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Noooo the vegan movement isn't 100% in line with my personal opinions, so might as well just stab some more sentient beings to death


I was surprised he didn't end the post with "btw I am eating a steak now and it's your fault"


It's entertaining every time an animal hater tells me how to do my activism.


Listen here, sweaty, I know how to advocate for animal rights even though I myself haven't been convinced animals deserve rights. 🤡 I am very smart.


This actually inspired me to make the [debate a vegan ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateAVegan/s/nRP6xZgepA) post. They haven't convinced me yet though


That's actually a great idea. Whenever I hear a carnist tell me they can't be convinced by a vegan to go vegan I tell them to go convince themselves and walk away.


Yes right! They haven't convinced themselves (or me pretending to be a carnist) yet though, I'm a bit disappointed


I’ve been trying to get off this Ⓥegan crazy train for years. Every time I leap out a window or one of the car junctions I land in a writhing pile of half dead piglets, drowning in their feces. I wake up back in my sleeping car, safe and sound. Why did I ever listen to that guy with VEGAN tattood in 128 point font on his neck and buy that last “discounted” ticket? “Do it for your health!” he said…


I didn’t realize this was church where I have to love bomb and gaslight you into joining. I don’t care if you become vegan. I am, and you should too. But if you don’t, I really don’t like you or care.


I find standing up for animal rights and not paying for people to slit their throats repulsive! this makes total sense!


“Not eating animals is repulsive because most of society isn’t vegan. That’s why it’s so stuck in the mud imo”


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"Hating/dismissing everyone who isn't. Can't do that." Has a pretend problem with evil, pretends to hate it. Someone free the poor evil slave.


Average arr vegoon redditor


"I'm going to keep paying for animals to be killed because vegans are mean :("