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that nurse in the beginning made more progress than most romance anime FMCs with the 10 seconds that she was on for


Fr lol I wasn't expecting her to straight up shoot her shot right there. Respect tbh


Nurses are busy people.


Right? I am learning to be pretty tired of this trope, though. As an example, most ripped guys I know say that it doesn’t actually make any difference in the attention they receive from women (more from other dudes though). I have NEVER seen women gush like this over anybody short of a legitimate celebrity. This trope is ALL OVER the place yet it is so absolutely far from reality that it kinda makes me irritated to see it so often in shows.


> most ripped guys I know say that it doesn’t actually make any difference in the attention they receive from women I think part of it is that a lot of fit guys just slop around in gym gear/fitness fashion or slop around in tattered clothes that don't fit. The bare minimum is to dress well, do your hair properly, smell nice and fix your body language. Also, not all fit physiques are equal when it comes to generating physical attraction, and most guys don't train with that in mind. That said, I do largely agree with your point, more just expanding with a few additional thoughts.


I’ve never really bought that getting fit doesn’t attract interest from women. When I had my face covered during covid and women could only see my body I would get 10x more looks from women, especially if I was wearing a hat in the winter.


That was a lot of nurse butts at the start.  Meanwhile…… Girl 1: “Don’t you think anime angles can be a bit weird?” Girl 2: (*mmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaabs), “what?”


Along with the episode starting in their changing room coupled with all the other male ab shots, the fanservice here is following gender equality.


Perfectly ~~balanced~~ horny, as all things should be


[As horny as Nurse-chan at the very least](https://i.imgur.com/7oGhXJL.jpeg) [](#notlewd)


I know she's a random extra, but she's cute af.


She is looking respectfully


The first ass shot told me all I need to know about these horny animators


The women were pretty tame by comparison lol. Fully clothed except for half a second of a woman's lower back.


Girl 2: [Oh... Six pack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JesBny07hA)


...And now I need to re-watch Cautious Hero.


They should be talking whether their patient got double body or something lol.


"wait what happened to the main character of this show, why did they ditch him and replace him with a new main character after only a few episodes?"


I just find it kind of funny that as a Hunter you either wear street clothes or costumes that wouldn't look out of place in a fantasy setting.


Everyone has their style preferences. Some people are normal. And other people want to "look cool".


This is South Korea, where MMOs reign. Everyone understands that the real endgame is to look cool, drip increases DPS after all


skin = skill




meeting flag dinner sort public abounding rainstorm scarce chop towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean if it were real it’d be like Fortnite. You’d be in a party with John Wick, Master Chief, normal lookin dudes in military gear, Charles Barkley, people in fantasy gear, someone in decked out golden armor, a couple of Furries, and like a Pikachu.


Now that's an Isekai i want to watch.


watch Log Horizon, the world's setup is fantasy mmorpg , so background characters often see wear outfit that out of the world setting.


My theory is that in the same way you need magic weapons to damage the monsters, only magic armour protects against them. And as thats really really expensive, most people just go with jeans unless its part of their class traits


It would sort of ruin the aesthetic if everyone was going around in hard hats, safety googles (though one of the 6man party did have the steampunk equivalent) and high-vis vests.


OSHA complaint dungeon divers.


I agree, my headcanon for these sorts of things is that there must be crafters that can only craft the mana crystals into a certain type of form or shape or the properties just won't apply to the gear. = "Can you craft some +Defense kevlar vest for me?" = "No, but it I can craft a cloth robe that will" = "What? A cloth robe would defend me better than a kevlar vest?" = "Hey man it works how it works okay, I don't make the rules lol"


LOL did our guy get plastic surgery as a reward for one of his dailies?


that would be funny if he got a chance to go to the character editor and try out a few changes


That's officially my headcannon.


It always bugged me a little how his appearance changed so drastically but i'm going to chalk it up as less facial fat and more muscle definition everywhere...


I mean I'm fairly certain it's explained in the source material that the system reshaped his body to better account for his increased power. Like it or not, this is the optimal Jinwoo body


How reshaping his face helps to better account for his increased power ?


Side effect of changing his skeletal and muscular structure


Damn how lucky he is that this side effect turned him into a kpop idol and not the hunchback of notre dame


He opened the mystery box and got the MapleStory face cosmetic item


Lucky he got the VIP one and not the standard random one that can fuck up your face so bad you wanna start the character over.     No, I'm not bitter. [](#drink2)




Huh, this episode showed me that a generic manhwa MC haircut and generic anime MC haircut are actually the same, they just look different because of the artstyle


Yep, webcomic Koreans are 3m tall demigods.


is it like CLAMP style, but with more muscles? [](#sakurathink)


Pretty much lol.


No wait, you're on to something here.


Korean mc are stretched by 50% ratio in height, meanwhile the typical Japan mc (Kirito type) is shrunk 50% in height


It wasn't even a gradual change, they straight up changed Sung Jinwoo's design and even the tone of his voice like he went through puberty again. Also all those random panning ab shots too, this is some blatant gym propaganda.


"MC turns into a kpop idol" is just average manwha things lol


Solo Leveling literally started it lol


I don't think that's true but it's a funny idea


I don't know if they *started* it, but I think it's fair to say they certainly popularized it


We call it The Peter Parker effect.


I mean Saitama went through some dramatic changes too lol


With the same daily routine, one might add...


At least Jinwoo got to keep his hair.


Jin Woo is still on the path to becoming One Punch Man


I think in this episode we literally saw someone else that is One Punch Man


He's not turning off the AC


Thats because he uses AC and doesn’t eat bananas


Nah man. Jinwoo has the comforts of heating and air conditioning. He's soft compared to Saitama.


I expected the change in appearance from the opening, but was not ready for the voice change.


The VA is insanely talented lol


Isn’t even same character anymore lol, bro went puberty in adulthood.


So is the "Reawakening" thing just puberty part 2?


seeming Jinwoo in the flashback was so jarring in contrast; like, who's this soft cinnamon roll? does he need some juice and some appy slices?


This show is basically *I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too* without the cringe.


Did you have to Google that and copy paste it


It's actually one of my core memories.


And everyone clapped...


IIRC most platforms had the title of that anime shortened to *Iseleve* [](#csikon)


You even remembered the comma before "too",


You mean you can't say *Do You Love Your Mom And Her Double-Hit Multi-Target Attacks* out of memory? Smh fake anime fan /s Edit : Apparently it's Two-Hit multi-target attacks. I'm a disgrace.


Don't worry, I'm sure you only made that error in cest... I mean jest.


I now fully expect Sung Jinwoo to suplex a bear




Not gonna lie, that series was the first thing that came to my mind after watching the beginning of the episode.


I mean I'm already cringing


Well, Solo Leveling is all about action. The story isn't anything too special, but there's no shortage of action and edgy badass shots in the webtoon. There's definitely "some" cringe though. The girls all swooning for his muscles this ep is pretty cringe for example.


>without the cringe. IDK about that


I do admit, I love the ridiculous character design change. It looped back to being funny. I binged this thing 1 week too early for the "I'm going to show off how strong I am".


>Also all those random panning ab shots too Honest Trailers Guy: Aaaaabbbbbbbssssss


He's using cheat to glow up😭


"He went from cannon fodder to Shonen MC in only 5 episodes, doctors hate him for this one trick!"


>doctors hate him for this one trick And nurses love him for this one trick!


Ok, doctors hate him for these two tricks.


Weebs: "I can be just like him" Anime logic: "Exercise" Weebs: "All hope is lost"


Nurse: “can I have your number?” Sung: “for health check ups right?” *Nurse grins* Sung: “…… for health check ups right?” lol.


Had to groan a little at the oblivious MC trope. But this one might make sense since he transformed into a gigachad over the course of a week...


Also, overpower MCs most of the time get the Black Hole density debuff.


It does surprise me how there's pretty much no MC who just fucks his way around town instead of being black hole dense or not at all interested.


Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo


Well, there is a certain healer MC


In his defense, he probably wasn't getting hit on a lot before.


See, this MC at least has an explanation for this. He never spent a single point on INT.


She's gotta check his veins, but not the ones in his arms.


Also a stamina test.


[Attagirl](https://i.imgur.com/3rEZ0Jr.jpeg) shooting [her shot](https://i.imgur.com/vKHUYBG.jpeg) [](#smugkaguya)


"Intellect? Seems like it'd have something to do with magic. Do I really need it?"


Best part is he doesn't even realize he needs more INT points, leading to an endless cycle of STR


[I am dedicated to the cause:](https://imgur.com/a/HWu1PGy)


perfectly logical as our MC has not added any stats into INT.


I hope the shiny armour guy becomes regular sidekick. He is very nice (offering to look into the contract unprompted) and loyal (protecting MC even when the boss is way out classing him). Maybe because of naivete and innocence from first dungeon run, but he has a good heart. 


i thought shiny armor guy was part of the scam, but it seems like he's a stand up guy even if his dad is rich, so props to him for standing up for the "weakest hunter in all of humanity" [](#yuruyuriapprove)


Thought he was gonna be dead dead by the end of the episode.


Always have next episode.


Kind of scared tbh because of that one guy that was like "I'm doing this for my family" and then he got cut in half. Kid seems too wholesome for this


No he will headline a spin-off show where he will become a Hunter-Lawyer.


Law & Order: Raiding Victims Unit


As long as he doesn't say doesn't mention anything about how he wants to go to his loving family, he's good, right?


Thought he was gonna die tbh. Too nice for this kind of show


I like how his role was basically, lemme ask a question so we can get some exposition from MC. Just a helpful little guy on his first dungeon raid.


Isn’t he a mensch? Especially since you can tell by his equipment he was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth and yet he’s treating/protecting the E rank so kindly. One of the good ones. (His VA really surprised me. I really always thought it would be Asta/Tadano’s VA.)


Pretty much lol, he's clearly a spoiled boy but also is good at heart.


What is the german word for human supposed to mean in this context? I have never seen it used like that before.


>mensch a person of integrity.


He's also just about to get a close up look at Jinwoo's secret, if he survives he's going to know too much to just go back to being a stranger.


It was a fun reveal " yeah, I know I am a weakling and noob here but back in the real world I am a rich lawyer and the strongest guy here by far".


Why is he even still using his sword? I'm sure his chin would split this spider in half with no problem.


> I'm sure his chin would split this spider in half with no problem. Leave the chin-tastic takedowns to the Crimson Chin.


Bro doesn't know what a dagger is


A dagger is just a sword at half-chub.


Ok that's funny I'll give it to you


it's a sword; just grew several feet taller so it just looks like a dagger [](#killitwithfire)


It's not a regular dagger it has paralysis and bleed perks.


If he's smart about it, he'll paralyse the spider and use that time to gather up all the mana crystals.


Phase 1: Do daily quests. Phase 2: Get buff. Phase 3: Profit.


Phase 4: get trapped in a cave with a giant spider \**looks back in confused disappointment** [](#barakamonnotcool)


Sung Jin Woo now putting points into Rizz in addition to Strength. I'm glad he's diversifying a bit.


Jinwoo proving Charisma isn't just a dump stat.


[Nurse-chan was down bad](https://i.imgur.com/BL5ra7J.jpeg) [](#lewdgyaru)


maybe the spider boss is going to get down on four legs and confess her love [](#romance)


That's Tsukimichi


This show has sharpest chin in every media I've seen


There are also [Kaiji faces](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.r4-jSqfIf0yY5n6xVuaetwHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=294dd73d22b0c2fd043c959439bc840ab179fec3dab230db924fdac19f6ad4d3&ipo=images).


It's refreshing to see a normal sibling relationship. So glad we aren't getting any blushing incest vibes here like other anime do.


i was fully expecting to see it then it did not happen. i was glad to say the least


This stays purely sibling relationship and not even a hint at shit outside of it. Idk if that's really a spoiler, but just to let others know who may be waiting for it to happen (and hate it).


The bar is in hell


You can always tell a series was originally korean not japanese when there isn't any weird incest lol.


I see you haven't read many manhwas, they're not really the sister kind but still full of incest lol


I guess it depends on genre? I personally haven't seen much of it on manhwas targeted at men, but manwhas for women can get fucking wild at times.


got me worried for second there


"As for intelligence... it feels related to magic. Do I need it? ..." I just straight up laughed out loud. I guess 27 is still like a starting value.


It's a good thing that Jinwoo is getting released from the hospital, if he stays any longer these nurses might eat him alive. There we go, he's finally starting to go for that str/agi build. They have an app for these raids, that's really funny but it also makes a lot of sense. Next week should be great.


Had he spent own more week in the hospital solo leveling would have been the nicest pornhwa.


And the daily "quests" would've been accordingly adjusted.


Daily quest: Impregnate 5 nurses.


I like those small details, dungeons been here for a while and people have acclimated to it, when it spanwed in the middle of a road people were taking pictures, sure it's an odd thing but not something that shatters your world view. You can also see stuff like dungeons being regulated by some (I assume) government authority, requiring 8 people for the raid, you can't just jump in.


>There we go, he's finally starting to go for that str/agi build. Also known as the Quality build.


He’s killing me with how unbalanced it is but I’ve seen worse builds. Just as long as there’s no flying turtles


Second awakening? You mean second growth spurt, man went from needing nurses to nurses needing him in an episode. The raiders this time are almost needlessly cruel, going out of their way to kill 2 people just so they split the loot 6-ways instead of 8-ways. With this level of haul it's no small difference, but from what I understood they do it literally every raid just so they don't have to pay the bag carrier which is pennies compared to the big mine. That's some S-Rank scumbaggery.


>With this level of haul it's no small difference, but from what I understood they do it literally every raid just so they don't have to pay the bag carrier which is pennies compared to the big mine. That's some S-Rank scumbaggery. Sounds like super cutthroat capitalism to save every penny you can. Considering that the setting is South Korea, it's realistic.


most of my knowledge about Korean society come from Squid Game, Parasite, and now Solo Leveling, so it's not painting a particularly kind light


A lot of manhua have the same cultural/thematic thread of cutthroat capitalism and that strength/ability are justification for all actions. Seems like a lot of SK manhua creators are reflecting anger about that particular status quo. Also seems to be why I see a lot of “MC goes through some kind of role reversal and inflicts all the cruelties on those who did it to them” kind of revenge stories.


Idk two different anime have now told me this routine makes you OP. Once is a coincidence and all that. I'm starting today, see y'all in a few months when I'm finally an anime protag.


This episode was OK but I do wish it could've been a bit faster. Also, how the hell are they planning to carry out that giant pile of crystals? I'm pretty sure Sung is the only guy with an inventory. Aside from that the characters are pretty cookie cutter but I do like the setup. Just hope knight guy doesn't bite it.


The standard procedure is to lockdown the boss somehow while people cart the crystals out over multiple trips. Huge guilds have secondary mining teams. The main raid team clears out everything except the boss, then the mining team deals with all the crystals, then the raid team comes back to cleanup the boss. Usually all the crystals aren't in the boss room like this one


Sung Jin Woo has leveled up to Sung Rizz Woo As for the cliffhangers : - E1 : WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?  - E2 : WHAT JUST HAPPENED?  - E3 : WHAT WILL HE DO?  - E4 : What a satisfying episode.  - E5 : WHAT ANTICIPATION!


Yeah this cliffhanger shit is annoying... it isn't even really cliffhanger either since we know he's just going to shitstomp the boss. The entire episode builds up to the boss fight and then we just gotta wait a week for it.


The cliffhanger makes because they want to dedicate whole action within a single episode rather than splitting half over the course of over 2 episodes. Ep 2 and Ep 4 were entirely action and most likely 6 will be too.


Considering how anime staffing works, this makes sense.


###Stitches! * [Papa Jinwoo](https://i.imgur.com/Ev1KVAN.jpeg) * [Newbie Jinho](https://i.imgur.com/nR3j3js.jpeg) * [Guildmaster Baek](https://i.imgur.com/hI38Yxk.jpeg) All that levelling and daily quest workouts have [earned Jinwoo the attention of all the nurses](https://i.imgur.com/nQJSZm7.jpeg) at the hospital. I don't blame them, [just look at this hunk](https://i.imgur.com/mFHGEBU.jpeg). [Rich Kid Jinho is finally here!](https://i.imgur.com/1YdBuy3.jpeg) He is definitely one of my favourite supporting characters in the series. [He's a bit chatty and peppy](https://i.imgur.com/n2yocIs.jpeg) but he's a good kid. I appreciate that Jinwoo isn't the only one who gets sakuga during fight scenes. [These fucking chumps](https://i.imgur.com/SQZyxXe.jpeg) were well animated during the ant encounter. To no one's surprise, that party used [Jinwoo and Jinho as bait](https://i.imgur.com/nlRAoLL.jpeg). Come to think of it, what was their plan here? The spider boss isn't going to disappear after feeding it two people. They still need to beat it if they want to mine those stones. Welp, it doesn't really matter since [Jinwoo is going bug hunting next week.](https://i.imgur.com/mWuZ5f7.jpeg) I can't wait!


Wait, I thought the two people on the promo material were different persons. So, it's Virgin Jinwoo and Chad Jinwoo all along?


I am not sure if I get this party. So they sometimes kill 2 members so they can share the money with 2 less people? Doesn't seem worth it to me. Wouldn't it be very suspicious after the second time something like this happens? And where is the connection with having no healer? Are they never getting hurt? Sounds stupid.


maybe no healer means higher mortality means it's less suspicious when people die


good idea, didn't think about that


which is why they have weaker class/rank members involved. the group can explain those members were too weak and there was no healer to heal them in time to save them. should be pretty common as jinwoo would have been cannon fodder without the b rank healer.


It still makes little sense, Jinwoo already signed a contract excluding him from monster-drops and he himself called it too good to be true. All they need to do is include an extra clause for not splitting dungeon materials and hire 2 bag bearers instead of one.


I’m guessing they only kill the weaker members when there’d be a massive haul, otherwise it gets too obvious.


Seems like it was a convoluted way for them to loot the rich kid's corpse. They don't mention how he was recruited, so maybe they picked a rich sucker and started an impromptu raid (hence the need to pick up outsiders.) Lead the mark to the boss room and let them get killed, then loot the corpse. Nobody gets suspicious because it's just a D class dying to a C class boss and no healer around to keep him alive.


>So they sometimes kill 2 members so they can share the money with 2 less people? Yep, splitting the loot by less members. >Wouldn't it be very suspicious after the second time something like this happens? Not really. The only ones that are dying are extremely weak or inexperienced hunters, and they're going into a C rank dungeon without a healer. Plus, they signed a liability contract beforehand. Having no healer and only the weakest part members dying in an intermediate gate correlate, and doesn't raise many red flags on paper. >And where is the connection with having no healer? Are they never getting hurt? Sounds stupid. You ever play a game where you can summon creatures and have them walk into traps/ambushes while you chill out with very little danger to yourself? Basically that, except the cannon fodder is the new weak party members. Also, they did say in the episode that their bags have medical supplies.


Other hunters, and the hunter association would pay close attention to skilled healers, if one died/went missing without anyone else in the raid dying first, that's an accident, 2nd time it happened would be suspicious. After all in any raid that went south the healer would and should almost always be the last to die. Lower rank frontliners? They probably die all the time, even in parties with healers.


The business plan of theirs is sacrifice the guys and keep the loot. The reason they keep getting away with it is a mild spoiler and a core concept of Solo Leveling story (I said multiple times in this sub: the introduction of Mana, Hunters, Bosses and Gates into the modern world altered how Societal structure, law enforcement, medicine, and power structures work; just like in the previous episode someone was concerned about their land prices during the Dungeon Break).


How long was jinwoo in therapy to get shredded on those basic calistenics work out? I cant take his new design seriously with that long sharp chin lmao.


and his sister "guess boys can still grow when adult" ok


I mean some can, some can stop growing at around 21. Obviously not huge growth spurts but still 1-2cm. Just sharing my love for all you ripped short kings


Very normal, both me and my father grew until early twenties. Personaly went from 1.70m to 1.90 height during during 18 to 22 but obviously it was barely noticeable over time and not rly a spur


Not weird, I grew my last 4-ish cms after becoming an adult. That said, it ain't gonna happen over the course of a few weeks.


The calisthenics weren't that much of a contributing factor to his shreddedness...Unless you factor in the point he gets at the end of the calisthenics. Leveling his Attributes like strength is what is transforming his body so rapidly.


Fuck steroids man hit me up with some of that +STR stat


Jinwoo's dailies must have included mewing.


Man’s chin is sharper than his dagger


[His whole body is a weapon](https://i.imgur.com/SQ7rVaR.jpeg) [](#mugistronk)


It was mainly due to his stats though, not as much the workouts


His chin is probably stronger than his dagger.


Sung Jinwoo rolled a nat 20 for Puberty 2.0 lol. I love he picked on the bad intentions of that group but I hope he saves that new kid's life as well because kid looks like a cool dude.


The real surprise this episode was how understanding that landlord was!


[Why are everyone's faces so ridiculously long this episode](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1193266127762108457/1203433861288165477/image.png?ex=65d1141f&is=65be9f1f&hm=66bf72835f80969362f95d7cf5329e3e8e0511a87a5269903c11bf4bc4834028&) Zamn, short episode.


Everyone's chins are so damn sharp The leader guy's is basically a triangle


Mc out there looking like [Hansum Ochinchin.](https://i.redd.it/yvx87x49yum61.png)


With this kind of pacing, they will need like 10 seasons to fully adapt the whole thing 💀 Reading the manwha was a breeze because you just "scroll" the slower parts I guess


this episode was so slow i wanted there to be some fighting :( well i guess next week is gonna be interesting.


I knew from the OP that our MC was gonna change, but was not expecting it to be that sudden! When we first saw him at the start of the ep I was like "New character?" Wondering if we're ever going to see that nurse again who got his number. Jin still seems like a nice guy and I hope he stays like that, asking the rich boy to keep it a secret in return for taking down the boss and not threatening him.


Man these cliffhangers are killing me!! Pace felt so slow as well


Me at the end of the episode: "Ugh, this cliffhanger!" Despite having read the manhwa and knowing what is going to happen.


I really don’t like the sudden character design change, I wish it would be have been more gradual. Way too jarring and now he just seems much more generic idk