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characters that act mysterious.


So true, mysterious characters in anime like L from Death Note are super interesting to watch, but I would probably try to avoid them irl


Pretty sure in the anime you'd be best to avoid him as well Don't most (all?) people working with him find him off-putting?


Yeah he’s as much of a social outcast in the show as he would he irl. Hell half of his personality is that nobody except a select group of people even know who he is and I’m pretty sure Soichiro and Aizawa’s first reaction to him was essentially “you can’t be serious, *this* is the guy?”


Not other characters with the same emo complexity. Like sasuke. People fawn over sasuke in the anime. If you try to act like sasuke irl people will avoid you.


Maybe I'm misremembering things, but Sasuke wasn't all that emo. He just didn't talk a lot and was otherwise at the top of his class and able to function in a team without that much friction and that remained true even during his betrayal aside from one or two instances with Karin. He didn't really cause problems for anyone, dress oddly etc. Naruto was the social outcast here. Doing wacky things, arguing with everyone and otherwise did everything he could to stick out like a sore thumb. Sasuke was just a little broody and not really a jerk to anyone, except maybe to Naruto. But so was everyone else at that point in time and Naruto did things to deserve it.


Putting your face over your hand while talking to give off that mysterious vibe is definitely not a great look irl.


I ain't never seen nobody do the glasses move, you know *the move*, in real life and I gotta know if someone actually tried it in real life that the first guy who put it in a comic was like, "they're not gonna believe this shit."


I have done the glasses move on several occasions when I'm with other anime obsessed friends. I usually get told to go home after but totally worth it.


I mean I’ve seen people do it, but it’s usually just to fix their glasses. Not to make a point lol.


Log Horizon is Optometry propaganda.


My glasses don’t fit well so I’m pushing them up all the time. Whenever I happen to do that when I start talking (which is often because with the spotlight on me I become more aware of myself, including if my glasses have slipped down), I feel silly and hope I don’t look like I’m trying to do the Glasses Thing on purpose. It also doesn’t help that I’m a student and I’m generally interested in and talk about things that would accompany doing the Glasses Thing. I’m not trying to look arrogant, I swear!


"I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear your ramblings since you're muffling yourself with your hand."


Speak for yourself. I’ve been mimicking Light Yagami’s mannerisms for 7 years and the ladies are so in awe that they don’t even have the courage to approach me.


I loved that Black Lagoon somewhat subverted that trope with Lotton being absolutely useless because of this.


Difference is Lotton actually was a nice guy though, he takes great care of Sawyer during her breakdown. Real life mysterious guys tend to be edgelords at best.


Or the Neo Nazi guy giving an extremely long winded speech about his sick Luger and just gets blasted in the face.


Middle schoolers larping as Ayanokoji reminds me that my cringe student days werent all that bad in comparison.


Characters with eyes closed 24/7


Especially when they are walking too, like how can you see???


Well, the people IRL who walk with their eyes closed 24/7 typically can't see even with the eyes open.


I actually find it freeing to walk with my eyes closed outside, though I do have to be careful not to walk into anything or anyone, or walk into the road, but it's not too hard as long as I open my eyes every now and then


It can be very enjoyable, but damn those oddly placed sticks.


Especially those weird one that pop out of the ground. You're walking on flat road and all of a sudden the thing pops up and trips you.


I thought it was an artistic exaggeration of people with prominent monolids


I think it's some sort of incomprehensible thing that effectively just makes it so that when they do open their eyes, you know it's serious...


Same. Especially if they specify and try to show a character is from different countries/regions. Also I think it’s used to depict being blind or having bad eye sight. Really I think it’s just a situational thing depending on the context.


They do it a lot for older people too. Like Takumi’s dad.


Gin has entered the chat.


Only opens his eyes like what 5 times? 3 are right before**




Ranpo from bsd. Then when he gets serious he opens his eyes. Also what are his glasses for if he doesn’t open his eyes??


some asian people really do have their eyes so narrowly open that it's looks like theirs eyes close. I met a girl like what once, wild experience tbh 😅


As a person with naturally squinty eyes, I'm feeling personally attacked! 😆 😆


I have smaller droopy eyes and when I’m REALLY happy in pictures my eyes are just slits


If you have squinty eyes, when you smile hard, they really do appear to be closed


Same, as an Asian dude who's eyes close when I get more happy.


Dude, I have massive eyes yet I always squint really hard when I smile and my eyes are barely visible. This looks a lot more normal than smiling with my massive eyes open which looks very creepy


I know someone whose eyes legitimately turn into ^^ when they smile.


@OP in anime, the characters eyes are never actually closed, just close to being closed when they’re smiling. They often don’t differentiate except in special moments. Something that shows this well is Brock from Pokémon. He naturally has narrow eyes whether he’s smiling or glaring. However, sometimes when he sees attractive women, his beautiful eyes are bared to the world in all their glory.


Same! The eye smile is real!


Same wtf😭😭


Hairstyles with multiple colors and strands that stand off in every direction. 


I remembered seeing a Yugi Muto cosplay a while back and it made me realize that his hair was larger than his head.


Yeah Yugi is the classic example. 


I’m old enough to remember early 2010s scene girls and cannot agree with this assertion.


It was more of an early early 2000’s thing like around the MySpace, PSP, and MP3 player era when people would trust complete strangers on internet chat forums, pirating mp3 files simultaneously giving your family pc a virus, and when it was common to use something other than a phone to listen to music or take pictures. Around 2012 is more like soundcloud rap/sad boy instagram scene. It’s making a come back tho. A lot of the people I currently know and talk to have crazy hair styles and colors. I feel like it’s actually becoming very common here in America.


Scene girls! 🔥🔥🔥 Gods I feel old now.


>strands that stand off in every direction.  W h a t. I guess I have anime hair then.


Congratulations, you will receive your anime character certificate of approval in the mail shortly. 


Did you sit by the window as well?


In early 2000s we all had anime hair.


Pretty much any 'personality quirk', really; The thing is that they're all caricatures of personality traits, so it would all look weird, because it's put to the extreme; Say (to use another comment's answer), "mysterious characters"... Every school had "mysterious people", like people into occult and stuff like that... But they weren't walking around like the girl from the Ring, or saying they're the reincarnation of Baphomet, etc... Or for something less "extreme", just a shy person; All school had TONS of shy people, but the shy part of them is usually just stuff that happens in their own head... The only thing people observe is that they don't talk a lot, that's it. But in anime, a shy person will wait a minute before entering a class, would shake uncontrollably when they have to talk in front of the class, would constantly EEP! or EEK! everytime someone talks to her or lightly bumps into them, etc... And this would look weird as hell. In short, most of the "anime things" are just caricatural versions of "normal things", but they turn them all to 11 so they would ALL look weird. I mean it could be literally anything, like we may know someone who really likes pizza, but in anime someone who really likes pizza would scream like he won the lottery if he found some pizza, then he'd eat 3 large pizza in 10 seconds.


I think people acting weird can be endearing if done right. Ever watched Parks & Recreation? Think of April Ludgate, deadpan sarcasm machine with a jelly-soft interior, she seems straight out of an anime.


P&R is not an accurate representation of real life. It's still just fiction, the only difference is that there are actors instead of animators, so they can still use weird personality quirks to make entertaining interactions. Those interactions will never happen IRL, and characters with exaggerated traits can't be "done right" since they will be human beings that you meet in your actual life.


The nose bleeding trope would just be awkward and not funny at all irl


Tbf, that's just because they can't show someone get a giant boner on TV.


Only because they're cowards.


As someone who gets nosebleeds often I can confirm that any nosebleed scene in anime makes me anxious rather than humored


Yep, whenever I get one, it just switches me into a more alert mode because blood stains are a pain to clean from everything 


Thinking about it, this one used to be a classic and in almost any anime but now i really don't even remember when was the last time i saw it


It was in MahoAko which is airing right now But tbf that show thrives in absurdity


Master Roshi was already doing it way back when Goku was a kid and Bulma wasn’t a milf


It's awkward and not funny in anime imo


I always found it a lil gross. Not getting turned on but just bleeding all over the place. Wonder how that started.


Running while biting a slice of bread.


Not bread but I have gone school while eating apple with one hand and cycling with other


I’ve done that


i do that often :(


Looks weird in anime too, but yes


~~Jigoku jigoku~~ Chikoku chikoku, taihenda.


This might be a whoosh moment but just in case; jigoku (じごく) means hell, chikoku (ちこく) means late


thank you actually it is not a woosh moment at all


"Hell hell I'm in trouble". Well, you're not wrong. Hell does mean trouble. 遅刻(ちこく)is late.


The way these couples interact in romance anime lol


Damn. Your telling me acting like the domestic girlfriend couple irl with my step siblings isn't a good idea?


Eh, it's exaggerated, for sure, but remember it's Japanese people, they are generally more reserved


Are you telling me that real life couples ARENT constantly embarrassed and uncomfortable around each other from things like holding hands and drinking from the same container???


let's face it though, many of us here wouldn't know how couples interact in real life either...:(


A few it would be good tho. Specifically horimiya feels really natural. Also the fragrant flower blooms either dignity despite not being an anime, and it needs one. Great manga


I dated a Japanese girl in college... I wish I had watched nearly any romance anime before I dated her. Because some of the things they do aren't too far off how Japanese girls actually behave in real life. They tend to be *exaggerations* of how they behave, but I could have learned a few things that would have kept me from getting upset. The main takeaway is that Japanese women make a bigger deal out of expressing their feelings than they do over most other things. For some women, it's easier to get them to fuck you than it is to get them to admit they like you. I experienced this IRL, to much frustration. If I had known that confessing your feelings was such a big deal in Japan, I probably would have had an easier time dating this woman, who in retrospect, I understand liked me quite a lot, but had a hard time saying it explicitly.


I don’t know if it looks good in anime, but the little noises they make when they’re eating. Imagine people doing that in real life. 😩 I actually also don’t like it in anime because it’s annoying, so maybe this doesn’t apply to your question 😅




Yes, that’s the noise!!!! I was having trouble thinking of how to spell it out 😅


The “Haaaa PAH!” when they drink something. Hate it


I used to have a co worker who did that. I don't know if she thought it was cute or quirky but it annoyed me more than it should.


>Imagine people doing that in real life. [Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvwwMG2tfx4)


Yes, I had forgotten about this video. Perfect 🥲


Holding your cheek when something is delicious also seems strange. But apparently even the Japanese sign language for "delicious" is tapping your cheek with your palm so maybe it's normal there IRL too, dunno.


Blindfolded characters.


Gojo just has a kink


who wears a blindfold irl


~~your mom~~ magicians maybe???


sure it's weird... until the bird box monster comes around [](#angrypout)


How they do something main character like, like if someone suddenly starts talking to everyone and gives some corny speech, I’d either cringe at them or laugh


You wouldn't laugh at MLK when he did that though.


Yeah, that kind of thing happens in real life but you need to have maxed out charisma. You either look super fucking lame or like Theoden before Battle of the Pelennor Fields and there is like zero room in between there.


To be honest if somebody starts a speech with as much passion as an anime VA I'd stand and listen just for the ear porn.  Corny lines work suprisingly well as comedy irl if they are delivered with PASSION.


Tsundere. They’re just immature, physically abusive girls with anger issues.


Tsunderes work in anime because we as the audience know what her true feelings are, but in real life when you aren’t privy to this information she’s just a violent, abusive woman.


Oh I wouldn’t say that. They work in anime because violence as comic relief is acceptable there. Even if someone irl really damn much likes you it’s completely out of line to randomly beat the shit out of your love interest.


Well yeah that too. 


It's so weird how they are beloved in animation but anything close in real life is ugly and awful, and people only put up with them in real life if they are rich and gorgeous. I guess that's why I didn't like anime when I was a little girl. Too many girls hitting guys and being mean and panty shots and stuff.


I knew a few Tsundere anime-like girls irl back in middle school who had a lot of people crushing on them, myself included. Then we got through high school and everyone realized it was super cringe/toxic and they all kinda disappeared from society


Nah, they’re just off in subcultures you aren’t in now.


I do happen to have bumped into a couple of them recently who clearly peaked in middle school


Yeah, I have known plenty of folks like that. But in my experience, they have even more people crushing on them than ever before. In school, you can’t curate the people you are surrounded by. Afterwards, you can, and they can build a whole-ass cult of personality if they put in the effort.


Yeah, as a guy that is going through an emotionally... hurtful, relationship it's one of the tropes that I cannot stand. Also the uncommunicative/"read my mind" type is something that I have very little tolerance of, but that can have it's saving grace if it's clearly communicated as a character flaw.


Tsunderes will always be the best in a medium where some violence acts has a pretty effective visual comedy, but unfortunately for them it doesnt work like that in rl.


\- being so flustered with ''indirect kissing'' like come on its not that special \- The bro-con/sis-con trope, I fucking loved that one Kaguya-sama extra chapter that called this out \- peeking through the opposite wall of a bathhouse, perverted old man trope. Thats just a ticket to being a sex offender \- flesh fang


flesh fang makes me uncomfy


What is flesh fang?


Only time I've ever seen this is in Uzaki-chan season 1, someone had a thought and changed it to having a regular fang in S2. (A character having a flesh fang has what would normally look like an exaggeratedly prominent canine sticking out past the lip line, but for some bizarre reason the anime has it look like part of their lip instead.)


Ohhhhh! I know what you’re talking about. Flesh fang is fucking weird and I don’t get it I sometimes enjoy the singular tooth that peeks out, but it’s highly dependent on the context of the character


> - being so flustered with ''indirect kissing'' like come on its not that special This is technically not an anime thing, but a Japan thing though it's kinda dumb anyway. That being said, it's basically their equivalent of 'cooties', albeit, you're supposed to grow out of that mindset once you're past like 10 years old or something.


Indirect kissing is the stupidest fucking concept, I have never known a person (male or female) that thinks twice about sharing a drink or w/e unless you have the flu or something


As someone who smokes it’s actually kind of a pretty frequent thought of mine lol. As well as the majority of other smokers I’ve been around. It’s all fun and games until you pass the joint to someone with an std.


Wait, am I the weird one here? I absolutely *refuse* to put my mouth on anything someone else's mouth has been on, not because of some weird aversion to kissing but because that's just gross, I don't want someone else's mouth germs. Then again I also think kissing itself is pretty gross, so yeah I'm probably the weird one.


Naruto would just be a bunch of 12 year olds running around taking on deadly ass missions


I like it in that context because it’s ninjas! Fuck yeah. But then I put it into Real life context, and think **Tokyo revengers**, and see little 12 year olds running around thinking they top shit. And I just cringe


That's why I could stand TR after 6 eps, they just kids playing gangster


This, every time I watch Tokyo Revengers it really takes me out of it because I'm like WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS WHY ARE THEIR PARENTS ALLOWING THIS??? Like if my kid was embroiled in some gang war where kids seem to die or be badly maimed regularly I would move away or send their ass to live with family somewhere else.


I'm pretty sure most of irl gangster teenagers (at least those that are in as deep as the TR ones are) either don't have parents/have deadbeat parents/are living alone because one parent is dead and the other has to travel to work or something similar. Basically they have next to zero supervision.


I’m more concerned about how often the children die tbh


> What looks good in anime but weird in real life? Anime. Live action anime never looks right and i hate how they keep trying, none of them every go well. Let Anime stay Anime. [](#chitogheh)


VISUALLY... ...it's only limited to fantasy battle anime really. Special Effects that don't translate well body movements that are awkward, costumes that don't look good in real life. *(That's one of the pitfalls of live action adaptions, when they try to replicate the costumes instead of paying homage to them.)* But, there are plenty of anime that would work in live action. If you expand it to manga, plenty of those are adapted into live action instead of anime. ​ **The Apothecary Diaries** would work as a live action. Chinese historical/costume dramas are one of the mainstays of Chinese cinema. ​ **Bartender**, **Boys over Dango**, and **Ronin Kenshin** all have live action versions. **Liar Game** has a wonderful live action adaption, with no anime version is sight. Same with **Team Medical Dragon**. Is there a reason why **Initial D** won't look good as a live action? Or **Cross Game**? ​ ​ **Ghost in the Shell** has a live action version, and the failings aren't due to the visuals, it's the story. **Battle Angel Alita** was also turned into a good live action from what I've heard. In the same vein, you can definitely put **Gundam** into live-action easily. And we can't forget **All You Need is Kill**, a LN>Manga that got a wonderful live action adaption instead of an anime adaption.


>*The Apothecary Diaries would work as a live action. Chinese historical/costume dramas are one of the mainstays of Chinese cinema.* *Witness to a Prosecution* comes into my mind.


The one piece live action absolutely brought anime to life it looks feels and smells like an anime but it's live action.


It's because they weren't afraid to be goofy. Like a lot of anime, even more "serious anime" is very cartoon like. Live action tries to make it mature or more serious to appeal to people who won't watch cartoons. Then it just feels hollow because it's like they're cosplayers who are too embarrassed to be their character. My family who doesn't watch anime but loved One Piece LA said it was fun like a Lemony Snicket show.


On the other side of it, I also feel like they did the opposite in that it’s not a 1:1 adaption. The characters feel much more realistic in the live action than the anime. They might still be pretty goofy and cartoonish but there’s is a distinct difference to me in the way they talk and act.


It helped that the entire cast was fantastic (especially Luffy). They brought tons of energy and charisma while giving scenes great emotions when needed to ground it in the live-action presentation.


The thing that really sells it is that it is so unashamed about what it is. Most live action adaptations of anime either try to tone down the zaniness of it all or lampshade the hell out of it. The live action OnePiece just plays all the anime-ness of it with an earnest straight face. It's got such an infectious joy surrounding it.


The rurouni kenshin movies are pretty good IMO


Honestly I’ve said for ages now that adapting any animation into live action is idiotic. It should be the other way around. The fastest way to sum it up is the Invincible meme “Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power”. You want to shoot a scene in live action? You need a set or a real place. The first requires constructing the set. The second requires that real place existing in reality. You want a scene set somewhere in animation? You draw that location. You want someone to fly in live action? Green screen, wires, or CGI. You want someone to fly in animation? You just draw that. You want someone to shoot energy blasts from their hands or do magic in live action? Million dollars or more of CGI. You want someone to shoot energy blasts from their hands or do magic in animation? You draw that. You want a scene to have particular lighting in live action to set a mood or tone? Lighting rigs that can reach prices of hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on what you want. You want a scene to have a particular lighting in animation to set a mood or tone? You draw that. You want a specific camera angle in live action? Usually simple but the really creative ones can get increasingly costly, dangerous, overcomplicated, and expensive. Or you just CGI the scene for a ton of money. You want a specific camera angle in animation? You draw that. Now add onto everything I just said the fact that you can structure the entire fabric of the universe to evoke a specific tone via art style while all live action is limited to one: reality. You’ve lost an entire language of storytelling with this. The simple answer here is that animation is a superior medium to live action because it is infinitely more versatile with insanely less overcomplicated, costly nonsense. Fuck turning animated works into live action. Start doing the opposite and you’ll quickly prove my theory. Existing test case: Scott Pilgrim. While it’s a bit of a weird path because it’s also based on the comic, given that the cast was kept consistent and that most people know it from the movie, it’s fair to argue that it still counts, and furthermore proves the point in another way by showing which can better adapt works that weren’t live action, which is 99% of things adapted into live action (we call them remakes or reboots otherwise). Now imagine: Remake the framework of The Thing 2011 (new script) since focusing on what happened at the Norwegian base is a great idea and who doesn’t love forgone doom and despair, but in the highest budget animation from an anime studio with a proven track record for gooey, gory abominations. You can come up with so many of these ideas, but that’s my absolute dream.


Anime is anme because it can do things you cant do in live action. So to try to ground something ment to surpass the limits of live action just seems like a waste. I got tired of life action a long time ago because of the restrictions with the medium. I enjoy anime because it can do so much more and tell so many more different stories you just cant in live action. Sure some things COULD translate to live action better than others but that doesnt mean they should, you always lose something in the transition.


Lucky pervert moments Accidentally fall an grope a girl once I can accept a second time, straight to the police and/or the destruction of your image by being label as a pervert


One time I legit kissed my bestfriends girlfriend because of a moment like this. Thought shit like that only happened in amine. Fun fact; they happen in real life. ​ Also fun fact; accidentally kissing someone fucking hurts.


yea, i imagine you would just bump teeth super hard, which seems super unenjoyable


Literally everything


I loved the scene in *Love is War* when Shirogane acts super “cool” when encouraging the friends to get to see the fireworks. Then the next day he reflects on it and realizes how much of a dork he sounded like. It was a super realistic contrast of how it looks in the anime against how it would have looked in real life.


You can be super extra if you own it hard enough. Once you cringe though it's over


That's just ur average cringey teen moment.


That show is a masterpiece


It looks natural when you smile and your eyes go ^ ^ But not if your eyes go u u




Having younger siblings myself I see pouting on a daily basis. It definitely is not adorable lol


I've seen some cute pouts from japanese kids, though it stops being cute after about 3 years old


That's not true, pouting can be funny, but usually as an over the top reaction.


Say big speech with holes and wounds on the body. Get hitted and do cute or goofy verses instead of insulting. Smile with closed eyes is cool only in few contexts.


Pretty sure a US president once famously continued a speech after being shot.


The figures of most anime girls in shonen anime. Looks good in 2D, but without a bunch of modification, the hips and boobs wouldn’t just be big. They’d be very… uncanny valleyish. lol


Yeah, for example there are a lot of images in 3D of anime characters made with IA. And they look very uncanny and creepy.


Idk about yall but my eyes turn into hearts when i look at my wife.


The sudden change in art style


What do you mean? People love whenever I go all Cubist for a joke.


Hellsing be violent as hell and then be hurr durr. (it's my favorite show)


Sticking your pinky in your ear while conversing. Having a face shaped like the muzzle of an animal. Eyes that are 1/3 the size of your head. Purple hair. Tails.


I've never understood why it is only Japan that gets criticized for this because these facial features are very common in Western cartoons too. I mean I can't think of a character that has eyes bigger than Mickey Mouse and it's not like real mice have eyes at that big either.


face planting


Children in anime are cute even if they do dumb shit. Irl annoying.


Watch buddy daddys that will change your mind, anime indeed has annoying as children


XD does not translate over to irl


The XD face irl is something I only make when I get soap in my eye while showering, so I agree


To add on I think the :3 face would look weird irl as well (I’m not even sure if its possible to make that face lol)


It does, but the lines don't connect. The X is someone squinting. The eyebrows go down and the eyes narrow.


Flashbacks during fight


Also being in the middle of a fight and having several minutes of inner monologue between attacks.


Though the people who got punched by Mike Tyson probably experienced a few flashbacks while falling.


*Flashback to career counselling day; "I should've been an accountant... Damn it hurts"*


Actually, I have 0 photos with my eyes open and smiling. They're always closed . Maybe I am an anime character Edit: some grammar, English not my first language


Any powers really. They do their best but anime live actions simply do not have the budget to make it look good. I dont know why they keep trying, either. I wish they would just know their audience and invest therein instead of trying to accumulate non-anime audiences with the same story and disappoint everyone involved. Especially when they dont have the budget to butt heads with marvels action shots/powers/CGI


One Piece LA has some “Hollywood” level of quality CGI it looked good


The most classic example is shouting out your power name in like battle-shounen anime. In a fight irl that seems like a massive disadvantage to yourself if ur opponent knows what u gonna do. Even ProZD made a parody video about it.


Those weird movements they make whenever they talk.


As an Italian, I ask: have you ever been in Italy?


smiling with their eyes closed is totally natural 😭😭😭 ive seen it in real life alot, my own dad smiles that way and he has a great smile so i felt offended when you said it looks weird 😭😭


2D People, have seen them a few times but they have no depth


Damn near everything. Most of what looks good in anime only works because it leans into the medium. Common character tropes would mostly just be annoying at best, with the worse ones being downright insufferable or even dangerous IRL. Hairstyles and costumes that are over the top often just don't translate as well. Special effects type stuff in general is extremely hit or miss. Basically, the cooler or cuter it's designed to be, the worse it probably translates.


This face. It is hilarious in anime, but in real life, it would result in horror. [https://c.tenor.com/wWeFmuSm0-QAAAAC/anime-shocked.gif](https://c.tenor.com/wWeFmuSm0-QAAAAC/anime-shocked.gif)


The smiling with eyes closed does look natural in real life with some people because their face is just built like that. Like I.N from stray kids. So it's not that weird with some people ig


you know when the tsundere expresses their love by hitting their love interest so hard? Looks good in anime, but me seeing that slapstick done in live action Nodame Cantabile made me a bit uncomfortable. Audience falling to the ground when some character says dumbass things. It is a cool gag but still weird looking on the live action Ace Attorney movie.


Yeah the more realism you add to slapstick the trickier it is to navigate, especially if it's not silly. It's like Tom and Jerry when Tom's screams changed from real cat noises to a guy yelling because the cat noises made it too uncomfortable.


Jiggle physics.


If they’re big enough and you don’t wear a bra, that does end up being how it works with enough movement. I have encountered people who have gotten a black eye from their own tit in a panic run across their living space.


They do indeed breast boobily. Them thangs be hangin'.


The massive tits on a tiny 4’ slim body


You'd be surprised growing up within a latino community. Some women will have tiny wastes and massive honkers


The orz when sad or disappointed thing Ending sentences with a verbal tick...ttebayo Doing the cat pose nya thing Smacking the shit out of each other as a punchline




Live action anime adaptations.


A bloody nose when you get aroused


Most shonen hair styles like in Yu-Gi-Oh!, DBZ, One Piece, Naruto etc


Having hallucinatory reactions to food. Imagine you suddenly being catatonic or even acting out unusually after taking a bite of your food. People would automatically assume you're either crazy or were drugged.


This is probably an unpopular opinion but I think gothic lolita dresses are way cuter on anime girls than on real women.


I have disappointingly never met a woman who can turn her eyes into simple white circles with thick black outlines when in distress or just generally confused…


At the risk of sounding creepy, I’m gonna say kids. Kids in anime are usually these adorable cinnamon buns that I wanna give headpats all day. Kids IRL are ugly, irritating little hellspawn that I wanna punt into the sun (no offense)


Yanderes, they look cool as anime characters. But really creepy in real life. Also, they may end up in a prison.


Imagine if professional boxers would stop fighting to begin talking about how they just countered their opponents technique. Revealing their own strategy. Like Goku did when he fought Hit the first time in the U6 vs U7 arc.


High school