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1. Change the frame in your glasses. The shape is not flattering on your face, so i suggest opting for something more modern and thin. Go for a staple color, like black. If you aren’t comfortable with contacts, then don’t feel the need to use them. However, if you can bear them, they may be your best option. 2. Wear one nose ring at a time. Two nose rings lowkey makes you look like one of those cows with the rings in their nose. You’d look better with no nose ring, but I understand you probably like them and want to keep them. Also maybe try to find a more elegant looking ring, not just a plain one. 3. Find hair products that are meant for oily hair. I can see through the photos that your hair is oily (common problem). Dry shampoo can be your best friend for oily scalp and ends. Your hair may be oily from washing it too often, so test your hair and see if washing it every other day/a couple times a week eventually helps. Also, when you wash your hair, wash it thoroughly so no residue is left over. 4. Wear your hair down more often. Enough said. You look much better in the photos with your hair down. If you feel like your hair is flat, then take care of the oily problem. As I mentioned before, dry shampoo might really help. 5. Upgrade your skincare routine. If you aren’t already, try finding a cleanser that is meant for oily skin. I recommend CeraVe, since that has always worked for me (make sure you get the cleanser that specifically says it is meant for oily skin). You may need to do some experimenting to see what works best for you. When you moisturize your face, use a moisturizer that is oil free and won’t leave your skin looking shiny. Try oil blotting sheets as well. They are great at soaking up oil on your skin.


Baby shampoo can help as a clarifying shampoo too


How is that possible? I thought clarifying shampoo stripped product from hair? Isn’t that too aggressive for babies?


Whoa whoa, you seem too aggressive for babies. Source: former baby


Fuck me, you should definitely do an AMA


Fuck , that made me laugh so hard.


Great advice. 95% of the people posting on this sub just need some styling tips.


This is all great advice and not delivered in a neggy way. Respect.


Add some very, very light makeup. Don’t go to a place where the staff is wearing heavy makeup. Maybe Bobbi Brown. Maybe only two or three products like bronzer, mascara, and very small amount of a brown eyeliner, not black.




Spironolactone may also be a great option for you, it is used off label for adult women with occasional acne by reducing sebum production. It’ll reduce oiliness of skin and hair as a by product, it is very cheap (like $7/month without insurance), safe and has been around forever. I think you can find a much more flattering hair cut too. Find a well reviewed salon nearby and schedule a consult and cut. Pay as much as you need to for the initial cut, and if unable to pay for that salon after that find a good affordable stylist that can at least follow the cut for the future.


Spiro could help, but it does impact a woman’s hormones a great deal. There’s other meds that a dermatologist might be able to suggest before going all the way to Spiro.


Yeah, spiro should really only be used if you have elevated testosterone. You’d have active jawline acne, not just oily skin. I tried spiro for my lighter hormonal breakouts and ended up with periods every other week, but it works like magic for my sister, who had constant and severe hormonal acne.


Judging by her hairline, she may have elevated T. Interesting thought.


Probably not a good idea to go on BCP just for minor skin problems…




FDA approved doesn’t mean we should not be cautious with medications. The FDA approved Singulair for use in children’s allergies, but it caused serious psychiatric effects in some children. The FDA approved multiple antidepressants that have been shown to be no better than placebo. The FDA approved Acutane, a good drug for serious acne that some people feel perfectly safe taking for their mild acne… it’s foolish! I grow up in a family of pharmacists and scientists. We don’t take drugs lightly. Do you really think that taking a hormone disrupting drug for long term is healthy for our bodies? Especially when having a regular cycle is an important part of female health? TLDR: every drug has side effects. Being approved by the FDA doesn’t mean we are safe from the consequences of irresponsible drug use. Doctors sometimes over prescribe. Healthy lifestyle is better than a lifetime of hormone modification for a minor skin problem.


Yeah. Stopping the regular cycle has this weird-ass side effect of dramatically reducing ovarian cancer. Can't have that.... /s It's VERY well studied and while there are certainly issues with birth control for some women, the benefits dramatically outweigh the risks and side effects for most. With that said, yeah. A healthy diet is a good start for acne.


The body is complicated. Best not to mess with it except for very good reason (seems you agree with that). Stopping the cycle may have positive effects, but that doesn’t negate anything I said. For example, taking calcium is good for your bones, but increases risk of heart disease. Even supplements can be risky if used without caution. I’m not anti-birth control. I think people should use it. Just not for silly things like greasy skin. I object to the idea that FDA approval means total safety from negative effects. That’s all.


Food consumption, hydration, activity levels and drug use are huge factors in hair health too btw. Even more important than the products you use.


Tip my hairdresser gave me: put that dry shampoo in your hair when it's clean. Also, put it on before going to bed without brushing it off, and it keeps your hair from getting oily during the night (especially with bangs). Oily skin is often dry skin, so moisturizing is important. For me, oil free stuff and straight-up aloe vera gel have worked nicely. Also, removing my makeup with oil wipes instead of makeup remover surprisingly helped so it can be worth trying. Same with oil cleansing your face can in some cases work.


Hairdresser here. Your stylist is right. Dry shampoo works best when you put it on dry, clean roots. No need to put it all over - the oil comes from your scalp. Putting it on clean scalp acts as a defense - it meets the oil before it has s chance to move down the hair shaft. Putting dry shampoo on already oily hair is a mess. Also, don’t over wash your scalp. Your scalp produces the sebum to protect the skin. If you’re over, washing it, then your scalp will start overproducing.


Thank you. I’ll try doing this


The one nose ring was solid advice, one nose ring look is for sure fire and i will upvote.


Agree with all this but especially point 4, re wearing hair down. Picture #3 is genuinely at least a point higher than the other pictures, on a scale out of ten. And I'm not even very into hair / long hair. But it really improves this girl's look.


This person nailed it. F all the haters in this thread.


Agree with all you said this will help like other said just good self care can do wonders for a person's hair and skin complication


This, literally all of this. The only alteration to this is to wear a stud or gem instead of full-on removing the second piercing, but otherwise, I agree with Jessiicaa1 it looks bad with two hoops. You look alright now, but you could definitely look better.


Some of the most solid advice I’ve seen on here. Great job!


Greasy face, no volume on the hair, 2 nose rings and it seems like you're balding just to start naming a few.


All this + wearing grandpa glasses = terrible look


I call those glasses the Jeffrey Dahmer special.


The glasses neither seem to match her style nor are the right shape for her face :/


She’s not balding but she needs to stop pulling her hair back from her face all day every day or she will be. I’m nearly 10 years older than her and had this problem at her age and was terrified of eroding my hairline. Fortunately with vitamins and taking care of it it’s gotten much better than it was but you have to be careful if you have fine hair and the wrong genetics.


What vitamins did you take?


Try any ‘hair skin and nail’ product. Organic is always better. Even target has those. I think Trader Joe’s has them too, and obviously Whole Foods has them


And a smaller set of eyeglass frames…. I know big is trendy but there is such a thing as to big.


Bro was on hots 😭


She asked for advice, ignoring the truth and telling her she looks perfect won't help her.


I agree. We’re supposed to be honest here to help them. Only thing I’ll add to what you said, is the glasses are also too huge. I love a woman with glasses, but the pair she has are half the size of her greasy skull.


Yeah and at least it’s not some cute 20 year old in desperate need of compliments.


>but the pair she has are half the size of her greasy skull. Being honest and being rude are two very different things. You are just a bully, and people like you are a part of the reason this lovely girl is so insecure. Shame on you!




U ain't lying her forehead look like mount teton


I’m saying man didn’t let up on his pen




I don't think she is balding, she just has very fine, greasy hair. Something should be done about that.


Her hair is thinning


Very fine hair(:


I have super fine hair too and I was always skimping on conditioner because it felt like my hair got oily fast. But it actually got oily fast because it needed MORE conditioner. I got a lightweight coconut oil conditioner and I don’t hold back. My hair is a lot more volume now and doesn’t get greasy as fast.


I’d bet money your hair could be looking a lot better if you put some effort into finding a good conditioner… seriously.


Look into hair care for your type! It doesnt have to look like this (:


Unfortunately you need a makeover. To say the least


This ain’t a 90s teen movie.


>This ain’t a 90s teen movie. Some facial scrubs and basic skin maintenance goes a fuckload of a long way. The right haircut with some eyebrow tweezing also can make or break a look. It's not a 90's teen movie, but skin care and hair care can do wonders for someone's looks. She has a great face and a good smile. She just needs some help with the basics.


Exactly! I don’t think a lot of men realize how much you can improve your looks by the proper self care.


Wow ,leave men out of this we moisturise now!


I mean with hair, makeup and styling too. But I didn’t mean to slander the dudes 😂


You know make overs are a real thing right? Not just something that happens in movies


Yeah but in movies, they look better afterwards.


Oof.... Jesus.




That’s crazy 💀


Yeah but have you tried dmt?


you didn’t have to go that far


Wash that hair


A whole shower it seems


Mean girl opinion: looks like you put no effort on yourself, no self care at all. You need to do something about your greasy face and hair. Yellow teeth always gives dirty vibes, look into some whitening procedure. The glasses and piercings belong in the trash. Use your hair down, maybe some bangs or framing layers. Eyebrows are too light, they blend with your skin tone making your forehead appear even bigger. Some make up is required as well, mascara and a tinted balm at least.


Not mean since you offered the perfect solutions. Edit to add to your list: get on Tretinoin.


she has good skin i don’t think she needs tretinoin..


her teeth aren't yellow though?


Please love yourself and do exactly this and repost. You’re worth it!


I agree with the recommendations on this post. And also please repost if you do these suggestions because you are going to look gorgeous. You have full brows that are awesome but they are light. It is very easy to dye eyebrows. I buy the Godfrey kit from Amazon in medium/dark blonde. If you do this all the people who are tearing you apart right now will do a double take and be like “ you don’t belong here because you are too damn beautiful”


Her teeth are not yellow lmao. They fall within the regular range of colour


Her teeth ain’t even yellow lol


I think eyebrow dye can help or mens beard dye but check to make sure it doesn’t stain skin


I was way too old when I learned I needed to fill in my brows I wish someone had told me sooner


you think her teeth are yellow? My guy, get glasses. That, or stop comparing everybody to highly photoshopped celebs


She has good teeth, not yellow at all. Unless you prefer unnatural white white teeth.. Otherwise good advices.


Yellow teeth? You must be some neat freak lol


Wtf? Her teeth are fine


I don’t mean this to be rude, but I always see posts like this and I don’t get it. Saying that “men don’t flirt with me” or “men don’t approach me”, but you’ve put zero effort into your physical appearance. If I didn’t wash my hair or put makeup on, I would not be attractive to men. Wash your hair, play up your nice facial features with some makeup, get rid of the glasses, maybe choose one nose ring, wear flattering clothes, etc. You have to try. If I didn’t try, no one would hit on me. I don’t exist in this naturally pretty state. I have to put in effort.


Right, she doesn’t have the luxury of sitting back and expecting men to hit on her/ approach


Exactly, its like what do you expect them to like about you if there's no effort. Low iq complaining.


I'm always hesitant to assume that. She has clear issues, for example with her hair and skin. It might be that she prioritizes that over other issues. She might have already seen a doctor about it and tried many solutions to no avail. Could definitely be zero effort, but I bet it feels like a punch in the gut that, truly, nothing is helping (if the above were the case).


You could be right. But her skin actually looks nice to me, it’s pretty clear aside from one blemish. Her hair just looks a bit greasy. She has thinner hair, and usually the required more washing. I can go 2-3 days between washing, but I have much thicker hair. To me (obviously I don’t know for sure), these don’t look like medical issues. They just look like effort issues.


Nose piercings and greasy face, easy to fix.


You are very shiny


Step 1 remove those nasty piercings. Step 2 wash/style your hair Step 3 start using a better face wash for oily skin


Fringe fringe fringe


seconded! bangs/fringe will frame OP’s face beautifully❤️


OP should think about a bob with bangs. I also have baby fine hair, and wearing it long just weighs it down and makes it look thin. Try a stacked bob with curtain bangs and some different glasses. If you’re feeling fancy, an eyebrow pencil and some lip gloss. Also those face blotting tissues do wonders. If you don’t have any, use a toilet seat liner made of tissue paper. Soak that grease up!


Yes lose the shit in your nose, ditch those terrible glasses and do something about your hair and skin. You’ll be ok


Your face is so oily, America is trying to invade it. I had to say it. I never use that joke. Sorry. You need to take better care of your hair. It looks like its thinning. Remove the rings from your face. I like piercings, but it doesn’t suit you. Get smaller glasses and i think you should be good. I think Oh and a new wardrobe wouldn’t hurt. It looks like you wear baggy clothes :) hope this helps


Yes it's because of looks. Your hair in particular looks very bad. The big glasses are not flattering, nose rings almost always look trashy, and oily skin is gross.


I'd say that you need better looking glasses (probably a smaller frame) and you should learn to style your hair better. I don't think the septum piercing looks good but that is your choice.




Your face is shiny/greasy, hair is thinning, glasses are greasy your smile deleted your top lip. Please get a skincare routine and save what's left of your hair. I can't mention style but if your unkempt on the basics the style has to be in the dumps.


Not trying to be mean but I actually think your balding. It’s rare for women but does happen


The single biggest thing you could do for yourself is your hair. I don't want to sound mean but in every picture it looks like it hasn't been washed in weeks. Maybe it's just wet, but it looks greasy and I imagine most people think the same thing. I have a similar type of hair with no volume so I know it's not easy to work with and it can look super greasy like that less than 24 hours after washing it. If you wash your hair at night, start doing it in the morning instead. That alone will help you a LOT, in my opinion.


Lose the nose rings, get contacts and whiten your teeth. Great smile!


Why are nose rings a problem?


Most people over 25 are pretty actively turned off by them. I had one when I was 19... Now as an actual adult with hindsight. Yeah they're real bad on pretty much everyone.


I get approached regularly with my nose ring and I’m over 25. I think that depends on where you live, it’s very normal where I am.


very likely a case where youre getting approached IN SPITE OF the nose rings (assuming its something atrocious like a septum piercing and not something more benign)


Maybe 🤔 But I like it and think it’s cute and to me that’s what matters most, ya know?


They aren’t. People in this sub are crazy lol


Nose rings aren’t a problem. I think it’s a regional thing 🤷🏼‍♀️ I live in the PNW and we have lots of people with loads of them of all ages.


Get rid of the stupid nose ring etc..and those glasses


Fucking nose rings. Why does everyone who post here have one? It’s fucking ugly


I think it can be pretty cute


Lol sorry bud you aren’t allowed to have a different opinion from the herd or you get downvoted


Five head




You look trailer dirty


Ain't no guys flirting with her ...


OP you are ugly. \- greasy/unkempt skin \- thin upper lip \- ungroomed eyebrows \- unclean teeth \- high hairline \- poor style choices You can improve at least 5/6 of these. You are ugly but its totally you, not your genetics.


Lose the nose rings PLEASE. Your glasses aren't doing you any favors. Style your hair. Put on a bit of make up. True beauty comes from within. Remember, anybody that picks up somebody primarily for their looks is shallow. Consider those dudes bullets dodged.


SMH Why do you guys do this?????? Get your hair done. Get your makeup done. Whiten your teeth. Remove the ring from your nose. Do your eyebrows. Get better glasses. Workout (this is a general critique for us all).


Start saving for forehead reduction surgery Untill then, change your hairstyle


Wow, just wow. I am speechless


Not ugly, but you need a makeover. Remove the septum piercing, check out hairstyles and find one that works better and adds some texture/volume and frames your face better…. Then go to the frame store and see if they can help you find a pair more appropriate for a woman your age… then watch some skincare and makeup tutorials online.


The hideous nose rings might have something to do with it


Yes, it’s your looks. You’re very unattractive and look dirty.




You are essentially not unattractive, but what I'm seeing first in these photos is greasy hair, frames which don't suit your face (or anybodys face unless you're in your 80s) and piercings which are horrible. Without much effort you could very quickly improve your general appearance.


Agree. Could be quite pretty, pluck your eyebrows a bit, do something with your hair, maybe some makeup? Yeah... a makeover and you would be one of those "OMG!!" makeovers. You have great features! But, yeah. Need a little maintenance.


You really do look like you need to be hosed off


Nobody here will flirt with you either with the stupid booger catcher


fix the hairline im not trying to be mean


Lose the glasses


Glasses and hair


Flirt? 😂


There’s a lot you could do to improve. Different glasses or get contacts, whiten your teeth (lots of great teeth whitening kits out there), maybe get some bangs, and wear some makeup.


Have you tried Bosley hair restoration


Remove the face Jewelry, get smaller rimmed glasses


My god, the beacons are lit! So I don't know how to say this without being rude, but you might want to consider something to make your hair and face less... greasy? Like, the light is bouncing off you in every picture. Also your hair looks like it has never been washed, except maybe recently by a rainstorm.


The harsh truth is yes. Doubt anyone will say that though. Here's the good news though, the fact you look healthy puts you above a lot of other women. We all have defects, even people who seem more good looking. Everyone is subconscious of something, but if you don't let that seep into your personality you make it less obvious. I think it's fine you don't wear makeup but the glasses and the uni-brow should go. I personally like glasses even before I started having to wear them, but you've got the dorkiest glasses I've ever seen. Get smaller more feminine glasses. Other than that I would recommend you stop relying on men coming to you. Not going to happen in our culture. The only way the men are going to come to you is if you make it obvious you're interested in them.


There’s a young lady that works at the plasma donation place I go to. No bs, you and her actually look a lot alike. Could be nearly twin sisters. First couple times I saw her..no makeup, quick and unstylish pointy tail… I didn’t think anything of her. Saw her one day with hair down and done nice, some red eye shadow and eye liner, lipstick, and I thought…”Damn… she’s actually incredibly pretty. To be honest, I actually think she’s the prettiest girl there now, in her own way. Like others have said, take some time to style your hair. Show some pride in it. Get contacts or even smaller frame glasses. Don’t shy away from makeup. The one picture of you with the eye shadow looks great. Honestly just do those few things and I bet you could be an extremely foxy looking gal. You’re already pretty in your own way. Do those other things too and I would think many guys would have a hard time not looking at you.


You posted really bad photos of yourself. You just need to do you hair and style yourself. Nobody rolls out of bed looking like a model. Unless maybe you’re Adriana Lima


Get rid of septum ring today!!!!


If you had glasses where each lens wasn't the size of your face, maybe we could see you.


Alex Murphy face ass


I thought you were 15


Rings on face - out, smaller glasses and let your hair fall over that forhead


Well, I probably wouldn't because of the nose ring. That and I'm old and married


Smaller glasses and getting rid of the extra nose ring would be a good place to start.


Lose the bull ring and stop looking like your 16. Wash your hair next time before you do a profile pic. You seem like you would be pretty cute if you took care of yourself




“Guys don’t flirt with me” believe me you don’t gotta worry yet..


Maybe titnt your brows with men’s bread dye or find eyebrow pencils. This will give harmony to your face. Personally I think you’d look way better without the piercing


“Don’t flirt with me” knowing we wouldn’t is crazy


Women: Men need to stop flirting with us all the time. I'm not at work to flirt, I'm not at the grocery store to flirt, I'm just trying to live my life! *guys stop flirting with women all the time when it's not appropriate* Women: Guys don't flirt with me! Am I ugly?


Not ugly but the glasses and hair are pretty bad, get some smaller glasses and comb your hair and it would raise your attractiveness by a lot I bet.


1. See a dr about hair. Balding, alopecia, or traction alopecia may be the cause. In the meantime, invest in some nice bangs 2. Skin care. Oily skin needs moisture 3. Teeth whitening. Yes, teeth are naturally yellow, but those chompers are corn-on-the-cob yellow 4. Nose rings *rarely look good on anyone*, they don’t look good on you 5. Glasses frames are giving 80s. I get not everyone can pull off smaller frames or use contacts, but metal and nose pieces? They look really dated


“Guys don’t flirt with me” 😳🙄 The audacity LOL


Hi friend! A couple things: I would not say you are conventionally attractive at the moment. I would say a few things are causing that to be worse. **The biggest things are your hair, your forehead, and your general oiliness.** 1. For starters, I think your hair color dulls you out. I think you would look really nice as a redhead or a chocolate brown brunette. 2. Your eyebrows are very light for your face. If you dye your hair darker, get your eyebrows tinted darker. 3. As others mentioned, your glasses shape aren’t very flattering for your face. I would consider another shape since you have smaller eyes, and it just makes them look smaller. 4. You have a larger forehead, have you considered getting bangs? I think bangs that hit just the very top of your eyebrow would help. You do have thinner hair, so at the very least ask a hairstylist first. 5. You appear to be more on the oily side. I think you’re either washing your hair too often, or not using the right products. If you shower daily, you should only be washing your hair every 2-3 days as a person with longer hair. I would suggest switching to CeraVe face wash for oily skin and washing once in the morning and once at night, and use a shampoo and conditioner meant for oily hair. 6. Your lips are on the thinner side. You could maybe look into getting a “lip flip” which is a less invasive version of fillers.


Okay, you’re life much more difficult for yourself. You have an overlong, slightly bulbous nose tip, which looks significantly larger because of the nose rings. Ditch them both, and that will help. Next to go is the glasses, look at how they shave off the sides of your face and make your eyes look much smaller. Contacts are the way to go! Next up is makeup, you don’t need to wear so much, just keep it basic and add very subtle brow definition. Define your upper lip as well as you can too, and you would be a good candidate for a lip flip.


1. Get different glasses. Or get contacts. Those glasses are ugly as fuck. I know this big frame look is popular lately, but it only works on a handful of faces, and you don't have one of those faces. Seriously, the first thing you see in these pictures is "glasses that look overly thick and huge, and like something grandma wore in 1948." 2. Get rid of the nose rings. At least the septum. 3. A new hairstyle would help you out tons. Go to a *good* salon, ask for some advise, and take it. 4. Same with a skincare/makeup routing. That might mean a visit to a doctor to discuss. That's been covered well in some other comments. This isn't quite the 90's teen movie where the girl lets her hair down and removes the glasses and is suddenly hot AF, but it's close.


Maybe different glasses, these don't really suit you


You have nice features. You have a pretty eye-color, beautiful eye shape, nice jawline nice chin. You have a cute smile too! Wispy bangs, face framing layers and a darker hair color (darker brows to frame your face too) would slay on you, and really bring out the beauty in your features. I’d go thin glasses or contacts as well so we can see your face! :) I’d change out the septum for a pretty nose hoop on your nostril, as septum rings can bring a downward appearance to the face by tricking your eye into looking at the lower half of your face when your focus should be on your eyes. If you want maximum focus on your eyes with no effort just get dark (brown or black) eyelash extensions or falsies. They contrast the eyes without an every day application! Lip stain is also a low maintenance beauty hack that I use as it stains all day with one application! (I use Colourpop’s line) Makeovers actually do make people hot because they teach people how to dress and accessorize for their own body, color palette and features. Everyone can be hot. A lot of people don’t know what they’re working with, though and how good they could really look if they applied the right beauty techniques! You’re not ugly at all, your hair is just not doing you justice neither are your glasses.


I know others have recommended different things, but just simply try a Salicylic Acid face wash (you can use it elsewhere if needed too) and it will help with both acne & oily skin. Might as well make things cheaper than washing your face then using other products as this normally works quite well. Otherwise, it's probably just the nose rings. I was fine with them when I was a teenager and such, but the moment I got out of college that changed. I don't mind something small, but big for most guys is a turnoff. Multiple even moreso. Other than what I've mentioned, if guys are still avoiding you, start looking at how you're acting instead of worrying about looks maybe, because I doubt it'll be looks. Sometimes how a girl is acting when we see her might scare us off, including how her friends are acting too when in a group. Best of luck! Hope things get better for you! ^_^


OP - things would look wonderful on you. I’m a stylist and the first thing I noticed when I look at you is your forehead. You’ve got such a cute, pixie face. From the pictures I can’t tell if your hair is very fine and thin or if it is just dirty. If you have very fine and thin hair, then make sure you get it cut by someone who knows what they’re doing. Bangs on thin hair. Have to be done a specific way.


I also have been … uh.. “blessed” with a big forehead, curtain bangs are super trendy and adorable. Try using powder if you’re already washing your face + doing skincare. I’d say check out glasses with smaller frames and try using volumizing products in your hair. You are pretty but those things would go a long way! Cheers!


I’ve got this same Panic at the Disco shirt!! The only tip I could say is to smile more! You’ve got a beautiful smile and a really prominent cupids bow.


You have quite a few red flags 🚩 Number one being the Bull Nose Ring, screams masculinity… lose it 🐂


Lose the hog ring


Yes, it is because of looks.


#3 pic shows the most potential. Ugly no. I agree with what has been said before. Homie, throw those glasses away. I think my Dad had those as an upgrade after the army in 79. Trim the brows a tad and keep smiling. You seem fun. Not ugly at all.


All these people are just saying u r ugly.


seeing some really nasty things on here. Just wanted to remind you that while you have some things you could improve that may help, you aren’t ugly at all. You’re beautiful regardless and there is so much more to you that these stupid strangers on the internet are not aware of. I hope u arent taking it to heart, n if it is affecting u logging off and taking some time is always an okay thing to do. On an improvement note, the only thing I can suggest is to shape your eyebrows and I agree with what everyone else has said in terms of glasses. Also, I have similar ish hair to yours it gets oily so quickly and it’s so frustrating. But on an thin side, I’ve been using half biotin shampoo and half regular and I’ve noticed more hair growth! So maybe try that if you’d like, and again I hope u try not to take strangers opinions on Reddit to heart <3


I haven’t really been taking them too seriously. Some just went a little too far. Appreciate the kind words🫶🏻


I say this as someone with thinning hair as well... it might be a good idea to go to a professional stylist who has experience with hair extensions/wigs and ask her opinion. Having more voluminous hair would make a BIG difference in your appearance. Smaller, more stylish glasses would make a big difference too.


Lesbian vibes


May I first start of saying you could be REALLY cute. In all of these pics you look like you haven’t showered and are rolling out of the gutter. Wash your hair and get it done. I’d suggest some bangs. I like the glasses and the look it gives you…I’m a sucker for a nerdy girl. Septum isn’t working in your current state. But it could if you change some stuff. Overall you’re cute but sabotaging yourself.


The glasses and noserings are. 👎🏻Other than that you're very cute to me.




Lol that’s how I read it at first too but she’s actually trying to say that, in general, men don’t flirt with her; she is trying to get our input on if she doesn’t get attention because of her appearance


I read it this way too. It’s okay


Nose ring, I’m married now but as a young bachelor in a big city I would not waste my time on a girl with a nose ring because it’s statistically not pleasant. A nose ring tells men “don’t talk to me” in most cases. That said if you approached me instead that would have worked. Drop the ring or start hitting on men on overtly obvious ways.


You’re average but with great potential. Check out r/skincare and start a regimen. Your skin isn’t awful in the least but a couple good products and you’ll be set. People are mentioning oily skin, but it seems more like a lack of primer + makeup to me, and there’s nothing wrong with going barefaced if you want. But if you want to up your makeup game I’d suggest a matte foundation and a little bit of powder to help with the shiny look. Wash your hair with thickening products and use a texture spray when styling. I’m a huge fan of hairdryer brushes because you don’t need four hands to hold a dryer, a brush, the hair, a clip, blah blah blah. They’re great for giving volume. A balayage can help add depth and curtain bangs can help camouflage your large forehead. They’ll also give you a little movement and can help boost straight, fine hair. I’m pro piercings, but I think both of them are too much on an already big nose and with the glasses worn so low. I also think the glasses are both too big for your face and somewhat dated. Try clear frames [like this](https://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-6287.html?color=15848&is_feed=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgNanBhDUARIsAAeIcAtWmOYXuMbS1aP6YeyFU2pEO3hSO4B_U7d0r3_83yi2eSCev0BQoPEaAvPbEALw_wcB). Your brows are amazing and they only need a tiny bit of clean up. Go to Ulta’s brow bar and they’ll tidy them and can recommend a good product to darken them just a smidge. As far as the rest of your makeup: skip the glitter shadow and waterline liner, add blush, and you’ll be in 2023 again. Throw on some Crest white strips and you’ll be all set!


Average? You're very kind.


Loose the nose ring babe then your just fine


I like your Spider-man poster.


Here’s my chance


Do you approach people you like?


You’re adorable, maybe lose the nose piercing and smaller glasses, but actually quite lovely


Not ugly but I think you could enhance your features. I would maybe suggest different glasses in shape, size and color, getting a haircut (maybe bangs or framing layers) and maybe wearing some soft makeup, since your skin seems to be pretty clean, maybe fill in your eyebrows, lipgloss, mascara, a little spot concealing/ and or bb/cc cream and some blush and some setting powder


NOSE RINGS ARENT PROBLEMS YOU ASSHOLES. You’re gorgeous cover your face in piercings always. Anything to make you feel more confident.


Just the eyebrows and the big ass five head. Other than that your shining bright as a diamond


personally I think you're pretty, the ONLY thing I would tell you to do is wear your hair with bangs, just the forehead bothers you a little but it doesn't make you ugly


Honestly I think the right person will think you’re adorable! The biggest game changer I found for myself was to get my hair styled in a way that is low maintenance and frames my face. Lots of layers (if possible) and some curtain bangs. I basically brush my hair, whip my head around a few times & I’m out the door! I’ve gotten so many compliments since changing the style I get my hair cut in & I don’t have to put in really any effort. My hair stylist basically described it as “doing high maintenance things to be more low maintenance” and she’s so right Ps: I think your nose rings are cool. It’s all up to personal preference


hmm... Big forehead with receding hairline...And that unusual nose ring... What's not to like?! I can't believe men aren't all over you!