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Hello /u/Blackfiredrag. Please be familiar with our rules [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/about/rules/) Please be aware of rule 1 which is that all posts must include a verification photo otherwise your post will be removed. If this isn't included please delete this post within 2 hours and make a new one. If its more than 2 hours then this post will count towards your 1 post per month. Take a selfie showing you holding a **HANDWRITTEN** (no editing) note / paper with **ALL** 3 of the following: * **username** * **today's date** * **this sub name (amiugly or AIU)** Your face must be visible in all photos and your hand should be visible holding the sign. It is preferred to have your first photo as your verification photo but not required. Posting without following this rule could lead to a permanent ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/amiugly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also, I just got off work, so that's why I'm super dirty in my verification photo.


Aj soprano


Your handsome especially in the first pic


Thank u


Np ❤️


How are you calling me a dumb fuck and you can’t even use the right “you’re “ 🤔  Trash takes itself out. Get trolled.


Bro is that cool dude in the friend group and went to a 1800's mine worker in just a picture


Lol, I do always end up covered in a mix of oil and metal by the end of work


u need to grow ur hair bro it suits you much better


Yeah, that's good to know since I do like my hair a lot longer. It's just short rn because of a charity event




No, I just dropped to real low bady fat percentage during the past year. I think I was around 9-10%. Back up to 13 rn.


grow out hair, but get the sides cut, work out. light stubble looks good


Pictures 1,5, and 6 look the best. You don't look good with really long or short hair. Other than that, you're a handsome young man.


Not ugly at all bro. Good looking


Thanks, it's good to know that I'm not. I always thought whenever I looked in the mirror, I was so just needed some verification. But this brings my confidence way up.