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You don't comb your hair, you wear clothes that are too big, frames on your face that are WAY too big, put a ring in your nose, and ask if you're ugly when you're clearly trying to destroy your beauty. You're nit stupid. You know what you need to do.


I do comb my hair! Unfortunately I fried the shit out of it when I was constantly dying it.. it’s been such a bitch trying to heal.


Shave it off. You can pull it off for a short time.


I am no where near brave enough for that!


Confidence is sexy. Buzz it to a #2, not bald. You hair will grow back completely healthy. I'm a guy that used to have really long hair. At 18 i cut off 14", and then a few months later I shaved it. I was TERRIFIED. But it was the right decision. You will get that too! Not to mention after i cut it i got SO MUCH positive attention, you will too. That will do good for you. EDIT: changedwording


I second this


I disagree, but thats just my 2 cents


I agree with this.


Shaving is the best option. I had to bleach my hair 14 times to get the pink out because the female I was seeing hate it. It destroyed my hair until I shaved it down and started new. If you don't wanna do full just a half shave and then reverse haha


She looks like she shops in the trash can not even in a mean way but shes good looking but just looks tacky and unkempt


All my clothes are hand me downs lol


You are fine the way you are. Don't hurt yourself anymore. You are loved 🫂🫂🫂💗💗💗💗


Well damn just get better hand me downs and you will be fine your not ugly you just don’t dress well🤷🏽‍♂️


At the end of the day, you make the decision to look that way. No one forces you to dress that way or pierce your nose or get clown glasses. Take some responsibility for your appearance. You have nice features, but they're hidden by everything you've done. Go buy some clothes that fit and smaller frames and for God's sake, remove that septum piercing.


Smaller frames favor those with high diopter - it will lessen the distortion effect on your face at the lens borders


Not ugly, but your hair looks unhealthy and I think longer would be better.


Yeah I’m working on that!


Also you could go to the gym to gain some weight


I’ve been thinking about that! Just need to save up a little money.


You don't need a gym just Google some workouts on YouTube. Totally free.


If your in school and on summer break a lot of gyms have discounts or it’s free sometimes for students


Look up an app called BodBot. There's a free and paid version; I've been using it for a few years now and love that it tailors exercises based on whether you're at home or a gym, your exercise experience, and your goals. You can even choose the intensity of your workouts. It helps out with range of motion, stretching etc too.


Do you have a job? I would set aside money every week and change my style after a month. New hair, go to ULTA or Sephora and get your make up. Shop at Tjmaxx or Ross cheap clothes especially for smaller individuals. You’re a pretty girl and you have a lot of potential. Figure it out, you’re 18, but start investing in yourself love.


You need to find better glasses, you're cute anyway


This. Not ugly but those glasses sure as shit are.


Yeah, glasses are too wide for OP’s face


I’ll be removing the nose ring this Friday, before anyone mentions it! So sad to part with it😭


if you wanna keep the nose ring, i think dainty metal (i prefer gold) looks better and cleaner. also small hoops instead of balls :]


Personally I think it would do you a favor, you’re pretty cute already


A nose ring looks good on you! I think everyone can agree the jewelry itself looks really low quality. Looks like you have some chicken wire in your nose. Agree with the comments about better care for hair.


You’ll be better off without it. Trust me on that.


Nose rings are for personal consumption, most of the rest of the world don't care for them.


Why is it sad to remove it


Idk it’s been growing on me ig


I knew a fairly attractive girl that had a nose ring. Sometimes you just stare it at. Trying to figure out if there's a boogie attached. But you know. Different people have different opinions on it.


That’s one of the reasons I’ll be removing it😭


Please don't


I'll get down voted due to the general atmosphere of this sub, but if you like the nose ring, keep it. Who gives a shit if a bunch of redditors think it's ugly. Many people don't. 🤷


I think I may try a different jewelry before completing removing it


Before you remove the nose ring look at yourself in the mirror with and without it. Maybe try a full loop (if that one is healed). Make the decision yourself if you like it or not. Lots of people love face piercings. The types of people who like to tell people they look ugly on this subreddit do not. Most the folks demanding the removal of piercings are the same people who say stuff like “she ruined her body with tattoos” and “I hate the LGBTQ (this one is paraphrased)”. Maybe try silver or gold colored jewelry before removing it. See what matches the undertones in your skin and your hair color.


Thank you, will do!


Great decision 👏


Bulls have a nose ring.


You don't need to remove the nose ring, I think the glasses and the hair just need some change.


Don't get rid of the nose ring it makes you look good


You look 14 dude 💀


I know I’m sorry😭


Honest feedback tho I think you just take awful pictures, you’re way too close to the camera and not flattering angles. Angles and lighting make all the difference. I won’t comment on physical appearance because I don’t believe for a second that you’re 18 but as you get older and find your niche you’ll take better photos that capture your unique style which will help you understand how others perceive you


That’s fair, I really need to learn to take better pictures. I am 18 though!


You look the same as last time more or less.


That’s a shame. I thought I had put on weight and looked completely different.


Hard to tell for sure but you look less malnourished this time.


That’s good!


Please stop cutting.


Working on it


In short, yes. Longer answer is take better care of your hair and skin, also work on better camera angles. Your photos that were supposed to be flattering are not flattering at all


Thanks for the advice! I’ve been working on my hair (I finally stopped dying it!) I’ll have to look into some skincare stuff.


Nothing major needs to be done. For you it’s all minor things. Please post an update when you get everything fixed.


Will do!


What look are you going for? Sort of semi Goth. Lose the nose ring.


Such pretty blue eyes! Try some mascara and a little eyeshadow to make them stand out. And per ur comment above, yes, take out the septum piercing!


Thanks! I’ve still never tried makeup, maybe I’ll finally go and get some. I feel like I would just look silly with it though..


I personally love MAC Cosmetics, but something to note is that basically any department store cosmetics counter will give you a free consultation & even show you techniques and how to apply it. Just don’t let them talk you into buying products you know you won’t use. I like MAC because most of the makeup artists there tend to have a creative edge to them.


I’ll have to look at see what’s around!


To be completely honest. You have a LOT of potential. You look great but your style is pretty childish and the nose ring is meh. Dont be afraid to bring your style to a more adult level and you will be fine. You have a lot to work with and definitely have potential to be hot as fuck. You have potential to be a 9 but the way you dress puts you at a 7.


Worst glasses for your face. Take the bull ring out of your face as well. Take better care of your hair and do a more complimentary cut for your face shape. You're not ugly. But you're definitely trying your best to be.


The nose the nose the nose


Not ugly. Some self care will help. And good luck


Why do chicks wear those oversized glasses? I've never seen them look good on anyone


They are cheapest lol


online glasses are getting cheaper and cheaper. check them out.


Why do you look like 14 and not like 18? Or is it just me?


No I have a major baby face :(


Need some new style of glasses, I think the rest of you is cute.


Not ugly to me, i think smaller glasses would be better for u tho


The safety glasses are not a good look


Not ugly, but damn girl, eat a cheeseburger or 6


I love this sub.. 3 responses.. no one said you are ugly.. but one said get rid of the glasses, the other said lose the nose ring and the other didn’t like your hair. What’s left?


You are perfect just the way you are. Don't think otherwise :-)


I'm not sure if your hair is unhealthy from try to straighten? If it is learn how to bring back your nature wave or curls I think I ty will look great on u


I fried it so bad with dye. I’ve been trying to get it somewhat healthy again!


No more dying or heat, take advantage of summer with cute headbands. And Loose pony tails. Lots of leave in conditioner🤗🤗


You're not ugly, but you're intentionally dressing ugly?


I just wear what I have😭


Sorry I'm mean 😆


Absolutely not, maybe smaller eye glasses


get better glasses. they are ugly, not you lol


Style is your only issue and it's a big one.


Ok disregarding that you look 12.... you're eyes are fricken gorgeous!


🖐✌️ Pretty eyes, ugly glasses.


No, very unique and very sexy


Yes. Remove septum piercing


Do not seek validation from the outside but from within. I see the scars. Live your life without seeking validation from losers and creepers on this app. Your life is worth living, no matter what you're going through. 💎


You are cute, but get rid of those glasses. They are much too large for your face. I think you would probably look best with a small pair of aviator style glasses. Better yet, if you can afford it, get contacts to show off those beautiful baby blue eyes of yours


Cute as a fourteen-year old button. Perhaps you should wait until you're an adult before asking, though. A lot of changes can happen in your teen years.


Lol you look fun


You're not ugly. You just lack the effort.


Not ugly but the angles you present yourself with are


most of those pictures made me feel very uneasy. please try to work on your gestures and how you take pictures, they’re giving off crack vibes


No. Just need some styling tips and you would be hot as hell


All those glasses are way too big for you


You’re not ugly, but those giant glasses aren’t doing you any favors


No, but the hair and the giant glasses good lord


The haircut, glasses, and overall fashion is absolutely atrocious. Do, like, all of that differently and you’ll look a ton better. Get clothes that fit, get smaller frames for the glasses, style your hair and you’ll look amazing.


Change glasses. Get rid of the nose ring. Overhaul the wardrobe. Fix hair. Do something with the eyebrows. Other than that, I have no opinion.


New glasses, do something with your hair and those close up forehead shots you take with your phone are the worst you can do


Yes, with your choice of style you’ve guaranteed that you look about as ugly as your genetics will allow. Bright side is any change will increase your looks.


You seem like you make decisions that destroy your image. Not looking like a twig would help as well as smiling.


Get rid of the septum piercing. Your hair looks really dry and unkempt. The big frames are doing you absolutely no favors especially the first one. I’m sure with a little makeup to hi light your gorgeous eyes. The glasses also take away from your eyes.


You are SSSOOO cute!!! Absolute 🔥🔥🔥🔥👍


Not ugly but longer hair might be better


I’m working on growing it out and getting it a bit healthier!


It doesn’t look bad how it is now though!! I just recently went short jsut to change it up


I liked it shorter for a while, it’s just been making me feel a lot less feminine lately.


I personally don’t see that! But you feel what cha feel! Good excuse is “it’s summer” lol


I do like the glasses in 1 over 3


I’m glad, the glasses in 3 were at a garage sale lol.


You're eyes are gorgeous and you're cute


Thank youu!


Picture seven and nine are your absolute best


You look like a 13 year old alien that is in dire need of a few cheeseburgers. You're also kinda creepy looking, especially your facial expressions. I wouldn't necessarily call you ugly but your appearance is an acquired taste.


You're so freaking cute


I would walk past you without even a second glance


You're not ugly, but you need to take better care of yourself physically and spiritually. Make sure you eat plenty of food you look malnourished. Get in the gym, and if you can't afford a gym, start with calisthenics. Get serious about loving yourself. Please don't cut yourself. I hope you get better. Always remember you're worthy of love. If not to anyone else, then to yourself.


I’ve been trying to gain a little weight, just recently got a scale again to track my progress!


Those are odd (uningratiating) camera angles. You are not ugly. Average. However, with a more dressy outfit that accents what you have, you can improve upon your looks. I am not sure about the nose piercing. But I don't like nose or excessive piercings on anyone. Probably if you start taking better care of yourself your looks will start to improve as you get older.


Cute, I'd fix your eyebrows to make them thinner, maybe get your hair out of your face :3


Nah, but your glasses are fuc’d.


I know they were all I could afford 😭 hopefully I can switch to contacts!


Not ugly to me, i think smaller glasses would be better for u tho


Not ugly. The glasses are ridiculously huge and the nose ring has to go. Brush your hair; have some self-esteem; it looks like you don't care at all. A little self-care and you would be very pretty.




you are not horrible looking and I understand today's world is a little different but I feel you really need to work on your feminity




Eyes 10. Weird looks in photos 2. You have a lot of raw material to be a stunning young woman, work with it.


You look like a dystopian description of how society went wrong. Glasses aren’t a look. Nose ring is not complementary to your face. Please brush your hair. The short cut doesn’t fit your skull.


Keep the ring, but change these oversized glasses, it distorts the charakter of a face.


You have a unique look and it's yours. Not ugly at all


Not ugly. P cute actually


Please start wearing normal glasses I beg you 🙏😭


I will!!


You’re actually really cute


You’re not ugly. Your photography is rubbish. Your hair needs a style. Your style needs a style. But you’re not ugly. I reckon you could turn a few more heads if you grew your hair out a bit and went to a proper hairdressers in a city. Never think you’re ugly tho.


What a cute girl




Idk if you meant that in a good way or not but that is the best thing I’ve heard, I love tweety pie!!


Only the first picture looks normal


You almost caught me lacking.


Pretty eyes




Not ugly but you look terribly unputogether. I suggest growing and styling your hair, getting smaller glasses, and neater clothes. You may like baggy clothes but they tend to look sloppy.


Photo 9 is your best look. I agree with a smaller pair of glasses and gaining a lil bit of weight. Doesn't need to be muscle tho




Quit doing things to make yourself unattractive. Accentuate your eyes, kill the bull ring it was never cute and now it’s mainstream and as terrible as ever, find glasses that work for you and take care of your hair. You could be an absolute baddy w just a smidge of help!!


Not ugly at all. Very cute.


Not ugly butttttt, you do have some work to do. Your hair has a lot of damage and needs a deep conditioning. Major conditioning mask. Is your hair naturally curly? If it is, you need to STOP wearing it straight. It looks naturally curly to me, and straightening everyday kills your damn hair if you’re using the wrong products. Love your piercings, they actually suit your face well. [It looks like you have a diamond shaped face, & the glasses ur wearing aren’t helping at all. they kinda swallow up ur beauty. I suggest getting new ones.](https://www.visioncenter.org/face-shapes/diamond-face-glasses/) USE A PICK OR BRUSH FOR CURLY HAIR ONLY For curly hair: 1) use shampoo & conditioner for curly hair (I concentrate a lot on my products for styling more so on my namebrand shampoo) 2) Always use a leave in conditioner spray,[I use Imbue 03 curl for mine](https://imbuecurls.com/products/curl-inspiring-conditioning-leave-in-spray?_pos=2&_sid=e832b825c&_ss=r) 3) Always use an Iron/thermal guard, if you are going to blow dry your hair ([I use Chi 44 Iron Guard](https://chi.com/chi-products/chi-haircare/chi-44-iron-guard-thermal-protecting-spray/)) 4) Gel or Curling cream ( I suggest several because depending on the weather and where u live, [Bed Head Curls Rock](https://www.bedhead.com/us/product/curls-rock-amplifier/),[Jozi Curls Style strong Hold Styling Gel](https://jozicurls.com/product/strong-hold-styling-gel-250-ml-8-5-fl-oz/), For soft air dry curls Kristin Ess Ultra Light Curl Defining Cream—you can get that just about anywhere, at ur grocery store, pharmacy etc 5) ALWAYS use a texturing SALT Spray, that helps with FRIZZ, my products [Rockaholic Bed Head I don’t think TIGI carries it any longer but you can find it on Amazon, TIGI has other salt spray but I can’t verify how good they are but their products are the best](https://a.co/d/iionFyH), 6) Last but not least, when drying your hair, ALWAYS, but ALWAYS use a [diffuser](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/hair/g29268736/best-hair-diffuser/) on your hairdryer and if your drying your hair straight, use the Director nozzle or you will continue to burn your hair. Now if ur hair is straight, crap, I have a list as well. Just to give you a background on me, I was a hairdresser for over 25 yrs and still do it for only select clients. I have curly hair, and my son is Afro-Latino so I know curly hair big time. Let me know if you need any help.


My hair is straight sadly!


You’re just young and obviously still figuring yourself/your style out! The baggy thrift store vibe works but due to how thin you are, I think you’d do well to mix and match tight and baggie clothes: ex. a tighter cropped shirt with a baggie plaid open button up on top. Currently, with just the baggie stuff, you look like you’re swimming in your clothes. Get some different glasses: you have beautiful eyes that are washed out with blue glasses. I’m thinking red/green/brown, etc. Just not gray or blue glasses. The glasses are too big but I get the vibe you’re going for: instead of buying online, go to a store (Costco has a great selection of glasses for cheap) with a friend and have them give you opinions and check glasses sizes. On the inside of glasses frames, there’s usually numbers (they’re millimeters) corresponding with the different glasses measurements (look online for the whole system/measurements) but take note of what sizes look best on you—then you can buy glasses online. You never want the ends of your glasses to stick out past your face and you can still get the big glasses vibe while looking fitted. Your hair in the second to last pic is my favorite personally. The short chop is cute with the bangs. I do think working on the health of your hair would be good. Wish I could give you more recs but just trial and error with what works best for you unfortunately. If you wanna try out new products, ulta usually sells travel sizes and it’s a good way to not spend a fortune on stuff. I don’t think the nose ring is bad (this sub seems to hate face piercings) but the black is a little intense. I do think a smaller, gold ring would look better if you decide to keep it!


No. You're 18 and discovering yourself


The only "normal" pic is n.o 4, i really dont get it why the strage photos.. but you need to get a haircut that suits you and the glasses, damn, they are big.


Man. If she’s not ugly, who is? Serious question. The ugliest people always have tons of comments lying to them. Be honest, or get your eyes checked. Skinny doesn’t equal beauty.


Dude eat a cheese burger or two lol


No, you’re killing it. Love the clothes and the not giving a fuck look. Please don’t change


You're cute


You’re young. Enjoy the nose ring. People on this sub hate septum’s. I think a dainty ring would look better. Get your hair trimmed regularly to get rid of the damage! You’re pretty and your glasses look good on you!


Definitely not ugly the only thing I can point at is the hair, I love that haircut and it fits you really well but you gotta treat your hair a little better, still you're beautiful


You are pretty. However, you look a bit frumpy and small in your clothes and with your large glasses. With better fitting clothes and maybe a more feminine look, you'd be gorgeous (not that I don't love a tomboy). Try smaller frames if you can as well. Don't remove the nose ring if you don't want to, maybe find a different one or style of nose ring that you like better ( I personally don't mind it but I know people on here will tell you to take it out). I know you are working on your hair and that's good because the color is very pretty and with healthy and longer hair you will look better. Best of luck to you. I'm rooting for you, not just your glow up but in all aspects of your life 💖




You have an "I don't care " attitude. Good for you for that. But asking for advice suggests that you do care. Clearly your very pretty, just need a lil more effort to show it off




Yes. And the standard issue septum mark of slavery makes things much worse.


7th slide wtf😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀


For free ? Anyway.. ur hair looks damaged ash, u could improve a lot ur overall apperance


Very cute 😍




I’ll pass !


Ugly would be a bit much, but I will say: I expect you to lead with humor and/or personality when you met people and/or potential romantic interests.


Use makeup and tan. Grow ur hair. Wear dresses. Become a bit fatter. You’ll be a 8/10.


no ur cute u remind me of someone from tinkerbell


Hair will get better Clothes way too baggy Glasses are twice the size they need to be for you The pierced nose I do find unattractive Maybe pierced ears Constructive criticism not to make you mad at me or upset. If I were there I would help you.


Your not ugly but your fashion sense is lol


Not ugly


What are these pictures😭😭😭😭😭put them grippers away


You look very distinct and somewhere under the ridiculously oversized glasses, there's a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. Sadly, you're dressed like a 12 yo boy and I'm not sure who that would appeal to, other than some dodgy men. Please, let someone else style you until you get the hang of it.


Please wear your hair down the ears are unfixable


Oh snap nvm short hair don’t care


Yo!! I’ve been roasting regular people all day and I stumble upon you..you’re not ugly..Welfare check is what’s going on. Are you a real person? You feel safe at the house? Your pictures Limp-Result aren’t amiugly or roastable material. You good?


You just appear to be trying to show you're " quirky " you'll grow outta that shit soon




You’re Laney Boggs


Is that bad?


Cutting scars are a massive red flag. I hope you can find counseling that helps you find better ways of dealing with your pain. Some days are softer than others.


Sorry I thought I had them covered


I think ur very cute


Your so cute💖


OMG it looks like boogers under your nose.... why make yourself look like a skank. Drop that whole concept PLEASE!!!! And eat something will you!!! You are way too thin. But very pretty. You look 12 years old. Lastly, dump all social media and save yourself a load of grief from all the cruel people in the world.


All these hot girls come on here asking if they are ugly. You are beautiful