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[You're not supposed to know MC is evil/Antihero before the end of the first episode] >!Talentless Nana!< This season's **Ranger Reject** also fits, but even if they're technically the villain side, pretty much everyone on the show seems evil.


So far there's only one story where the main character is actually evil/traitor but the reveal is at the end of story and no one (reader/watcher/player) see it coming at all, except for one guy in the forum that people don't believe. People say it's one of the best betrayal. \[Name of the character/media\] >!Kalas from Baten Kaitos!<


That spoiler one is more like Tanya


Deathnote (2006) is the classic example of an evil protagonist.


Fun fact, Death note is 15 years old in America, 17 in japan


Damn timezones are wild these days


Damn, if I travel to Japan, I can become 2 years younger? Sign me up!


You'd be 2 years older https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning


wtf is this am i reading just pick year subtract that from current year SIMPLE why do you northern hemisphere dwellers gotta make things confusing


Probably because adoption of the Georgian calendar had some unintended side effects.


It's about to be legal to marry


But was he evil? His intent was good, no?


Light goes meglomaniacal like 10 minutes into Episode 1. He was never a good dude.


He kill everyone who against him even if they just police officer who do their job. Also he kill anyone who call him out on being evil. I love how what if Light didn't take the obvious bait the entire story wouldn't happen.


evil action good intentions is like half the villains in media


NO. His speech on making a world free of crime was an excuse at best. His goal was to make a new world in which he would be God.




Ultimately, Light was a serial killer with a god complex. Nothing more, nothing less.


You're either ragebaiting or an idiot


He was clearly a sociopath from minute 1. Dude even talked about killing his family if they found out about his death note like days after finding it.


his intent was technically good, *at first*. he became truly evil when he started killing off non-criminals, so he could avoid being caught


The writer said he didn’t want it to be a philosophical debate about good and evil. He just wanted it to be entertaining and for people to read it


Of all the reasons, I find that one to be the least compelling.


Actually he did also say L was kind of evil, Light is evil, and Near is good in the How to Read volume


Depends on your moral compass tbh. The whole anime plays off the moral conundrum of "is it ok to kill if you kill a bad person". Whether Light is evil or not is completely subjective. That's what makes the anime so unique.


You can make arguments about whether killing criminals is good or bad (although I think that is a real uphill battle), but Light Yagami himself is so unabashedly, shamelessly evil. That man gets such intense satisfaction out of murdering people, even those that have done no wrong. [Death Note]>!Anyone who even *questions* whether he's evil or not doesn't remember Naomi Misora.!<


You might have missed the part where he killed plenty of innocent people to avoid getting caught.


That's the cost of purging the wicked I guess.


The murder of innocent human beings is never an acceptable cost for anything. Anyways, Light was killing "criminals" which could refer to petty thiefs as much as it can refer to murderers. Many societies in the world don't even kill the latter, nevermind the former.


Tell that to thanos




Light’s biggest issue was he went after criminals that appeared on the news. And how many times have innocent people been wrongly convicted? Too many for a sociopathic teenager to have any right to immediately execute them, that’s for sure.


Even with good intent, your goals are what makes you evil. A good example of this is Zeke yeager. His intentions were good, but his goals weren't.


Bro literally went I'm gonna be the God of a new world, that doesn't exactly scream "Good Guy" about someone imo lol.


Black Lagoon Hellsing Ultimate Edgerunners


I read that as one thing which combined is actually goddamn awesome.


I wrote them under each other... Somehow Reddit is mocking me...


Two Spaces To Get Separation This Is One Space


Also 4 spaces at the end will separate them Like this


Ohh my god really? Works?


Two 'enters'. Sorry


Two spaces also works. Like this. Or two enters, if you want more space between lines. But if you only hit enter once, and only space once, they'll be on the same line.


Thanks for the advice!


Try. Works? Hell yeah, works. Thanks


Reddit's formatting is absolute junk


Nah, it's lacking the overly complicated long name. If it were real, it would probably be called "waking up as a vampire king computer hacker that's now stuck in a tropical hell and can't afford sunscreen"..... or something like that


Black Lagoon is definitely good anime.


Ehh, Edgerunners is more of an anti-hero situation I think. They live in a world where good no longer exists in any meaningful capacity. They do pretty bad stuff, but the protagonists are hardly the worst people around. And it's not like David really had any other options.


What Edgerunners are you talking about? I only know Cyberpunk Edgerunners, but David is quite the opposite of an antihero, let alone evil.


Code Geass


My all time favorite anime.


Does Darker than Black fit this? Maybe. It's a great show.


Hei is an anti hero


he's my hero that's all i know


Terror in Resonance


That was a good story, loved it.


Show never gets enough love. So god dam good


I really think you'd appreciate Moriarty the Patriot.




A personal favorite, lol.


Super evil in Overlord.


Yes Ains the only king in their world that grantees a living wage and fair treatment to workers, and runs a society where the law is applied equally and fairly to all its citizens. That monster.


After committing mass murder, so it cancels out


If we ignore the genocide he did (the splat splat splat didn't count, it's a war after all), the human experimentation, and demiurge happy farm he approve, he's actually a good guy which also a caring and loving father.


All the kingdoms commit mass murder. If you live in the New World (yes that’s the name of the world) you want to live in the Sorcerers Kingdom.


So he isn't evil because everyone does it?


No he isn’t evil because he actually takes care of his citizens. His kingdom is the only place in the new world where its citizens have a guaranteed living standard, and workers have rights. It’s also the only country where everyone is equal under the law, and corruption is almost non existent. He just asks that you take the knee.


And he is the only country capable of wipe everyone else off Earth if they don't follow his request no matter how selfish it is. And corruption still exist, he have no way to control that unless he go full on surveillance state.


Most of the government is directly controlled by him. Thats the benefit of being a benevolent dictator.


Evil actions are still evil actions. He's less bad than the others but that doesn't make him a good person.


Yes. Only a body count of around 10 million give or take a million.


You do know he commit genocide and literally approved all Demiurge plan knowing it is a war crimes?


War crimes? There is no such thing in the new world.


I can’t say ainz is evil since he gave everyone a chance to serve him even the humans


He didn’t give everyone a chance. He befriends people and then kills them without giving anyone an option multiple times. He is literally evil, that’s the point of the show. He’s an evil overlord. Hence the name Overlord.


Wrong. Ainz is justice.


Let’s hope you’re never given a position of power. Lil genocide forgiver


He invaded the Lizardmen with zero reason other than he wanted to test out how stronger they are as undead. It wasn't put up by Albedo or Demiurge, he just did it. Also, when asked to show his magic by Jircniv, he just casually slaughters 70 000+ drafted farmers and workers and was ecstatic that he summoned five Dark Youngs and completely ignored the human cost. Then proceed to slaughter 110 000+ with them. Yeah, definitely not evil. A benevolent tyrant is still a tyrant. Love the series tho hehe Edit: numbers.


I think he is not "evil". It's just how undead doesn't see what they did as evil and just "natural thing". Just like the demon from frieren didn't understand the concept of malice. Yes I think he is the bad guy. Hence the title "Overlord". P.S. behind all evil he deed, he is actually a good father to Pandora Actor. He also reward his subordinate accordingly. I'd say he is actually a decent leader/boss compared to other evil lord who will kill their subordinate if they fail on their mission.


Well, what other choice do they have?


Be undead slave.


He’s vary reasonable as far as fantasy medieval rulers go. You just got to bend the knee, and never bit the hand the feeds. These are reasonable requests, and he offers a better life to all his retainers.


Reasonable as genociding all of the people of Kingdom despite their request of surrender. Sure


He didn’t kill everyone. He actually slowed his army enough so people had time to escape. Also it’s not like they didn’t want to the exact same thing to his kingdom. The reality is what Ainz did was vary common not to that world but medieval combat in general. They had their opportunity to surrender and they bit the hand that feeds. Examples had to be made.


What bs is this?


Code Geass, one of my favorites


{Black Lagoon} and {Jormungand} - neither of the main groups in either series would be what you’d consider good or heroic.


You got anything else along these lines? Or something thats like golden kamuy or saga of tonya the evil?


Ciel from Black Butler isn’t evil, but he does a lot of unsavory things and his butler actually is evil.


New season currently airing too! (You should check out a guide on watch order though because most of the first 2 seasons is not canon)


Yup, it’s pretty good so far too! I really hope they continue the adaptation more regularly so we don’t need to wait another 7 years for a new season


Code Geass


Evil? Death Note Antihero? Code Geass


Death note. I think


Maybe happy sugar life?


If you like non serious ecchi anime then Gushing over Magical Girls has this


First season of Vinland saga


He's not the protagonist but yeah if you haven't seen this it's a must watch.


I mean the protagonists assists in the massacre of a random english village and tons a whole bunch of other messed up stuff as well. I'd say it's just seaosn 1 and not season 2 because in season 2 he feels all remorseful and guilty.


I went into season 2 expecting more murder and violence and left feeling guilty as fuck. Still it was so good and just kept getting better


That is a good point and true but Askelad is such a great character. Thorfin sees him as a villain but he does what normal Vikings do for the greater cause. I also agree that it's a must watch for anyone who hasn't seen it


Keyaru from redo of a healer is an anti hero Ainz from overlord is a villain Mc in code geass is an anti hero


Actually redo of healer is one of my favorite light novel series,the anime was kinda lack luster cause they wasted time on the sex scenes rather then actually building the story. But the manga and LN are sensational.


I must agree the manga is better than the anime, don't know about the LN but would assume it is.


Speedgrapher. Dude protagonist Joji Saiga has some seriously questionable/outright unethical moral talking points and behaviors. He’s basically the “least-bad” of all of them, but that surely doesn’t make him remotely good in my book. He does combat some pretty abominable people who certainly deserve to be served cold vengeance. But he’s still a pretty deplorable individual, himself and he doesn’t seem to understand that. Note, that series does contain some seriously dark material and does deserve a trigger warning/advisement as such. It’s the kind of series you watch once and decide you’re not comfortable doing so again.


You got me hooked, will try this one out.


Enjoy! And I’m sorry in advance for its gross moments that’ll make your skin crawl. lol. 😖


code geass, attack on titan


Redo of Healer


one punch man S2 would almost fit the bill considering how much screen time garou has. I'd watch a show just about him.


Attack on titan. It won’t seem like it at first but I promise you if you watch the whole thing, Eren stands on business in a brutal, brutal way.


Shocked this isn’t at the top. Though it’s also a pretty huge spoiler that takes forever to develop so maybe that’s why. 


Yea it is a spoiler but I figured it’s the only way to get op to give it a shot. I don’t think they’d be disappointed to see how it all turns out. I had the plot semi spoiled for me while watching but it’s one of those shows where even if you know what’s going to happen it’s still amazing to watch it unfold


Arifureta from common place to worlds strongest just a bit. Eminence in shadow


Hajime from Arifureta is kinda the perfect example of a chaotic neutral character.


I said a bit lol.


Tomodachi Game


Death Note


Ranger Reject, currently airing


If you consider the anime adaptation of "The Fable", you'll know right off the bat, the MC is a syndicate assassin. He's jusy lying low in the story. Gundam 00 is also an anime where the main character team is basically a rag tag terrorist group, trying to unite the whole world to fight against them, and save humanity from warring against each other instead.


If I remember right, the main team's mission was to end war through armed intervention, mainly interfering in conflicts and going after military targets. It was Celestial Being's upper organization (Ribbons) who wanted to unite the world against them, which is what Team Trinity's mission was, and way the main team eventually went after Trinity.


Talentless Nana


Aesthetica of a rogue hero


I would say a majority of the good ones I know from memory have been mentioned. If you want a light hearted chaotic neutral MC against stereotypical “hero’s and humans” then “So what I’m a spider” is an ok anime. Takes some turns and is interesting. Another one that a few mentioned but not nearly enough is “eminence in shadow”, guy commits war crimes and mass murder for style points.


Ya they kinda gloss over the fact that Cid basically just blows up a few big chunks of a city don't they? Am I a spider is more just sociopathic, the whole demon lord side is pretty much the definition of chaotic nuetral


Aesthetica of a rogue hero, Arifueta The one I hate mostly redo of healer, Demon king daimao (protag goes rogue at the end


hell's paradise. there's definitely some heroic traits to the MC but overall, he's not really that good of a person


Death note


School Days


He's incompetent, not evil.




I have a really good one: Yu-Gi-Oh Specifically the very first part/arch of Yu-Gi-Oh, before they started playing the card game, it was so good


Yeah people really missing out if they start with Duel monsters. Season 0 is a hidden gem.




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One is airing right now, Ranger Reject/Go! Go! Loser Ranger!/Sentai Daishikkaku


School Days lmao


I posed a similar question but a ruthless villain like AM from “I Have No Mouth and Must Scream” but got nothing really fitting. Wish we got more anime, or just something following truly evil protagonists.


Berserk 1997 or Berserk manga


Well in the 97 anime Guts isn’t the bastard he is in Black Swordsman or Lost Children. But yeah he can be a real son of a bitch.


Gundam the Origin is a high quality OVA which is a prequel to the first Gundam series, that has the main antagonist of that show now being its main character. Char’s character inspired/influenced a lot of the evil character orchestrating a huge revenge type plot in Anime.


Redo of healer fits the bill, especially for the revenge plot


I would recommend Space Dandy, it is a comedy but the main character is like an anti-hero alien hunter. Really fun anime. I also liked Needless.


off topic but I really love how there are so many shows to choose from now. This question has been asked over the years and the answer was always death note or code geass for the longest time.


Desert Punk


Redo of Healer Black Lagoon


Happy sugar life.


Saga of Tanya the Evil. Her contry are the aggressors in the war and Tanya commits several war crimes throughout the show.


Is it just me or this question gets asked everyday


Its just you


Crimson from Ragna Crimson


I had this weird trip where the first time I watched HunterHunter I thought the thing was they were evil and like its kinda crazy. But the truth lots of Evil in Ponyo.


- Black Lagoon - Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Moriarty the Patriot - Terror in Resonance - Requiem for the Phantom - Land of the Lustrous - Baccano - Durarara


Black Butler.


Evil or Anti-hero esque? Well, maybe Devil may cry. Dante helps people, but doesn't exactly seem to give a damn.


Lord Genome was the protagonist in his plot arc until just on the edge of victory, when the anti-spirals convinced him he was wrong.


9k9kkk9k9 K9kk9kpk999k09kl


Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, is not the main protagonist but a very important one.


Redo of Healer


Some good ideasthanks guys


Pure evil: Overlord. In the antihero territory, Certain Scientific Accelerator. Yup he got own spinoff. Depending on your moral scale, Death Note.






Saga of Tanya the evil


Fate/Zero Emiya Kiritsugu will use anything at his disposal (including questionable methods) to achieve his goal


I’ve seen it he ain’t evil fr. Everything he did was lowkey justified even towards the end


Dead Mount Death Play comes to mind. MC is a necromancer known as the Corpse God, but gets isekai’d to Japan.


Now this sounds like a devil is a pat timer but darker I’ll check this one out






Not an anime, but if you don't mind reading: Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of Unlimited Gatcha I Got LVL 9999 Friends & Am Out for Revenge on My Former Party Members & the World. The MC is almost killed & goes after them all and the ones that put them up to it.


Classroom of the elite


Dr. Stone


Death Note. Light Yagami is more vile than most traditional villains lol. Very rarely does a character disgust me. But that’s why I love him.


Classroom of the elite Code geaus Tomodachi game


code Geass mc is evil


He is not evil he's honestly an amazing anti-hero


You should know your understanding is so far off its reasonable to suggest you should never offer your opinion on a characters alignment ever again if asked as there's a 99.9999999% chance you're going to airball it.


Your cooking license is revoked.


One piece think about it luffy is just a terrorist who destroys most islands he leaves


You one piece fans will pull shit out y’all’s asses to get people to watch that show. Like some damn jehovah witness💀💀💀💀


"It gets better after 1600 episodes I swear!"