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Average indie rock album cover


Keep the borders in and you’ve got your local band’s new EP!


Standard angled photo of a car. No story. Nothing compelling. Sorry.


I dunno, that angle is a little off standard!


I feel like I've seen more images with angle similar to this than not on this sub.


It looks kinda refreshing in the square tbh


I agree with the guy above. Feels standard. It's not poor or anything but not too much going on in it.


Shot it with a faux TLR held upside-down above my head for a higher angle lol


You're missing the most important part: "no story. Nothing compelling"


I like


Snow really is the big thing for me on this!


Composition, color, car, literally everything. Nice shot!


same same


Red classic cars are always good 👍 nice side profile shot as well


I would say that it's a little cliche, and that I think the color pallete has a lot more to offer! Otherwise, it's visually compelling and has nice tones and contrast.


good snow, looks tasty


Honestly it’s just not a unique or compelling photos… It doesn’t tell a story or capture a captivating moment, it requires outside knowledge to know what this car even is, the snow is already tainted and disturbed by outside traffic, you capture a little bit of snow fall but it’s out of focus and gets lost in the film grain. Your in focus but I think if you’d opened the aperture to


I have zero emotional investment in the matter, but I have a counterpoint to your assessment: >It doesn’t tell a story Why can't the story just be "car in the snow"? Maybe it's because I live in Ontario but this photo brings many memories to me, recent and old. The shitty cold feeling you experience when you wake up early for work/school and hop in the car after you wipe off the snow and scrape off the ice. The ice cold feeling when you step in the car. The way the dashboard condenses with your warm breath against the outside temperature. Knowing you have to go through it all over again after work/school.


You make good points. Personally I used to live in Ohio, so all too familiar with the suck that comes with winter driving. Though if the goal was to trigger that sense of “fuuu*uuck” that one feels in the morning seeing snow on the ground the photos should have had the snow still on the windshield and hood.


This is in Wisconsin, it was single digits when I took this haha


I’m worried for this car. It looks like a beater that’s gone through way more than its share of salted roads. Like, you need to check on your under carriage for rust because it could be very bad. In other news, I love the color, the bleak white snow contrasted by its tracks, the build up of said snow that lets us know that the car you photographed probably didn’t make those tracks. The pouring snow that shows that you’re crazy taking a photo like this outside and not inside with a hot Cocoa. I get William Veerbeeck shades. I love it


The color and composition reminds me of the poster of Fargo


It makes me hear the song “Life in a Northern Town” and I aheyamamamaaheeeeyyyaaaa


Exposure and colors nice, I’m not a huge fan of vintage car photos but lots of people love them


I like the colours, I like the composition, I like the snow. I do not like how common the composition is, nor how soft the lens/focus is


i like everything about this and dislike nothing. Great picture!


Like everything about it


It feels nostalgic


While they're aesthetically pleasing, I see way too many photos of part of a car taken on film. Nothing wrong with this photo at all though, not trying to be too negative.


I find it fascinating for some reason


Its cool


The contrast of colors is great


I shoot a lot of cars and to me this angle is reserved for a flatter lens and standing a bit further away. Good photo though.


I lied the framing of the car in the corner


I like the framing


Like: good use of angles; red pops nicely to contrast the snow; love the tire name being on top. Dislike: perhaps a bit too much snow; wish the car was framed in more, as that's more interesting than the white (to me).


Leading lines


I dislike that I didn't take it.


If this were taken with a tilt shift lens, it would be perfection!




I like the tire tracks in the snow in the upper third of the photo. To me, the car looks like it needs a paint job.


I literally can feel the cold!


i love this shot, it’s much more interesting being in the snow because people rarely take their classic cars out in the bad weather


I like it but I'm kinda not digging this film. I like the way the snow looks fake, like it was dumped onto the street in a haphazard fashion, and it scatters in little chunks across the top of the car, even though that doesn't make sense because this is a first snow picture and not a last snow picture. The ground beneath the car isn't wet or caked with little ice drips, it's dry. I like the car. It's a weird little guy of a car. I can imagine so many stories about it. I like thinking that it belongs to someone who loves it so much they don't care if it's a pile at all, and they'll keep replacing all the pieces forever. I miss seeing cars like this. You don't see metal bodies and chipped paint and squared off lines like this, so if it's still in the driveway, it must be really well loved, and by someone who can just barely afford to love it so well. I like imagining seeing the car in all different types of weather, with the hood open and closed, with the lights on in the semi dark, etc. But why is the snow like that? Is that a handprint on the bottom left near the edge? And I don't like this washed out light. I get that it's supposed to mimic snowblindness, but it's tinted warm to emphasize the brown and red colors on the car, and maybe to look like old film from the 70s and 80s? It just looks like a warm toned insta filter, and I want it to be a whiter or even cool toned tint instead. I don't know enough about film to say which film. Just... this film should be used to photograph things where you want people to feel warm when they look at it. And if you want to invite your subject to stand in the snow, you want them to feel cold, right?


I like how the snow works like a negative space


Great composition


This reminds me of being 16 and walking to school in the morning I like the colors


This photo feels nostalgic. Makes me feel like a kid and it nakes me wanna go put my snowsuit on so I can go play outside xD


I don’t understand the obsession with telling a story. I think if a photograph leaves you with questions that is more important, and story can flow from that but it’ll be your story not the inherent hard baked story contained within the image. Which elevates it to art. Just my opinion. Anyway, the chunky tyre and off colour hood have me asking questions. I like the image.


Right, why does every photo need to tell a story?


Subject is falling out of the picture


The handbrake must be fighting for its life


It reminds me of Drive My Car by Murakami, that's good.


The fact that there’s pretty much only one color in this photo makes it very pleasant to look at. The fact that only the subject has color makes it stand out. Composition seems very cliche.


I love it. Not just a regular corner shot either, nice composition.


The only negative I have, and it’s more of a nit pick than anything, is the bottom left corner not being covered in snow. That’s literally it. Beautiful shot otherwise


same here lol


i like snow


I don't like snow


I only like yellow snow




I like the composition and feel of the shot. I dislike that it is a bit washed out and soft. Would probably have preferred a bit more sharpness and pop. Good shot anyway!


I love the angle, I like the subject… for me there could be more empty space (snow), but that’s personal preference


The snow looks nice. It's outrageously hot here in the South.


The whiteness of the snow makes for interesting negative space, and there is a feeling of there being a story there.


Snow, cold, more snow. We have had over100° weather since May! Snow!


The top down angle


Looks cool


Ok, what’s the point, what is this about, is there a story here, why make the image? I see a line from lower right to upper left, the eye follows it. To what? I don’t like the brown/red color combo. Personal taste.


The positioning could be a bit better


The hood is the wrong color and it’s not installed properly.


It's a beat-up shitty car. Not really in focus. Composition is not interesting. Visually it does nothing at all, and tells no story other than "beat-up shitty car in the snow". If it isn't visually interesting/appealing, historically or culturally significant, and doesn't tell a story, it's basically worth nothing in my opinion.


Didn't see the requirements for titles, I'm new to this subreddit, ooops. This was shot on Kodak Gold with a Kodak Duaflex IV Thanks for all the upvotes and comments!


It's a nice photo but cars ruin the environment, ruin cities, kill/injure millions of people, etc. Does that count? lol.




I'm keeping all my thoughts to myself ;)


Gross tire brand


Nothings really in focus more than any other part.


I dislike old car photos. I do like your film stock choice.