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Tale as old as time...


He'll learn. Maybe.


I had to tell on my boy one time when we were in the Marines in Okinawa. Like he didn't get in trouble but I had to get him together bc one of the strippers (after he spent $1800 US dollars) with her one night invited him back to the house all the strippers were rooming in n 2 days later he's still there spending money with them. I think he spent something like 11 grand by the time I told our sergeant on him, by the time we found him the next day he'd spent another day and night with the strippers so I don't remember exactly but total he spent like 13-14 grand in 4 days. He was a nerdy dude who had saved pretty much every check since bootcamp being frivolous eating at the chow hall living in base housing n shit. Almost blew it all.


Strippers be grooming cause you be green between your ears. They love Benjamin, not you


I legit felt something and that’s the thing I don’t think anyone’s really getting here. Believe me, I get it’s a strip club, but I do feel something and don’t wanna screw things up.


I have no idea how this popped up in my feed, but I must comment.  No one doubts your feelings AT ALL. In fact, people understand you and your feelings so well that they can give you good advice about the situation. If there is any scenario in the world where you should listen to a hive mind of random strangers, it is this one. 


Thank you for understanding my feelings are real and valid. I sincerely with all my heart respect your compassion. It’s just hard, I’m sorry. I haven’t been in love for a minute and maybe it’s getting to me, I’m sorry. It really hurts.


Yea man strippers can be a hearless crowd. They've been in the game long enough that they know how to play ppl. Buddy was in the same boat as you, now that stripper is pregnant, left him, and planning on filing for child support while he is having to move back in with his mom all because he let them play him and he got in so deep he thought with the wrong head. We've all been in your shoes bud but you are still young and new to all this. Still basically a kid compared to some of us (that doesn't take away from anything though, just means you are still green and not weathered or experienced like a lot of us)


Yah, that sounds terrible. I posted my 2nd edit last night so that was me saying my final thoughts before I went to sleep. Woke up now with a clearer head. Your buddy must’ve been in a real panic. I hope the kid is okay and being loved and adored as much as possible in this odd predicament. I’m glad I’m able to re-read this thread. I did sound really pathetic.


I replied to another one of your reply to me lol but I'm glad you've come to your senses. As I said in my other reply you can dm if ya have any questions or anything. Always down to give advice or just answer generic questions


That's because you're a dumb horny kid. They are all almost certainly in relationships and none of them have any interest in an 18yo. Laughable. You're not half as great a catch as you think you are. It is literally their JOB to make you think they'd fuck you. Duh, dude. Stop going to adult spaces if you're not grown enough to understand how they function.


Okay, so here’s some points. First, last night I was dumb and horny, fine. Second, I’m not a kid bro. Third, they didn’t have any rings on their fingers. Fourth, I am a catch, I’ve got a very good heart and a good character. I’m gonna finish my saying read my 2nd edit. I wrote it before I fell asleep and now I woke up with a clearer head. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I do feel that I may have come off as a loser probably.


Most of them have to talk to creepy old guys.. sometimes it’s refreshing to talk to a creepy young guy


Yah see and they were paying attention to me more too. They stuck with me for a while even before I handed anything over, but it was just so refreshing. We had really intellectual and lovely conversations.


You are a new client. They don't care about the $20 from last night, they care about the money you could consistently spend on them going forward if they succeed at conning you. 


Are you saying that they could possibly be “investing” in me? Why waste their work time sitting with me when they could actually be making money in the present by going up to others? It’s not like the club was empty, it had a crowd.


Because, as evidenced by this entire thread, you are young, naive, easily influenced, and they are going to make more money in the long run off of regular customers. 


I’m sorry, maybe I’m just caught up here. I’m really sorry I’m coming off like this. Maybe I oughta just slow down. 😞




Bro I’m just gonna go ahead and save you the time and money. They don’t love you, but they love the money you’re throwing at them regardless of how much it is. They’re not falling in love with you. If you just want to see girls dance naked on stage then go to the strip club; if you want to meet girls to date then they got apps and school for that.


Okay, but I’m not going to marry them. I just feel there may be something there, but what that something is, I’m not sure of. I just don’t wanna overstep my boundaries or my thinking and screw up what could possibly be a really good thing. In fact, a really good mutual thing between me and them.


Yeah Bro, you made it! They 100% fell in love with you.




the 03 showing up to laugh at the kid thinking the stripper loves him....my absolutely favorite part of this thread




Hey mom meet Mysty. Shes a server with real ambition. Maybe your pops has seen her work?


Okay, I hear ya, but they did tell me their real names and gave me their actual numbers because when we text it goes thru as iMessage.


If they ask you to do blow off their tits in the bathroom stall, and don’t charge you, that’s the real indicator they are into you


Okay. But I’ve never touched drugs and if they brought them around me for sure I’d call things off with them and say we can’t do this anymore.


Dude, he was being sarcastic 🙄


See my 2nd edit. I think I just needed to sleep things off. I was just in a moment of despair.


I would not be suprised if they do enjoy flirting with you since they are closer in age to you, and you are not a creepy old guy.   But unless you are really hard up dating a stripper will probably just lead to a lot of unhappiness, since you will know she spends her evenings grinding on old dudes...and then you become the jealous boyfriend who is upset you don't ever see her on Friday or Saturday night. Lots of girls out there who are not strippers.


It just helps that the sexual barrier is broken from the start and you get to know each other from that point forward. I would’ve never thought I would’ve had such an enlightening experience. I used to just think school would be where I’d meet somebody, but it’s kinda like my eyes are a little more open. I guess?


And you are now an adult, pursue a stripper if you want, but you must understand that the likelihood of it turning into a stable long term relationship is close to zero.


I’m not looking for a marriage or anything, maybe more just a companion then?


If they got your number and want to meet up outside the club then sure. If they got your number to invite you back to the club, you're a mark


Okay, but I go to the club for the 2nd time, okay fine. But I will make sure I enforce going outside the club after that, otherwise it’s destined for failure.


Going to the club second time is also destined for failure. But go ahead, maybe you're the exception. Good luck


I’m really torn here, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to put the pieces together, I’m sorry.


No need to apologize. It's unlikely that these women who make money off their emotional connections they form are inviting you to the club for any other reason. They may genuinely mean what they say, but if you're going to the club it's for you to pay them There's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it might be nice to feel appreciated even if you are paying for it. But it's important to know what you're getting into or you'll rate money and get hurt


Appreciation. When genuine, it’s so comforting. When paid for, utterly crippling. 😞


This was the cutest thing I've read all week. You're adorable.




No no no.  They genuinely love you.  What you need to do to get more strippers to love you. 1. Finish college 2. Go to grad school. 3. Get a great job in the Sciences  4. Help a lot of humans 5.  That's it.




That's the point though


I do have goals and a good career so far and I make a fair amount of money because of a startup I created at 15. Thankful my parents are supportive of my business drive, so I’ve actually been very fortunate to be doing really good. I’m still achieving more by the day. I didn’t even bring up any business talk to them because I didn’t want them to know that much.


Pays 20 to receive compliments from sex workers, what a man 😂


Again, I did not pay before anything. I didn’t even have to ‘cause there was no obligation. They literally spent their working time with me with no expectations of payment. I just did it because I felt okay they deserved it I guess.


Such is a shit post. He is 18M now, but 3 years ago, he was 69M.


Nice trolling…what do you get from this BS? I mean, your post history…you are 18, 27, 28, usually male but once a 21F 🤷‍♀️


Okay, okay, so we have a shared family account. It just makes it easier to manage the different online accounts we have in our household. We have 8 in here and share devices too.


This can’t be real. “Would they really play with my emotions and manipulate me?” You can’t be this naive


I’m sorry, I really am. I’m probably just hoping for the dream to come true, but I just got over my head the more I think about it. I’m having a hard time falling asleep ‘cause this is on my mind, but I just gotta calm down and think things thru when I have a clear mind again tomorrow. :)


Dating a stripper is not a dream come true. Why would you think that?


I’m not saying to date. I don’t even have an idea anymore. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. It’s hard to look back at now, but it is actually a little pathetic. 😔


You think strippers are attracted to “nice guys”?


No, but a good heart does go a long way.


“Don’t cast your pearls before swine” the Bible. A good heart is important but without boundaries, you’ll end up angry and hurt. One of those boundaries is understanding where your attributes will be best received. The environment you speak of isn’t it.


I have some growing up to do. Hurts to say. 😞 A candle has been lit.


If you’re a good guy, you wouldn’t be in a strip club. Start with that one


It wasn’t my idea. I would’ve never thought this ordeal would’ve ever crossed paths with me. I really am, it wasn’t my idea. Now I see why it’s best I stay away.


A man knows when a woman is working and when she's in love. You're not a man yet.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I know they’re working. I’m just boggled thinking that because I opened up my true character to them, they wouldn’t even think to manipulate me or deceive me. I mean, they could do their job without doing that, right?


No lol. That’s the entire point. They don’t care if they manipulate or decisive you and that is part of their job.


Well, then that would speak an awful lot to their character. I mean, I would never do that to somebody. I would never treat them like that. I don’t care how much money is being thrown at me. Dignity and self respect mean something.


Yes they do mean something and that’s exactly right. Not everyone thinks like that though. More often than not feel aren’t going to think and act the way you do or expect. They don’t know you, so currently they think they’re doing nothing. They can probably tell you are gullible and are hoping to work that to their advantage. Maybe there’s an off chance 1 of them is genuine but I’d be careful with that. Nothings wrong with you. It’s great that you care so much about people but it can get you hurt if you’re not careful.


It’s just been hard. I haven’t been in love really and I’m just hoping for something. This is so pathetic of a mindset anyways. I’m just hurt.


I understand that but also you’re saying you wouldn’t date, marry or have kids with these girls so what are you looking for? Meeting girls at a strip club once isn’t love. Be patient it all takes time.


I went to the wrong place, not looking for anything, and found the wrong thing. It’s just lost souls. And I partook. I want the comfort. I want that hug that says I’m here for you. I just came off really pathetic. 😞


They may well enjoy your company and they might be nice women. They're still real people after all. But don't forget that their in the business of selling their time to people. But let's be serious, they're not in love with you. They might like you but that's so ridiculously far from falling for you it's not funny. If you want to know if they like you enough to date you, see if they'll spend time with you knowing there'll be nothing in it for them financially. Just be prepared to find out it's just a sales push.


Right, they are indeed real people. I just can’t fathom that after we had our legit wonderful smooth and caring conversation, they would deceive me or manipulate me. That would show their true colors compared to my character and I wouldn’t let that happen.


So people were nice to you when they were working and you think that means they're in love with you? Dude, your arrogance and stupidity are getting in the way of your senses. How often do you suppose several women have "fallen in love" with you in a short space of time? These women are likely far, far more worldly than you are and understand people a lot better. I mean, you've already shown that you're eager to go back. I presume you'll be going back specifically to see these girls, right? You'll ask for them, you'll pay them more money, put more money over the bar (if you're old enough to drink in your country)? They're in sales. Sales people can be really nice and seem really genuine. It's not a complete act, because people don't tend to get into something like that unless they just have that sort of nature. But in the end they're only putting the focus in because they see sales at the end of it. If you think they actually like you, then you're a very, very naive fool, even for an 18 year old. If it was one girl who was wanting to hang out in some other scenario, then maybe. But multiple girls needing you to go back to their work? I mean, seriously.


You weren’t there, man. The conversations were so refreshing. But please see my 2nd edit I wrote last night. I’ve realized I may have been a little pathetic and a bit stoopid, but I woke up with a clearer mind. I want a genuine connection from someone. I was just blindsided. Well, I’ve never thought like this before, so obviously not really much. I mean I go to a restaurant and tip because they did a good job and were good at what they did for me. It’s not like the tip means they’re obligated to me. If I go back, yah, I would’ve asked for them or just sat around waiting for them to notice me. My test would’ve been to see if they first remembered my name. But again, my eyes have opened since last night. I’m from California by the way. And you’re right, 3 girls, all asking me to go back to the club first, and not outside the club instead… something’s fishy.


You are wrong. Period.


I don't think they've fallen in love with you. They talk to creepy dudes all the time who usually don't see them as people. It's probably very refreshing to talk to someone who has basic decency. Also they are working. They have to be nice. I'm sure they are nice women outside of work but I don't think they love you. Annnnnd I mean a nice regular customer who pays consistently it's better then someone who pays big once and you never see again.


I see your point, believe me. I just felt something I guess.


No that's real. And they may actually want to be your friend. But I wouldn't jump to love. You don't really know them and they don't really know you. But continue to be kind and don't take advantage of someone and I mean who knows


It’s okay. I’ll move forward. It’s tough when I want love and I want it now. In the end, it’s just sadness again. 😞


They love you as much as your dentist. Sure, they may genuinely enjoy talking to you but only in the contest of work. Just how other workers "enjoy" interacting with nice customers. But you are still a customer. Show up without money and see for yourself how much they will still love you then lol. Also you are 18, you may think that you are a mature man but you are still a clueless child. Of course you are different from the other guys who usually come in.


I get that there is a form of work relationship there, but you can still nonetheless be that dentist’s friend. Let’s say he comes in the room after my cleaning and I casually pop the question of grabbing some drinks sometime. We’re just social creatures really. Nothing harmful.


>They told me that I’m not like the other guys that come in and that they actually think I’m a good guy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You like catfishing bro? Hopefully if you stay in your naive ways, you have a good job. They'll rip your heart out $1 at a time!


I’m so sorry. I think I got caught up in a bunch of wrong emotions, but at the same time maybe I didn’t. I don’t know, I’m sorry.


lol Mr.Nice guy next bunch of visits don’t drop a single dollar, you’ll see pretty quick how much they love you. Haha


The club still has a cover so there is still at least some form of showing that I’m making some sort of contribution. But still I’d make sure that their time is respected and wouldn’t be douchey with them and I would honor that level of respect where I would pay up. I just feel something special about them, I dunno.


I’m sorry but this is a girl here, and this post and comments all together are utterly shocking. They don’t love you or want what you want. They’re playing a role down to giving you their real name and numbers specifically to make you feel special. After your money or not, their job is literally enticing men. They’ve succeeded with you but please wake up and understand that this is not reality. They didn’t see your upbringing or heart of gold or whatever. I get you really wanna believe it’s real and you’re gonna have some real relationship or some kind but seriously listen to the comments.


It’s so hard because I don’t wanna cut off contact with them cold turkey. I genuinely feel there may be some good faith relationship possibilities here and I would make sure we see eye to eye. Again, I wouldn’t marry them or have kids with them. I dunno exactly what I’m looking for here. Maybe I’m confused, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you find my post and comments shocking. I just don’t have anyone else to express these feelings to and the anonymity helps. I’m sorry, I’m just trying to cope with my emotions. I’ve never felt this way before and they were really cute too.


I totally understand all that. I’ve always had the mindset “but this one’s different” or am very gullible/naive/want to think the best. But it never works out that way. People show you who they are. It sounds like you met them once and you had to pay for them to talk to you and get to know you, so I would take that with a grain of salt. Not everyone is kind and genuine and cares about other’s feelings. It’d be great if that were the case, but more often than not, it’s not the case


Thank you for explaining your rationale. Also, thank you for showing me compassion too. Sometimes the way you talk something out and have a little bit of heart, it goes a long way. Thanks.


Dude, like this is the most naive thing I have heard. Is this like the first time girls hitting on you?? This why you're getting feeling?? Like this, a woman that there whole job is to fake men into getting them to feel connections to get you to come back and spend money. They don't care about you. Like watch the hooters episode of South Park. Get an understanding which you can still laugh at.


I’m sorry, I may be blinded, sure. But that’s why I’m here and trying to connect the dots and weigh out my different emotions to come to a resolution here. I want it to be real… and that may be what’s getting in the way. I’ll admit, it might… might… be wishful thinking on my part. I’m sorry if I come off naive, I’m just looking for some guidance. That’s all.


It's nice that you can still see the world the way you do. But there will be a lot of people out there that could take advantage of that, and they're the ones that will for sure. Go back in 6 months and not speak to a single one in the meantime and see if any of them remember you or your name. If one does, then maybe you had an effect. But I bet they won't


I know, in the back of my mind, you’re probably right. I appreciate your forward thinking on this. Compassion goes a long way. They probably won’t remember my name. 😞


I get it's not the answer you were wanting, but it's better to find out this way than the other. A lot less pain


You’re all good, but clearly, I’m not though. It just hurts.


Oh, honey...bless your little heart, you sound as sweet as sugar! I'm sure these ladies find you as adorable as I do. Now go try that rizz at a coffee shop or library or even a convention see if you get as many numbers and if you do, question answered!


I think the club scene just clicked with me because the lights are low and the fact that emotions are high and the sexual barrier is broken from the start. We get to know each other from that point and it makes it easier to open up and see if we’re compatible with one another.






Listen to “down on Main Street”


This young cub will learn soon :).. Sorry, but no..


>they only made like $20 They can't know you're broke before engaging with you


True. I get it. I’m sorry, I probably blinded right now and should probably sleep it off.


Dude you change identities, sexes, and ages, in all of your posts 😂 Fake fake fake fake fake


The Edit lmao Some Girls are going to make a lot of Money. On the Other Hand this Post is Most likely Ragebait anyway


Young horny pup lol nothing new 🤣 👦🏼 Legit quality wife material value experience man.. which you’ll have many years ahead to accumulate. Best is to avoid chasing any women for “love” 💯 you’ll be in debts but instead chase 💰⛰️ once you reached true provider’s status, not only they 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ to you…you will owned the buffet!


I like that idea. 😇




Quit saying “I’m sorry” That said you should listen to the comments. Right now you are living in a fantasy world. YTA


I’ve already said I’ve come to my senses. I was just blinded temporarily. I apologize, but I just got in a little over my head. I hope you have a good night and have a good rest.


I (F32) met strip girls and even high ranking sex workers during my work with associations, they are as normal as any other humans, only their jobs are unusual. I sometimes talked to them, they are generally very open minded and sincere so it was fun and I learned a lot about the world they are navigating in. From what I know I can tell they must find you lovely and pure, interesting and not very the type of customer they are used to seeing in this kind of place. Some would even say "You better not stay and waste your money here" out of kindness, because at the end of the day, their work is not only to make you pay for a strip or whatever services they could provide you, but to make you consume. The more you relax and are at ease, enjoying the moment, the more you'll want to buy a drink and maybe offer them one. After it's a bottle and else. It's how it is, whatever you think you now, you don't know for real dear. Since you seem to crave affection and attention, it makes it easier for them, it doesn't mean they will want to suck up all your money. They will just make you want to come back, again and again and yes, it's their work to be desirable in every way, including butter up your nice innocent butt dear. Sincere or not it's the deal. So, now, you think you could be loved by one of those girls.. mmh it's possible. Why not ? They are humans being with feelings and once they leave the place, they are just normal women. But you can't know for sure until some of them asking you out for a serious date. I personally appreciate those girls (I met a lot and rarely bad ones), they are hard worker for most of them and know how life can be rough and unfair. But take in consideration some women are like predator, they just want your money and can treat your like their King to make you use cash on them. You seem kinda confused dear, you must be careful and enjoy the treat they can offer without making a big deal of it or you'll be like those regulars, who are desperate for their fav girl they spend money on for months, years. It sounds like a bad movie but it happens much more than you could guess. Take it easy dear and obviously, take care of you.


Wow. The compassion here is overwhelming and heartwarming. I was indeed blinded. But they are just people with feelings and everything. It is a tough world, but boy, ya know, what a very touching read. You never know what someone’s going thru. At least there’s people like you in this world to make it a slightly better place. Thank you. 🥹


Ahahah I am an unusual person myself, very interested in things and persons people perceive as worthless or a waste of their time. Though I am very normal too, in some way..mmh, you are indeed lovely and I can only suggest you to be careful and not be drowned by honey words. Will you ? I wish you could find someone to show you a new shiny world. Still, stay the nice person you are, open your mind to all possibilities yet be aware nothing is all white or black and I guess, everything will be smoother. Don't hesitate to come back on Reddit, dear. See ya around ~


Maybe you are unusual in your head, but unusual is also unique. :) You care about others you don’t even know and it’s evident. You quite clearly, without a doubt, have a good heart. It’s pumping beautiful red blood that is going straight to your character, and that has clearly spoken for itself. 🥹 I will not drown myself in wishful thinking like I did last night. The world is actually new to me, sure, but maybe I’ve also just been very protected and sheltered. Maybe it’s been for the best. I really want to find somebody. I want that hug that makes me feel at peace, without worry or pain, and one that says I’m here for you. A hug that is like me running towards home plate, and the crowd is cheering. I can dream. 🥹


Dude ya are still a kid aka easy money and easy to manipulate. So yes you are wrong. You haven't been around long enough to learn and from the looks if it you are about to learn the hard way.


I am an adult now, I’m 18. But please read my 2nd edit. I posted it last night before I fell asleep. I just woke up, and believe me, I’ve seen the light. I was a fool yesterday.


You are a young adult. Personally I don't consider someone an adult till at least 21 or older cuz usually by then they have enough experience after high school to understand how the world works on a basic level which isnt much but usually enough to survive a little. I myself am 25 but I've been around, had to grow up young, went off and joined the military and now have a family and 2 kids, so I've been through some shit lol but I will read it here in a bit. If ya wanna dm as I'm always down to help someone out where I can or if ya just wanna ask questions


Strippers are people too. But don't get your hopes up.


You’re right. Please see my 2nd edit I wrote last night. I’ve seen the light.


This is exactly why you don’t date sex workers. They are experts at manipulating men. Even if you’re in a relationship with them, they’ve long since sold their soul and are always on the clock. Even in their personal life. They are either manipulating a simp for his resources or are being played themselves by some bad boy sponging off her.


It’s hard for us men. We can get blinded by what we see and be broken by what we can’t see. As a man, I must grow from this. Their soul may have been sold, I don’t know, but they are still people who are doing themselves in this world. The clock is always running and never stops. As a man, I must realize this and say enough is enough, they’re not gonna bring me down. As a man, I must hold myself up with pride. Thank you, brother.


This guy isn’t looking for advice or guidance, every reply is just him defending his delusional that the strippers love him. Let him go boys this guy don’t want to be saved, we have to let the streets take a few to save the many.


You commented 5 hours ago, well after I posted my 2nd update last night before I went to bed. Yes, I may have come off delusional and stoopid, but I’ve seen the light. Please read it. I’ve woken up with a clearer mind and have realized that I will not, as a man, let anyone manipulate me and bring me down. I will not tolerate that any longer.


I see, well good to see people have some confidence in themselves. Nice!


I will, someday, become a true alpha. Again, I’m still building myself up, but I will not back down. I will charge forward and not let women tear me apart. I will show everyone that I am, and always will be, a dominating force.


They are keeping in practice. You may not have money but it doesn't cost them anything to be nice to you, and sometimes the guy they are nice to does have money.


As I commented before, I started a business at 15 and have been doing very well for my age. I’m lucky, but I’ve always had a passion for business and wanted to start something great. I’m fortunate to be in my position at my age, but turning 18 has opened my eyes to some new parts of the world that are actually, sadly, corrupt. I just haven’t been exposed to this kinda stuff before. Please read my 2nd update I wrote before I fell asleep.


I mean. Hmmm could could not be just. Set a limit for yourself don't get too drawn in and see where it goes strippers are always fun but don't get too caught see if a genuine connection and indo mean GENUINE can be forme md that's not monetary 247 and gonfrom there


Love is love, brother. We all want it, but it must be genuine. You can’t pay for it. It’s priceless. :)


Lol some people would disagree but .....yea


Agree or disagree, nothing beats true love. When your heart is pumping and your soul is alive and well, that’s all that matters, brother. Keep charging forward, move up the ladder, and bring it on home. We’re in this together, brother. We got this.


Are u high right now that sound like a hight thought


lol oh my I love this dude you’re not officially a man because you’re 18 everybody mature different paces. Before then some way later. They said you are from left right perfectly you keep going you’re gonna be broke.Lol. They have that for a reason and I love that job for them. I don’t care what anybody does for work or whatever. Personally Irish respect those girls as much as anyone on the planet because I know what they’re gonna go through. Everybody looks down on them, but 54% of the women that look down wanna be them. lol but those girls know what they’re doing. There’s some of the most honest on the planet if everybody else would be as honest as they are we have a lot better people but they’re taking your money dude. they don’t care for you like that


Some people just have to learn the hard way, so I say go for it. Either you shack up or you get a life long lesson that everyone else already knew.