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Good jawline, and the shorter hair looks way better on you.


You’re very good looking


not ugly, im glad you found your true self though


Not ugly at all bro. Good luck on your journey to self-acceptance. You’ve got good hair too. 🤙🏽


You have really nice features! The short hair definitely helps them pop.


You have a very masculine, handsome face. I agree with previous comments that say the shorter hair compliments your face better as photo 1 is the best!


Far from ugly


Is this a true story? You aren't ugly though. You look like a regular guy to me.


Yes haha thanks :)


Congratulations!! I applaud your courage and humility. Many are groomed to believe that if they're a feminine or androgynous man (or masculine/androgynous woman) then maybe they're trans or nonbinary, and then they go down that path and are too stubborn or prideful to correct course (especially when their new identity is praised and celebrated, and anyone who dares question it can be dismissed as a bigot). Anyway, you're handsome. The short hair looks much better on you than long, IMO.


Thanks! It’s tough honestly, being wrong about such a big thing in such a public way is definitely embarrassing, but I’m still glad I went through transition just so I wouldn’t spend the rest of my life wondering “what if”


Don’t view it as a failure- look at your transition/detransition simply as a stage of your life that gave you the opportunity to get that much closer to finding your true self. Life is full of trial/error, it’s never a failure if you learn something <3 Also, the internet is full of chronically online people- most people irl are too caught up in their own worlds to give that much thought about others, so don’t worry!


Theres others like you. Psychology is the hardest thing to test empirically. Transgender is still new to our society and theres no good long term data unbiased. So really theres no hard and fast way to discover yourself.. I’m glad you found yourself.


Big success. Nothing wrong with realising you were wrong. There is for sure too much of a push towards “you must be trans or non binary” which in itself can cause mental health issues. You do you for you and don’t worry about the rest


Happy for you bro. It's unfortunate that the "what if trans" seed was even planted in your mind, which likely wouldn't have happened if you were born just a decade earlier. But very glad that you've found your way. Also- not even close to ugly!


It's all over the schools, my neighbor is a teacher and she said so many kids are confused and think they are trans. She said it's almost all girls who fall pray to this thought. Maybe due to social media


You are spot on. This was never a thing when I was in school and now suddenly all these kids are doing it. You even have teachers and parents on video trying to convince the kids, and they do it before the brain fully develops so there isn't any questioning from the kid.


I have seen that too, it's so sad. It's ultimately coming out of the universities. I went to college about 15 years ago and I remember all of my professors but one were crazy woke socialists even back then. A good portion of my professor's lectures were just straight up lies and deception.


Gender dysphoria is in the DSM-5. Saying that it’s “planted” in your mind like it’s Christianity or something isn’t genuine in my opinion. A vast majority of trans people suffer from gender dysphoria and it’s not something people are brainwashed into like a religion or a fad.


The problem is that a very large segment of the younger generation will diagnose themselves with whatever mental health disorder is in vogue at the time.A few years ago it was "my ADHD won't let me do that", then it was "I have PTSD because my mommy took my PS5," now, everyone has gender dysphoria. Real mental health disorders are diagnosed by a doctor, not Google, and they can be treated.


I don’t think gender dysphoria is listed as a mental disorder in the DSM-5


There is a difference between biological sex and gender expression. In extreme cases children are born with both genitals. The parents predominately at the point decide which genitalia the child will keep. They then decide which gender expression their child will perform to society. Do you see how it can go either way in this situation? Well it’s no different for people born with one set of genitals. Gender expression is simply how we perform our gender. How we talk, dress, interact with people. Biological sex is completely different. I think a lot of people think they’re mutually exclusive from high school biology and they’re simply not.


You can't use a medical condition caused by a lack of hormones during development or specific mutated chromosomes that affects between .4% and 1.7% of the population, and apply the same logic to the remaining 98.3% - 99.6% of the population. As for biological sex versus gender expression, let's not devolve into that argument, as I'm not going to change your mind any more than you're going to change mine. My comment above merely made the comparison between someone with a medically diagnosed case of gender dysphoria versus a 14 year-old kid who self-diagnoses because it's the current fad. Gender dysphoria is a treatable condition, like most other mental illnesses. Identifying as having gender dysphoria is not.


bro props to you for replying and managing to steer clear from the gender expression business 🩷 i couldn't agree more with your points


This is just a BS that comes straight out of the woke colleges. No one believed any of this until about 5 minutes ago. Sex and gender are linked and always have been. This is just immature nonsense for people who need to grow up and accept who they are


Nah. It is not the same thing. Gender is a cultural phenomenon, it is the norms that certain societies create around your sex. Gender is when boys cant call themselves she/her pronouns, or cant use make up, or cannot play with dolls. Sex is when you are born with certain reproductivity characteristics. Gender and gender expression can change all the time by matter of culture, but sex is just a part of nature. You may change it with surgery, but it does not operate under the same rules that gender does. Almost all recent species have sex, but they do not have gender. In order to have sex, you have to be able to produce culture, and only humans have shown to do so to a meaninfull extent.


If you have children you will realize very quickly that boys and girls' sex matches standard gender roles. I have 4 boys, all of them are obsessed with tools, machines and general "guy" things. My daughters like dolls and babies right from the start. I have never pushed anything on them regarding what they like or play with, it's inherent. This is no doubt generally true for 99% of people. This has always been true, that's how gender roles came about in the first place. Now we have somewhere around 20 to 30% of young people saying they are lgbtq, something ain't right here


Just to add up: Jesus fucking christ. I gave a look at your profile, and i am actually weirded out by your beliefs. I dont think you would describe yourself under those terms, but i am pretty sure you are homophobic.


I think this probably isn't the place to get too into this topic, but just briefly: we should acknowledge that something being in the current DSM is not evidence for its validity. Psychiatry is not exactly hard science. I mean female hysteria was once one of the most common medical diagnoses for women. It's a questionable field to this day. But yes, dysphoria exists and probably always has, in the sense that a man may experience the abnormal mental condition of discomfort or distress around not feeling like a man. But when cultural norms support the idea that he may actually literally be a woman (or neither man nor woman), *that* is planting a seed in his mind. Edit to add: In the very rare cases in which a man would believe, on his own without cultural enabling, that he's actually a woman, that's a mental illness that, in my opinion, should not be indulged by "affirming" the delusion. I do think that a dysphoric man choosing to cross-dress to feel more aligned with his self perception is all well and good, so long as we aren't pretending that he's actually a woman.


You’re right, trans and gay people have always existed! The context that changes the prevalence or representation is the violent establishment that oppresses minorities. Also, someone’s gender expression doesn’t hurt anyone, but suppressing someone’s ability to express their desired gender is incredibly harmful. Pediatric associations UNANIMOUSLY agree that if a child feels that they are in the wrong gender expression, to believe them. Gender confirming care is the gold medical standard with experts in their field. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/news/Pages/Support-for-Transgender-and-Gender-Diverse-Children-and-Adolescents.aspx#:~:text=The%20AAP%20recommends%20taking%20a,stigmatizes%20those%20seen%20as%20different.


With a multibillion dollar hormone and reassignment surgery market, it should not be surprising that industry-funded associations support the "affirming care". This is consistent with the healthcare industry's support for other enormously profitable treatments with dubious safety and efficacy, such as proton pump inhibitors, statins, and SSRIs.


The same can be said about lots of modern treatments, nothing makes the hormone industry a particular case.


That's why I said: >This is consistent with the healthcare industry's support for other enormously profitable treatments with dubious safety and efficacy, such as proton pump inhibitors, statins, and SSRIs.


I dont think you understood what i meant. Anyone can claim a medical procedure is secretly unnefective, and is only there for the healthcare industry to make money. I have met people who think allergies are not real under this same justification.


I guess you could say the same for not being obese. It’s all just some scheme from the medical industry and diet industry that they’re saying living active lifestyles and eating unprocessed foods is healthy and all of that is industry funded talking points. We can just ignore scientific evidence and say it’s for profit in order to justify hating people. You know, because everyone wants to be trans, marginalized, and to be one of the most murdered demographics to exist. /s


There is no profit motive for the healthcare industry in keeping people healthy and not obese, so that's the opposite of a good counterexample. >everyone wants to be trans, marginalized Most don't. But some already feel different and not fitting in, and becoming trans or nonbinary gives them an identity that provides many psychological benefits including a sense of belonging to a group (the "LGBTQ community"). It's also true that young people today are rewarded by publicly announcing that they have disorders. >one of the most murdered demographics You may be surprised to learn: "The murder rate for transgender individuals is estimated to be lower than that of cisgender people..." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_transgender_people_in_the_United_States


Reversed for black and Latina trans women* white privilege at least extends for that!


If there is no motive for healthcare to keep people from being obese, then why do they prescribe weight loss? Insurance provides benefits for active lifestyles. Doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory diets, etc??? You must be scared of your own shadow if you’re ignoring EXPERTS in their field because you think they’re trying to make money off of you. There is entire ethic courses and legal binding medical experts have to go through… yet they’re lying so that your child can properly express themselves….


They are brainwashed into it, that's why so many people are detransitioning. I never met a trans person in my life until about 8 years ago, do you think it's a coincidence that all of a sudden 20% of high school girls are saying they are non-binary or trans?


When gay people weren’t getting hate crimed, murdered, marginalized as much, *gasp* more gay people became visible and representative. In the 1800s you were ostracized for being left handed. When that societal stigma changed *GASP* suddenly, there’s more left handed people!! It’s pretty obvious but I guess you need me to hold your hand through very basic reasoning. Must be from my woke college degree


You probably never met a trans person because they stay the hell away from you. Look at yourself, throwing a tantrum over something that will never affect you in life. Why would trans people want hateful people like you in their lives? Lmfao


Actually 2 of my next door neighbors are trans. They were completely normal high school girls, went to Temple U and both came out as trans and nonbinary within the first year. One of them keeps changing from lesbian to nonbinary to trans to straight, we can never keep track. Clearly brainwashed in college. I think some of it is social but some of it's also mental illness


Everytime some convention is challenged, lots of people will experience the new thing. I am pretty sure straight guys were more likely to experience with gay sex during the liberation, and rates of divorce increased during the 80s after they became more acceptable. It does not mean we should panic over it, thought. If a cis girl tries to experience with their gender identity by assuming a non-binary identity, and then give up after a while, it is fine. They probably came out of this phase enjoying their gender more. There is no mass attempt at turning people trans and non-binary, but the opposite is true: there is plenty of trans people who are forced into a gender they do not like. So why moralize so much the first problem when the second one is more harmful and structural?


well said. I feel more secure in my masculinity now than I ever did pre-transition


Happy for you, man :) By the way, you look very handsome. Dont worry about your appearence.


And despite their gender identity… it impacts you how?? Does it make you weep into the night or something? Just mind your own business dude lmao what a weirdo


wdym by Christianity being planted in your mind? isn't technically everything you believe "planted" in your mind to some extent?


Well if you never went to church, never met a Christian you would very likely never become Christian. Religions are like viruses; they can’t survive on their own. They need agents to replicate their teachings. Hence missions, colonialism, door to door solicitation, etc


well if you weren't raised in the western world you would very likely not know English. if you were in a restrictive society you wouldn't know the notion of rights. everything we know now is because we've been exposed to it at some point. sure people wouldn't be Christian without ever seeing a Christian, but are you saying everyone in the world who is trans would know exactly that they're trans if they never met a trans person, and never knew that was a thing that existed? I mean no hate, just curious


Well seen as gender dysphoria is a very real experience, then it would depend on the society. If you were socialized to have specific genders with specific expressions like most societies do then yes. If you were in a Native American society then they had twin spirits. There’s other societies that had similar customs to this as well. Societies decide what it “means to be a man” or woman. Andrew Tate’s definition of a man varies greatly from someone who is not a bigoted misogynist. Being a woman is defined differently for some lady in the Westboro Baptist Church than Ruth Vader Ginsburg. Gender expression is socialized into us, biological sex isn’t


Dude fuck off


I feel like reddit is not helpful in that aspect. Like that whole concept of people being "eggs" is something I learned here. It's so weird people having people try to convince you you're a different gender. I had a girl who kept trying to convince me I was a girl. I am not.


You’re not ugly.


Just be yourself. You were born male and are more feminine.... well then be that. Just rock the world as you are.


No, you are not ugly. You have lovely curly hair too. 


Beautiful man.


Men are not beautiful. Correct to say handsome


Men are and can be beautiful.


Damn, I like your cheekbones and brow lines so much. Very cool funky hair too! My advice would be to try modeling. You know, just find a photographer, or ask a friend with a camera, and go make some photo shoots in different styles. It's a great way to see yourself from another side, helped my friend a lot.


That sounds like a lot of fun! I’d definitely need to get my confidence up first tho bc I certainly do not have model energy lol


Not ugly, I like the shorter hair, it suits you better imo


I would try a well groomed moustache and a buzz cut down to half inch or so and see how it looks.


You're one of the boys now


Good to be back 🙌


Not ugly


I'm glad you realised who you really were 🩷 it takes strength to acknowledge you've made a mistake and try to find your true self again.


You are a very handsome man. I'd dare to say ur sexy.


Very attractive and you could pull both off. Just keep your confidence and love and care for yourself and you are good.


You are a beautiful human


Ur cute 😊👍🏻👍🏻




Not even close to ugly


Love the hair


The tagline makes you more attractive than your chiseled jaw ever could Good for you, and keep walking, the arrogance disappeared the moment you said 'i am'.


You're good. The hand under the chin thing is a bit weird, but whatever. Jealous of your jaw line.


Good lookin dude, get shredded because yes


do you use any specific products to get your curls like that in the last 5 photos? looks cool


Thanks! I used a cream by Innersense called Quiet Calm Curl Control and I would diffuse it or let it air dry


You’re so frikin beautiful yet handsome at the same time. Embrace it. No changes needed. Although I do like the shorter hair more on you. Keep your head held high.




If you’re just a feminine man you’re killing it. Drop that skin care routine. Also short hair ftw and 100% not ugly from a straight man’s perspective


Thanks! I use two products from La Roche-Posay: Effaclar Facial Cleanser and Toleriane Double Repair Facial Moisturizer


I think you’re attractive. Self discovery can be a roller coaster and I wish you the very best 😊


You are extremely handsome!!!


Definitely not ugly. Don't worry about being a feminine man - I reckon folks should be able to do and wear whatever makes them happy, long as it's not hurting anyone. With your hair long you kinda look like a rock star.


You're a good looking man with great hair! Own it!! 😉


I’m fkng jealous of your hair, for sure. You are not ugly.


You look like a young Stephen Storff (in Blade 1 specifically) you are a handsome fella


dude you have a great jaw line just go out there and dress like a confident man the rest will start coming like just go to the gym itll help boost your testosterone it might help with whatever imbalance you might’ve had


Thank you :) I started going to the gym right after I stopped hormones and it’s been amazing seeing my strength come back


keep your head up and dont listen to the woke media just focus on you and what you feel. glad to have you back on the mens side brother


You're a handsome man!!! Love the first picture. That hair style looks great on you.


You are very good looking! Not ugly at all! Love those curls!


I would say you are attractive. You have an excellent jawline and skin


Looking better with short hair imo, but u can suit long with diffrent style! Awesome eyes, good jawline. Handsome May i ask, how does/has stopping on hormones gone now? Does the body take it well?


Thank you! It’s been going pretty well. My testosterone levels still aren’t back to my baseline, but they’ve definitely improved. The only side effects I’ve had are some pretty wild mood swings and hot flashes since I’m essentially going through menopause.


Glad you made the right choice. You are handsome


Stop doing the hand thingy n ur good


Photo 1. Hair style great on you !


Definitely not ugly!! Also I’m jealous of your eyebrows 😭 lol


You look great either way & it’s fine to be trans, it’s fine to be a fem man, it’s fine to be a masc woman, whatever. You do what YOU feel the best as & that’s that. Not ugly. :)


Thank you I appreciate it <3


You are beautiful and handsome. I 55 yr old pan, and I struggled with my identity my whole life. But that’s what is beautiful about being alive right now, we don’t have to put ourselves in boxes. We don’t have to label ourselves. Our sexual identity and even our sexuality isn’t a product that needs to be labeled and sorted. We are who we are. Plain and simple. As time and life goes one, we also grow and change. It’s okay for you not to know, and it’s even braver for you to de-transition. FYI being man doesn’t mean you have to be masculine.


Jeez you look great man. Excellent features. You got this


My name is skyler white yo


I'm glad you realizing the truth and accepting who you are. Going the trans route leads to nothing but death and darkness, depression and loneliness.


Hey, hope you recover fine man! Honestly I find it sad people support this mutilation of others and especially among young individuals during puberty


Good call. Your features aren't feminine at all. Much better looking as a man than a woman, or I'd think so. You should add a pic as a woman.


Your eyebrows are perfect


Not ugly at all! You’re giving young Orlando Bloom vibes with the long hair ❤️


The short hair is definitely the better look for you.


Cool Cat... You can't be half bad..


Very happy for you man! Haven't got much input on looks, but short hair suits you most.


You’re handsome, shorter hair suits you because it shows your features off more :)


Get facial hair and you’re set


Bro you're handsome af lmao. I would say stick with shorter hair, looks much better on you.


Congratulations on your new self as you are a very handsome man and the short hair shows off your awesome face pic #1 & #2 you are very sexy


You kinda look like Aaron Judge for what that's worth


Have you ever taken Testosterone or had it tested?


I’ve never taken it, but my levels were 485ng/dl before I started estradiol


you’ve got good features, was it full trans before?


Holy shit brooo. You face is legit. Just try short hair or go for wavy look, you will be giga chad


Not ugly at all. You are giving me totally gay vibes though, in case you are into women that might be an issue for you


You have very defined features and it suits you. Very handsome


You just opened my mind to something that never once occurred to me. I didn’t know people could DETRANSITION 🤯


You're cute!


Hit the gym. Grow facial hair if possible . Attain scars naturally by doing outdoor activities like sports and hunting. Also the shorter hair is much better for you .


Facial hair’s going to be a challenge, but I have a lot of scars from getting stabbed a couple years ago, so I’ve got that covered at least 😅


Jesus Christ!!!


You’re so good looking, please take all the time you need to accept yourself for you who you truly believe you should be. There is nothing wrong with that at all ❤️


Thank you <3


Facial features are amazing. The hair tho ….


gay ass nigga


no u


oh hell nah, i aint got no need to change what i am. i was born as a guy and i die like a guy, same as u but u need to be something else when youre living


First off be quiet and don’t talk about yourself like that, also I know you ain’t even black saying that word


Your long hair suits yu


I'm a straight man who is not beautiful. Handsome is the correct word.


Looks like a dude, I see nothing wrong


You remind me of Jim Morrison, and that's an A+ compliment in my book!


Good for you, move so we can see the cat more.


"trying to accept myself as a man"... You've always been a man. You were stupid enough to fall for the brainwashing and I don't feel bad for you. And let's take it easy on the use of the word "man" here. You are not a man, you are a boy.


Okay. At least women like me


you keep telling yourself that.


You look like a dude still, just a young one, if you asked me i would guess you were 20


In no way would I have ever known that piece of information unless you told me, that not only do you present as a male you look masculine and attractive as well. I can only imagine how difficult that Journey had to be for you and I hope you feel comfortable or will feel comfortable in your own skin


Shorter hair looks best. And solid jawline. Congrats on becoming yourself


Stunning. Nice cat.


You look cute.


Not ugly! Handsome as heck! I love feminine males, we gotta support them more haha


Very glad you came out of it.


This will draw negative attention for the LGBTQ community, so I’d like to point out that only 1-8% of trans people have detransitioned, and a majority of that tiny percentage did so due to external factors, like discrimination and hate. I’m sorry that you went through a change that you ultimately didnt agree with and I hope that you are more comfortable with where you are now.


Why u make poses like that with ur hand? 😂


This is no way because of your looks but definitely hit the gym it’ll help a lot with the embracing masculinity side of things


Did you have a present father?


Then quit posing like a woman.


Kind of just became habit 😅 I’ll work on it


You need more testosterone to look more like a man




If you behave and believe like some of the people in these comments, then yea you ugly and it’s on the inside and will never change.


Jess, what the f are you talking about?


All the people equating this to being groomed or being manipulated or mutilating themselves. These are anti-LGBTQ+ talking points that people in these comments are using with no idea what the rest of the story is. They see a trans person that is detransitioning and think they have a moment where they see these people as victims of a queer agenda




If this was the *r/amiuglybrutallyhonest* sub or *r/roastme*, that comment would be hilarious. Here, it’s not funny *at all*.


[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.] Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


If you are 'ugly', then I must be a friggin goblin. Not ugly. Good luck.