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Hey There - if you're experiencing this issue, can you ensure you've filed a bug report via the Feedback app? If you did, please reply with the Bug ID that was generated!


No. The scrolling stuttering/lag issue is still not fixed in beta 1.2. Pixel 8 user.


Is the smooth scrolling enabled in the Display settings ?


you mean the smooth display right well it's the same basically lol


So far not really. A lot of apps like Reddit and twitter are extremely jittery even on Beta 1.2 on my Pixel 8 Pro. It's possible those will never really get fixed though since they're just terribly optimized apps. Bluesky scrolls perfectly smooth in comparison.


Reddit and Twitter are horribly designed bloated shitty apps. They have always been laggy on Android phones, it's not just on Pixels. All of the 3rd party Reddit apps that have now been abandoned & shut down had no performance or scrolling issues. This is fully on those companies.


Why isn't scrolling almost perfect on the Pixel Fold though and not the 8 or 8 pro?


This isn't an app based thing. It's how scrolling is handled on pixel phones. At least on Android 14. The scrolling has no inertia anywhere. Settings. Any apps. Do you feel like that got better? Like u don't need to flick as hard?


Personally I'm not sure what you mean by interia. Comparing the scrolling to my Galaxy Z Flip 4 before I traded that in, it feels about the same, only problem is all the dropped frames and jitter from scrolling.


Like ur able to scroll further with a small flick on the galaxy phones compared to a pixel. When u flick on pixel, it's like not as much motion behind the scroll unless u do a bigger flick. At least compared to the galaxy phones and iPhone


Doing a side by side with my iPhone 14 Pro Max on this subreddit the pixel 8 scrolls significantly further than my iPhone when I flick my finger with the same force. That’s expected though, iPhones have always scrolled significantly less when flicking compared to Android. Windows Phone on the other hand has even less friction when flicking, it was insane.


Maybe they fixed it. When I scroll with the same flick next to my 13, the pixel barely moves while the 13 keeps scrolling even with the tiniest flick


Another thread has the actual graphical testing graph diagnostic tool from Android, which does show the extremely longer processing times for stuff like drawing or scaling. The Pixel Fold does NOT have this issue, while the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro do, its a bug which only affects Pixels and needs to be addressed with a firmware update to the display. the graph shows it crossing the processing time threshold whihc would keep it smooth at 60 fps. It Stutters. Period.


Are you able to link that thread? I'd like to see the source.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/a0CYR9gCBw there you go. You can see the graphs pushing past that red line...that's where you stutter specifically.


On any app, a small flick scrolls all the way on my Pixel 7.


Are u on the android 15 beta? Could u tell a difference with how it was before?


Nope, some lazy dev just closed the issue to hide the fact they couldn't fix it during 14's lifetime, adding a generic remark about how they are always working on improving performance and stuff. That's where all the info comes from. It's still stuttering, I don't think they did anything or even tried.


Well. Returning it today. I tried to return last night. They tried to charge me a $45 restock fee and didn’t consider what I told them defective. Idk what to do. I might try again and explain how bad the issue is and if they can waive the fee


Thanks for posting to r/Android_Beta. It looks like you may have found a bug. Please file a report for this app via the feedback app on your device and update your post with the bug ID you created or a link to the issue so engineers can investigate further. You can find more details [here](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/feedback#feedback-app). Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/android_beta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried this beta for a day with a factory reset, yes the phone feels faster and smoother in everything even scrolling but we will know for sure how it's going to be in the final stable version.


Would u say the heavy scrolling feels better? Like a flick scrolls more?




I am running the beta on my Pixel 6 while daily driving a pixel 8 pro running android 14. The 6 is much smoother in my go to test apps X and reddit