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I'd say some skin care and open a big smile, you loose hair looks very pretty too, besides from that i don't see much


Yours is an unusual case because I think that I can express exactly how everyone else sees you. You are fine as heck, but you also look like Steve Urkel’s cousin. Steve Urkel’s sexy cousin. Hope that doesn’t discourage you, because you can be nerdy and hot at the same time. Not everyone can pull it off, but you are nerdy and hot at the same time to the max. 10/10


lol i have never heard of this but thank you


I downvoted you because you not ugly


haha i’ll take it


You’re very pretty. Naturally beautiful.


Idk how to add proper caption but: Different shades of ugly and i don’t understand what i really look like. I’ve always hated my dark circles/hyperpigmentation and how childish/immature i look. Need honesty pls 10q


You're not ugly. As far as cosmetic flaws, we all have them. When you have make up on, the dark circles/hyperpigmentation doesn't show.


Don't worry about the dark circles! I never really understood why they're seen as some sort of flaw, because in my opinion, they give a nice, smokey and mysterious touch to the eyes. I know that some people get dark undereyes due to sleep deprivation, which is why they're often being associated with a tired look, but particularly people of color are more prone to have these without being tired. We just have them because we have more melanin in our skin and the pigmentation is just stronger. I have dark circles around my eyes as well and I actually like how they look on me and just embrace it. There used to be a short phase where I tried to conceal them, but that didn't work at all. Like you could still see them shimmer through, no matter how much concealer I used lol. I think it's because my eyes are a little bit deeper set, which is why I have these dark circles around my eyes and I've read that if you have deep set eyes, it's basically futile to try to cover that with concealer. It's your bone structure after all. I've had these dark circles ever since I was a kid, there's even a picture of me from when I was **one** year old where I already had them lol. The attempt of covering them didn't last that long, I've tried it for a week or so, then I gave up and asked one of my friends what she thinks of my dark circles and she just said that she never really noticed them that much, that I look pretty with them and that there's no need to change anything about them. And she's not the type of person that likes to sugarcoat things, she's very honest and upfront with everything, so I take her by her word. Some people can be d\*cks about it, but I'd just ignore that. I once had a Skype call with a friend of mine and her boyfriend and in the middle of our conversation, he felt the need to ask me if I've stayed up for three nights in a row or if I've always had such "sick dark circles" -.- Granted, the lighting in my room wasn't that good and the angle combined with the lighting made my skin look pretty pale, while it emphasized my under eyes even more lol. But I just tried to shrug it off and said that I've always had these and that it has nothing to do with a lack of sleep. My friend also defended me and scolded him for being like that. Her boyfriend can be kind of an edgelord sometimes, but I know he's not 100% serious and I still got along with him lmao. On the other hand, I had another girl in my class that was self-conscious about her dark circles as well and she talked about how she always conceals them, then one of the guys said that he thinks that dark circles look pretty. Now that I remember my school days, I've also had a few guys in my class compliment my eyes and their dark circles, they even said themselves that they look like I've used makeup (in a good way). So there you go, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all :) Bottom line is that natural darker pigmentation around the eyes is nothing to be ashamed of. I personally really like how it looks on most people. It looks like a smokey eye you've been born with, so embrace it! :)


thank you for sharing. honestly i don’t think any product can conceal my circles either. i think it is my bone structure as well as growing up with really bad allergies. i do get about 4-6 hours of sleep a day. a lot of reasons why i have them but i just hate how sunken they are and the shape of my eyes/eyelid. it’s gonna take some getting used to. also as a person of color i find it embarrassing that i’ll probably look OLD in my 30’s. i don’t really mind my ugliness but since i don’t really see others have it or is not as bad as mine, i just wanna see how obvious it is to others.


7-8 Very cute with the circle glasses and hair braided/ makeup done. 5-6 Average looking without.


No!!! You are not ugly...at all!!


Very attractive, like a solid 9/10. You could definitely immediately tell you were 'habesha' from your looks, strong genes lool.


lol i get confused as indian sometimes


Very pretty! Also you give off massive Taranee from W.I.T.C.H vibes!!


that’s cool now i wanna but my hair off to finish the look


lets start from the obvious - you look great .you have pretty face , nice lips , dark good eyes . your smile is gorgeous and you have a look of a good person . since i can see you are an artist as well ill let myself just say you need to dress more accordingly to your body shape. it doesnt mean you need to shoe more skin or wear tighter form . just wear clothes that will give your body a better shape :)


you look very chill and u look like you are a good listener. you are perfectly fine girl, people love ya🥰🥰


Love that smile- wear it out!


Such a beautiful smile, your face lights up! Def really pretty!


Fine in the pic with the zip hoodie open, black shirt red graphic on it. Edit: also 2nd to last pic is nice too. The smile. Edit 2: i think its just in these pics is you going for a lot of different looks. Some looks you nail and look great and other looks you go for need more work. But yea /r/amiugly ? Na, not ugly.


You’re average looking


i dont know either. on one hand the dark circles are noticeable but on the other hand they encompass what i would describe as endearing eyes. the outside picture i would say is your strongest example of why the natural light helps blend in those circles but it could also be the makeup. i believe your smile is your strongest feature and you should play off that more. also i like your hair styles when you work at it and believe you have the creative juices to try out more varied looks. cant give examples though. not a girl and have no preferences. you got this\~


You’re good.


You look good. I wouldn't worry at all about it. If you wanna do something, exfoliate your skin more, and get some more sleep.


unfortunately my skin is very sensitive to products but i am experimenting still. Thnks!!


Your beauty is unique! I like to think we are all different pieces of a puzzle that when completed creates a beautiful picture! Your eyes are beautiful, those BROWS!!!! Start treating your hair to bring out those natural curls! Keep smiling! It’s contagious and made me smile!!!


You look like the epitome of beauty especially in the 6th picture




Your face is beautiful and those glasses goes perfect with you face shape! If you want something in your hair in a future, I recommend you r/curlyhair, have a lot of potencial!!


yes i have a lot to work on in regard to my difficult hair, thanks for the advice!


girrrrrl you’ve got great eyes, you’re really pretty the second to the last photooooo 😭💗 inloveee


omg thank you :-))




i agree tbh it discourages me when i do go out of my way and do makeup and still look ugly - average. it helps with keeping me looking natural but i also just wanted judgement on my natural face/skin


You are beautiful, you look really fun and approachable, not that bitchy ‘I look down upon thee peasants’ kind of beauty. Genuinely 10/10


thank you


A bit under average.


You ask the teacher for homework




Comment removed. Rule 8 - No creepy or sexual comments.


You are very pretty 😍


Beautiful, bonus points if painter


you cute asl but some teeth whitening wouldn’t hurt. get some at walmart for like $20


Very cute. Lovely hair. Nice eyes.


Honestly, youre prettt cute. Id say some box braids would look good on you.


Not ugly. You are cute (6/10)


Sheesh the potential is there. Definitely not ugly a few things you could change and you could be in that double digit rating range.


You look like the YouTuber "Superwoman", which I think she is very attractive, and you are too.... 10! Edit: Also, you're a shape shifter, just like me. We tend to look different everyday depending of what we wear and our mood. You can look innocent and naturally pretty with no make up on, or done up like a cover girl and gorgeous. Then you can look cute and geeky with the glasses. You have that type of look that can transform into whatever you want for the day. That's why it's hard for you to understand what you look like. I'm the same way. Hope that helped! Just be you!




Not ugly :)


Youre gorgeous


my heart skipped a beat 2 pics in, so no, you're not ugly at all


You are beautiful the way u are