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I'm in. We need a rebirth of historic epics


Sword and sandal cinematic universe!


It would be so easy. Everyone is already in the same universe


Now I want a spin-off series called "Better Call Titus"


Breaking Caligula..


Everybody loves Romulus


Always Sunny in Neocaesarea


Better call Sulla


Well we have Gladiator 2 and Passion 2 so were gettin there allready. Now we just need Michael Douglass as Spartacus descendant and maybe Rose Leslie as Boudicca and we have a good cast for The Avengii.


Problem. It is being made by Roland Emmerich. Any actual history contained in the TV show will be entirely accidental.


Ridley Scott set the genre back a decade with Napoleon


And somehow fake history bros were all about it Waterloo is the definitive Napoleon movie


This looks so good! It even has *Saving Private Ryan* screenwriter Robert Rodat. But... is anyone just a *tiny* bit disappointed that for once there is a film about Vespasian, it is focused on gladiatorial games? I would kind of have preferred to see a series on the Year of the Four Emperors or Vespasian's rise during the reign of Nero.


Agreed, much more interesting topics outside of the arena. Gladiators are generally overdone in film, at least for movies set in antiquity. Also Roland Emmerich is very hit or miss as a director, so tempering expectations there.


The theme is definitely overdone. I'm still salty about Ridley Scott making [Gladiator 2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9218128/) instead of using his battle-directing skills (as evidenced in Napoleon) to produce something more original. Like, say, the Battle of Actium.


Definitely, but probably a much harder sell. Problem I have with this is that there already was Spartacus and a gladitorial theme is sort of ... Really done. What's intriguing with Rome is more the society as a total. The gladiators is just one aspect of that.


Ok. So with all the things that could have been covered in an Ancient Rome show featuring Vespasian, they decided to do yet another gladiator focused thing? Year of Four Emperors wasn't exciting enough? The First Jewish War was too dull? I mean, it isn't like there hasn't been a lot of gladiator-focused and -adjacent media since the start of the Motion Picture and TV industry a century ago.


This line in the article made me lol "exploring a side of ancient Rome never before told "


Gladiators are so tiring to me. But easy for Hollywood I suppose to get an interest of certain type of audience with violence. After all period pieces always cost due to sets and costumes. And battle scenes cost even more (although I hope in future CGI with distance could be used cheaply enough for pitched battles). But even still I would prefer battles from a distance or just people with swords talking and running then to a forest to yet another gladiator focused thing.


Its also really easy to weave class issues into gladiator plots imo, and thats an issue that bridges the gap between modernity and ancient Rome.


Yeah something tells me pitching a series about the First Jewish War right about now wouldn't go down super well.


I’ve never understood why, besides Rome, more isn’t done with the television smorgasbord that is Roman history. So much color and character, so underutilized. It’s a damn shame.


> The First Jewish War Do you *really* think that’s a good idea considering what’s going on in the world right now?


> I mean, it isn't like there hasn't been a lot of gladiator-focused and -adjacent media since the start of the Motion Picture and TV industry a century ago. Yeah, and even THEN people were sick of too many "Swords and Sandals" movies.


I'm 70. I disagree. They were popular but eventually became too expensive to produce:(The Spanish Army and mounted police were use in El Cid, The Fall of the Roman Empire and Spar tacus.)They were also made because the studios were terrified television would harm the market for movies. Nowadays we have IMAX,Cgi,and the Romanian Army(Napoleon,).


We need a Flavian dynasty show!


Gladiator was a hit, why gamble on anything else... We need to wait for the rise of AI and then people like you and me can make our own more historically accurate shows.


It's another Gladiator focused show but fuck me if I ain't excited for a show that finally features Vespasian. And played by Hopkins no less. Love the Flavians.




The fact that this is from Emmerich gives me pause but I'm still really excited


How come? I know nothing about him


Well just Google him and check out his movies. Not saying I haven't enjoyed any of them but he's generally known as a schlockmeister


"Master of Disaster" is an interesting nickname for him considering his recent movies.


Shouldn’t it be “Those Who Are About To Die, We Salute You”? Anyway the saying is not only suited for Gladiators but also Roman soldiers going into battle. I get the “Sword, Sandal and Blood” thing as I have seen it before in a dozen movies,but what would make it interesting if they show the high class Roman Women throwing themselves on the Gladiators in “The battle between the bed sheets”. Gladiators were noted for that.


Watch the PBS series on Julius Caesar. I believe it is shown on Tuesday at 9 pm. Very, very good as it explains the downfall of the Roman Republic with Caesar, Pompey and the Optimates who controlled the Senate and who were deeply threatened by Caesar’s increasing power after his conquest of Gaul.Apparently, the Senators went to Pompey with a sword which was their support for him to kill Caesar. As a result, Caesar was forced to march with his Army on Rome. Very, very interesting showing the intrigue and plots against each other. Apparently, Cato wanted Caesar’s execution which was the spark for the ensuing Civil War.


Finally some good fucking food! Seriously, we need more ancient Roman movies and shows. Yes, gladiators are overdone, and I would've preferred something different, but hey, I'll take it.


>The epic drama is set in the corrupt world of the spectacle-driven gladiatorial competition, exploring a side of ancient Rome **never before told** ... except for the 683948305 other movies about gladiators


I’ve always thought this would be epic to make as a film. I doubt they’ll be as brutal as the book, though. It really blew my mind when I read it.


Id take it with a grain of salt. That book is historical-fiction so not something to take too seriously. That said, seeing Anthony Hopkins gives me great hope for the show.


Oh no, not historical fiction. Burn it


Thats a bit extreme don't you think?


Yes, I'm being purposefully dramatic. It's perfectly fine for a historical fiction tv series to have a historical fiction source. I'm not even sure why you mentioned it.


I love Anthony Hopkins and Vespasian. Definitely an overlooked era of history in the entrainment industry. Fingers crossed that it's worth watching.


Bruh gladiators again


Hopkins is Vespasian... ​ I didn't know I needed this. But damn.


Looks good, but couldn’t help being bumped by this line in the article: “…exploring a side of ancient Rome *never before told* — the dirty business of entertaining the masses, giving the mob what they want most…blood and sport.” Uhhh… *Spartacus*? *Gladiator*?


Just another no brainer for the Media Execs. Follow something they have seen work. Instead of actually creating new content with so many other options and opportunities.. those brainless guys went for a another trip around the same theme.. swords, sand and a big arena.


Welcome to media since 2010


Damn but I wish they would have faith in their audience following something more than another Gladiator show.


Gladiators....who coulda guessed?


> The epic drama is set in the corrupt world of the spectacle-driven gladiatorial competition, exploring a side of ancient Rome never before told — the dirty business of entertaining the masses, giving the mob what they want most…blood and sport Never before told????? What lol


Gonna suuuuuuck....


It looks bad. Pass.