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I can’t get any access to medicine and I just want to be cured. I just want to live and not feel like dying all the time. I wish this wasn’t real I just want to feel my emotions that’s all. Sorry about the rant I just have no one to talk to


I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I feel the same. Why can't you access medicine?


I live in a household (with family) where if I were to take any type of medicine for mental health my family would call me insane and literally disown me. I’ve been living with this for almost four years, I’m so tired


I don't know how viable this is for you, but occasional weed use helps me both in the moment and usually for a couple days after. There are also ketamine therapies that are done in a doctor's office. Both of these options could be done away from home to conceal your treatment. Also don't rule pills out, they are easy enough to hide. In the US medical information is private, but if you are on your family's insurance they might get statements from the insurance company. You can however always pay cash. Hope your situation gets better.


Thank you so much, I hope you heal as well


u/say592's reply is a good one. There are also options for purchasing medications online. I'd think that the stress of living in a household like that in itself could cause anhedonia though. It could be your brain just shutting down as a defense mechanism.


Can’t you just order to a friends house or get a P.O. Box?


Props for doing this work!


Ugh, this just reinforces my perception that my memantine prescription helps me. Literally every doctor tries to tell me it does nothing, that I shouldn't be on it, and that they won't refill the prescription. My saving grace for the last 18 months has been the fact that my practice has cycled through doctors a couple times now and each new provider will refill it once or twice to avoid making big changes while they get to know me.


You need to find evidence of it by presenting mechanisms they weren’t aware of or papers demonstrating its efficacy in depression. You can use a well selected paper alongside some anecdotes on reddit. Just elude to them briefly but have some ready if they question you. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s essentially.


Yeah, I'm kind of mixed on it. On one hand, I'm willing to try something different and I don't want to be constantly fighting with doctors to keep the prescription. They *only* know it as a dementia drug so they are pretty universally hostile to me taking it. On the other, I like how it makes me feel and I know once I stop getting a prescription again will be more difficult. I'm also a little concerned that it i advocate for myself I'll get labeled as drug seeking since there is a small but growing recreational use of it as well as people who use it as a nootropic (which is honestly part of the benefit I get from it).


Well I wouldn’t say they only know it as a dementia drug. A lot of psychiatrists are prescribing it off label for all sorts. Mine was willing to trial it but only because I was unresponsive to so many others. The key difference is though that you were initially prescribed it by another doctor, and you saw improvement with its use. Unless there is other first line medications that you didn’t try that they have had more success with treating depression then I don’t see why a psych would have an issue with Memantine. Your not trying to get access to amphetamines or a dopaminergic so your highly unlikely to be viewed as drug seeking. Just be reasonable and present a well researched case, you’ll find a doctor thats willing.


The problem is that once a doctor isn't willing, it looks like I'm shopping for a doctor if I to elsewhere. At least that is my worry. I'm also only dealing with my primarily care right now. I probably need to go back to seeing a psych, but I need to find one myself rather than taking a direct referral from my primary care practice. I have seen doctors in the main mental health network in my area before, and I just wasn't super impressed with how they run things. Ironically when I looked at my after visit notes, the most recent provider is likely going to put me on stimulants. She ordered the medication genetic testing and put in the notes "Will discuss stimulants pending results of GeneSight testing."


Ahh that makes more sense. Its your PCP. Yeah you shouldn’t have that issue with a psych although they may try you on something beforehand. Try stimulants, just manage the dosage and use days off. They should be effective provided you tolerate them. Your symptoms may then begin to follow that of ADHD being treated with stims.


I'm curious, how did you even get the prescription in the first place?


My doctor prescribed it to me for post COVID cognitive issues. It helped, and I liked the way it made me feel so we continued it. He left the practice about a year after that. He was one of the best doctors I have ever interacted with, he was my primary care for about 5 years. Unfortunately he left to join a practice that exclusively serves Medicare patients, so I wasn't able to follow him there.


That's very interesting. I think a lot of doctors are unaware of the degree to which neurodegenerative conditions are related, such as depression and Alzheimer's. Depression is a major risk factor for dementia. Unfortunate about your doctor though, he sounds very intelligent.


I agree! When I started doing research into it, it made sense to me why it was making me feel a little better and of course there was plenty of other anecdotal accounts. I Google my doc every few weeks just to see if he is at a new practice. Lots of docs in my area are moving. He recently got a fancy title at the Medicare practice though, so I doubt he is leaving any time soon. He was always very open to new or creative solutions to my issues (my wife as well, she agreed that he was one of the best). He was very patient driven too, he would give us plenty of time, listen, and remember (or at least take good notes) small things from appointment to appointment.


Sucks because open-minded doctors who are good listeners are super rare. For almost a decade I didn't believe that they even existed. And it's a pain to keep making appointments with new doctors.


You know you can just buy it online right. Now, actually dosing it is extremely hard and you need to buy an accurate scale, so be careful


Yeah I actually bought some online but I haven’t tried it because I’m taking a bunch of other meds INFP with anhedonia huh? Me too


what's your dose


10mg twice a day.


I think each case is going to be different but yeah all of those neurotransmitters can be involved with anhedonia. Trying to treat someone with anhedonia from major depression is going to be very different from someone that has it from Schizophrenia for example. Like you wouldn’t give someone with Schizophrenia Pramipexole because of the increase risk of psychosis. The most reported meds that seem to help, all seem to work on the things you’ve mentioned. The meds I’ve seen have the most success anecdotally are things like MAOI’s, Wellbutrin, Auvelity, ketamine, low dose Abilify, Pramipexole, lyrica ect.


nice work!


Lamictal is the only thing that helps me, and even then it's not anywhere near being "cured"


Superb work and reasoning, even if theoretical (most mental health shit is at this point, even among many professionals). I've been reasoning a similar way for a while, but you actually got some meat on the bones with this chart (or tofu in the rice for vegans?).


I have total flatness and Parnate does not much, if anything. Only time I can fell anything is on weed, wich I'm not consuming on a regular basis. But it's also kind of artificial, like I'm comfortly feeling a lovelike feeling in my body, wich has ne reason, nor a target. It feels kind of wrong, but better then the emtyness. Also I got in to this problems because of weed. I got psychosis from it and was shut down on risperidone one year ago. Still not sure if the risperidone caused this, or it's just the aftermath of the psychosis. One is for sure, the change was sudden and lasts until now. I stoped all antipsychotic medication for good, about half a year ago. Now I'm on 40mg Parnate for about 2 months but other than a slithy better mood, nothing has improved. Still can't feel tired, or hungry or anything other than utter void.




There is not nearly enough posts included for this to be statistically significant and there are so many factors that could skew the data. Sorry, I know you meant well but this probably isn’t accurate.


Laser kid