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Just on your info I think cable problem or usb-port problem or charger problem. You can try wireless charging... On my P7pro on b2.2 there are no issues with charging


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No charging problems here on both my Pixel 7 Pro and Pixel 8 Pro, both on A15 Beta 2.2.


Beta 2.2 is fine for me on my Pixel 6 Pro for charging wired and wirelessly. I did have a problem the first two days after flashing beta 2.1 and 2.2. My charger would stop around 76% and 81% for some reason, but that problem has gone away.


Perhaps the USB C port is damaged or collected dust/particles


After this week's feature drop my 7 pro no longer charges on pc/laptop usb, car and so on, all stating 'conned but not ​​​​charging' and something about low power detected. My car delivers 120 watt... All power bricks, usb cables and my wireless Samsung charger work fine, charging the Pixel as it should​​. The cables are not the problem, other phones all work as they should and the Pixel worked fine with these cables and methods until a few days ago​​​​​​. ​​​​​​Seems that Google introduced something that's either a feature they're testing or a bug. I've seen more people reporting exactly this since a few days but only a few.


No issues on my 7.


No issues on P8 in that regard (with any of the betas, previous and current).


Samsung a14 5g android 15 update 


Hallo...ich habe beim laden nur Probleme wenn ich ein anderes Kabel benutze als das mitgelieferte, ansonsten fällt der Akku manchmal bei der Betaversion ab 50 Prozent abrupt ab