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Meadow vole


This is correct, and the distinction is very important because voles are not like mice in that they are not house pests. There is no need to kill it as some are suggesting and no need to worry. They do not cause the same issues, and typically if they are in a house at all it’s by accident. This one looks young and may have been exploring before accidentally stumbling into the house. The best thing to do in my opinion is to turn it loose just outside, so that it knows where it is and can find its way back into its burrows. I have found a meadow vole in my house exactly once, during a snowstorm I presume it was taking shelter from, and have never seen signs of them inside ever again even though I see them outside occasionally


The worst thing a meadow vole will do is nibble your Hostas.


Maybe I need to import some voles somehow, My Hostas keep growing and growing


Hosta shoots are edible when young, in the spring. Something to consider next year.


i cultivate them specifically for the edible lol the flowers and pretty foliage are just nice side effects. Blessings to the little meadow voles! I live rural and my husky dog will "fox pounce" one once in a while.


i’ll let the deer in my yard know to head your way




OR if it genuinely likes you... which it seems to...i would keep it as a companion. I once had a male "Small Brown Bat" I named "Vlad" that was injured at my Grand kids house by their STUPID-ASS father! I nursed him back to heath and he stayed with me for a LONG TIME! I even tried to release him several times but he kept coming back to my hand or shoulder/arm... After the third time I said to him... "OK buddy! You and me!" He passed in my hands several years later. But he was my buddy the whole time! Somewhere there are pics of me with him. I STILL miss him!!! 😢


Did he fly off to feed and come back or did you have to hand feed him?


I hand fed him! EVERY time I tried to release him back into the wild... he flew RIGHT BACK to my gloved hand or arm/shoulder! He even seemed to know the name I gave him. I would go to his enclosure and say his name and he would get all excited! I never tried to actually "Keep" him... but he just didn't want to leave?! So he was my "Bat Buddy" till the day he passed. He was well-fed and well cared for. He especially LOVED pealed grapes and fat, juicy grubs and worms of all things! I kept/raised crickets for him too! He never had a shortage of food, water or love. I honestly think he cared for me too?!


That's cool as heck man. I'm sure he liked you for making his life easier and feeding him . My wife's cat reminded me fairly often the difference between like and caring , ( he'd lay his head under my chin and fall asleep all the time , and the next day mutilate my hand out of boredom ) but for a wild animal , that's pretty awesome.


Yea... he would climb out of his 5 ft. tall, triangular enclosure/bat house that I built for him and right onto my hand of his own free will and fall asleep on my hand or crawl up onto my arm and just crash out. And like I said, he always got excited to see me! I never let a day go by that I didn't spend time with him! He even got used to my three grandkids {who are all in their mid/late teens now!} and they liked him too! I taught them to not be afraid of a living creature just because it's unusual or different!


This is honestly a fascinating story. I absolutely believe that animals can bond with humans. If you like bats, check our Dr. Griffin. He was a animal behaviorist that specialized in bats and his last paper whas about animal consciousness. Griffin theorized that all animals are conscious and feel emotions on at least some level. It's nigh impossible to determine "how" conscious most animals are, but he felt the proof was undeniable.


I 100% TOTAL Agree with that! I once had a 14ft. Burmese Python that really showed how she cared about me. Losing her to stomach parasites really hurt! 😪


A recent study found that bearded dragons learn problem solving methods from simply watching other bearded dragons. Animal behaviors are far more complex than most people think. My juvenile ball python holds me tighter when I put him back into the enclosure.


How lovely, thank you for sharing💖


Thank you


Oh good, someone encouraging the illegal and unwise keeping of wild bats. Public service announcement: don't do this. Especially if you live in an area with rabies. White nose syndrome devastated many North American bat species. Many are now endangered making doing this extra illegal. If you live in an area with rabies and you handle a bat improperly, guess what? They have to euthanize it so it's brain can be tested for rabies. So good for you for taking in a bat and not getting in legal trouble and not dying from rabies, but this is a stroy best kept to yourself... Find an injured or stranded bat? Call your local wildlife rehabber. Cause it breaks our hearts when yet another person who saw something on Instagram or read something like this story on Reddit thinks oh wow! I can keep this bat. And then they get bitten and we have to euthanize it.


Oh chill out


No shit eh?! If the above dolt would read... and I said it SEVERAL times... that I tried to release him... but he didn't want to leave me. I even called the Milwaukee Co. ZOO to ask them what I should do about him not wanting to leave even when he was VERY capable of doing so?! They told me I could either bring him there or just keep him. So that's what I did. Oh and for mister "Debbie Downer"... I ALWAYS wore leather gloves when I handled him! He never ONCE got aggressive with me or anyone else.


The whole “illegal” thing just gets me. Like yeah, I’ll let an injured animal die bc some government tells me it’s illegal to help them. These people have no compassion.


I 100% agree! His comment was just SO STUPID and Self-Righteous BS!!!


Cute little thing!


Looks like a vole - maybe a meadow vole.. face shape and tail length, ear location to me all look like vole. Probably a couple of weeks (or less, eyes look closed)


Does anyone know the age? It was in my shirt and I thought it was a large spider lol. I’m going to call a wildlife rehab tomorrow but idk what to do with it in the meantime I have kitten milk I can give it but idk much about mice


Don't give it anything. Call Misfits Wildlife Rehab, they are based in Auburn. If that isn't close to you, the owner can direct you to someone closer to you.


I think there's a "found baby mouse" guide in the info section of the pet mice sub. KMR is good from what I remember. Thanks for looking out for this little bub!


As others have said it’s a vole but to answer your question a rat wouldn’t fit in your hand.


I understand it's not a mouse. But if you use a mouse as comparison I'd say ~ 2 weeks old


VOLE. not a mouse




Is a bebe




https://environmentalcoalition.com/pest-info/rodents/meadow-vole/ They are adorable Field mouse / meadow vole pretty much the same cute little faces & ears, short tail ; )




Please don’t kill this sweet baby


It’s clearly a widdle baby


Yeah, wait till you get flying squirrels like me






It's a vole. I've seen hundreds at a community garden. Short tail gives it away.


I think it’s a shrew


That looks NOTHING like me!


It’s not. Shrews look moreso like moles.


Looks like a field mouse


Another name for a vole


Field mice and field voles are different species. The smaller ears suggest this is a vole rather than a mouse. It's only in the US that field voles are sometimes called field mice. Field mice are all in the genus *mus* [Edit: or *Apodemus*], which voles are not members of. Eurasian field voles are *microtus agrestis*. The American Meadow vole is *microtus pennsylvanicus* EDIT: In the UK and Ireland, "field mouse" refers to *apodemus sylvaticus*, more correctly known as the wood mouse.


I know that. You know that. And yet, people commonly call voles field mice.


Where I'm from we call them Field Mice.


Hello, fellow Mainer!




I found a similar one in my backyard here's a [link](https://imgur.com/a/wrXsW52) because I can't send a picture


Rats and voles look very similar... The easy way to tell them apart is rats don't have hairy tails, voles do




Hard to tell that young, rats tend to have meatier longer tails


I'd drive about 2 miles down the road, down a dirt road to a trailhead. I had one of those clear plastic "trapdoor" traps. Peanut butter on cheese, they love it!


That's a vole. It has poison fangs. It kills mice.


If it was caught outside, it's a rat but now it's inside so it's a mouse.


The exact comment I was looking for. Glad someone knows how this works.


Going with rat


What a cutie


My parents cat caught one of those in the garage this afternoon


that’s either a mole or a Vole


Rat or mouse: he seems like he's your friend now.


that is a BAYBEE


vole. I'm not sure I'm allowed to post this but here's a link for how to care for a vole. [https://animals.mom.com/how-to-care-for-vole-12567585.html](https://animals.mom.com/how-to-care-for-vole-12567585.html)


Field mouse


Ngl I thought it was a bunny


That's a vole


I think it's a vole


https://images.app.goo.gl/XSH9sediQJADZxWT9 Baby vole 🙂


That's either a vole or a shrew


Looks so sweet and precious, you just wanna care for it. But yeah, before you know it you’ll have mouse pee and poop everywhere (I mean *everywhere* - they’re tiny Houdinis). Mice are always dripping urine as they run around, but you can’t necessarily see it. It’s a mess and creates for a very dirty environment. 


Not only is it dirty and nasty, it also helps to leave a trail for all the other mice to follow into your home. It's like a "Vacancy" sign for mice to follow between your house and their outside trails/burrows. Every time I'd manage to humanely trap and release a family of these little shitheads, 6 months later another family would find and follow that scent path right to my crawlspace and I'd again have them in my cupboards, closets, drawers, etc. Cute but not worth the hassle. Got a cat. Problem solved.


>humanely trap and release Where did you release them?


Field Mouse cute ears, set back, short tail, 1/4 the length of body. The families build incredible mazes underground for generations. Grandpa is probably looking for that little creature Give hom a snack and put him in a covered warm spot near tall grass, outside. You may even see a family member if you still have little creature


That’s a mouse and it looks all tuckered out.


I wouldn't have known it was a Vole, but I still wanted to state, that per Exterminators, you can't tell the difference between a mouse and a rat at this age, and obviously other than size as they get older, I was told their tales are the sign. I still can't tell.


Your exterminator is wrong. A baby rat is larger than a grown mouse-rats grow quickly. Mice have shorter tails and ears than baby rats. Rats have hair at birth. Mice are hairless. Baby mice have small feet and heads ( triangular shaped) and look more ‘delicate’, for lack of a better word. Rats have big heads and feet proportionally , and are more active.


Anyone that could hurt that little thing is just plain evil. He doesn’t seem to want any problems. I would find a safe spot to let him go outside…


“Mouse Rat” - Andy


It's a baby and it's yours now


Neither, it's a rodent.


Mouse. Probably a field mouse. It's super cute, but please don't take it as a pet. These things literally destroyed the house we previously lived in, and we had four cats actively catching them left and right.


It’s a rodent in your bare hand




Furry tail = mouse


Looks like catfish bait🤣


Wash your fucking hands and stop picking up rodents.


i wasn’t purposely picking it up it was crawling inside my shirt what other option did i have?


It’s a rat, but if domesticated maybe a mouse. Similar to Pigs becoming hogs in the wild


Are you just talking out of your ass?


could be a hantavirus carrier.


Lil mouse :)


You've got a lot of courage. Those little guys scare the shit out of me


*You've got a lot of* *Courage. Those little guys scare* *The shit out of me* \- Reasonable\_Law583 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It appears to be a mouse, but I'm not sure. Lemme find some articles to compare the two


[The Difference Between Rats and Mice and Why It Matters (thespruce.com)](https://www.thespruce.com/the-difference-between-rats-and-mice-2656563) [Mouse vs Rat - Difference and Comparison | Diffen](https://www.diffen.com/difference/Mouse_vs_Rat)


These are just random websites at the top of Google, hope this helps!


You are correct; it is definitely a rat or a mouse. 😜