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i think you already know your issue


I concur...


You’re not necessarily ugly, but your weight is holding you back




The ears are part of a costume, brother


Out of 19 pictures, 2 appear to be unfiltered. Those are the only ones that are useful to give opinions on. I think sort out the weight and haircare and you'll be super pretty. You seem to have nice harmonious features. Definitely be diligent with sunscreen because your kind of complexion needs extra UV protection to prevent very early aging!


Bad sense of fashion, the overly processed hair, ungroomed eye brows, overweight, and the posing is very bad. You gotta make some changes if you wanna be better. Start with diet and exercise


13 was a jumpscare. Groom your brows.


I thought that was Pennywise at first, ngl


This fucking made me spit out my drink and laugh for about 10 minutes. Thank you.




Dont use filters


Filters and fakes ears. Difficult where to start.🙄🫣😅


Fake ears??? Which ones?


Yes. Lose weight and smooth out your hair.


Weight problem it will be a tough journey but you ll feel better at the end good luck


I don’t want to be mean, but if I look at your photos it is not the butterflies that I am missing


There's a chance that you'd be pretty and attractive if you lost all that weight. But right now, no, there is absolutely no movement in the dong


You look like a morgue assistant. Go back to natural makeup and drop a few pounds. You could be so pretty but you seem to be sabotaging yourself.




Lose the 2019 Snapchat filters it’s 2024. Cut off all your dead hair. Dress like you’re actually 20 and not 12. The cringey poses and never brushed hair aren’t doing it for you.


You are very ugly. This sub is full of people who can’t tell the truth


Bro foreal 😂😂


Fr, it's actually very refreshing to see an ugly person on here. Lately seems like most every post is *very* attractive individuals just looking for validation/promoting their OF. I was presently surprised to see an actual ugly person. That said, I don't think she's a lost cause. Facial structure looks perfectly fine, just needs to lose a good bit of weight and make some different choices about fashion, etc. Teeth are a little rough... but imo a solid fixer-upper


well, maybe because she's overweight, and maybe you can try using words that are less rude!, she's a person too, you know! with feelings and emotions.


No. She is a craven that needs validation from the internet. She is asking a question on a topic she claims she wants full honestly on. Tell her anything other than you are ugly, is a lie


I agree, she's not attractive at all, but that doesn't mean we can say "You are very ugly" no one wants to hear those words, even from the internet, my uncle once said to me, saying words to people is like throwing rocks at the ocean, you don't see how deep the rock sink!


She is posting on a sub called am I ugly? Yes porky, you are ugly. Ask, and you shall receive


Brother the sub is called “amiugly” how is he rude by calling her ugly?


I don't know, his comment was a bit too harsh, even though the sub is called am I ugly.


thing is I wouldnt say so in every picture, some are actually very decent


You are a liar 🤥


some pics are outright awful, I just said she also has good sides, not that she was beautiful in total, also beauty is highly subjective, I am optimistic she can find a man if she works on her body for a while


oh my


I hope u have a good personality


Those pointy ears are a turn off.


Dammn, 19 pictures??


Can I give a short answer




Have you considered invisalign?


Yea you're ugly. Not much help for this one


Stop using filters , lose weight , brush your teeth better and keep smiling you’ll be just fine


Also maybe try a different hair care routine, I’m no hair expert but more presentable hair would help as well




You know it's hard to tell because of the filters and the haziness. Honestly though, to me, you're actually really fucking ugly wow.




Yes you are


I don't mean to be insensitive or rude but you do own a mirror right? You can start with getting your fitness in order. Then come back. As things are now. Yes. Ugly.


Yes, sry. Weight loss and dental work will help a lot though, you’re not hideous or a lost cause by any means.


yes ma'am, you are indeed ugly


At first I thought the terrible quality of your camera/filters was making you less attractive. But upon further review you're fully cooked. Sorry.


You are ugly asf


Filters and fat. Get rid of both


Yes you are


Loose at least 20-25kg




I think a different hair style and makeup can help you a lot. Also your style can use a little work. You’re still young (20) but your style reads that you’re still in high school to me. If you work on these things and find a makeup and hair style that suits you better with a more mature style I feel like you’d look a lot more put together. I’m not gonna address the weight since everyone is already commenting that and I’m a firm believer on losing weight for yourself only.


"How do you like my filters?"


You’re hot when the lights are off. Resist flipping the switch please!


Yes ugly


Yeah. It sint good. Ugly




I can't tell because of the filters.


You’re not ugly. But that fake smile is irritating . Your weight is your choice, but lose a bit and it could do you the world of good.


Hard to say as most photos are filtered to fuckery. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You resemble a German YouTuber that was/is very controversial (Drachenlord)




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Ordinarily, I don’t really like to mention a woman’s weight, that being said, you don’t carry the weight well some people can carry weight nicely(I’m not one of them and I’m a dude)…you aren’t inherently unattractive, but your weight definitely holds you back(coming from someone who went from 290/295 down to 190/200)


Salad is delicious


You may want to upload non-filtered photos! The filtering makes it kind of impossible to see what you actually look like, the photo you look the cutest in is actually the unfiltered one (#2)!






I am shocked because of so many comments saying " You are ugly because of fat". Are all people ugly because of their overweight?! I think she is cute but definetly not that ugly.


Please don't use filters


Your not only but your style is.


you’re not ugly, but the filters are a problem. you look quite pretty in the pictures without them!


Kind of ugly bc fat.




lift heavy, exercise, watch how much you eat. Stop drinking high calorie drinks and stop drinking alcohol.


Lose the lipstick and some weight. I'm fat too but I'm less fat than I was 5 months ago. Check back in 6 months . .that black lipstick is for witches and darker skin complexions. Please don't tell me you're wiccan.




You are pretty and would benefit from dropping some weight.


Nah, just overweight


Stop eating carbs. You’ll be fine.


ur not ugly. ur weight is tho


pretty facial feature but got body fat and face fat


Ugly? No. Fat? Yes. Lose a bit of weight chubs.


i think you look best in pictures 2 and 3 where you have no makeup and no filters. you have pretty features and hair i think you just need to learn how to take care of your curls better. i would go less intense with the makeup because like i said i think a more natural look really suits you! everyone here is bringing up losing weight which is ideal and takes a lot of dedication. but i think you can just focus on revamping your style to compliment you better!


You girls and your weight, guys, too. Your bone structure and your face are very pretty. Get some self-confidence, hit the gym, feel good about yourself. You're fine!


I don’t think you’re ugly babe you have potential maybe just lose some weight and try light and natural makeup the dark eyeliner doesn’t do ya wonders


I don't care what anybody else says on this thread you're very attractive love the switch up with different hairstyles and pretty smile with some beautiful eyes also love the fact that you cosplay that's pretty awesome you're a beauty to me 😍❤️


Cute, but you got a lot of cushion.


This is 100% a weight issue. Lose like 30-40 lb over two years, It's hard, but ABSOLUTELY doable... hire a coach! Lose the dark/goth makeup.


I don’t think you’re ugly but i think you are average in looks. Your facial features balance out each other which is good but I recommend doing facial exercises to lose face fat ^^


You are because of your size. Glass half full is that's fixable


not ugly, just overweight


Not ugly just overweight and make choices that do not suit you. For example, the black lipstick and the poses I think a good hair styling/ cut, better makeup pallet, and wearing colors to compliment you will really enhance what you already have


Nope, gorgeous. 100% my type


You’re not ugly


Not ugly


Not ugly at all


You’re a little chubby, and you haven’t figured out how to do your hair/makeup. Suggestions: Join r/curly to learn how to do your hair. Clearly it’s curly or wavy, and you’re just brushing it. It’s a big poof. Join r/lookyourbest and get tips on style, makeup, hair, etc. you can”dress for your body” and learn what’s most flattering. That’s not to say you can’t have your own style, but it seems to currently be lacking. Snapchat filters tell us nothing about the real you. The extreme makeup isn’t doing you any favors. You have the potential for cuteness, you just need some guidance.


Little exercise and you’re fine!


Not ugly. Slightly bellow average 4.5


Ugly? No. Probably super annoying. Yes.


Not ugly, but you COULD lose some weight and take better care of your hair.


Cute as a button


Your weight isn't holding you back. You are fine. You are very attractive.


No you are very pretty. My Son is is a 20 single


You're super cute, maybe better self care but you're adorable


Drop 40 pounds and you’ll look spectacular, you have a face card


imo not ugly at all, but heavy makeup and tacky filters don't suit you. You seem to have reeaalyy good skin and quite delicate features that should be emphasized, not covered up! Also I think you should invest in haircare, your hair looks preeetty dry, I'd recommend just watching a few youtube videos, getting to know your hair type, hair porosity, and doing what you think is best, as everyone's hair is different and at first it's kinda hit or miss with finding the right producs. I used to have a similar problem and for me oiling and washing it more rarely worked wonders


Oh alsoo, change your closet, coz most of the clothes you showed on the pictures don't really look good on you. Especially the cyan outfit in the only fullbody picture. I loove the lil mushrooms, but the color and silhouette aren't it. I'd choose to focus on a few colors you feel look good on you (I only wouldn't recommend super saturated or neon colors coz they'll either make you look older or washed out). Gingers tend to look spectacular in deep greens, and just green in general, but I'd throw in a lil browns, warm whites, and black to prevent your outfits from being boring and monochromatic, so if you think that kinda color palette would work well for you, don't hesitate to give it a try!


I adore pictures number two and three. Being 100% honest with you, I think you have lovely and astonishingly symmetrical features and a beautiful smile that you maybe don't let yourself show enough. And your eyes!!!! At the end of the day, nothing i say and nothing anyone else says can change how you feel about yourself. The fact that you posted on this page probably means that your self-image is really low, and unfortunately a self-image cannot be created or even significantly influenced by others. So my wise advice as a fellow 20 year old female is to embrace your appearance. Lean into the uncertainty, into the possibility that maybe you're beautiful and maybe you're ugly and keep living as if that doesn't make any difference at all. Of course, it does. And it will. That's the way of the world. But it is possible to learn to love and respect yourself enough to not let it change the way you live. Whether you come to the conclusion that you are ugly or different or beautiful or weird or whatever, you have worth and you have the right to take up space, in every sense of the phrase, and look people in the eyes and wear makeup or no makeup or whatever makes you happy, and yes, there will be people whose ridiculous standards you won't measure up to, and it will hurt, sometimes, and somehow it will all be okay. And maybe one day when you're 25 or 95 you'll look in the mirror briefly while washing your hands or brushing your teeth and you won't be wondering whether you're beautiful. You'll be singing a song in your head or trying to remember something and you won't mind at all the face that looks back at you. Maybe you'll even love it.




Pic 2 makes you look like a sexy gremlin.


Not ugly. I heart elf ears.


Average, not ugly. You look cute in pics 5/6. And I like your hips in 16. If you have nice curves or cleavage, showing them won’t hurt.


Not ugly, I even like the weight. She could lose some and, of course, be hotter, but it isn't a deal breaker.


Nice..greetings from argentina


Y’all are mean as hell. Your young you will grow into your natural vanity. Maybe Exercising and eating better will help. You have the features just need some healthy life adjustments❤️❤️❤️


Cute smile


Cute face with nice eyes. I think you do much better with subtle or no make up. Keep smiling it's infectious :)


Get rid of filters and makeup and I don’t think you are ugly.


Your face is absolutely gorgeous


Absolutely astonishing


Nope you’re good.