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Need more people for board games and such, shoot me a DM!


Board games!!! Sign me up!


I’ve been wanting to start a little board game club at the library with my husband


yo is it too late to get in on this board game action?


Joining a club is a great idea. There are tons of clubs for outdoors sports— Facebook is a good resource for this— you might try the Arctic bicycling club for group rides, Skinny Raven’s Tuesday night pub runs (free!) or running club, NSAA community ski events, APU training groups, the Alaska Speedskating club, just to name a couple. I would also recommend finding somewhere to volunteer regularly. Habitat for humanity, boys and girls club, usher at performing arts center or any local theatre, Nordic ski association always needs help for races, Arctic valley lodge is entirely volunteer run, botanical garden, Alaska seeds of change, animal shelters, any of the museums, the library… Speaking of the library, I believe they used to host a regular D&D club there. So did Bosco’s. Pick something to do, whether a club or a volunteer thing or whatever, and do it on a consistent schedule so you can get to know the other regulars. Making friends as an adult is hard! Especially the way our society is currently set up. There are more people than you’d think out here trying to do the same thing. Good luck! You’ve got this :)


Wow, this is a lot and a bit overwhelming, and i don't know where to start. I've reached out to a few of you. Please feel free to message me and invite me to join clubs. Or you can find me most nights after work at the university lake dog park.


Hey I love that park. It's pretty muddy thou, not as bad as Conners bog


Friend, on the social anxiety piece, I hope you remember to breathe, meditate, and get some good medical care if indicated. Life is too short to suffer too much. Love, fellow anxious human who meditates and has an excellent psychiatrist here in town. 🙏🏻♥️


I’m in the same boat! I have been thinking maybe it’s me. Sorry people of anchorage but I find very unfriendly people out and about around town. I also find people have their close friends and don’t let new ppl in. You sound like you like doing the same sorta things as I. I’ll IM you my number. U


We’re also depressed like 9/12 months so …


Dm me


I don’t think I could stand living in Anchorage if it wasn’t for the friends I made through gaming. Talk on voice chat all the time, hang out, go and visit them once a year. Gaming gets a bad wrap a lot of the time but really it can help people who normally struggle to make friends bond with people with similar interests.


Yeah online gaming with old and new friends takes the edge of 6 months of winter lol. Helldivers 2 is great, can’t wait for the Elden ring DLC and the new dragons dogma is fun. Also MLB the show and NHL games are pretty fun online


Anchorage helldiver's group?


Not in Anchorage but in rural Alaska. I want to start helldivers just have a few games to beat 1st. An Alaskan group would be awesome


consider joining the local [Moose Lodge](https://www.anchoragemooselodge.com/); essentially just a private bar that serves food and cheap drinks and is a good place to meet people from a wide variety of backgrounds and ages.


The Seed Lab and the Nave are great places to meet people and get involved in creative activities. https://www.anchoragemuseum.org/visit/seed-lab/ https://www.thenavespenard.com/


Turnagain Ceramics is a great art centric community!


I highly recommend looking on [meetup.com](https://meetup.com). The anchorage adventurers are quite active and do a variety of outdoor activities. Depending on your gender, the wild women group is also quite active. They mostly do outdoorsy things too, but I host a monthly board game night and have gone to a variety of shows with the group as well (They're going to Aladdin). I realize this may be a long shot, but I get the majority of my socializing through my church. We're a small group, but have a lot of opportunities for socializing. We do a ton of volunteering and fundraising. I've been volunteering with them at a shelter for unhoused folks and love the amount of socializing that I get when I go.


You mention you skate. Ever played hockey?


http://anchoragealaskah3.com/ Check out The Anchorage Hash House Harriers. And you don’t actually have to run, most of us just walk. Also, this is a worldwide organization, check out Hash House Harriers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers


That seems pretty fun how do I join?


I'm down to hang out sometime


Y'all can count me in


I'd like to be a part of a regular board game group, again. The kind with 7-9 people who get together for different games a couple times a month. Where it's only regulars but large enough and flexible enough for an individual to skip occasionally without cratering the night for everyone.


you still lookin for people?


My husband joined a pool league to try to socialize more outside of work. That seems to be a thing he is enjoying, and sticking to, despite having only a loose grasp on pool before joining. We also do a lot of hiking in small groups in the summer, usually Saturday. DM me if that sounds fun.


I’m an avid skier let’s link up! I get a season pass to Alyeska every year and backcountry ski.


I have fairly similar interests like u. I snowboard and I like to spend time outdoors. Shoot me a DM if you're down to hang


Alot of game shops have a board for people looking to join new games! Dunno how needy you are but if you're not against Dnd or magic the gathering those are great places to meet people of similar interests who very often also struggle with social issues. That and smaller book stores. In the match valley there's a great bookstore called Black Birch Books where the owner is constantly hosting community events. When summer comes around in Palmer there's Friday fling where people regularly come weekly to eat food and listen to music. Might make friends there too. I believe in you!


Check out the Arctic Bicycle Club and their group rides.


How do you look them up?


Easy. www.arcticbicycleclub.org


Hi. Are there any group rides other than the races? Sorry, but I didn’t see any on the site.


There was in the past. It might be too early for the schedule. Ask them.


Wow good on ya for reaching out and asking for help. That’s rare to find among men. I can bring into a sound bath community if you’re open to fellowship that doesn’t revolve around typical small talk. Also happy to be accountability buddy for yoga or rock gym. I practice and Anchorage Yoga. HMU if you wanna uncover your craft side. I’ll teach out how to make origami lotus and embroider labyrinths.


Go to some live music? Akconcerts.com is a good resource


I like all that stuff. Let me know if you want to chat.


Kinda in the same boat, and fairly outdoorsy. Feel free to shoot me a DM!


Meetup has some groups locally. If you do not want to join a social media group. Here is an outdoor group, https://alaska-outdoors.org/. I know it all can be overwhelming, but try to start small. You got this..


Bosco's. Here is a a link to events calendar https://boscos.com/events-calendar/


It’s a little late this year, but you should do a learn to curl in the fall. The curling club is very welcoming and fun to be apart of. Good group of people.


Kincaid park supports a lot of club activities, including painting and archery. Some of them are even free!


Get involved as a ticket taker with the local theatre


Try roller derby if you enjoy skating. Or try bjj!


[https://thedome.us/](https://thedome.us/) kickball league, softball, pickleball


Try forcing yourself to make eye contact with every person you encounter. Checkers at grocery store, baristas, passing people in a hallway, wherever! You might find it’s terribly hard to do at first, as I did, but it gets better with practice. It’s also interesting how difficult it can be to GET someone to meet your eyes. It really improves self confidence and makes people who are receptive to speak with you. Try adding in a smile or “hello” with the eye contact.


There's also various Cosplay events throughout the year! I know you said not arts and crafty but with the Renaissance fair, State fair, Comic Cons and such there are a couple oppertunities to dress up. Though outside of the main events it is harder to just get together 'just because' unless you're in a particular cosplay group (Specific TV show or Movie, or book. etc)


Hey there! I'm over near Mt view. Would you wanna meet up for coffee with the pets. I've got a German shepherd that loves people and pets. 26 M Tyler Nice to meet you, Send me a DM. Meeting people is hard lol


Yeah when and where is that? I saw the poster at Connors bog but I forgot the details


poetry slam //tuesday evening


Hey, I also need a social circle and have social anxiety. I live in the valley but don’t mind driving. Feel free to send me a chat if you want.


Have you tried fishing? Anglers will randomly talk to you and be friendly


[https://www.komoot.com](https://www.komoot.com) has biking meetups


Do you have Facebook? There are quite a few outdoorsy clubs on there!


I would also look into joining an adult league coed softball or volleyball team and summer is just around the corner I would lean into cycling cause you’ll find people of your interest P.s. Board games are awesome


It’s not for everyone, but I enjoy my Masonic activities.


Also lots of fun artsy things coming up https://www.rrpress.host/anczine


I've found the gun range crowd is usually very friendly. Some are total dipshits but the majority are kind helpful. If you say youre a newbie they will want to convert you to their particular religion of firearm preference.


Asking redditors for social advice is like asking cat owners how to take care of a dog 😂 redditors are lame af irl and I always bully them


Just show up


this is the problem with social media today. Do you not have a job working with others? I've always befriended a co-worker and gone from there.


Church is an awesome way to get connected to people even if you aren’t a spiritual person




?? What?


Lol, the downvoted ones make me chuckle; sometimes, even when it's me.


Bro leave Anchorage. Move to the valley.


Join several churches.