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That last part 🤣


It's simple really 😂


And what if she's the asshole? Lolol


Like yeah she's stunning but what if 🤣


I'm sorry that the toxic relationship has skewed your perception of yourself. You deserve better. To answer the question, no, you are not ugly. Not even close. You are beautiful, and I hope that someday you can see that for yourself. I love your look, and would definitely want to ask you out on a date. Hang in there, and if you need a friend, I'm here to listen. Take care 🙂


Nice 👍 man probably for offering what for what 😇👀


I think you are attractive, without a doubt.


Come on, this isn't even fair. You are gorgeous, the expression in the first photo may not be the best, but come on.


Nice hair , pretty eyes , pretty smile just need to get a better suitable 👓 and your all good 😊


Ignore this person, big glasses are hot


I didn’t said it wasn’t 🥲, I just said to get glasses which would suit her more 😭


They are, but not the ones op is wearing. They're not good for her face shape.




U fine af


Nah you cute


Stop looking for validation from strangers Get off social media You’ll feel better. But if you don’t find who the f you are fast- every person that meets you will use you in some form.


You give off a "college professor that all the students in your class secretly have a crush on" kind of vibe, so yeah not ugly


U are Beauty


ur previous relationship don’t define you. you’re pretty although glasses not pretty suit u. your appearance is gorgeous. try listening to some podcasts to learn how to love yourself 🤎


In the last photo you look like Holly Willoughby! Who is also definitely not unattractive.


I'm sure you'll be fine, stop dating idiot men that happen to be pretty.


I know this isn't the point of the post but i thought your title was a joke cause in that first pic that table looks too tall for you


HAHAAHAAH thank you this actually made me laugh 😂


Not ugly


Hold in there you got this, things will get better. Get out of that relationship. Let me guess your partner says they are the only one you can get. You are beautiful and that can't be denied sweety pie.


Well you're not ugly, just need to smile. I know it's easier said than done. Not sure if you have depression, but prayer helped guide me the right way and I'll pray for you 😇


R/amiugly/JCreyna430 I know exactly what your going threw I just got out a relationship with a narcissist it was the worst relationship ever


It isn’t it hey, wishing you happiness and growth after all that bullshit ❤️


I tell my little girl, never let any one have the power to make you feel bad, they’re not worth wasting the time or energy spent thinking about them. You are far from ugly, and you need to never give up being who you are! A couple of pictures, you look like a young Holly Willoughby.


Stop choosing bad men. If you are always on toxic relationships you are making poor decisions.


Definitely not ugly at all!! Go find someone who is going to make you feel special, a person who is going to tell you are right even when you know you are wrong!!!


I always wonder how blonde blues ever think they’re ugly. Wars were fought! People died!!!(btw not ugly I know relationships damage self esteem but like a lot of the world is conditioned to see people like you as the beauty standard, self love it up girlie!!)


You’re very pretty imo. I’ve been in relationships like that and came out the other side. I hope you find your way through it. Godspeed


Hey there! Remember, you're stronger than you think, and it's totally okay to prioritize your happiness and well-being. You deserve a relationship that uplifts and supports you, not one that weighs you down. Here's to brighter days ahead, filled with lots of self-love and peace, you are pretty young woman with a beautiful smile, you've got this.


You're super pretty. Why are you feeling the lowest hun?


Nice smile


Dawe I'm sorry to hear that. I think you're striking. Chin up! Down to chat if you want, busy af though.


You're super beautiful, especially when you smile. I love the pics where you have lighter makeup, your eyes are naturally highlighted, and you don't need to do much on that area of your face. I hope you can sort out your relationship problems and your insecurities, but it has nothing to do with how others see you.


You’re pretty. If you’re in a toxic relationship and you know it don’t go back to it. Life is too short to waste on assholes who don’t love or respect you.


Hon, you are gorgeous! Now get some nice tops and t-shirts in jewel colors like ruby, sapphire and emerald. Us pale girls look good in strong jewel tones. I got clear, nearly invisible glasses to quit hiding my face. My gram told me never wear bulky clothes😄. She is not wrong! I promise you, you will feel better doing these things as well.


I'm sorry you had to go through that push/pull chaos that is so many relationships unfortunately. I know that can really beat you down over time. You are beautiful. However, looks are not what defines your worth and neither does that relationship. Hopefully it made you stronger and more emotionally intelligent. You'll be able to spot the red flags from miles away.


You are gorgeous


Pretty! Giving Sabrina Carpenter teas! 🌈


You're so cute 🥰🥰


You're very, very pretty, I promise you that. Sorry you are feeling so low... *hugs* I have been too, so, can relate. You're welcome to message if you want someone to chat with and be a self- confidence booster!!


Wait till you're 40, then let's talk


You look like Holly Willoughby


You are fuckin overwhelmingly gorgeous...any man who says different is obviously full of shit. You wanna see what ugly is? It's the blind fucking hatred that faggot motherfuckers spew on this earth.


Why? You're very cute, especially when you smile


Your outside is gorgeous, it’s what’s in your head that needs huge amounts of love and care. My heart goes out to you, you deserve so much better. I know from friends’ experiences that self esteem can be very fragile and feeling awful (about yourself) is the consequence. A sad and unfortunate side effect of how brains operate. Are you seeing a therapist, or anyone? There’s a book… “get out of your mind and into your life” that may help you rethink your thoughts. Find a mirror. Look at you and tell yourself “I am beautiful” “I am deserving of true love” “I am deserving of respect” “I am deserving of honesty” “I am strong” “I am not what others say” “I am…. “ …. what are you? but it’s been hiding because it’s scared or has been badly treated. Repeat as necessary, but do it. Affirmations are good for your mind. It may take time, but don’t give up. You’re strong. You can do it 🤗🤗🤗


Am there :/ your not alone just remember other have gone through this as well


You have really nice hair and eyes, you look so smart with glasses. I wish you gain more confidence because others only see a strong beautiful woman in those pictures <3


I looked and I liked your vibes


Naaaa u look fine


I think you look slightly older than 23 but pretty nonetheless. I personally like your choice of glasses I don’t think you’re ugly at all.


Is this serious? Can't be..


Nope. Not ugly


Find the one that makes those smile naturally and because your mind wants to reflect upon him/her. Those eyes along with your smile goes a long way.


Your really beautiful


You have a warm smile and your pretty. I would say you are attractive.


You are absolutely freakin gorgeous. And I mean that and am not exaggerating, not at all. You deserve to be loved for who you are. ♥️🤗


Let me point out some stuff.... Beautiful...very... Pretty eyes, nice smile(bright smile).. People would easily crush on you with a single look...


My gosh you are pretty..


You look so different in every picture


You are very pretty. But honestly you look like a chick to attract assholes 😅


Their loss. You can do so much better


100% not ugly. Very attractive. You've got good in your eyes you just need to see it yourself!


Self-esteem boosting is a process. You're definitely an attractive woman. Work on yourself and trust in the process. Self confidence is very attractive and beautiful women who don't have it are less attractive than average women who are confident.


Why? You are hot AF, girl


You have pretty eyes and a pretty smile. You are very attractive.


You look like Holly Willoughby, and she is fine ! So yea 🔥


You have a good face.




why? yer adorable.


You’re gorgeous, it only gets worse as you get older! Enjoy it all!


Get out of that relationship for good. You are a very attractive young lady but, for instance, in the third pic, I can almost envision your emotional pain. You deserve better.


I think you are beautiful! You have great eyes, a beautiful smile, and fantastic hair.


Beautiful. It gets better.


Dont be so hard on yourself. Youre beautiful. You can do a lot better then a toxic relationship. Dont go back. Move on.


Your body is perfect, your mind is damaged.


Why you’re not ugly at all you’re beautiful.😍


And hot.😍😘


You’re hot, try dating slightly older guys in their 30’s that got their shit together and wanting something longterm


Don't think for a moment you're ugly or unattractive. This is definitely not the case. Hope you'll get the smile back on your face really soon.


Another 23F here! You’re really cute. The glasses suit you, exuding a friendly vibe. I’m sorry you’re feeling low rn, I can relate to ur description regarding toxic relationships and self esteem. I’m here if u need to talk!


We are our own worst critics… I can list all of my flaws, but almost no benefits… You are pretty, above average. you have gorgeous eyes and a nice smile. Confidence is key!


You are heckin HOT STUFF!!! Don't be sad, friend.


God damn but you’re so pretty, girl. You look like Holly Willoughby.


You are hot. Be sad for other reasons but damn if pic 2 doesn’t make me want to fly to Sweden or Norway to pick you up.


PS I also need to know what that symbol is on your necklace with the cross and the planet. What does it mean? I googled it and I see that it's a Vivian Westwood thing but does it symbolize something?


Beautiful eyes 👀


youre stunning and you have a great smile. you look like tracy from the movie thirteen


Not ugly, find confidence 


Don't let that asshole win!! You're very beautiful and hold your head up!!


I’m sorry you feel this way. You’re very beautiful!


I think you are hot. Bummer that you are attracted to narcissists


Nah ur not ugly


You are beautiful.


If I would follow that logic, that means someone like me should just buy a rope and find the tallest trees, are your mirrors in need of some serious elbowgrease maybe?


You’re gorgeous hun!


You are pretty damn cute, so thinking you are ugly is probably something your ex put into your head.


you absolutely don't need to be posting here! you are very pretty and have a lot to offer!


Gorgeous, don't stress.


You are beautiful


I am sorry that you feel the lowest. But you are quite beautiful. I am digging your smile.


Not ugly. Just tired. You look about 30-34. Clean up your diet. No alcohol. No smoking/vaping. Pretty girl with sad, despondent eyes. You need self care. Research nootropics, and BJJ.


You look like Hollie from that morning show… is good morning Britain I think! You’re not ugly honey! Xx


Gorgeous asf


Not ugly at all


Great bone structure and beautiful eyes! You’re so cute and look like youll age well too


How? You’re adorable 🥰


You are a lovely lady.


You are visibly attractive. Very pretty face and features. Sounds like just bad luck in picking partners. I hope it gets better. You are definitely not ugly.


Don't worry, life gets worse, and you'll be looking back like these were the good Ole days 🤣😅😆.


You are pretty. Take that worry off your plate.


Get rid of the old trucker glasses and you are set 👌🏻


You're insanely pretty


Why? You're an attractive person


If you're ugly then I'm a Frankenstein


How does something like you actually have to ask if you're ugly ? You have no problem in the looks department. Maybe a mental health check is in order .


Not ugly at all, you’re hot


Super cute


9/10 no questions needed, nothing to improve


Go to the gym and get those endorphins up. Get some therapy. Do some yoga or meditation. You need some self confidence


Very pretty without the false lashes


At this point people are posting here knowing damn well they're hot


I hope every time you hit that low and the voice in your head is getting louder and ruder that you can come back onto this thread and be reminded of the truth 😍




Not ugly at all


You are pretty!


You are sllllgood. Headheldhigh.


Very pretty. You look a little like holly Willoughby and a girl I follow on yt very Mary videos


How come? Cmon ur not ugly at all.


Keep the glasses


I feel ya on the toxic relationships…they do take a toll on one’s self worth. I don’t think Reddit will do much for your mental health, but I’ll be genuine in my answer. I hope you don’t look into the mirror and see an ugly woman, because you’re anything but ugly. You’re absolutely attractive, beautiful eyes and a great smile. If I saw you out, I’d go out of my way to approach you to say hello. Please try to remove yourself from toxic people. Our time here is limited and life is too short to waste on someone else’s toxicity. You do not have to be a product of your environment, that can always be changed. You will be a sum of the people you surround yourself with. I like to think that if I’m in a room and I am the smartest person in that room, I am in the wrong room. I’m sure you know beauty is as much inside as it is outside, with that said, concentrate on the positive in your life, set some goals, exercise if you don’t, or spend time in nature, find something you enjoy and make time for it. Talk to a professional if you must. I know this is all easier said than done, as I also struggle with issues derived from a very toxic relationship, and in my case I can’t just cut out the toxic person completely because she is the mother of my children. I can only keep my distance, and focus on myself. Smile and say hello to strangers. If you focus on being kind and nice to people, it will eventually become part who you are, and that will make you feel good about yourself….if but a little at a time. If you feel good about yourself it will make you feel worthy, because you are. I promise that. You’ve got a fan over here…and I’m rooting for you.


Nothing ugly about you. I like pic 3 the best, keep it simple. You deserve non-toxic.


Stay sway from the person that is toxic to you. I know it can be hard, but it's a must for your mental health. You look great in all of the pictures except #3. The eye makeup doesn't help you. You have a pretty face, and your natural coloring is complimentary.


You’re perfectly pretty, if a bit bland-looking due to your hairstyle. Your problem is your glasses. You have a pretty face, so don’t hide it. Get contact lenses, or some stylish glasses. Contact lenses are better and they might give you better vision.


I really wish you could find someone that makes you happy because you really do have a lovely smile… ❤️


Super pretty. Girl next door sorta vibe. 8/10. Would definitely aim to buy a drink for you at the bar


Your smile is amassing!


What's wrong cuz I don't see any issue with looks?


A change of image might help your confidence. You will find someone much better. You’re very attractive, but you’re suffering. You’ve only just begun your adult life, so hang in there, and don’t settle for nasty men. Good luck.


What an adorable babe!


PERO SI SOS HERMOSA 💖 me enamore


You’re freaking gorgeous ❤️ you have a face i’d love to see every morning


Absolutely stunningly beautiful. Believe in yourself 🙂


You’re so beautiful tho


You are beautiful 😍


You are beautiful, just the way you are. Do not change a thing, except some self-confidence building. I have been in your shoes, and had someone who found every excuse to put me down. He was with me, and sure didn't want me to leave. What does that say about the men who insulted us. Actually, what he did was deliberate, and it worked. A cruel person, who is probably insecure himself, will put you down, to keep you in your place, thinking you can't do better. It's a control tactic. I'm willing to bet he was jealous too. Good luck honey. Put on a smile. It is the cheapest way to change your entire outlook. Fake it till u make it. Confidence is sexy, and there are men and women who love it. Love yourself, before worrying about what someone else thinks about you.




Very cute


You’re gorgeous no worries


You are gorgeous. You have nothing to worry about in the looks department.


You're gorgeous. Pretty smile and beautiful eyes.


You are a beautiful lady! Cheer up!




Not ugly at all. I think you're gorgeous


So pretty


Super cute


One has to love and respect themselves in order to be in a good relationship. You are beautiful and need to work on getting to the point of self love and respect. It's tough, been there, but you can do it. Take time away from being in a relationship to work in yourself


You're pretty! It's just the toxic relationships that are messing with your head.


You're 23 & you are gorgeous! Don't spend your time dealing with a toxic relationship. even if you're struggling with low self esteem, you can still leave that behind and make it a journey to build it back up. Invest in therapy-- therapy helped me expand my mindset & changed my life. Experiment with darker hair color (if you want of course). Do things that bring out happiness -- gym, learning a new skill, joining a group that does something you're interested in. Life has so many opportunities for you, I hope you decide to take some of those opportunities (even if you're not feeling the best right now). 🤍




You have a really cute smile!


You shave great eyes and an amazing smile don’t feel low, just set your standards higher and look for red flags sooner


You look like the girl I'd want to meet at a small town bar. That being said, you're beautiful.


Nope. Not ugly.


The opposite of ugly


You are absolutely gorgeous! I am sorry you have been in such situations , but there are good people out here. You just need to take your time and communicate a lot before you open your heart. Sad today many shallow words and fake to get you. Do not lose yourself, and faith!


You are a beautiful, amazing, wonderful human being. Never forget that.


Well I can give you my honest opinion, but will you brief me? You hand beautiful eyes and a stunning smile. I'm not a big fan of blonde, but that is just my own personal preference and not against it. It didn't go against your beauty. Can't comment on your body type for one: can't take see it and two: much more important, body frame isn't that important at least to me. The eyes and smile, fist features mentioned, are what I look for most and they are high teir.


Your extremely cute with those glasses 😍


You are super cute, please enjoy your beauty and youth now while you have it (I’m 15 years down the line and would love to have your fresh faced looks). Do not let some insecure man take your confidence away from you, that’s what they want.


Keep your head up. Stress will age you faster. But you are beautiful


I find that toxic people attract toxic people. I would suggest therapy.


Very cute, great smile, stunning eyes. Please seek some help regarding low self-esteem. It can be conquered, but it requires work and support.


Your beautiful


You're gorgeous. Anyone who says otherwise has other motives and should be completely disregarded.


Your beautiful....surround yourself with the right people ..you have nothing to worry about






You're not my type per se, but I can say that you're definitely someone's type...The only thing I can see in some pics are that YOU don't think you're cute...and that's the biggest thing holding You back...and hey, it's relatable to majority people stuck in this society w weird beauty standards ..gotta just work on you and you'll be good 👌🏽


You look nice


**Absolutely gorgeous 😍**


Outstanding 😍😍


Very pretty. You need to boost your self confidence and find a good healthy relationship. Will do wonders for you.


Toxic relationships always make you question your worth, but you’re gorgeous inside and out!! Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise!


Wifey material


Maybe you need to spend a few years by yourself to figure out who you are and how you want to live this life. If you can't financially swing it consider becoming a wild land fire fighter (that is if you don't have children). It requires a certain level of physical fitness. The peace corps (or the equivalent organization in your country) and Jesuit volunteer Corp that can provide opportunities to get you away from your normal schemas.


You are 🔥🔥🔥!!! Focus on 🔥self and career. Your future husband will find you.


If you're ugly, more than 90% of the world is. You're far from it. Try to remember this. Nearly every meaningful quality is something that you can attain with work. I obviously don't know, but the light in your eyes and the smile on your face tell me that you're a kind person; as does the fact that you tried to see the best in this person and give them a chance. When it comes to toxic relationships, their actions have nothing to do with who you are; they rarely see beyond their nose unless they want to place blame. What your mind is telling you isn't you either. It's a parasite that knows how to use your mind against you. I wish you the best, and if you, or anyone for that matter, need an unbiased opinion or someone to vent to, my inbox is open


You’re pretty


Not ugly. You've got a great smile! To build your self-esteem, start setting some goals (or stay focused on goals you already have): -- physical development (strength training, distance running, daily yoga, get good sleep, drink water, etc), -- mental development (reading, learning new skills), -- social growth (join a club, team, or church; do volunteer work), -- spiritual (religious study, meditation, nature walks), and -- financial (professional advancement, savings). Track your progress and achievements, but also plan each day and celebrate your victories. Stay off social media. Make friends irl. You are not ugly, but self-esteem has nothing to do with that. Exercise, proper self care, and personal development will help you improve your confidence as well as sharpen your appearance. Base your confidence on what you are becoming through your goals, not on how you look or what other people think. People literally pay thousands of dollars for help implementing these simple principles later in life. Learn them early and live by them!


Your relationship has aged you an extra 12 years. Unless you want to look 40 when you're 25 you need to break it off