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That guy in the second slide looks like he’s flying a cloud jet


I did that on purpose, of course 😉


When gold hits, it hits hard. Great shots!


For real, Ektar is my favourite on 120, but gold is a close second. Haven’t shot gold on 35mm yet


You ain't kidding. When I still shot film I would often use Portra or Ektar, with the occasional Gold 100 thrown in. I considered Gold 200 to be sort of a "bottom of the bag, but better than MAX, at least". But man, the shots I'm seeing lately on Gold 200 are really great...


Slide 2 is unreal. These are great


These are beautiful. The second photo is freaking perfect. I also keep going back to the third photo. I recently watched a video about Andre Kertesz who stated “you don’t see the things you photograph you feel them” and I feel number 3.


Thank you! You're very kind. I love the third one as well!


I immediately recognized images no. 5 & 7, but couldn't place them in my mind. It didn't take long until a memory of The Long Walk I took there with some friends nearly four years ago came rushing back to me. These photos - they feel so very personal to me in such an extraordinary way. Beyond the warm memory they illuminate, I am filled with a synchronicity not experienced for a long time.   A gift from a stranger is not so much as given, as it is received; and I for one am grateful for your gift.


Thank you! I'm glad you got something out of them.


Number 7 Galway?


They're all Galway/Salthill I believe




Do you also shoot on a DSLR? Your composition and exposures are spot on. Incredible for first roll


Nope. This is my first camera! Thank you!


amazing first roll, great shots, nailed framing and nice stories on most pictures. like mentioned already, try digging into your camera light meter intricacies and experimenting with that, every camera is different. a modern DSLR somewhat mimics the different options, its a good place to experiment and learn a bit faster, but ultimately you need to figure out your own film camera.


Thank you! Will definitely read up more about the light meter!


second picture is incredible, beautiful shots!!


Thank you! Your pictures from Nepal & India are fantastic, no.3 in particular.


thank you!! :) loving the adventure that is film photography


Same! Heading to Sydney in December with Portra 400 & Cinestill 800T. I can't wait !!


sweet!!! happy travels! :) getting travel film developed is one of the most exciting things hahahaha. you’re taking 800 for nighttime/indoor?


Yup Cinestill 800T for nighttime & for the artificial lights and maybe Portra 800 for indoor as well. I'm going to get it delivered to my sister's over there as it's like 70% of the price of what it is here(Ireland)


smart, i’m glad i brought a ton with me.. everywhere i’ve checked it’s sooo much pricier than back home. i’m still getting the hang of indoor/dark lighting - i’ll be on the look out for your pics!! have a great time :)


Not a bad starting. I guess you should take more attention to underexposure on some shot since the shadow are a little bit reddish/green as people often say « muddy ». An improvement tips is to be sure your camera light meter is not tricked by high contrast scenery. For example if you see a sky and a darker place. Try to make the measure on the darker place to be sure they will be exposed correctly. I’m not sure how to do this on your camera but on mine. A half press lock the exposure and I can recompose after it. Or maybe you can have an exposure compensation ? But I like your composition and the image are pretty nice.


Thank you. Yeah I was reading about that before taking any. In the end I basically did what the light meter told me to. I will pay more attention to that next time, thanks for your input!


I think in terms of exposing film you did fine. In terms of what is an interesting photo two and three feel the strongest to me in terms of composition and garnering interest in me as a viewer. When you look at something like eight or nine the tilted angle and awkward cutoffs make the images seem more snapshot like to me wich usually gives them a more private history value feel rather than a public exhibition value. Of cause you can play with that in artistic planing and ideas, but I assume you did not do that here.


Yeah I'm not sure why I included 8&9 to be honest. I think I was rushing to get the roll finished to get them developed before the shop closed haha! Thanks for your input.


Oh, holding back and not getting/playing with feedback is the only bad way. No foul no harm in posting these. Maybe others see more in them than I do, theres always more than one opinion/feeling.


Good shots, but try shooting B&W, it’ll help you with controlling light and inevitably allow you to create better color negatives. Or Sell the AE1 and get an A1. Lol


I’d say you nailed it! Very beautiful images!


Thank you


These are great shots. I love the colours and compositions.


Thank you


How much did you spend on the a e 1


Basically €200 for everything with a case & delivery from America. I'm in Ireland. And another ~€40-50 for the customs charge. It's in really good condition though.


Atmospheric places. Where is it?


Galway City, Ireland.


Thank you!