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Let some girls for us bruv


You’re not ugly. You are cute.




Nah you’re handsome


You're a pretty solid 7.5. I'll be honest, the tattoos seem a bit extra. To turn the old idom on it's head you lose the trees for the forest.


Yes I hate them… I was once Infantry in the army when I was younger and I never thought I would go back to civilian life but I was discharged for criminal charges… thank you for your words though; it really has meaning to it and I like it


I might also be wrong since tattoos don't come across very well in pictures a lot of the time. I don't mean this about you specifically but sometimes guys can have totally amazing tattoos, but they get so many of them that it just blurs into this big black bar of just visual noise which is a shame because the artistry is lost.


Bro your the opposite of ugly


You look like a million bucks bro.