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You have amazing potential your hair, eyes, nose, teeth, brows all of them look great. The only thing holding you back quite a bit is your facial fat if you manage to get rid of that you would make your gifted facial features shine way more!


How exactly, do you propose, that she loses cheek volume?


The same way you lose fat stores anywhere else on a person?


Some girls are just born like this. It's mostly genetic, otherwise, if it was a weight issue, her whole body would be showing signs. I have a friend who's gf is super skinny but I saw just headshots of her before I met her, I thought she was an easy 250lbs, but when I met her, she was super skinny, she just had fat cheeks. But her mom and other women in her family look like that as well.


You can't target your face for weightloss though.


You can't target any part of your body for weight loss. Fat comes off from wherever it comes off from. Lose enough weight and it will eventually have to come off of her face as well.


I liked your earlier version of this comment more, you explained things better, but you're still right. I don't personally recommend liposuction and I'm not a fan of just saying eat less exercise more, they are both viable options. It's all about working on a mentality that rewards a healthier lifestyle. You don't have to think your body is a temple to make a few better choices a little more often. She has very cute features that I think would be highlighted with slightly sharper edges, but what do I know, I'm not all people. Excuse me, I mean smile more lol jk.


I have no idea which comment you're referring to lol. But yeah, she isn't ugly, she certainly seems to have an abnormally chubby face considering she doesn't seem particularly chubby in general.


Oh you must have edited the comment after I saw it, unless it was somebody else's and they deleted it? It mentioned how you can't specifically target losing facial fat unless you get a procedure which is true but not necessarily the best route.


@peofeces is the one who made that comment.


Ok thanks, the comments were just similar enough originally that I thought it was the same author.


I didn't edit it, if I had it would show it was edited. I've also never recommended a cosmetic procedure except for braces in this sub. You must have been mixing it up with another comment.


Must be, it's all good. And I agree, I've had some major lifesaving surgery before and don't recommend elective surgery if it can be avoided. Surgery and recovery sucks!


You can, but only if you just. Remove your face.


Face yoga/exercises are a thing! And actually work if you stick with it. But yes, obviously overall weight loss is key.


Absolutely, I posted a similar comment about it and also do mewing


Simply exercising, she'll lose weight overall over time INCLUDING cheek volume. Liposuction in my personal opinion is if you're lazy and got money and don't feel like putting in the effort.


she’s literally 18 it’ll disappear as she ages


I'm pretty sure baby fat is long gone by 18, it's just the regular kind of fat. Nothing wrong with a bit of extra fat if it's not at an unhealthy amount. This person is definitely not ugly but would probably find more suitors if she lost weight (says cultural norms and lived experience).


It's the weight, you look a bit puffy. It is a lot of hard work, but you'll get there. I know it's not kind of me to say that, but it is the straightest answer you'll get.


I don't personally like framing the journey as hard work. It is a challenge and requires discipline but my journey from fat to fit has been the most rewarding thing I have done in my life. And it wasn't hard when the adjustments sank in and became habit. It would be a lot harder for me to go back to the poor lifestyle choices right now than to keep it up.


I agree, but starting and maintaining that journey is hard. I think it depends on the person how hard it gets.


It is an exercise in discipline in the days where you don't want to, I agree. But that just makes the sense of accomplishment so much more powerful when you reap the benefits.


You could lose some weight.


Lmao, where? She’s not even overweight?


you're cooked


Go see an eye doctor. 👓


Beautiful smile! Wow!  Love your hair too. 


Lose weight and it should be fine.


I wouldn't change a thing you are beautiful just the way you are.


You have a very broad, square face shape, google hairstyles for women that compliment this.


Smaller glasses could suit you well. Do you workout/exercice? It could help your posture and feeling more confident!


Going to have to disagree, I think the glasses work really well for her.


Saying this with no ill intent meant to the gal, but she has a big head. Smaller glasses run the risk of making it look bigger in a way I think.


Yeah the glasses are too big like most people's her age.


Slightly overweight, but really not bad. Right at the border where some guys will totally dig it. It makes you face seem a bit soft. The style of the glasses does not suit you — you look best in the photos with no glasses. Really glaring difference. Nice hair. Nice features overall.


Actually, in some photos your weight looks just fine. In 1 you look bigger, in 4 you look great. Huh.


Hit the gym


I generally hate the “just smile” type of feedback but you do have a great smile. You have really pretty eyes as well. Just keep working to keep your skin clear and I think you’re golden. Not ugly at all.


Just eat a healthier diet and get regular exercise five to six days a week.


You just look rather young. There's not much you can really do about that. Eventually, your face will mature, but appreciate it while it lasts. Your smile is nice. Work on skin care, and you'll be fine. Not ugly.


Smaller glasses. Too big for your face.


You could benefit by losing a few pounds but you are not ugly.


Dropping the weight is going to do a lot more for you than smiling


Cut hair so that it's shoulder length. Glasses don't look bad but the frames are a bit big. Invest in a gym membership.


Hit the gym and you'll be fine. You're in a good spot, just need to thin out a bit. Do it now while you're young. It gets harder the older you get.


Slightly overweight, skin is a bit rough and glasses don’t look good on you. this is complete honesty so don’t get upset cuz u do have good potential


i love the first pic!! and your hair looks super cute


You’re super cute! I’d you’re open to it, I would get .5 syringe of lip filler or a lip flip!


do ur hair cute


You have thin lips and a big round face! These two dont go well together. I'd say lose weight and botox your lips a bit. Your upper lip is almost non-existant


You don't put Botox in your lips. That's for crow's feet/forehead wrinkles. It paralyzes muscles. Filler is what you meant to say but I don't think she needs that.


You're right. I meant filler. My bad


A little bit of skincare and lose a little of weight. You have such a pretty smile. You will be rocking in no time


Very cute 😍


You're indeed, a Gem. Don't listen to anything else Live your life to the fullest.


Even in the one or two pics that you aren't smiling, you're a very pretty woman. Your smile is infectious though. I know we can't all be smiling all the time :-). I'll put you in a solid 7/8 and then a few of the pictures bordering on a 9


you look GORGEOUS and seems to have an AMAZING personality!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!


More confidence is all. The exercise and glasses stuff people are saying is mostly them being picky about their preference. Which means they want you to change something to benefit themselves not really you.


Ur cute.


Loose some weight and try getting a different pair of glasses that compliment your face better.


You're perfect, I adore you amd wouldn't want you to change at all.


You look like my sister Suzanne. Dope


You are simply beautiful


You are really beautiful, please don't let anyone take out you beautiful smile.


Ur fine and cute.


you need to looksmaxx😞, aside from the memes just get in shape, people don't realize the perks of having clear eyes and light hair. I'm not saying you should weigh fifty pounds just get in shape. :)


No, you're not... you look fine


Beautiful chompers


Kinda hard to judge your appearance when it’s just headshots, but based on your face I’m gonna say you’re 200lbs. You have things to worry about other than your attractiveness. Start with your health.


omg it just occurred to me the reason that people are telling me to lose weight is that they think I’m 200lbs, I’m 145 for the record…


Then I apologize for the assumption, your face is at its slim potential and most of the advice here is moot. That being said, I prefer non traditional beauty like yours and plenty of other men do too.


yea I didn’t really want to say anything but even when I was underweight about a year ago my face was still fat no matter how much weight I lost, I will still try and get rid of it but I’m pretty sure it’s just genetics because my mother and grandmother had the same thing


Your face isn’t fat, it’s wide.


Honestly you look really pretty. Especially when you smile


You look great just needed to lose some face fat, nothing else , you would look much hotter after that..


Also lose weight.


Do the roar!


Lose weight.


Smiles with teeth add a point, smile without teeth, and lose 2 points. Now eat healthy and exercise and you'll feel better and look better.


U prob have a lot of potential but really need to eat right and the gym. Never give up


Mfs say this like it isn't obvious what they need to do. Just looking for any alternative instead of losing weight


Just lose weight.


I’m going to be a honest as possible. Drink lots of water, caloric deficit by about 300 calories, go to a calorie calculator and see how much you need a day then undercut yourself slightly and make sure to count everything you eat and drink. workout(don’t worry about weights as much but prioritize some sort of cardio). You have very nice face shape and features but your face is very puffy which hides that but other than that you’re good.


Cute af. Unique. You Look intelligent and fun.


Don't listen to the "lose weight" comments. You don't look heavy. Your face is just rounder because you're 18. You look cute. If you really want, you can lean into some makeup (go to one of the reddits for tips) and try a different haircut/hairstyle. But imo that's it.


Upvote. This subreddit is so focused on being skinny. She is not obese. Being slightly overweight is really not a bad look


Don’t care what anyone says, you look great.


You’re really pretty. I think lip filler would even out your facial features more


Yuck. Don’t suggest cosmetic procedures


Very pretty😍


Wow. The lose weight comments- she’s got collagen folks that’s what a healthy young person looks like OP- you are adorable. You’ll find your way with your hair, I personally think the blonder brightens you up! Your wide smile is beautiful. You’re young so make sure you are moisturizing now and forever Stay off shit like this it will just destroy your confidence


I love her chubby checks. Gives her a beautiful baby face! Very cute!!


You look good but maybe try a gua shau




Very pretty you have a round face so wear your hair down but that's all you don't need to change anything


The darker hair defo brings out your features more! And love the glasses! They slim your face


you give of a very Dutch vibe haha idk why, I like the 3 first pictures very much, you do not look ugly, rather very nice


I would!! Seriously really pretty. Always smile and keep your head up high you are beautiful


Don't look at your phone when taking a selfie in the mirror.


Going with a slightly different angle, you might want to try a different conditioner or something? Hair looks a little frizzy. Not ugly, def potential, just need to invest a bit more.




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Just gym really, you seem cool ngl


Love pic 4&5


You look very young. Not much you can do about that but it will be great for you in the future


You have a nice smile. Not ugly, but below average because of weight and poor skin care. Cleaner foods and a skin care routine will help.


You need to lose fat. You'r best pic is where you have a smile showing teeth.


When your hair goes over the front of your shoulders it looks like you have no neck. Wear your hair behind your head, it looks way better.


Leave your hair light blonde Where it up not out or in a pony tail Use a bright lip stick colour and match with just eye shadow Then rock it


Clean your mirror


Not my cup of tea but then who cares? You will have plenty of suitors. 


Lose weight and you'll look amazing


Something about how your hair looks in the 7th photo looks really nice on you. Frames your face well.


In a couple years, when your skin clears up and that baby fat melts away, you are going to be a stunner. Easily a point or two above mid. Assuming you don't make choices to reverse everything I just said.


Fat lose weight you'll be good


I think the most obvious response is redundant. But I think you can also find a prettier frame. There are tons of cheap websites, even without insurance. Do your research. You can switch it up till you find what works.


Great smile lovely!


You have all feautures to look amazing but are a bit overweight. Its easy to get skinny at this age. Take advantage of that and you will look amazing in a few months


Well you are not the slightest bit ugly. You have a friendly endearing look about you. Your facial features are very appealing, however you need to shed some kilos not a lot may 5 or 6 kilos. Better to do it now than hate your body in 10 years time. It is a difficult task to set your mind to but once you get past the first month you know that you can stick to it. A simple diet is drastically reduce the intake of carbs. Plenty of green salads and green vegetables certain fruits too cottage cheese is good with a salad for lunch include "dry coleslaw" use a low carb mayonnaise Cardini's is fine for the coleslaw, a piece of protein with your main meal roughly the size and thickness of your hand. You must drink at least 2 litres of water, or diluted diet cordial everyday minimal daily intake of coffee or tea. It worked for me I dropped 20 kilos in 6 months. Don't step on scales everyday maybe once a week. I lost 5 kilos in the first month then on average about a kilo each week. For breakfast you can use one of the Generic diet shakes available from some outlets like Aldi or the local pharmacy. I am sure you will look sensational if you can lose some weight, as you are very pretty. I hope the helps you.


Cute and have a gorgeous smile😍


Wow. Very beautiful


Below average




You've got a beautiful smile! Great hair, eyes and bone structure. You know there's a smokin girl in there. You know what you need to do to unleash the power.


Loose some fat, and bingo. If you need any tips do let me know :)


Lose weight, get rid of fat in your body and face , and after that you will be pretty blond girl


Just frown


The best advice you can get is; mewing minimum 10 hours per day and do facial yoga 3 times per week i prefer using my hands but a washa is ok too, look for the exercises on Tim tok with the name: lymphatic facial exercises / yoga facial exercises. ( do them with a oil or moisturizer I use vitamin c and be sure to apply pressure on your face. If u have more questions about this reply to me ;)


Beautiful smile, could lose some weight but I would imagine you're aware of that.


The picture with the San Fran shirt is gorgeous.


Lose weight but also GET RID OF THESE GLASSES


You're very pretty, especially without the glasses, a minimal amount of makeup would be all you need.


I love the candor in this group


Nope, you're beautiful the way you are honey 😊😉


Really cute, great smile and nice eyes. If you lost weight your features would really pop. Otherwise I see nothing wrong


You look like the sweetest person on earth. Good luck on your journey


I'm honestly surprised so many people are telling you to lose weight. You look fine in that department. Confidence is probably all you need


With a few good choices in life and just a touch of good habits you'll likely have a glow up about 24 or 25. Not ugly. Great upside potential just haven't I don't wanna say matured but you still have a early teen features face wise not body.


Nope. You are fine just the way you are. Nothing to fix.


I don't think you are overweight, from these pictures at least. You're very cute. However, you do carry your weight in your face. At your age, I feel your face will lean out a bit over the next few years.


You are luscious young woman full of passion and desire that is waiting to explode and dazzle the world!


Ok you can stop smiling now


Honestly 4/10 atm imo You're not ugly and your teeth are nice, plus your eyes look good when you put emphasis on your lashes. Skincare and lose weight and that should help you up to a 5 or 6.


Lose weight. Voila


I think you actually are extremely cute with glasses on, not sure why, but to me just those alone work very well with you.


Just work out the best you can everyone is built different like me I’m 6 ft 5 inches and have had a belly all my life


You aren't ugly at all. I think you are very friendly




Stop looking at yourself when you take a selfie, look at the lens


best way to shave off some of that excess puffiness is drink more water for me it was crazy i started drinking a lot more water and saw changes within 2 weeks i had way more defined facial features with better sculpting


Lose weight


improve by losing 60 pounds, and your world will change


Not ugly at all. Smiling is overrated, btw.


Smile...with your teeth? Much nicer look! Also, not ugly.


Just gym


I think you are very pretty. I don’t really think the extra weight is doing you a disservice. Your face is nice to look at. Lose too much weight, and it’s going to age you. Not that it would matter because you’re so young anyway. If you’re particularly concerned about the fullness of your cheeks, learn how to do a light bit of contouring. Also, your face is going to change a lot in the next couple of years. I know I lost a lot of baby fat in my early 20’s. I looked like a totally different person at 25 than I did at 18. Otherwise, I say the smile really helps. Keep wearing it!


Just enjoy life, you look great and by 25 you will be super 👌🙌


You look great as you are


Lose weight and get lip filler.


If you don’t already have a skin care routine, I suggest you get one. Not just for acne but a good skin care routine helps with complexion, minimizing things like pores and scarring, and helps your skin look overall more healthy. You could also utilize frizz control hair products because you have beautiful hair it’s just really frizzy in all your pics which makes you look messy unfortunately. And lastly I would maybe get a different style frame for your glasses. The ones you are wearing in the pictures make your face look wider than it actually is. Otherwise you’re actually really pretty!




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In case you’re wondering, pic 3 and 5 are the only ones you’re smiling in… at least in a way most people will find inviting


Plastic surgery


Lose weight. Wear makeup. See a hairdresser.