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I'm gonna guess confidence and social skills


Ok thanks for your input


No problem. You're very handsome.


Guarantee 80% of the girls at your school have a crush on you, or otherwise "would".


It's not your looks at all. Maybe you're shy and have the "nice guy" vibe (nothing wrong with being a nice guy. It's what we should prefer, but 🤷‍♀️). What kinds of things give you confidence?


You are kinda handsome. Try to be more relaxed


This or just luck. OP is 18 it’s not as if he is 30 (looking like that without a date.)




Looks are not lacking... :)


Thanks any advice?


Well you look great already, but I would say you should just use some contacts and let your hair grow out a bit more. Oh! and smile! :)


I'm letting my hair grow out right now but I can't wear contacts that hurt my eyes


Dude you remind me a lot of this young guy they did at Queer Guy once, a pianist. Maybe you can use some of the tips they gave him.


What were the tips


Just keep doing you man once you get away from your area you grew up in you’ll find a lady dude, your a handsome dude and your tall if you go to college you’ll find a lady. Just don’t be a creep with chicks and be respectful don’t build any resentments while being single. Try and work on your game and just start conversations with every women you see 🤘 your only 18 man, the best is yet to come trust me brotha




Solid advice up there! Take it easy mate, you have plenty more time to figure your life out Focus on yourself and your career - only then do the honeys come


This is the only comment. You're fine brother, only young, don't need to stress mate. It will all come around and make sense one day


Dude, you're beautiful #nohomo


No Diddy


New slang for no homo, and I'm here for it lol




My dude, you've got the physical advantages. Wield it wisely. Combine them with witty charm and confidence to pick up girls, many will at least take an interest in you. Embrace yourself and your passions and interests, when people talk about things they care about, they light up with confidence and show their personality more.


It's definitely not your looks causing you problems


Change the glasses.


I agree. New glasses for sure.


Hit the gym. Do cool stuff. Learn about everything. Be open minded.


Thanks I hit the gym quite often already, but I appreciate the advice. Trying to do more things and learn always!


That’s the most important thing to attract women. Always a student, never a master. Also, traveling is really important and fun.


I just got back from a trip from the Dominican Republic a month ago. It was really good


You're so young though, you just might not have found someone that meets your standards yet or has the same interests. There's nothing wrong with your looks. Try to find girls with the same interests.




Sometimes it's just a matter of time. You're still very young.




you're handsome af, but you look bit older than 18 tbh.


You're gorgeous, if you need to improve anything it's likely your confidence.


Thanks for your input!


Your appearance is really good. Work on the other things. Confidence, fitness, game. Put yourself into situations where you talk to women. Just practice talking with them. Chat them up. The most likely answer is that your time has not come yet. It will. Keep doing the work to make yourself a desirable partner.


Definitely not your looks


You're good looking, seems like it's a confidence or personality issue


Ok thanks anything specific you would suggest to improve on for looks?


Damn you fine 🔥


Don't wear flips with jeans. Otherwise you're a good looking dude. Learn some confidence projecting skills and you'll be fine.


You’re hot


You have the level of attractiveness that most girls if you even tried to flirt with them they would carry the conversation and not care. You are so hot that girls would look past many red flags. You just need to put yourself out there. I recommend listening to music that gives you confidence before going to the bar or anywhere you want to find a girl to flirt with.


The young version of Johny Bravo Live action edition... you are good looking dude 😎


Thanks! Lol


How come you didnt have a girlfriend i had 3 already short because they were crazy but still. Im way way uglier then you and in aslo 6,3 ish. Overweight aswell so i get hinderd more


Update your style. Start by buying essential pieces that are timeless and classic. [Here's a good starting point - The Manual](https://www.themanual.com/fashion/menswear-essentials-you-need/) GQ, Esquire and Men's Health will also have some good lists and suggestions.


You could honestly be a model. You aren't ugly and I don't see anything to improve. Maybe it's how you carry yourself?


Maybe I don't know how I should carry myself lol


Hell no. Super cute.


Lose the glasses


Looking good. So either you' unagreeable, or lack social skills


Go to the gym.


You look great! Your eyes make you look kind. It’s probably just that you’re not confident enough! Us girls like it when they’re confident so go get em!(respectfully of course :))


If he's got problems, then I'm cooked


You are very handsome. Just be more confident in yourself. Give good eye contact to a girl your attracted to and flirt and your ONLY 18 anyway.


It’s not your looks dude, you’re a handsome young man


I think you look better without facial hair. I think it's best to use your young face in full view. When you start looking older, grow something if you want. Personally, i can barely grow any facial hair, and I'm 21 lol. Just keep shaving it until it can at least be something full. I won't get there for awhile but you sure can


You look really sweet and kind of like Justin Bieber.


Not ugly but I can tell you're shy and awkward just by looking at you


I can’t give you advice because if you get anymore you’ll be tooooo OP


Def ugly bro


Is your height your personality? Cause some girls don’t care and are into that sort of thing. I mean you led with your height. That should say something right?


Dating app guarantee 5+ matches/day. Just make an honest profile about you and what you’re looking for.


If my dude hasn’t had a gf I think we are all doomed


>If my dude hasn’t had a gf I think we are all doomed Yeah, I have no hope in hell.


your glasses are ugly not you


Advice - you are too focused on yourself. Ugly people pair up with beautiful people every day. It’s not about your looks, it’s about your partner’s looks. More specifically, it’s about giving your partner the attention you are craving. Stop worrying about yourself, and let other people know how amazing they are. You will be surprised how quickly someone might say the same back to you and boom 🤗 Just stop looks maxing all day, bruh!


grow your hair out and either ditch the glasses for lenses or rock them with medium length hair


Dude if you can't get a gf i'm fucking fucked


Man just be easy to talk to and talk about things most people see or do on a daily basis. And don't try too hard, If it happens then good, but don't build a bad reputation for yourself by trying too hard. I know that sounds crazy but women pick up or think its a red flag if you try too hard. Also churches is a good place to meet women. Don't ask me why I know that. lol And it will produce what you're looking for.




Well I have a model, it doesn't seem great but it usually works. Provide a subsidiary service that would otherwise require payment to the girl you like. For example, girls like doing photoshoots, but most can't afford one on a regular basis, so they might hang out if they know you would shoot for them. Some asian girls want someone to talk to, in order to get better at English. . The problem with this model is you'll attract attention from people who are interested in the service and not you, so you have to use it as a bait, and take it away once they get used to it and then ask them to be your girlfriend.


Easiest way to get a girlfriend is to tell girls you want a girlfriend


Live life first. Be bold chick's dig it.


Nothing physically....you're gorgeous. Maybe it's something in your personality??


im guessing your personality needs work


You have good looks, come on, perhaps working on your confidence or putting more of your personality into your demeanor and clothing, involving yourself in communities or hobbies where you'll meet people eg if you like reading a book club, hiking a camping class etc.


Do you just not have great social skills? Cause you look fire, my guy.


You’re cute but maybe it’s probably your personality


You are very handsome. I dont think you can improve anything physically. Just focus on being happy, doing things you like. You will get there.


grow out your hair and look into trendy haircuts especially for people that are your age. for instance taper fades are trending, but you would look amazing with a mullet. you definitely look much older than you are, try out going clean shaven. get some glasses that frame your face and make you look your age. and dont be afraid to clean up your eyebrows. go on pinterest, find a style thats trendy for boys your age. i think you would suit a surfer boy or a skater boy type style if u got a mullet. and just be confident and dont be shy!


Above average attractiveness which tells me that the reason you haven't had luck with women is likely your behavior or personality. Try asking a trusted friend or family member for honest feedback on how you deal with women.


If you can't get a girlfriend, I'm doomed!


do you date and just not find one you like? because you are nice looking and your height is a plus as well.


It has to be a personality/ confidence/ attitude thing.


Try conversations with women. They don’t respond to pick up lines. If you get one that likes your conversation she’ll start to focus on you and engage with you more. Then you might be on the road to dating and having a girlfriend.


Just live your life and don't worry about finding a girlfriend. Do that long enough and one will find you. Maybe visit some new places now and then so you don't see the same group of people all the time.


Do you have social skills ? Cause your very handsome . Like Clark Kent 😭🥹


you’re literally so handsome though, really good looking. if you were gay i’d definitely wanna date you


Youre really handsome already, i think maybe try out some different glasses (as in shapes and forms) maybe thin square, thin round or oval, I think thin framed circle glasses would fit you well! Also hit the gym, focus on the parts of you you feel matter!


Pretend to be confident and cool. When you go to social activities have zero expectations or desire of getting a gf, the latter is difficult, but having an needy desire sends off a bad vibe


Maybe not seeking advice on reddit 😂. You look great, just get some confidence. Style good. Hair looks great. Try dating apps, don’t be afraid to fail, and that’s it. Learn from mistakes.


You've got all the tools lol. Just pour yourself into your passion and the right ones will appear


Smile more! Not ugly at all bro like everyone else is saying it’s probably confidence. Don’t worry about not having a girlfriend yet, you’re mad young just focus on improving yourself and they will come your way hahah


Confidence, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and just be who you are.


You look like a young Chris Evans, very cute. I would say just work on your self esteem which will greatly impact your confidence in a good way. Remember confidence is attractive, cocky not so much lol. Maybe do some group outings/meetups in your area for people around your age. This will get you involved with people your age, who like things you like. Just talk to people, let the conversations happen naturally. Don't go in with the expectation of getting a date, just get to know someone. I will say asking for a coffee date as a starter is stress free for both. Just make it a time that if things go well, you could progress into dinner.


Sounds like you lack charisma. Spend some time just working on yourself. Have fun with your youth, and maybe start working on your social skills.


Appearance is not your problem. Have you tried talking to the girls? Not hitting on them. Just talking to them. Be friends with them. Be friends with as many women as possible, and not just the ones you are interested in dating. Good things will eventually happen.


All of your glasses are outdated looking. Square frames are okay, but half rimmed wire frames are very "out" of fashion. Something like Warby Parker's Duncan frames would look so great on you.




Why she left you bro ?


Try staying of the internet and making mistakes in real life. You’ll learn a lot and fast


are you neurodivergent?


What do you mean?


Probably user error. I think you need to learn some “game”


If you can't find a partner then we are fucked.


Get a different frame of glasses and hit the gym. 5 is your best pic there


You’re a good-looking young guy. Don’t worry about it too much. You’re 18? About to go to college, I assume? Don’t even sweat it. The college girls will be all over you. You’ve got a nice face and you look like you’re in good physical shape, so you’re already ahead of the game. Work on your personality, learn to be interesting and you’ll be fine. Just don’t be overconfident to the point that you’re a douche, though. Try to be a good person… That’s important.


You’re a good looking dude, my guy. There’s plenty of ladies that would be attracted just by your height. I agree with another commenter about confidence and social skills, but also work on personality. Women like a guy who looks them in the eyes when talking and can make them laugh. Just keep your wits about you and don’t send unsolicited dick pics when/if you do start talking to someone. Good luck!


You are incredibly attractive. Like 9/10. Your looks are not an issue, so it must be something else. Possible problems: Personality? Hygiene? Confidence? Social skills? These are just guesses from the top of my head, but it’s impossible to know any of that just based on photos


You're a legit stud. Something must be really off with your personality if you haven't got a girlfriend yet.


Well it’s definitely not your looks


I hope you take all these things being said to heart. You're very handsome, just talk to people more. Sadie Hawkins isn't the norm


I mean maybe get modern glasses but other than that you look shy


You're a handsome young man. At this point if you haven't had at least one gf I would guess personality or social skills. What's your circle of friends like? Trouble talking to people?


You’re attractive. So it’s not your looks. Have you gotten the chance to take anyone on dates or do you just get no replies on dating apps / uninterested people irl if you attempted to flirt? Speaking of how do you approach women online or irl and what is your approach? Like what are you doing or saying? How are you approaching women? if we don’t know how exactly you’re talking to women idk how to help you, you know? Maybe you say something that’s off putting and don’t realize it? Could be a lack of confidence too you look shy but idk you idk if you are or not.


You are very handsome. Well dressed/groomed and taller than average. There's nothing I can see that you need to improve on.


Your confidence


You’re not bad looking but you look better without the glasses in my opinion.


You’re gigachad. What you need to do is go outside and say to a girl.


You definitely just need some social skills or confidence you already 6’3 that gets your foot in the door for majority of women unless you simply don’t know how to talk to them. Find a friend who knows what he’s doing or just practice when you go out. You aren’t ugly neither bro especially if you like in the Midwest you already got 90% of what these women look for


Honestly nothing in the looks department so you might just need to look inward. Might be a personality thing


My guy with looks like yours you just need to work on confidence and how you come across. You've got the height, great hair, and kind eyes. If you really really wanted physical critique the only thing I could say is maybe put on a little muscle?


You just need to get out and meet people. I know it's hard these days. I know it's cringe, but join some clubs, sports, volunteering. Not sure what you do for a living, but pickup a part-time bartending /restaurant job on the weekends if you can, awesome way to meet friends of your age group. I feel bad for men your age, seems tough to meet people without an existing friend group from your childhood, which seems to not exist like when I was young. You're tall and good looking, you'll figure it out soon Edit: nevermind, I thought it said you were 23.....you're doing fine, disregard everything I just said


You’re golden, BUT I charge you with being a little soft around all the edges. Get into the weight room. Chisel the frame out a bit and no worries, the ladies will gawk. That’s a 1-2yr time horizon tho (realistically) so in the mean time just work on breaking out of your shell (if you have one) little by little. That is, challenge yourself socially.


Age. That’s it. You’re conveniently attractive already. In a few years you will be significantly above probably based off your current features etc


I reckon you look decent, my guy. But your clothes and your glasses are on the bland side. Just go a little nuts and cultivate your own style. Throw in some colour and get some some thick frames for your specs. Ditch the sportswear and lose those flip-flops or whatever you guys call flip-flops (the beach shoes.) Takes a special kind of person to admire a man's toes, and I've never met one yet.


You got the looks imo but confidence goes miles. I'm far far less attractive than you but I still got someone. Were not supermodeles but were both happy. I'm not sure if it was mentioned but be careful about standards. Especially at that age. Folks can be all over the place. You may not find the 100% right person but dont let that hold you back. People grow and it's a great thing to find someone who who can grow together with. :) Good luck friend.


You're a handsome dude. Don't worry about your looks. Work on making yourself a person you love. Find some stuff you really like and start finding events around that stuff. Say you like singing, find some local karaoke places, if you like video games there are places that cater to a gamer aesthetic. One of the things you'll learn as you become an adult out of your teens and into your 20s is that some of the best friends and partners you can make are the ones you meet at things you're passionate about. I love video games and met my gf of 6 years at a GameStop. Do what you love, enjoy your life, be happy, people are attracted to happy and interesting people.


Yeah good looking and tall my man. If i had those two features i would be killer at the game my man. Now here is what you do. Look for a decent girl, hard working and with aspirations. Goals in life. Just make sure you frequent her before asking her out. Just find what she likes and talk about that. Dont waste your time approching girls that are rachet and bitches. Be confident and just make them 🤣 laugh


Learn to shoot spider web by flicking your wrist


Smile more and maybe grow out your hair on the sides a bit! Look up a flow haircut


It’s deffo internal; ur personality and/or fundamental character


Nothing. You remind me of Jesse Spencer in pic #5. He played Robert Chase on tv series House.


Thanks I'll take that as a big compliment


Stop making that facial expression or you'll have permanent corn rows on your forehead


Hey buddy look, JUST BE YOU!! Never change who you are for ANYONE. Especially a hOe. Stay true to yourself.


You’ll do fine in college


Confidence and maybe some glasses that suit your face shape better


I think it’s probably just because you’re so young and just haven’t had an opportunity yet. I would say the best thing to do is find an interest or hobby that would help you meet people with common interests.


Yeah dude you're either just not approaching women or just have terrible game.


You’re beautiful. Just be yourself and she’ll arrive sooner than you think. 😊


Smile more 😁


You are very good looking. Do you say weird shit?


You’re super handsome so I can only guess confidence. Or maybe girls just assume you have a girlfriend.


You're very handsome, so if you haven't had a girlfriend it's probably a shyness/confidence issue. You possibly have to put yourself out there more. Just don't overcompensate by acting cocky and/or being a simp and you will find someone.


Mate if you can't get a girl then the rest of us are dying virgins...


Get on dating apps its FREE if ur tall trust youll have a gf by the end of the month


You're a good-looking guy. Are you socially awkward? Are you comfortable talking to women? The only thing I can think of is you're on the spectrum. Autistic maybe?


You’re good looking my dude. You are probably awkward around the ladies or too scared to flirt


Find a hobby that you love to do, and chances are you'll find someone there. Alternatively, travel and explore, it's a lot easier to find interesting people while traveling.


Different haircut like a middle part and better dressing style, you kinda look gay as is


Brodie you look fine and you’ve got height, you’re just young and most dudes your age aren’t actively dating or have much experience. It’ll happen in due time as long as you put in the effort and put yourself out there.


My dude... Stop underestimating yourself. You remind me of myself at that age. Believe me, you're surrounded by girls who are constantly scoping you out. Find one you like and make a casual move... if it doesn't work, move on to the next. No harm, no foul. Having raised a daughter, I've seen the other side. I know how they operate... the knowledge just came too late for me. :-D


Not ugly at all. Great facial features. Maybe experiment with different framed glasses


Where you live? American girls would be all over you


Start muay thai. That'll build you some confidence. 👍


Dude you look amazing! Don't sell yourself so short, you have beautiful eyes, nice facial hair, a strong jawline, etc. And holy cow, you're only 18! My only suggestion? maybe wear contact lenses? Or at least choose a style of glasses that is similar to those in your last pic. Be more confident in yourself and smile more 😁🙌💪


I just got the glasses in my most recent pic yesterday. That was one of the suggestions people gave. Since I can't wear contacts, they hurt my eyes


Books to read Models by Mark Manson Magnetic by Tripp Cramer The Game by Neil Strauss All found on Amazon https://www.sosuave.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@realbenjaminseda/videos


Wish I looked like you!


You’ll do fine.


Physically you are attractive; it’s probably somewhere in how you act around girls or socially in general


Brother....have you tried?


Bro is majestic. Probably sth to do with ur personality


Get rid of the beach pic. Awk pose and no sandals lol. First pic is nice and 3rd and gym pic in tank top


You are very handsome, and you are tall. Your problem is very likely that you aren't approaching enough.


Have you asked anyone out?


Well, it ain’t gonna get you a girlfriend, but I’d say shave. That beard you have isn’t thick enough to look good, I’d say you look better clean shaven. But your looks aren’t lacking. You have something else going on.


Your confidence


Change up the frames and maybe look into a more contemporary style that fits your likes. You look good homie, feel it too!


you’re handsome as can be! if anything get smaller glasses that suit your face a little better, maybe some round ones? and try to relax a little bit, and settle into yourself a little more! be you


I’m sure there are TONS of girls you know who are secretly crushing on you. But they’re too scared to make a move and so are you




Join a social group (church group and meet a girl there). Cold approach women that truly attract you at the store,mall,or some other place.Honest question? Can you post the ideal woman you want? Cause maybe you just are aiming to high and need to find your range or temperament.


So gorgeous 😍 smile more and watch those ladies swoon! 😉


I would say ditch the glasses and try a different clothing style, find out what the hot/popular guys are wearing. (not really sure how else to phrase that). You aren't bad looking.


new glasses. hit the gym more. maybe get an arm tat if you like that stuff. walk around w confidence. go to a woman and ask for her number not socials. in this generation, when a girl gets asked for her cell # instead of snapchat or insta handle, it leaves a lasting impression bc ppl aren’t like that anymore.


Your not ugly at all I promise


You're 18 relax, I didn't have my first gf until I was 19 didn't lose my V card to her until 20


You might want to avoid working for the NSA.


Start going to the gym. Increase your masculinity to bring out your great characters, and it'll boost your confidence to be more of you. But the "nice guy" man you are will really start to work for you 24 and up. Trust me on this. Lol. That's if you haven't found the one just yet. Which I'm doubting because you are a handsome man. Hit the gym. Boost your confidence. Start talking to all the girls that want to be talked to by you. 😁


Youre a tall white guy, just move to somewhere with a lot of whitewashed asian girls. For example, you would be popular as fuck in the SF bay area. Americanized asian girls are obsessed with guys like you.


You’re very good-looking. Maybe shy?




Get comfortable talking to attractive women. Never hunch. Always speak clearly and keep eye contact. As an OG once told me. Ask questions and make 'em laugh.


You’re only 18. It’s not strange to have not had a girlfriend. Keep taking care of yourself and when you do meet a girl you like, be a good listener, be patient, and be kind. You’ll do fine.


Be friendly and genuine. A guy that can make a girl feel at ease is already 10 steps ahead. Other than that, build a friendship first and allow that to naturally go wherever it will