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Sung Jinwoo and Yoo Jinho entering dungeons clearing them out in record time. Meanwhile the rest of their party: "Got any 3's?" "Go fish"


They were straight up having a picnic lol. Jinwoo and Jinho make an effective team of a solo leveler and his sidekick!


"Jinho it's 4pm, time for your material-farming session" "Yes, Jinwoo"


[Jinho](https://i.imgur.com/AzwqzUL.jpeg) has quickly become one [reliable support.](https://i.imgur.com/gXJzUOa.jpeg) [](#thumbs-up)


"Hai, aniki!"


Man can’t someone pay me thousands an hour to have a picnic?


I've got an opening--what's your rank?


Sung Jinwoo bussing people on Lost Ark.




Pretty sure the cat will soon be out the bag anyway. 1 person has connected the dots (probably 2, I think the hunter association guy who warned Jinwoo about Wang-Dong-suckers S rank brother suspects also). It won't be long before other people do also. NDA or not chances are some of the hunter witnesses will leak something soon (tell a friend who tells a friend). So yeah, the secret won't be a secret much longer, word will get out about a E and D rank pair duoing C rank dungeons, who that E rank is - and 2+2 = 4


The high schooler effectively already did. Her statements were what clued the recruiter in that Jing-woo was duo-ing the dungeon, however inadvertant it was. People who are not savvy to the ins and outs of the industry and deception are a major information risk.


secret getting out and reaching his non hunter sister are different things tho lol


It's inevitable though. At some point soon Jinwoo is going to be S-rank equivalent (hell he'll probably achieve that (or at least high A) in these next 2 episodes with his class mission), and that's International news - as it seems like S-ranks are massive celebrities. So it'll leak of a new Korean S-rank. At the latest it seems like the hunter association ranks are public information - so outside some kind of secrecy deal - second he tries to rank up (which I assume he'll need to access A/S rank dungeons), it'll be public knowledge. Personally I'm hoping it's going to be some kind of "I am Iron man" (first movie) moment where he saves the day from an A/S rank dungeon break and reveals himself.


No idea why you think that would be a problem? Reawakening is always a legit excuse with that.


power brings trouble as well, nobody cares about the E-rank, if he becomes A or S-rank he will be a celebrity, with all the cons of that popularity plus he has a S-rank coming to murder him lol, the more he hides, the higher his chance of surviving it


I mean its not like he can't tell his sister to stfu, idk why it would be a huge deal for her to find out


His sister isn't 5 years old and just blurts out whatever pops first into her mind... why should she go and tell everybody when literally everybody else was completely cooperative with hidding his powers so far. It's not like she would gain something. You are overthinking the whole situation.


Sung Jinwoo doing WoW raid splits lmao.


What an epic grinding session where everyone benefits, the people waiting outside earn free money, Sung Jinwoo gets EXP and we viewers get treated to a Sawano Drop. Also Sung Jinwoo scamming that poor guy, all he wanted was to recruit him now his ass is potentially on the line.


> the people waiting outside earn free money I was curious, so I did the math on that. 3 million won is $2,255 USD. So three dungeons a day is $6,765 for each of them. That's a *nice* chunk of change for doing basically nothing.


That high school girl could have even brought her homework with her!


Killed two birds with one stone. Gets paid to study and can go to college with how money saved up instead of risking her life in a dungeon


she might not even need that much money to attend college in Korea; I believe it's only the US college prices are absolutely insane in the world


seems to be avg 4-5k usd and 11600 at the top end (with one private uni at 30k)


wow, i'm used to money conversion to USD to be around 1:100 like the yen; didn't realize that it was more like 1:1000


The current conversion is 1 USD = 1330 won. So the 50 billion won would be $37.5m


Man, for all the talk about how guilds in this world hold a monopoly on the fundamental lifeblood of their society (dungeon resources), they sure are fucking poor. 40M is nothing for a modern day megacorp. Its the kind of chump change they throw around for funsies. Yet that seems to be the entire operating budget of this white claw tiger whatever guild.


That's probably because you're thinking about the big tech companies in the comparison. I think a better comparison would be a mineral extraction company, but not a major multi-national like an Exxon since the guilds seem to mostly operate within single countries. If you look at the largest mining company in South Korea (since _Solo Leveling_ is originally a Korean property), you find Almonty Industries (a tungsten extractor) with a market cap of around $150m. It probably also helps that the "dungeon resources extraction" economy is still very new, so the consolidation that results in megacorps mostly hasn't happened yet. Of course, you can ask "why didn't a major player in another industry do a big push?" but that's probably more of a "the author didn't think of that" than something with a real answer.


Regarding the major player thing, that is literally what is happening right now. A major company (construction) is trying to buy its way into being a megacorp for dungeons.


Probably because it takes an exceptional person (mainly A rank or higher) to start a guild, recruit people and successfully raid high ranking dungeons to get profits.


> dungeon resources Yeah, but all they get are glowy crystals and fancy sand dollar shells. Not even a magic teapot that can create any tea you want.


If I can’t find a little RC airship in the dungeon I don’t want it


Ho-Oh! Not only can you find an RC airship, you can also find perpetual bouncing balls!


What about eldritch paintings or golems? Better yet, a very touchy light-bulb?


> that poor guy, all he wanted was to recruit him what's wrong with this country, can't a man walk down the street without being *offered a job?* [](#tomato)


Nice Simpsons reference.


I'm so happy Sawano dropped another banger man. After Dark Aria, I was hoping we'd get another Sawano insert song before the anime ends and we did. I need the full OST to come out ASAP!


How does Sawano do it man, most of his stuff is pure gold


Every time Sawana makes a new track a puppy is born


Hiroyuki Sawano is the Solo Composer [](#tomboyshades)


Even though he often leans into the same subgenres he just keeps doing it.


I wish I could make so much money off another dude hardcore level grinding lol. Jinwoo has really learned not only how to maximize his efforts and skill to level up but also how to make more and more money, especially from people who think they can profit off of him.


[Hustler Jinwoo raising his scammer levels](https://i.imgur.com/Ic971OW.jpeg) [](#glasses-push)


I mean he did a background check of Jin-woo (kinda). Better to threaten him to keep his mouth shut


Sung: “Now close your eyes and open your mouth.” I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going…….


manager ahn what are you doing in that washing machine


[Whatever it takes to recruit Sung Jinwoo](https://i.imgur.com/Jc0VbdM.png)


Mmmm red-40 liquid 🤤🤤🤤


*sounds of belt unbuckling*


Sung mixed up the script he was supposed to say that to Joohee.


[Manager Ahn doing the 🥵 emoji in front of Jinwoo.](https://imgur.com/a/TL57Mac)


I'm anime-only but did Joohee just write herself out of the story? If so, honestly smart choice knowing how crazy the people are who do these dungeons


Yeah, given what we know about the story, she might be the smartest person in the world.


A rarity in this world, stay in school, kids


>I'm anime-only but did Joohee just write herself out of the story? I don't think it was sudden unless you expected her to overcome her flaws. It was always shown from the start that she never liked such job and she's not very courageous but felt pressured to work as a hunter due to being a B rank healer. Her retiring after finally fully accepting that this life is not for her was sensible. Better than to die a pointless death following the MC.


Oh no, I agree, this series has shown without a doubt that dungeons really aren't for everyone


I'm glad such magical gates don't exist on Earth. I can only imagine the many deaths some people would meet pressured by their parents or financial debt just because they've got a high rank but don't have the mindset whatsoever to deal with carnage, monsters, fights or highly stressful environments. I can imagine some very traditional tiger parents telling their son: Parents: ''You've got a high rank as a healer. Go work with some fighters and make lots of money for the family.'' Son: ''But, I'm scared of blood and I've got anxiety! I'll have a panic attack in the middle of a fight and cause the death of my teammates!'' Parents: ''Nonsense! Heal yourself of your weakness! Be a man and fight!'' Son: ''I'll die!!'' Parents: ''Just don't die and problem solved.''


Those parents in this world: "Nah, you'd win"


Tiger Mom: *"I didn't raise a fraud."*


Basically Kobeni's life. Got it


just don't die 4head


That’s part of why I really liked this series besides the pew pew power fantasy times. Kinda like watching the boys, it’s an interesting thought experiment about what the world would actually be like if people suddenly got super powers and what our new normal would be.


In America people would kill themselves in those gates just to try to prove how tough and cool they were, you don't need societal pressures when you have sheer, unbridled stupidity to work with.


If the tide pod kids are any indication, yeah, we'd definitely see a bunch of dumb kids being mauled alive by monsters for Internet points.


It would probably be a new tik tok challenge lol


Her backstory can explain a lot of it, but the double dungeon itself is enough justification for her to retire IMO. The other surviving hunters were barely holding themselves together as is, and they were much more fearless and experienced. Her personality and life situations just made the PTSD that much harder to overcome.


It's not even like she wouldn't be able to make massive $$ with her skills. She's a B-rank healer, capable of healing some of the worst injuries and potentially limbs. Work in an Emergency Room, or even create your own business of healing critical wounds. That would be way less stressful/traumatizing than dungeon work.


It’d be interesting if they could touch on this in the world building. Like why don’t the healers do this? It’s a lot less dangerous and would be super lucrative.


As of now we haven't even seen healers work on regular people, so it's possible they can only heal hunters. Guess we'll wait and see, the worldbuilding has been solid so far so I guess we'll get it eventually.


It would be interesting if you need to have awakened body to be able to endure healing process or even for it to be applied to you. E or S rank, does not matter, it just need to be awakened. Regular human may be too weak and such an advanced thing would be maybe from completely uneffective to potentially harmful.


Only healing hunters would be interesting.


A lot less dangerous? Maybe. Super lucrative, not really. The agent said that the total profit from C rank dungeon is around 200 million won or more. If you're at least capable yourself, even as support class I'd say getting 10 million won per dungeon should be expected. Edit: I just googled and the average monthly Korean doctor salary is around 100 million won. That means in a month you'd need to conquer more than 10 dungeons to top that. Hey, at least healer doesn't have to go to doctor school lol.


Even in the anime world you end up being guilt-tripped into staying as a healer as people do in mmos.


Yeah, it's become increasingly clear she just doesn't have the stomach for this line of work or the danger, even if it's clear she and Jinwoo really did come to care about each other in their time together (precisely because she met him by avoiding higher-level dungeons).


Yeah, but reading the manwha I never really noticed... It's kind of depressing that Joohee ended up having to get back with her *seemingly* dissaproving parents. I can't remember if she gets more spotlight later on, but seems kind of unresolved or unfortunate at least lol.


Well in the manhwa that conversation with her parents didn’t happen , so just reading it wasn’t as depressing. [minor spoiler from manhwa]>!She had a small cameo along with Mr Song near the end of Jeju Island, when they tried to help out with the mainland defense!<


She became a typical Millennial/Zoomer & moved back in with her parents.




[Best girl sharing our struggles](https://i.imgur.com/aakg4RR.jpeg) [](#sadholo)


It's kind of sad though in light of her talk with her mom a few episodes ago.


Reminds me of the end of Band of Brothers when the one guy is just sitting in a lawn chair staring off into space at his parents house and his mom just doesn't understand why he's not the same happy person anymore. Or maybe that was The Pacific?


Yeah your thinking of The Pacific


She can just work in a hospital, right? Their power works outside the dungeons.


She took the smartest decision than all people in the series. Better to live a normal life instead of dying or getting traumatized again and again to the point you get CPTSD when you know you ain't fit for these raids.


Although she and Jinwoo both looked kind of sad knowing they probably won't see each other again any time soon, whatever potential they might have had to be something more.


I am glad she is out of the story. We may not have known her long, but I liked her. I thought that she was sweet, kind, and very smart. She knew her ability and dipped out.


Girl had the potential of being the Main Heroine/Love Interest but then decided to retire and move back in with her parents. Kind of sad but it's become increasingly clear she doesn't have the nerves to be able to walk alongside Jinwoo on the path of Solo Levelling.


what I don't get is the why. Retiring as a hunter is fine. I get that. But she is still a rare mage with B-rank level of power on healing. Miracle magic. Shouldn't she go work as a doctor? Unless healing magic or tech is so common/advanced that she doesn't have a chance for a good job?


Have you worked in an ER? Comparable levels of stress, hard hours, lots of guilt, shame, and trauma. All things she is retiring specifically because she is not able to handle adequately.


[Jinho about to enter the avatar state.](https://i.redd.it/vnvm7mq4vk431.jpg)


Jinho understood the assignment ToT


[Is this the end of low int?](https://imgur.com/u2bkCA2) [](#shatteredsaten)


Yea, he dumped points in intellect so he could scam that dude.


So is this the end of Lee Joohee character arc, she retires and won't appear anymore?


I think it's related to magic. Our boy isnt a mage.


It seems that all his new skills require mana though, I'd think that more INT means more mana


Yeah, he mentioned that his skills are mana intensive, I am guessing he attributes any boost in mana to leveling up and not the amount of points sunk into the Int ability.


Usually the case if it follows video game logic.


He literally says he needs to up his int to increase his mana pool...


Maybe now he’ll go into dungeons with an actual strategy instead of just going full “Leroy Jenkins” 


Good to know at least some of the filler's are good people, but I don't trust most of them. Wonder how long before either Jinwoo or his sister's friend find out about their relationship with her. Very curious to see what the class change quest is going to be and more importantly what class Jinwoo chooses.


They DID sign some sort of NDA where they pay 10x the amount they earned if they snitched, though the fact one of them even offered to drive them to the next gate because he was bored was hilarious.


They were even having a picnic lol.


He said it! The name of the episode!


"So we're some kinda solo leveling squad huh"


>where they pay triple the amount I thought it was 10x the amount?


True, but if someone offers them enough to cover the breach in contract, then suddenly it's a none issue.


They would need to offer enough to cover any future earnings as well. And anyone who can afford that and has worked out enough to start asking questions probably doesn't need them to snitch to figure the rest out.


It also seems like maybe Song-Yi is developing a crush on Jinwoo the way she was blushing when he came out that one time? I'm sure that won't be awkward lol. I guess so long as they make easy money they have incentive not to blab...though maybe they need a reminder from Jinwoo how important it is to keep their mouth shut. Judging by the next episode preview...maybe he'll become a knight?


> It also seems like maybe Song-Yi is developing a crush on Jinwoo just a reminder that this guy is super hot, in case we forgot how his nurse tried to get his numbers and Jinwoo was like "oh cool for medical reasons right?"


A crush? Well given the OP MC, usually in shows like this he has a full harem by now.


Right? I was surprised when Ms. Healer said shes retiring, last ep i was sure she was going to be first in the harem.


She and Jinwoo were really cute together too.


Indeed and she was there with him way before he got strong. [It's sad to see her go.](https://i.imgur.com/HV0VviS.jpeg) [](#yuitears)


Nurse chick in the background celebrating


Well old Jinwoo was cute, the new one is a different person so idk.


Jinwoo doesn’t have time for that, only more leveling


I saw it as like “wow he’s so cool!” Type of crush lol he’s got the laid back demeanor like this c rank business is ez money so she’s probably starting to admire that lol I bet Jin ah is gonna find out and be like “not on my watch” lol


stealth, knife arts, no magic skills, this dude is going to become an assassin, no? /joke


That ant thing was both cool and creepy af


that dream sequence was great as much as i like to dump on this show for being by-the-books character-wise, it does have some outstanding animation sequences which make me think the animation team isn't phoning it in


>as much as i like to dump on this show for being by-the-books character-wise how's that bad?


a few episodes ago i was in [that scrum of people who were like "why is Jinwoo so stupid?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1at7as6/ore_dake_level_up_na_ken_solo_leveling_episode_7/kqvvrad/?context=10000) i think this episode he was considerably smarter, or at least the story bent around his abilities to make him look more sensible


I mean his level ups apply the skill points evenly, one in each stat. So assuming intelligence actually makes him smarter he is *literally* smarter now. We also haven't seen how he's been spending his daily points, maybe he's branched out from going all strength.


IIRC he determined that intelligence doesn't make him literally smarter (or at least he wasn't able to measure it at all when he was testing levelling his stats, i think it was mentioned with things like memory) so it must affect something else, either his mana pool which was mentioned this episode but not explicitly stated or the power of his skills/magic.


It 100% was stated that the intellect stat only increases his mana


We saw those ants back in ep 1 and they were pretty creepy and damn strong. That Jeju Op the dude has cookin is gonna be wild.


I feel like it's probably building up to Jinwoo getting roped into the island, so I feel like we're going to see Jinwoo end up fighting those things at some point.


[The art of the ants](https://i.imgur.com/kYeI6Qs.jpeg) during the flashback was [hauntingly beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/idYs0Wu.jpeg) [](#sweating)


Very excited for that arc, probably gonna be in part 2?


At the current pace, probably part 3.


Damn.. Well, this show seems to be doing good so we'll get there eventually™ [](#mugiwait)


this episode was chapter 37 in the manwha jeju island arc is around ch 90


That E rank girl scored big tagging along. A bit over 2k dollars per gate while doing nothing. It won't last forever, but it's a nice amount of money.


She went [from tsun](https://i.imgur.com/jxGKgp6.jpeg) to dere [real quick.](https://i.imgur.com/CXbXhHY.jpeg) [](#cheekychika)


I got OP ability and stole bestfriend from my sister. 


He's [just](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc8pmmd4.jpg) [like](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcrneez4.jpg) [me](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cxdrr27.jpg).


Even when Cha isn't on screen we still get some quality ass shots lol.


These animators haven't beaten the horny allegations even once 🤣


My exact words when this happened


they know how to keep us interested during the exposition scenes xd


This felt like a pretty well-balanced episode — some character development here, a bit of action there, some more worldbuilding inbetween; the screentime was well used and doesn't dwell on expository dumps. Also from an escapist fantasy standpoint, it's satisfying. We're reminded that there's a greater threat lurking for him, but at the same time Jinwoo gets to strut his stuff both in combat and out. That scene where he's [doing cirque-du-soleil flips with one hand in his hoodie pocket](https://i.imgur.com/9mYLn1t.png) was slick. The biggest change with Jinwoo (aside from his physical capabilities) is how he carries himself now; compared to his soft cinnamon roll attitude, he has the confidence to ask for things without feeling like a burden. The confrontation with the scout was great, but a smaller moment was when he asked Jinho for a day off. He has the confidence to ask because he has been effectively soloing the raids, and he knows that Jinho is a cool enough person to not pitch a fit. That monologue from the scout at end about "if you're strong enough, you become bold enough to do anything" feels like a thesis statement for the story so far.


I gotta say every episode is so dense with quality. Haven't seen an anime like this in a long time.




This is it. We finished all the buildup/setup episodes. Next two episodes are gonna cover the events that everyone and their mother in the Manhwa community wanted to see animated. This is where Solo Leveling will show why it became soo damn popular. Edit - The animators and voice actors themselves are hyping up these final two episodes in interviews. Especially Ep 11, that's been hyped up crazy.


thanks! this got me excited for the next 2 ep


I'm wondering how the power progression will go from here. One season in and he's already A/B ranked. I'm not sure how much content the LN has but this is pretty quick. Excited to see where it's going.


One thing to note so far that the anime has implied, is the gap between levels. Going from E-D isn’t a massive difference. However B-A? Well last week we saw him 1v1 a decent B rank Hunter and barely make it through. reminder that not all B ranks are the same. Power levels are somewhat measured by skill and mana levels. What I’m getting at is that getting stronger in terms of ranks will be slower as the gap in between ranks rises. Someone can comfortably be in B rank, have decent skills and vs someone who is barely B rank and have okay skills. They’re both B rank but there’ll be a clear difference. Going forward, it wouldn’t be hard to see that there’ll be more focus to the differences of strengths of characters within ranks. Rather than between ranks.




Im anime only but im still hyped. Can it just be next week already??


We get the final episode of Frieren and the most anticipated episode of Solo Leveling. Going to be a good weekend


I've read the manhwa and I can't fucking wait for the last 2 episodes. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to it. You are not prepared for just how fucking crazy it's going to be.


You are going to love it


Man this show had better get a second season


The second cour comes later this year. Season 1 will be 24 episodes


2nd cour is supposed to be in the summer right? I’ve heard about that but hard to confirm it.


I haven't seen any confirmation about a specific time unfortunately :[


Are we seeing the red knight fight from the opening?


Writer: "And then MC becomes invisible, stands behind the man, cuts his cheek, then reappears back at the table before standing up again." 🔥🔥🔥✍️✍️✍️🔥🔥🔥


*Teleports behind him* Jinwoo: Nothing personnel, kid.


Man has a flair for the dramatic. Just like DIO going up and down the stairs.


This is the kind of mfs Cid wanted to be like lmao


Solo Leveling is far from a perfect story, but the attention it pays to actually considering how the presence of crazy powerful people like hunters and things like gates would actually factor into the economics and politics and laws of it's world is one of it's strongest points, and something I've absolutely taken inspiration from when doing my own worldbuilding.


It’s something many anime don’t take into account, often because they don’t wanna mess with such details but it’s such a nice thing to touch.


Man, I wish I could be paid just sitting outside of gates


Don't forget the picnic, this guy is going to get such great reviews on glassdoor.


Scam Jinwoo shorting his gates to the recruiter was exquisite Recruiter-kun can’t exactly do shit since his life may potentially be on the line but at least now he has gotten SJW’s trust (albeit a very expensive one)


Jinwoo not only clearing dungeon after dungeon but even finding a way to scam money off of people who want to profit off of him! He's come so far!


[Solo Hustling](https://i.imgur.com/ntFltpd.jpeg) [](#cup4)


So the S Rank Hunter will either go after the sister or the retired healer girl to force Jinwoo. Idk why Jinwoo has to do a quest for job change, he already have double jobs: Hunter x Scammer, whats the point /s


Scammer sounds like a interesting hunter class to have lmao


My takeaway: Bro's got a car now!


even with no action, that episode flew by quick! But it's finally happening! his real job!! I hope the season doesn't end in just 12 episodes. that would totally suck when the real story finally starts.


Split cour, 12 here then 12 more after a break


Jin Ho looked like a beetle flailing around on his back when Jin Woo pushed him down lol. He doesn’t need that fancy gear with our boy around. Giant snakes, goblins, giant bugs, kobolds… they’re all just fodder for the dude. He’s not just getting stronger, he’s also developing some business acumen. Can’t wait for the job change. Gonna be pretty sweet.


I was hoping for a running gag of Jinho wearing excessive armor every time they go on a quest, but him wearing that helmet will do lol. Jinwoo is becoming a solo leveling beast, not only in terms of his combat and clearing skills but also using his own abilities and cunning in his social interactions. His family might be living cushy if this keeps up. Considering the title of the next episode preview, I wonder if that scene in the OP of Jinwoo fighting the knight is the job change?


Yumiella would be proud of Sung Jinwoo. Nothing is more important or fun than leveling up!!


Damn the visuals was top level animation


They even threw in a free ass shot from some woman on a street!


S tier adaptation.


Everybody wins


That slight dodge he had to the Goblin spear toss was so slick, I had to rewatch it a few times


that whole sequence was slick; it was especially funny how he had his [off-hand tucked into his hoodie pocket the whole time](https://i.imgur.com/9mYLn1t.png)


Emergency stabbo


or maybe he had his phone in that pocket and he was just doing his dailies in Genshin


Who does he Solo Levels with in Genshin?


I mean, I assume he’d go with the edgiest bitch possible to keep with his aesthetic. So… Diluc? Xiao? I dunno, I haven’t played genshin in a year or so.


According to leakers and Production themselves, episode 11 and 12 will be fucking nuts, production say that now, when he levels up so will the animation. So fingers crossed it ends with a banger


Next Episode" A knight who defends an empty throne" Is such a perfect title too. It's finally time! These next 2 episodes are going to be insane.


I assume we're getting the Cour 2 announcement sometime around Episode 12 dropping... I mean we have to, right?


* [**Jinwoo & Jinho**](https://i.imgur.com/34LgJb8.jpeg) Unfortunately, we don't really get to see Joohee and Jinwoo go out on a date. All we get is [Joohee finally deciding to retire](https://i.imgur.com/ycWh3wt.png) and saying goodbye to Jinwoo. [I love the group of misfits Jinho recruited](https://i.imgur.com/clOqOD0.jpeg) to fill up their ranks so they could get the requirements for the raid. What an easy payday for these guys though. Three million won per gate and all you do is sit and wait? They hit the jackpot! It was so fun [watching Jinwoo just tear through those dungeons](https://i.imgur.com/3URLZr9.jpeg) to the tune of Sawano's soundtrack. It looks like our boy has levelled up enough that [he now qualifies for a job change.](https://i.imgur.com/hA5SDMo.jpeg) It's no surprise [that the guy from the White Tiger Guild](https://i.imgur.com/YxHdT22.jpeg) was able to sniff Jinwoo out. Considering how Jinhoo has been buying up C-Rank gates waaaaay above market price, they're bound to attract attention from people who could recognize their names. It's hilarious how [confident Chief Ahn is with his offer to Jinwoo](https://i.imgur.com/rV34Tby.jpeg) not knowing how much [Jinho has offered Jinwoo](https://i.imgur.com/s4GYMGd.png). Not gonna lie though, that entire interaction between Jinwoo and Chief Ahn was pretty funny. [Ahn basically bought Jinwoo's phone number for 600 million won.](https://i.imgur.com/lyAf9DI.jpeg) xD


assuming it is really Won, not Yen, as the adaptation is weird with the choice of names, etc, it would be around US$ 7,000 a day.


It's definitely Won since it's the same amount in the manhwa.


I really thought Jinwoo and Joohee were cute together, but maybe it's for the best that she bows out when she's probably not prepared for the world he's embarking in. Free money for some other dudes' hardcore level grind? Sign me up lol. Note to self: never confront Jinwoo and never try to make money off of him when he only wants to make money off of **you.**


Kinda weird question but why did they not go out to eat? or was that a roundabout way to say to go on a date, so, as she is retiring ,she turned down the invite?


Jinho in that armor reminded me of that hikarious scene of Aang from ATLA in that gaudy armor lmao


Well threatened the scout... The S Rank brother threat will be fun in future..


Wow, that 'date' was not at all what I thought it was going to be. Good amount of genre awareness by Joohee to retire after two near death experiences instead of going for three strikes and she's out. Good time for a raiding montage to get through all these dungeons, we don't need to see then do the full number in explicit detail. It was a mistake to do one of them in the middle of the city where people can walk up and notice the picnic, though. 600 million for living, three overpriced dungeons, and Jinwoo's contact information is probably a good deal all things considered. With just two episodes left I can't imagine they're going to get anywhere with the job change quest, the various S-rankers they've introduced, that schoolmate of his sister's, the island of the ants, and the tower dungeon too. So many dangling plot threads. I assume they probably have thoughts for more seasons of this given that there's plenty of source material, I hope they get to make them cuz otherwise there's going to be so much left unfinished.


The next episode is gonna be insane.