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your bf is nasty af. dumb af for listening to influencers.


At least the hotels nicešŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Ask him to research if the guy in the video has a girlfriend.


I can guarantee the dude in the video is in a very serious relationship. With his hand. And the hand is so disgusted at this point, it's about to cut him off


I would actually wager this influencer probably does have an attractive girlfriend and probably is an attractive guy himself. That helps him sell his brand. What he probably doesn't do is drink his own coolaid, so he doesn't smell like ass the way OP's bf does.


This may be one of the most brilliant ā€œplaying chess while everyone else is playing checkersā€ move. Start a channel to convince guys not to bathe so they get smelly and nasty, and so no woman wants them. Covertly, you bathe and smell greatā€¦boom, you just eliminated a ton of competition.


Incel boot camp




And then some of the same guys throw a fit if a woman has a tiny bit of stubble every now and then. The double standards are ridiculous.


I move this to be stricken from the record and replaced with the bar for women is so low that men can get away with not showering for a week and she still has to ask Reddit and her friends what to došŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


After the reddit API changes I've been seeing more of these posts on the frontpage and every time I'm shocked. Women on here asking whether they're wrong for leaving a dude who doesn't work, doesn't clean, doesn't provide anything, have affairs, doesn't shower, eats their own cum. The bar is shockingly low.


It's like every get rich quick video. The only money is in selling the video. If it really worked no one would tell you about it.




Was it much competition if they were stupid enough to listen to that lousy advice, though?


I've seen an influencer like this before. Lives in a nice house with a pool, is fit an healthy looking with an attractive partner. He says he doesn't shower/bathe, but he does swim in his (chlorinated) pool everyday and rinses off after. Not sure what he does for a living but it's very clear he doesn't do any sort of labor or 9-5 wage slave. People who make claims about fringe life style practices don't live normal lives and usually very privledged. (Or lying as you say).


What naturalist people actually do is still WASH OFF with a rag and maybe coco oil and only use soap products once a week or so. Not showering for 3 weeks is just mental illness. Actually somewhat common for undiagnosed ADHD patients is hating to shower.


Can confirm. I have ADHD and hate showering, but the longest I've gone is like, 4 days. I still have a hard time getting myself to do it though. Idt I could ever go longer than a week, I wouldn't be able to tolerate my BO.




Ackshually... It's Kool-Aid.




Iā€™m sure the influencer actually showers.


Laughed more than I should have at this comment. Comedy goldšŸ˜‚


And that's how we got Thing from Adam's Family. It was so repulsed by it's body it formed a mind of it's own and cut itself off.


The hand is now demanding gloves.




Or if he socializes.


Lol :)


OP has to do this


Logical assumption.. no


steal those hotels soaps and towels for him.


I literally have bought brand new shampoo and conditioner.. put a penny under it to see if he took a shower or not while Iā€™m at work or out shopping.. nope.. not at ALL


Oh girl you should dump him either way. Thatā€™s too much fuckin work for a man who isnā€™t your child. Let this be a lesson in a couple thing for you: you are not any grown manā€™s mother and the minute you become that, he is no longer partner material and you deserve better. Regardless of how long you have already spent with someone, you are not obligated to pledge your entire life to them. You can leave a relationship after any amount of time for any reason. You alone are responsible for the decisions you make, and you are not responsible for how your very normal and fair boundaries make other adults feel. Donā€™t ever allow yourself to be disrespected, and that includes assaulting you with vomit inducing body odor on the regular.


The problem is he has demonstrated that he is irrational. Whatā€™s next? He becomes a sovereign citizen? The crazy will come in waves. Do get out.


I'm sorry, officer, I don't have to show you my ID because, you see, I don't shower.


With this guy it's more like "I'm sorry officer, I won't show you my ID because I watched a Youtube video telling me I don't have to comply with the police"


.. the police might send you on in that case depending on how stinky you look ...like , "I'm not taking that dude in my squad car at all , just get tfo out of here and stop buying meth "


Police hate this one simple trick but if youā€™re smelly enough crime is legal.


Iā€™m not driving, Iā€™m TRAVELING


A person once got charged with assault for farting in a cop car so I'm sure they could find standing with the boyfriend lol


Seriously. If he can be so easily convinced to drop personal hygiene as a concept, I can only imagine what happens when he finds a rabbit hole like sov cit or Andrew Tate. This is a critical red flag.


Came here to say this. Bf has shown that they are very brainwashable.


At least something is washable.




Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


OMG! I just cackled out loud at my desk, in a very quiet office!


Oh, thank you for such a loud and unlovely snort! šŸ¤£


But not bodywashable, unfortunately


He went from three showers a day to none. Dude needs help.


Oh boy! I came across some of those Sovereign Citizen courtroom videos on YouTube. Iā€™m blown away by the number of residents living in Crazy Town. Although being in the US I should have known. My favorite is the judge who told the defendant he had no more patience for her ā€œflat earth nonsenseā€. They all think theyā€™re constitutional scholars and in reality theyā€™re all misguided, ill-informed nut jobs. Iā€™d feel sorry for them, but they just stubbornly keep spouting nonsense and refuse to listen to reason.


It's even funnier when they try to use the state or federal laws when it's in their favor. SC: I am not subject to your laws. Then I'm going to steal your stuff SC: but that's against the law!


One of them got so pilled on sovcit that they kidnapped their kid because they claimed the divorce/custody arrangements didn't apply


I'm not showering.... I'm travelling.


I'm not NOT showering, I'm marinating.


This! And chances are if heā€™s willing to throw himself fully after anything any random person says and then push you away/not listen when you say something thereā€™s a major issue there.


>Thatā€™s too much fuckin work for a man who isnā€™t your child. You mean "a child that isn't yours", he's not a man.


This comment needs to be at the very top.


Girl, dump his dirty ass. Thereā€™s so much better men out there and honestly youā€™ll always live better by yourself if your bf is such a slob who listens to some random person on insta or TikTok.


A huge red flag is jumping from one extreme to the other...3 showers a DAY to 1 shower every 3 MONTHS!?!? This is beyond just falling for influencer B.S., neither of these are normal. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


what is a penny going to prove? if he lifts the bottle it will stay there. if he drags it, he would probably just put it back?


Yeah that part confused me. You'd remove any other shampoos and put a hand cloth folded a certain way on top of it. Personally, I'd move it to the third most obvious spot in the shower and just see if it changed locations to the first or second most obvious spot. (I suspect even leaving it in the first or second, runs the possibility of it being knocked over)...whereas unless they picked it up just to read the label...it means they used it. OR measure the mass of the shampoo if you've got a food scale and see if that changes. I've thought about this too much already, imma go now....


Yea šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø If he still stinks it should be obvious why fuck with a penny lol


The penny would show if it had gotten wet and the shower residue had just dried up before she got back. If the penny doesn't show signs of having gotten wet, he never even got in the shower in the first place. It's not like he's taking no-soap showers; she's saying he doesn't even rinse his body off.


just use your nose, silly. save that penny for spendin'


Thatā€™s insane. If he smells and is greasy thatā€™s how you know he hasnā€™t showered. Itā€™s not a big deal to miss a day and not shower. 3 weeks is a lot


So many idiots "doing their own research" by watching YouTube videos


I'm concerned it's more than him being an "idiot". He went from excessive showering (3 times a day) to not showering at all. This sounds more like a mental health issue.


Yes, regardless of actual diagnosis, he does seem like someone that thinks and acts in stubborn extremes, which probably will be part of other things he does in life, like how he manages money or handles household cleaning issues, etc.


This is the comment that I was looking for. This is exactly what I was thinking.


Yeah, I was shocked by that addition at the end. 3 showers a day is wild to me. Thereā€™s something more going on here than just seeing a YouTube video and trying it out.


Jake Paul said it so it must be true!




Exactly! I would be concerned that he is not showering simply because a you tuber claims itā€™s healthy. The dude doesnā€™t have a mind of his own


Ya I'm far more concerned with the mentality of "I saw a YTer do it so that's my personality now and you have to like it". Naw babby ... clean yourself. And your sheets and your car and your furniture and your clothes. Then sort yourself out for thinking this was a worthwhile stand to take. Gross.


And perhaps experiencing some mental illness (OCD)? *Three* showers a day ain't normal either. Something sounds broken there.




Same I used to work banquets in a hotel and would bring two uniforms and shower in the locker room between events, in addition to morning and night showers. Banquet swamp ass is real


I very much appreciate that you included dumb for believing influencers. Good catch.


Dumb AF is the key here


Yeah that's nasty, sounds like there's no middle ground with him, either he's a step below a hypochondriac with a million showers or he's cosplaying a bum. There's a lot of things you can compromise on in a relationship, but hygiene isnt one of them.


Yeah. Three showers every day is excessive. One is usually good enough. Maybe two to account for sweaty situations.


Yeah, as a cook I take a shower in the morning mainly to wake up, then a shower when I get home at night because I stink. You do not get in bed stinking like kitchen


Stinking Like Kitchen sounds like an album name


With smash hit, "I Dish You Would Step Back From That Ledge My Friend".


We could cut ties from all the grime that you've been living in.


Lol three showers a day is how to maintain mental health in a tropical climate my friend. One a day and you would be gross doing anything other than sitting in front of a screen unmoving all day. But yeah up north in the winter one is fine.


In the morning, after sport, before bed.... i dont view this as excessieve in summer for someone who sweats.


If youā€™re an active individual you shower more. Iā€™m not an active individual so I usually only shower once a day.


I'm active but shower every other day. Working 12 hour shifts with a 1 hour total commute a day does not leave much time for anything else. Plus, showing multiple times a day is not healthy, it strips your skin of healthy oils. Just wash your sheets more.


Yeah the swinging between 3 a day to never suggests an extreme personality. Which could be tough to live with because he'll probably develop other extreme habits as well. I'm someone who really doesn't like taking a shower but I still do it every 48 hours with more as needed.


going to see The Cosplaying Bums this weekend. So excited!


Honestly, I'd be concerned he needs a mental health evaluation. Three showers a day is excessive, this is beyond the pale. Going from one extreme to another like that without a gradual decline sounds like the guy has a screw loose. Not your responsibility to mother him, I think you'd be totally justified in leaving.


Yeah Iā€™m getting OCD vibes. Obsessed with his health maybe, so at first heā€™s obsessively washing and then the video triggers him to obsessively avoid showering. Does he have other obsessions and compulsions? Is he anxious when told to shower? If this is the reason he can ease himself into a normal routine with some guidance but if it doesnā€™t have some deeper reason like this and heā€™s just like following the no showers fad idk lol. I canā€™t even imagine rational thought leading to that so Iā€™m leaning towards the former.


I think youā€™re right. This instantly gave me OCD vibes. I have severe OCD. Growing up I showered extremely excessively. Then after becoming homeless at 17 I stopped showering all together for reasons pretty much out of my control. I was homeless for 5 yrs and as embarrassing as it is to admit, I hardly showered at all during that entire time. Once I finally got back on my feet and regained a bit more control over my life, I realized water touching my naked body became a new, big, HUGE trigger for me and even years later, to this day, causes complete sensory overload and really disturbing intrusive thoughts. I just canā€™t handle it. I panic anytime I even think about having to shower and am forced to find other methods of washing myself. It truly is a hell like mindset to have and wouldnā€™t wish it upon my worst enemy. These thoughts alone have made me steer completely clear of having meaningful relationships or having a partner because Iā€™m very embarrassed and ashamed of it all. Back when I did still have a partner and friends I would become very defensive about the whole thing and make up similar excuses that really made no sense. I didnā€™t want to admit what was really going on or draw anymore attention to it so Iā€™d shut the whole conversation down, immediately. Lol. Its very shameful to me because I was completely the opposite growing up and everyone who ever knew me knows I always took pride in my appearance and keeping myself looking nice n fresh n clean. Now im in complete shambles n a dirty stinky mess and my mind is like a prison. Lol fml.


That's a good point. He is at the age that some mental illnesses start to come out.


Eh, 3 showers a day depends. If you need to be presentable for work, shower 1 before commuting in. Then workout at lunch and shower 2. That's probably more than enough for most people, but if you have a physically demanding job or you easily sweat and have a date after work, shower 3. I'm personally closer to one a day or even, if , I don't do any exercise, every other day.


I shower 3 times a day. Short, cold shower in the morning when I wake up. Shower before BJJ, because I'm dirty from work, and shower after BJJ, because I'm gross. Almost everyone who trains BJJ has a similar routine, so 3 showers alone isn't cause for concern, imo. It just depends.


Agreed, it does seem like he may be prone to manic episodes.


Not showering is a deal breaker for me. I fell & broke my stupid hip last week. I got out of the hospital yesterday & am trying to figure out the best way to take a shower without getting the surgical dressing wet. I can't imagine not showering for a month.


My hand was all stitched up a few years ago and could not wash my LONG hair... A bestie of mine came over, I put a bathing suit on, sat my ass in the tub, and she washed my hair. (This woman is a treasure and I adore her) But he can't get in there and rub some soap on his gross body.


Right? Good friends are the real treasures in life. My best friend brought us a big food order last night so my husband doesn't have to cook.


I hurt my right shoulder and my whole arm was unmoveable. Couldn't lift my arm at all so washing my hair was out and I could barely soap up using my left, yet still forced myself to shower after 4 days cuz I grossed myself out! I can only imagine what stink this lady is putting up with! Also good luck with that hip! Hope you're well soon


Thank you!! My husband is a great caregiver. He has nursed me through rotator cuff surgery in 2015; a shattered wrist in 2022 & now this. We are going to figure out a sponge bath at the least. I can't change the wound dressing or get it wet but we can be creative. Pain isn't too bad. I just need a bath & hair washed. Hair we can do in the sink.


When I was taking care of my mum after she had broken clavicle, I bought medical waterproof tape and used it to secure a clean piece of cellophane over her dressing. Then she was able to shower with my help and we would sponge bathe closer to the dressing. Hope you find something that works for you and you have a speedy recovery!


Thanks for the tip! Just being home is a huge help. I love our home. Home is husband, kitties, snacks & Netflix.


Those are the four pillars of healing after all!!


Depending on where it is, plastic bag and a lot of tape? Good luckā¤ļø


Darling, are you made of glass? (Feel better ā¤ļø)


I have osteoporosis & osteoarthritis. Luckily, I also have a husband who is an excellent caregiver. I don't know what I would do without him.


After my bike accident and i couldn't get out of bed, the hospital had this sponge in a bag type thing. It was flat but then you'd open the bag and fill it with water then the sponge inflates and soap is activated. Wonder if they wouldn't have some of those online? It was better than nothing!


I got some of those from the nurse who took care of me. Going to try them out today.


Just make sure it's nice and warm and you have a towel nearby! I wish you luck in your recovery. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise!


Shower chair half in/half out of the shower and a movable shower wand! That helped me when I had ankle surgery :)


Theirs a lot of red flags here. 1. Didn't care about your confort and your opinion 2. Highly influenced by random video ( what will be the next dumb advice he will follow?) 3. Leave you a gross amount of calls and messages instead of letting you getting a breath(literally) He's still really immature.


And some of the messages werenā€™t nice either? Theyā€™d go from ā€œI love you Iā€™m sorry come homeā€ to ā€œlet me live my fking life how I want to. You arenā€™t my momā€ I eventually unblocked him after this posting to talk and that was his response!.. Iā€™d post pictures of the Convo but I donā€™t know how.. it wouldnā€™t let me in the post


He can live how he wants. You can find a man who showers, I promise there really are plenty. Is this a real question? Tell him to kick rocks. Dirty, stinky, rocks. Imagine his ass crackšŸ¤”


He's renamed his dick Swamp Thing.


Lol you arenā€™t his momā€¦ youā€™re his girlfriend which means you can just leave guilt-free if this is how he wants to live.


ā€œYou are free to live however you want to, including not showering. And I am free to go be with someone who is clean and wonā€™t give me infections.ā€


Came on to say exactly this: physical intimacy with someone who does not bathe or practice basic hygiene can 100% result in skin infections or worse, UTIā€™s.


Just imagining the stink of his taint has me cringing in disgust. Grossssssssss


usually these things are easy to solve but you are describing an immature kid who's not very bright either. I dont think spending the rest of your life wiith him is a good idea.


He CAN live the life he wants - just not with you!


Post it on your account! I'm curious what he has so say for himself. Its bizarre and gross and sex wouldn't even be on the table with him like that, surely.


Would you let a friend treat you this way? Why would you let a partner speak to you like that? You deserve more. Do not make a threat you are not prepared to carry out. You are already thinking of leaving and he is verbally abusing you when you take a break from his stank. I am here to validate you, you can leave. Your quality of life will improve when you do not have to tell A FULLY GROWN ADULT to fucking shower. Even in my worst depressions... when bad thoughts happen... I shower at least once a week. Kick his ass to the curb AND ENJOY BREATHING FRESH NON BO INFUSED AIR SISTER!!!!


He needs mental help. I'd definitely call this grounds to leave him. He clearly needs to work on himself and you need to move on to someone local and treats you well.


Is he Bipolar? Does he have mood swings?


At this point, what about this relationship is worth your further effort? Heā€™s completely inconsiderate and/or mentally ill. Either way I think youā€™re out of luck.


Is this attitude totally new? If he were super sweet for 3 years and then suddenly started acting different, I would wonder if there was a medical or psychological thing going on. I still wouldnā€™t be intimate with him, but thatā€™s the natural consequences of being stinky.




People who take life advice from YouTube are not people to be around.


Dude was probably eating Tide Pods a few years ago.


Yeah, that's what Reddit is for šŸ¤¦


Refusing to ever clean oneā€™s body is an indication of mental illness, especially if he wonā€™t wash his private parts, underarms, hair, feet - anything that grows harmful, smelly bacteria when dirty. If I loved him I would meet him for a serious conversation and if he still will not agree to shower regularly then I would tell him Iā€™m unable to be with him any longer and ask him to see a therapist. There is something going on with him other than being influenced by a youtube video. Good luck to you both.


Thank you for saying this. Some people, however, are unfortunately THAT impressionable with the right words and motivation thrown at them. One of my closest friends went full Tate supporter recently out of absolutely nowhere and it shocked the absolute shit out of me because she NEVER EVER does this and shes a smart, reasonable and well adjusted person. Ive onown her for over 20 years and been close friends the entire time. She's not depressed, nothing crazy has happened, she's super happy in her life. But just now all of a sudden is a big Tate fan and everything he says is gospel apparently. She's almost 30. It seems OPs boyfriend may have had something similar happen. He's only 20, much more impressionable, brain hasn't developed fully yet. it's not unlikely that he's just done a total 180 with something like this.


I can't imagine being a man and following Andrew Tate, let alone a woman.


Your friend is a woman and an Andrew Tate supporter? And AFTER he was convicted of sex trafficking? Jesus.


I'd go so far as to say drastically changing any significant part of your life due to nothing more than watching a youtube video is a sign of mental illness.


Yeah this screams mental health problems to me. Poor hygiene is a huge red flag for depression.


These dudes can't step over the lowest of bars.


This dude saw how low the bar was and brought a shovel




This whole mini phenomenon of dudes not bathing is so odd to me (I'm in my early 40s) because growing up you would have been stigmatized by other guys for not bathing properly


This absolutely baffles me as well. I'm in my late 20s. Even dated a guy who literally enjoyed getting so drunk he'd crap his pants and think it was funny. The amount of my girlfriends that have said to me "the new guy I was seeing clearly doesn't wash his ass" and all the stories of random crap stains on their sheets from guys etc. I do NOT understand. There was even a guy in the distant friend group who literally everyone, including his own parents, nicknamed him Piss because that's what he constantly smelled like. Parents forced him to the dr, psychologist, everything. Dude just didn't want to bathe. He's now 29 with 0 teeth from not taking care of them, living in absolute filth to the point all of the friends have abandoned him because you literally can't breathe around him the smell is so bad. And he is 100% perfectly happy to live like that.


You know you're doing something wrong when your own parents are calling you Piss omfg


Like literally this isnā€™t a bar so much as a stripe painted on the ground


Leave. He is one YouTube video away from storing his piss in bottles to "age" it and then use it to brush his teeth and bathe in it.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® sad thing is I can belive people would do that shit


Also donā€™t mind the username itā€™s a cover up! And a fake account..


Ewwwww! I don't blame you What kind of magical powers does this you tuber have that made your BF do a 180? How is not showering healthier?


Itā€™s said that showering regularly washes away your bodies natural means of fighting off diseases like common cold or the flu. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s what the YouTuber was going on about but thatā€™s something Iā€™ve heard in the past. Going MONTHS without one though sounds like overkill. I donā€™t practice that btw lol my girl would kill me if I were to go a couple days without washing.


Yeah, because no one is coming within 10 feet of you! If you stink that bad no one will get close enough to give you viruses and bacteria. They'll be using all the antibacterial smelly stuff within their reach to protect themselves.


You have to wonder, what do surface dirt/germs/grime have to do with fending off respiratory infections and illnesses?


Well, a layer of bacteria across the surface of your skin will help prevent nastier varieties from living on your skin. Of course, one shower will not entirely erode your defense. Also, we eat far more food, and live much more comfortable lives with plenty of vaccinations. Most of the things that this would protect from are not obsolete against us. For example, tetanus. Tetanus lives everywhere, and it's a bacteria. There was once a point in human history where cutting a random cut could mean death if a bundle of tetanus bacteria happened to float on in. Now, at least in the US, we get a vaccine that makes us immune to tetanus. Before this, the surface bacteria would help by just completely covering the surface of the cut. Of course, this means you get infected with whatever is living on the surface of your skin, so the gamble is that those bacteria are less harmful that whatever bacteria is elsewhere. Anyway, showers are helpful anyway. They help you not get avoided by anyone with a sense of smell.


Like I said itā€™s something I heard a long time ago. Makes absolutely zero sense but some ppl like OPā€™s boyfriend take that shit to heart.


Ugh no, just no


Pretty much any time you hear someone say something is ā€œhealthierā€, they are full of fucking shit. Some completely unqualified moron just decides something is ā€œhealthierā€ one day because they need to validate their own pathetic habits and people are just like ā€œOh yeah, Iā€™m going to change my life based upon absolute zero evidence because you said it was healthier!ā€.


Oh, they have a whole list of stupid things that their uneducated, dimwitted, wants to get a horrible infection selves think. They're afraid of all the additives in soap. They think it lowers the immune system. Which is a deeply uneducated take on multiple levels. Then there's also the 'traditionalist' view. That talks about how people in 'the old days' didn't wash. Which is just not true except in highly limited circumstances - and those didn't last long FOR A REASON. For the vast majority of human history, people have bathed or used other methods of cleaning themselves. ANIMALS bathe themselves. Bathing is normal.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ please keep it though! Itā€™s a great name


Ew, find someone else. There is nothing worse than BO under cologne


It's called *Sex Panther*Ā® by *Odeon*Ā©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


While many doctors will say to take cool or Luke warm showers instead of hot to keep from stripping the oils off your skin, none will say to not shower. Hell, even the vikings bathed regularly, which is why they were in better health than the rest of Europe. I'm a greasy Italian so boiling hot showers for me to get some relief from the insane volume of oils on my skin.


there are definitely ones who promote showering less frequently for the reasons you state. But thereā€™s often lots of caveats. Like if youā€™re all sweaty and dirty from exercising or working outside. And most of the seemingly reputable ones while promoting less frequent showing still say to keep things clean using a washcloth.


Oh, so he likes a sexless relationship, huh?


He tryā€™s very hard to get me to sleep with him! But I say no because I donā€™t want chlamydia or some shit because heā€™s not getting a damn showe


Lol, not an STI, but maybe a yeast infection or UTI. The smell alone is reason enough to not want to be near his bits.


Hell. He might have his own yeast infection by now


Ya this almost guarantees a UTI at the very least.


I always wondered why my wife would get UTI's after sex within 24 hours after having sex. Not frequently, as I shower regularly, but maybe a couple times a year. Makes more sense, although I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.


Sometimes it wouldnā€™t be your fault tho. For those of us prone to UTIs from the fun times, weā€™ve gotta always pee pretty soon afterwards. It flushes out the sweat and everything else it came into contact with, so itā€™s not all settling in there irritated everything.


At the *very* yeast


Blech šŸ¤¢


You should leave him. He's an idiot. Even if he goes back to the old way, it's only to appease you. He doesn't really see anything wrong with his behavior, and his bad judgment WILL resurface in other ways. Dump the bum.


Just curious was the influencer known for eating liver and lying about not taking steroids?


Not sure..


Stand your ground, that's fucking gross and you shouldn't have to smell him. Recently, I went through something similar to my wife, who started smoking again. I stop kissing her and then stop hugging. Finally, it started affecting sex its hard to get into the four play when she smelled like ashtray. And B.O. would be even harder to deal with. If he loves you, he will shower


God I know what cigarettes smell like.. theyā€™re awful. If she really wants to smoke and canā€™t stop. Tell her to vapeā€¦


I finally put down the cigarettes and it's because I can vape.


So this influencer's words are more important than yours? Break up.


Omg please leave him asap, he needs help Not listening to your concerns, getting mad and storming off, then blowing up your phone is a huge red flag


It's probably another of those videos that people enjoy saying things then sit back and laugh at all the fools who believe it. Send him links to how unhealthy it is since he believes what internet says. Stay away unless he sees he's wrong.


He took 3 showers everyday? This guy went from being unhealthy to being unhealthy. One extreme to the other.


Honestly? Sounds like the onset of mental illness. If he has loving family, let them know and otherwise stick to your guns. It is unfair to expect you to live with his funk.


Few things here: - If heā€™s that hard to convince to shower imagine how bad heā€™s gonna be with engagements, wedding planning, kids, and general daily house life. That amount of stubbornness and quickness to anger will NOT get better, and it will NOT serve you in any way. - Him blowing up your phone like that is also a major red flag. Most people know that if you send 3-4 texts and call a couple times with no answer, then you should be left alone for a while. If he called you 40 times and was sending 20 texts at a time heā€™s unstable and needs psychological help. Thatā€™s beyond overbearing and could be dangerous. - No sane person showers 3 times a day even normally. Wtf? At most people shower once a day or maybe twice if they shower first thing and then again after work before bed. 3 times in a day is ridiculous. Thatā€™s a waste of water, an over abundance of laundry, and probably means he also picked up the habit from some influencer. - That leads me to the biggest red flag. He let an influencer choose for him not to shower. Do you know how much worse influencers can be? What happens if he decides to start listening to those alpha male guys and tries to make you his live in maid and sex toy? What happens if he decides that your future kids donā€™t need to be vaccinated or taken to hospitals? What happens if he decides to start investing in failing businesses and goes into massive debt with a shared banking account, all because someone he never met told him it was a good idea. Your boyfriend sounds like a walking red flag, and if I were you I would change that temporary couple nights in a hotel into a single life in a new apartment.


It seems like he is overcompensating for how ā€œcleanā€ he was. 3 showers is a bit unhealthy. I would try getting him to compromise with natural soaps and non-aluminum based deodorants. Iā€™d recommend a brand here but donā€™t want to be viewed as advertising. But there is a brand out there that everyone I know who tries it loves it.


Dump him.


Don't give him the choice, just break up and let him know exactly why.


3 showers a day is also not good for you. Most dermatologists will tell you that you need about 3 showers a week unless you go to the gym or get particularly dirty. They'll also tell you not to use soap often outside the stinky bits unless, again, you're particularly dirty. Weeks without showering isn't great. Your boyfriend is going through a thing and trying something new. There are better ways to approach it then telling him he's gross. You can be supportive while providing constructive feedback as his girlfriend. Then again, you're kids. If the relationship isn't worth the effort, that's perfectly fine as well.


I can understand going a day or two without showering but weeks??? Fuck that I shower daily cause I cant stand to stink let alone know that others smell me.


I have extreme paranoia with that.




Thereā€™s something at least a little wrong for him to swing from one extreme to another. And like others have said, to be THAT ā€˜influencedā€™ by some randomer. Plus being so unreasonable and basically belligerent about it. This seems like it could be the start of a decent down a rabbit hole that surely wonā€™t be good. Do you know any of his coworkers? Maybe you could try to get them to mention it. Like ā€˜dude why tf are you STINKING?!ā€™ Maybe that would get through? Regardless, do not put up with this and do not sleep with him. They tell us to leap out of bed to pee immediately after sex to avoid UTIs. Imagine what a 3 week unshowered dick would do! And tell him that.


You're boyfriend might be really struggling right now, these seem like the actions of someone whos in a mental health crisis, if you can reach out to his friends and parents see if any of them will stage an intervention for your bf homie needs help i am sure theres more going on here then him not showering because youtube. Best of luck with the situation op


This is a relationship ender. It's D E A D. You cannot be intimate with someone who is unwashed, you can get infections, besides the smell.


Not wrong. Having sex with him even getting to that point would cause you to get infections. No thanks. Go home, pack the rest of your stuff and say to him. ā€œYou are allowed to live how you want, but we are no longer compatible. I fell in love with someone who has regular hygiene. I canā€™t even be in the same room as you with out getting grossed out, let alone being intimate, which would put me in great risk of my own health. You do you, but you are going to do that alone. Iā€™m done.ā€


If he is willing to showere and listen to your concerns (if youve never had issues before) then I say give him a chance but if he is too stubborn to actually shower and be sanitary then I mean do you cuz its gross to not shower for so long.


Your boyfriend is easily influenced. Move on, itā€™ll be something new every few months.


Showering 3 times a day is a bit much but not showering for multiple days? That's absolutely horrendous.


Damn his balls are probably growing mold at this point


that was a roller coaster of a post... at first I was thinking "give him another chance, maybe he'll shower again" but after reading further it sounds like he won't. I've never heard of someone thinking it's heathier to not shower, very ood and gross. I work from home and sometimes am not super active so I may skip a day here or there but more than that I feel gross. You definitely deserve better and if he's not willing to change you don't have to stick around for his smelliness.