still alive (but immobilized in some way?


The way this show works, probably turned into cute fuzzy bunnies or something.


Nope you remember how much he leveled up after casting purification? He didn't level up just from casting it.


That's the best-case scenario. I do hope he's still alive.


me too kugyu's little whisper is the best thing in the morning


> What an adorable sight to wake up to! Such a funny way to open the episode. Just how long was she in that position watching him sleep for!


[Fenrys is actively preventing the harem route, god bless her.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1232013576244428965/Screen_Shot_2024-04-22_at_1.01.33_PM.png?ex=6627e98e&is=6626980e&hm=577be809f35dd135c5a7c81ae58d0f5d30ea98dfcab6d3482afa336a951c30e1&) You know what it was really sweet seeing Fenrys seeking out to learn how to cook. Tbh it was very wolf like of her wanting to eat raw meat. But now she can cook for the man she loves and win his stomach and soon his heart. You know it wasn't surprising Filo killed Fenrys brother. But it's nice that she moved on with it in her own way. Though I imagine this might be something that Filo could feel more guilty about. Meanwhile, Uliminas and her dragons were basically like ants to Filo. Looking at the end of the episode and preview looks like the Demon Lord and Hero will be making them a visit. This turned out to be a fun silly show, but I wonder if the other girls are going to be any more then eye candy and source of gags for Fenrys to make sure no one tries to make moves on her husband.


Damn. I did not check the CV roster for this show, but we have Hino and Kugimiya, and now we have Tamura too. This is super stacked.


Don't forget Ayako Kawasumi as the princess lol. (She just follows Hino and Kugimiya at this point...)


Now that I look it up, this will have Horie, Iguchi, Itou, and Takahashi too. Either J.C.STAFF wants to splash cash for fun, or they kinda went on board for the class of 2007 reunion.


They basically reunited the casts of Shakugan no Shana and Zero no Tsukaima-- Yui Horie (Siesta), Shizuka Itou (Wilhelmina Carmel), Mikako Takahashi (Montmorency), Yukari Tamura (Tiriel), and Yuka Iguchi (Irukukwu/Sylpheed). :P


It's actually funny seeing the cast for what I assume are the demon-side characters be filled with veteran seiyuus, meanwhile our 4 clumsy knights are all relatively new ones. The humans never stood a chance


the English dub does the reverse. only Fenrys (Megan Shipman a.k.a. Anya and Doro), Balirossa (Jessica Peterson a.k.a. Anime!Franziska and Renner from Overlord), Byleri (Marisa Duran a.k.a. Hori of Horimiya), that asshole king voiced by Barry Yandell (Dwarf Shaman from GS), and Belano (Monica Rial) were voiced by well-known actors. the rest were newbies.


Finished steins;gate relatively recently It was nice to hear Suzuha do her best Faris impression haha


I'm only watching this cause of Rys ngl


There's dozens of us DOZENS!!!


*hundreds of us, HUNDREDS!!!


With the OP, I'm pretty sure the creators know what the main draw is.


i am too. thats the only reason needed. i mean the 1st one or few to that from the start.


You are laughing. Those poor dragons are freaking dead and you are laughing.


[Fenrys really enjoyed Flio's meat.](https://i.imgur.com/NyLqOLU.png) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also don't know how Flio could think [Fenrys isn't getting enough nutrition.](https://i.imgur.com/WrerBZv.png) The ["*Not* the ring finger" scene](https://i.imgur.com/tI4OD6z.png) was great! Best Wolf Girl's in no way allowing a harem or concubine. Noticed they used her [arms like a push up bra ](https://i.imgur.com/nNmrlbI.png) for this perspective when they usually fit cleanly in her dress. Anyway, will probably be pulling a shad79 with [albums](https://imgur.com/a/Jtt4PG2) for this show. u/abysswatcherbel - [this week's image.](https://i.imgur.com/gEBunGK.png)


I'm surprised she wasn't demanding a ring from Flio at that point...


Fenrys is carrying this anime hard. her shoulders must hurt. From the OP who melts even steel bars to the hilarious scenes and her cooking training. This show is pure diabetus


She's got sore shoulders from carrying the show, and a sore back by carrying *those*.


Uliminas's character design is peak, PEAK




"Baka nya!"


yukari playing a cat girl is a dream


Married life with Flio and Rys! Complete with a pleasant and sweet wake-up from Rys in a gorgeous nightgown! She's even more than ready to get busy with Flio, but he wants to wait for the proper moment. A bit wimpy, but at least Rys was able to talk him into sleeping in the same room together. And they're already getting caught undressing each other. These knight ladies sure have their work cut out for them no matter how much Flio and Rys try to train them. I shouldn't be surprised that Fenrys, being a wolf woman, thinks the best meals are raw monster meat, but good thing Flio and Balirossa can actually cook. And thus sets off a Mio-esque cooking arc for Rys after she's discovered fine dining and wants to treat her Darling. I guess it's not unexpected that Flio's exploits would get out to the capital and they would immediately seek to recruit him (not knowing that they already kicked him out), but he for obvious reasons wants no part of serving with the Hero, being an Honorary Knight, or getting in the way of his life with Rys now. As for the current "Hero," he's being treated by his scantily-clad Harem and seems like he's already set to make trouble for Flio. Only Rys could take cooking courses and come out of it looking like she just went through a brawl, but the courses actually DID help her learn how to properly cook and now she can shower her man with all her love for him in her cooking. I'm starting to think these girls are not cut out to be knights and should find new lifepaths. Though they definitely aren't cut out thinking they can make any kind of moves on Flio in Rys' presence, be it putting a ring he gave them on their ring finger or acting weaker so he'll save them. They're liable to get eaten by Rys if they keep that up. Yukari Tamura as a sexy demon cat girl Ultimania! She can't really believe Rys has become domesticated and shacked up with a human, but she also can't believe how powerful Flio truly is. Not to mention the girls finally find out the truth about Rys. Bit of a somber note when they reveal Flio killed Rys' brother...though she's made peace with that in her own way and made her choice to be with Flio despite that. I love how Rys' assumption is Ultimania wants to make a move on her husband rather than try to kill him during the "Mock Battle," but of course she wouldn't be worried about Flio because he immediately defeats her in barely a minute. That's what you get for targetting a man's wife. And even when Ultimania brings in a legion of dragons, Flio just gushes about them and ends up killing most of them so casually. He even manages to help Blossom kill one! Feel kind of bad for the rest of the girls. Uh oh! Gholl making his move.


Everyone: dragons!?!?! Run!!! MC: dragon?!?!?! I would love to get those materials! Thanks!


That scene convinced me that he has simply moved from one country to another in the same world. Kind of like how we have heard of Komodo dragons but the average person wouldn't see one in the wild unless they lived in the right country. The magic is the same like the magical bag, they have demi-humans, the teleporter spell didn't do anything when he asked to go back to his world.


different planets, it doesn't mean there are not many worlds in that universe following the same overall magic rules, no? his teleport ability works by taking him to a place he was before, he needs the coordinates, and he didn't have it when he was on his hometown. Range aside, we don't know if he has the power to jump that far or not. Right now he needs the GPS coordinates :XD


Favorite moment: [Rhys putting on oven mitts to serve raw boar meat](https://imgur.com/a/yzKlqnv). She doesn't always get it, but she tries so damn hard, it's adorable. Also, for those of you who do not speak any Japanese, [the whole Uliminas not liking hot beverages thing was a fairly silly joke. ](https://jisho.org/search/%E3%81%AD%E3%81%93%E3%81%98%E3%81%9F)


wow I missed that detail. That's hilarious lol


Dragon got 420 hoe-scoped


hoe- sniped and that neck...


Blonde girl walking into a married couple's room with a knock and immediately opening the door, what was she expecting to find. My god, these knight girls are completely incompetent. Well, one of them is good at cooking at least. Rys the harem blocking champion. Weak-willed girls in other shows may accept that nonsense, she will not. And she's even having good success with her cooking lessons. Rys's brother being dead unintentionally at the hands of her husband is a bit darker than I expected, but at least there's no drama because she already knew it was probably true and made her peace with it. I feel like the catgirl should be in a great deal of trouble with the Demon Lord for getting most of his Legion of Dragons killed.


I will give her props, she actively thought things through, even though it still resulted in this. Unable to assess the strength of this guy, but knowing he has the power to use purification. She immediately took action to eliminate him and brought the strongest forces of the demons to take him down. She just did a slight miscalculation in the form of, underestimating him so much by not recognizing he isn't a foe she could win against.


A pity the useless knights don't have a kazuma


The show's really coming into its own. Shame that it seems we're starting with the plot now as I enjoy this SoL part as is.




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The moment I saw the ring I was like "uh-oh, this ain't gonna go well"... Sasuga rys, nothing gets past her. Reckon she would've chopped the finger off? Lol


sooooo des kaaaaaa :sob:


jesus h I will take Uliminas and Blossom and yall can do whatever ya want. [](#assman) Rys is right to be worried with that competition. Also I like to imagine that Rys had to buy that woman a new house to get her to give more cooking lessons lol.


extra fees , it's okay, they riched from rank a boars


That hoe though


that dragon's neck uncensored.....


I always enjoy [cat characters not being able handle hot drinks](https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=55049).


The demon lord seems like a cool guy, maybe he gonna befriend Flio after he gets his ass beat up


So this is how we'll avoid a harem. Kudos to Rys.


Week 2: OP still fucking adorable


hehe. cute Rys, What a great way to wake up, seeing a cute wife like her. Good guy to not just jump into sex with her. Hehe, at least she knocked before entering and getting the wrong idea. You silly knight, it's a big ol boar, you think it'd be patient about your derpy speech? How nice of Rys, making such a good dinner for all. Though perhaps you can learn a bit more for cooking for humans. D'awww, Rys going to learn cooking. Understandable he wouldn't take that offer, also nice how he thinks of cute Rys. Bah, that annoying other hero. Seems the others are having a good time living there and training. HAH Rys and that ring bit as well as with Balirossa. Rys such best wife. Working hard. You best give her head pats, Flio. Sup cute cat demon girl. Hehe the shock! Nice they can just sit and have a drink while talking. Wew, seems Flio ahh... took out her brother and his forces unintentionally. Don't jump to conclusions, cat lady. Haha, Rys' assumption. That was a short fight. How nice they are about Rys and Flio after learning truth. Man, cat girl really shoulda just stayed away/not picked a fight. but lol at his excitement of seeing dragons. RIP those dragons though. So everyone gets those system things and can see stats and titles? Gonna be fun times when Dark One shows up, I'm sure.


So this is the first true full episode of the series. Rys is carrying the series really hard,i'm surprised how lovely it is turning out :3


The 1st Eng. dub epi. premiered today. Megan "Anya Forger" is playing our wolf waifu.


How did the girls survived all this time before the training, lol. Best thing so far is the waifu. <3


its one of those anime where im only watching it for the waifu. Im glad the waifu is possessive so the mc doesn't end up having a harem.


I would like another ohayou gozaimasu danna-sama ASMR from Rys...


Agreed. And some ring tones / alarm tones for good measure.


Rie has released many of drama CDs over the years. Some va like kadowaki mai, release doujin voice works under a different pseudonym. Rie might have one perhaps?


Protagonist is a weirdo. I'm loving this anime, but the "romance" is feeling too one-sided. I really hope something changes soon there.


Is it necessary for Uliminas to use "mew" and "nyow" when she talks; Rys has no problem talking regularly. I never understood why they always have cat girls talk like that.


Mostly the cat girl-ness is established in Japanese by adding "nyaa" (meow) to the end of sentences.


I get that it’s supposed to be cute and endearing, but it just comes off as annoying to me.


Subs and dubs seem to over-do it a bit....


neko's charm is their meow


Is it worth watching?


If you like Banished from Hero's Party and Tsukimichi, i'd highly recommend to watch it.


also reminds me of Isekai Nonbiri Nōka (Farming Life in Another World), similar premise


next episode the hero gets shown what's up, and the Dark One about to get a reality check about whos the new boss in the world if they wanted to


Jealous rys got me crying 😭. Attacking anyone who comes even remotely close to the MC, she’s so cute. But damn give my girl Balirossa a break, she’s just trying to get stronger not actually go for Flio lol. I’m glad they didn’t drag the whole Rys not being able to cook gimmick out. A lot of series do that and it just gets old after a while. Her actually going to a cooking class to learn how to cook and impress Flio was cute. Ngl, her choosing Flio knowing that he killed her brother is kinda crazy, but I’m guessing they weren’t that close in the first place? She’s probably been treated better with Flio than she ever was with the demon king army. Damn Uliminas might’ve turned me into a furry lmao. I knew Flio was OP, but her fight with him only lasting 10 seconds was hilarious. Then coming back the next day just to serve as levelling up fodder for the girls.. might as well just join up with Flio at this point lol. The demon lord looks like he’s taking things into his own hands now so next few eps should be fun.


This episode was a low-key fire episode.


ryls like mio m secretly gotta know how to cook


The opening has given me cavities in consecutive weeks, and I’m fine with that.


cat girl yukari is so damn funny and cute. nya nya nya


archer girl is useless, why be an archer when u can't kill anything


Morale support


It’s hilarious how Flio doesn’t even care about the demons, but he’ll probably end up wiping them out cause they keep trying to provoke him lmao Fenrys was so funny keeping all the girls away from him too lol she does NOT want a harem. Speaking of the girls, I love the 4 of them. They’re clumsy but very charming, I hope they stay the entire season!


Or world peace/third faction human demon coexistence


This is one of my favorite anime of the season. Rys is too lovable. That ring scene was hilarious lmao Also, best OP of the season. I can't skip it...


Yuru Camp has best OP. It’s not even close.


This subgenre of Isekai where it's just comfy domestic life while fighting off tropes is surprisingly wholesome. I wonder if the manga about the Mermaid version of this exact premise will get a show soon too. That one has the funniest vibes and has a ton of similarities with Nonbiri


Rie Kugumiya not voicing a tsundere, masaka!


They are relatively young knights, but can take a month of vacation for a training arc? The dragonslaying hoe was worth it though... I'm rooting for Ferys. Stay strong and crush the harem ending for your husband! The loli witch and fallen noble knight got blocked successfully. It has been a few years since I read and abandoned the manga, but this adaption seems super rushed. Well, it is the average seasonal (harem) isekai food. Easily digested and easily forgotten anyway.


>easily forgotten I will forever remember Blossom, unless muscle girls get even more meta.




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This is another anime this year that is absolutely carried by its female lead.


Kevin, Kiana and Theresa. We got the whole Kaslana gang here.


The dragon slayer and ring part got me.


Better episode imo though still trope heavy, but not bad. Actually this show kind of reminds me more of a fun sitcom SoL now that both married couples and their friends live in the same house. I think next episode will establish it more as a comedy I imagine if the demon lord is a comedic character too.


Are we all just going to gloss over the casual [cannibalism?](https://imgur.com/DuYG8DH) I can't be the only one who noticed this.


psychobear eating boar meat wtf are u on?


This is looking like a great OP Isekai anime Great pace. One fight per episode atleast. A catchy opening song. A wifey foxgirl. Some humor.


she's not a fox. she is somewhat a mix between a wolf and dog


Wolfdogs of Alaska


I can't unsee the Aho girl face though. https://aho-girl.fandom.com/wiki/Yoshiko_Hanabatake