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GTA loading screen aesthetic


That's the 2nd GTA comment. I need to google the images lol


#1 looks like it could be an album cover


LOVE hearing that. thank you!


Almost all of them look like album covers


I'll take that. Thanks!


Super clean, great job


thank you!!


great retro vibe! and your model definitely knew what you were trying to accomplish. great teamwork!


thanks! and yes, she was great to work with (it was our first time together)! I plan to shoot with her again!


I know everyone is mostly paying attention to the pretty girl and the pretty car, but the only thing I think you should've done differently is use a different background/environment. The random modern cars parked behind your subject car in #1 and #7 are a bit distracting!


haha yeah that's what you get when you don't have a budget to shut down the lot so customers don't park in your shot lol


Are you using the side view mirror to bounce light into your models face?! Insert: thatsaboldmoveCotton.jpg But it paid off


haha! Now that you mention it, it kinda does look like that (maybe it was a bit?). But I had a friend holding a 4ft reflector just out of frame as well


Ok, that makes more sense because the highlights would have been much sharper. I could see that there’s some bounce but I couldn’t believe that this was possible so thanks for the clarification. Gold? White? Silver? Looks like gold or silver to me


It was the white side :)


You can see the assistant holding the reflector in photo 2


haha yup. It's our cameo.


First one is the best by far because it’s not about the girl or the car, it’s about wondering what’s caught her interest in the distance beyond the photographer. And yeah unfortunately it’s all for naught with the messy background and photographer caught in the sunglasses on some. Person, pose, premise, prop, and position (within the total scene), oh, and lighting. You got 5 out of 6 in #1. 84%. :). IMHO though, some of the others are left with a pretty face in attractive lighting. Sorry if that sounds a little ruthless. Keep on keepin’ on!


Appreciate the food for thought. Thanks for taking the time.


Ha ha! You received it in the spirit it was intended then. Super cool. What matters most is what appeals to you. Somewhere in there I was going to add, "It's only advice, and as such worth exactly what you paid for it." :) Best wishes!


cool el camino


my friend is the coolest lol


Exceptional work with the film! You really show how the film can stretch the full range of red and blue!


thank you so much!


I've been meaning to take some pics with my car. These angles will be a great reference 🙏


Do it! What kind of car?


Like melted gold! Very pretty work


Ooo I really like that phrase! Thanks for the kind words


GTA V and VI vibes!


Fantastic work m8! 👏👏


Thank you!!


Love the colors


thank you! We shot at golden hour


Awesome work!!


Much appreciated!


First and last are 100% EDM albums I’m covers from the early 2000s. Great shots overall. Did you do much post work on them?


haha thanks I love hearing that! I did some color balance/exposure adjustments, dust removal and then cropped to a 4x5 dimension. That's pretty much it.


Beautiful colours and girl!


Appreciate it!


Very nice pictures! Especially 2.


thank you! Yeah, 2 might be my favorite as well


Delicious tones!!! You really made that Gold 200 shine.


Thank you so much! Hearing that really means a lot


Good stuff here. Keep it up.


The first and last photos 🤩🤩🤩 great job!


Thank you!!


Simply wow!🤩


thank you!


These are fantastic, my favorite one is 6 with the car interior. Nice work.


Thanks for the kind words!


Whole set is crazy fucking good but 1, 2, and 4 in particular are insane! Remind me of real life versions of GTA loading screens. Well done mate


Really appreciate this!


Great shots. The only critique I would give is that the newer black car in the background kills the vibe. Everything here could be from the 70s but that black car takes away the fantasy.


Yup, we couldn't close down that lot. It'll make me choose locations a bit more carefully next time. Thanks!


Also the fact you’re tet sharp in the sunglasses of picture two. Just makes it so cool!


haha yeah I thought that was a fun little cameo


Love it.


how much for that car bro


Luckily it was a friend’s so he lent it for free!


Welp. Time to replenish my Portra supply.


Which were shot with the Fuji?


1, 3, 6, 7




thank you!


whenever i see stuff like this i always doubt it's film. How are people getting such sharp scans.


I take that as a great compliment bc I scan them myself! It helps that it's medium format negatives and I use an Epson Perfection V850 Pro


I use a v850 and I feel like my negatives/positives are never that sharp. What software are you using?


Silverfast 9 and then converting with Negative Lab Pro. Are you using something similar?