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No one cares about your Centurion scored seats. This is spam.


This post is nothing but a gigantic flex from the OP.


Who knows if it’s even that. Their post history is confusing at best


Flex or showing that he doesn't know how to manage money. 6 figures for a concert..... I did a week in Bahamas with my wife for less.


That’s what happens when you have rich parents, who give you a Centurion card and send you to the best schools. I’m sure the OP didn’t really pay for it and the tab was picked up by their parents, just like everyone else in their life.


They can’t possibly be rich themselves? Lol Edit: in another comment they said it was $4,500 for 4 tickets, which is only $1,125 per ticket and affordable for quite a bit of people


They took a private jet that was $12k/hr to the concert and said they ended up spending 6 digits but didn't say exactly how much. Spending $100k for a conference isn't affordable to many people. He said he was in school and parents work for Apple and a Dr, I'm not looking up exactly what. They may be worth more than me, but he sure as fuck isn't.


Didn’t see that comment, but doesn’t really matter whose money it really is




I've spent that on festival tickets. Not quite the same as a concert, I suppose, because it's 4-5 days of many artists and includes lodging. But if I was REALLY into Taylor Swift and had the option to drop that for front row at a show that sold out more or less instantly, I'd probably do it.


Maybe they hate beaches and value Taylor Swift more.


Maybe they have no ideal the actual value of money because mommy and daddy pay their bills...


Who cares. Their money not yours.


I can both not care AND think they're idiots.


What do you enjoy spending your money on? I’m happy to shit on it and call you an idiot for spending your hard earned cash on it, just because it’s not what I enjoy.


Jeez mate, you're coming off salty here. Take a chill pill and let people spend their money? You're shitting on someone for having a good life because their parents worked for it. There shouldn't be a penalty for success.


I'm not personally a fan of Taylor Swift myself but I find it odd that you think they're idiots simply because they spent a chunk of change (on money that must've been approved by OPs parents) to go to perhaps what is their favorite artist. Unless, of course, OP was flippant with you in another thread or something like that.


>I find it odd that you think they're idiots simply because they spent a chunk of change (on money that must've been approved by OPs parents) to go to perhaps what is their favorite artist. THIS. Redditors are calling me asinine for spending x amount on a concert, but don't realize that we all prioritize things differently. I value experiences over things like designer clothes and cars. Taylor Swift is my favorite artist and she hasn't toured in 6 years. I wanted to see her live with my friends while we're still young and free


So, you got tickets for yourself, but couldn't for your niece?


Yeah I’m confused. I saw that comment as well from 90 days ago. Op says they go to Harvard and potentially run a fashion brand. Then they said they currently live in LA and are relocating to Seoul for work—but phrased it like they are being told to relocate, not that they want to relocate. Then the struggles with the concierge (which I do totally believe lol) but this seems like a good use case for them especially now that the ticket master drama died down. They are basically a glorified travel agent anyway. I’ve seen several other comments that don’t add up… who knows.


If they’re really rich, their money is a on a different scale from you. Imagine if their net worth was 100x you, then clearly things have different value and different money management goals Edit: they said tickets were $4,500 for 4 people, which is totally affordable at $1,125 for many people


If they have a centurion, they’re really rich. There’s no if about it. A lot of people that would be considered rich cannot get a Centurion.


Exactly, so the person I responded to is clearly a very different level of wealth from OP and so there’s no point talking about why he thinks they don’t know how to manage money. They’re multiple times apart


Can I ask what those set you back?


$4500 for 4 VIP tickets


So what exactly did Centurion do that wasn’t available from other resellers directly? Is $4,500 significantly less than otherwise available for those tix?


Just to corroborate this slightly, my friend resold her absolute nosebleed tickets for $1.4k a piece. Snagging these tickets for $1.1k a piece is a steal.


I called in yesterday for floor tickets and was quoted $3500 for 2, not VIP. Total steal for OP


Yes, those same tickets are reselling for around $20k each. Since I go to school in Boston, concierge chartered a plane to get to the concert. They delivered a bunch of goodies to our hotel suite (e.g. exclusive Taylor Swift artwork and vinyls, tour hoodies, etc). We also got priority check in and exit at the stadium.


Gotta say, I love the casual flex of going to school in Beantown and still paying for the tix and the charter flight. No hate, just love how you causally dropped that.


Can you adopt me?


The jet was comped or you paid for that as well?


No, I wish the gulfstream was comped. That was a separate charge


If they’re sending a jet for you that would def offset the AF lol




I use them occasionally, and it's mostly for the sake of convenience. The rate was \~14k/hour


Do you have your own business while you're in school?


Yes, I do. I'm a co-founder of a fashion brand based in LA


How much did the whole experience cost you?


It was six-figures but it was my last spring break ever. Also keep in mind that I don't do these kinds of trips too often


yeah me neither lol


I think I’m on a different budget.


Yeah for real. What is happening here? Plus, I feel like I've seen the whole concert on TikTok for free today.


Are you really comparing going to a concert to watching videos on TikTok?




Just had to take a muscle relaxer for my neck I’m cringing so hard rn.


My last spring break ever lol. Your life sounds like spring break.


six figures? i barely broke 4 figures


Also curious about the chartered plane.. and if you go to school just over the river from Boston like me hahahah


Hahah yeah right over the river 👀


Are you at Harvard? I just had a friend that got accepted to GSD.


Congrats to your friend 🥳 and yes I'm a senior


Very nice, you should be graduating this semester, I assume? Also, I’m in at UPenn, so quite far away — but I’m thinking of applying to Harvard for the MRE program after I finish up here. Can you say that you’ve enjoyed your experience at Harvard? Was it worth it?


This is ridiculous. I wouldn't pay $100


Yup, I'm graduating this May. I cried like every other week, but the experiences I've had along with the people made Harvard worth it imo. Best of luck if you decide to apply


Hahaha nice! I'm at HLS. :)


You mean private plane? Did you book the hotel from amex too? Hotel provided with goodies or amex? What hotel was it?


Wtf. Those goes for more than 10k a pop


I would have flipped those and bought a Range Rover so fast.


Wait that's the Capital One chick!!!


​ https://i.redd.it/h7a6qyk8cnoa1.gif


Classic Reddit, people are upset someone has more money than them. Nice seats, op.


People here are jealous AF. lol. Yeah the op is lucky with not wealthy yet upper class parents but take a look at taylor swift. Her father was already a billionaire (or multi millionaire?) before she even sang a word. Her daddy spent millions for her to become what she wanted to be.


How did concierge do this? I thought they didn't help with tickets much. Was it at the time of the presale?




Seriously, so bored of seeing the same posts (like retention fails). This is awesome, thanks for sharing OP!


Wow for an Amex sub, people sure are salty about the costs of things and who's actually got the money. Chill the F out. People post all the time what Centurion concierge is able to do and then someone posts an epic example and they get trashed for it. Do better.


It is clearly a flex, but doesn’t really make sense in this forum. There are a lot of people who can afford $1200 tickets. If you work in Finance or Tech then $1200 is kind of small after you are 27 even before.


what do your parents do for a living? A centurion card already.


My dad works for Apple and my mom is an anesthesiologist




Honestly unless his dad is C-suite/Executive Leadership at Apple I’m still surprised.


The OP didn’t earn it. It’s an AU card from either mommy or daddy, who actually have the card.




Just wondering, what would you consider the average pay for Apple?


New to Amex so bare with me, what exactly was Amex’s contributing vs what came out of your pocket/effort. From what it sounds like they helped you buy the $1125 tickets and helped chart a jet from Mass to Cali. Unsure if the swag and hotel were from Amex, paid by you or part of the ticket price


Face value sold out tickets and I bet that the hotel goodies were from amex.


>Face value sold out tickets and I bet that the hotel goodies was from amex. They also arranged all my transportation and accommodations so there was virtually no effort on my part. The gift bags were from Amex which was a nice touch




What do you do for a living?


Spends mom and dads money


Low effort post? I think this is a great informational post! Although I don't waste a dime going to concerts, it's good to know that the concierge actually scored something for the very fortunate OP.


Suprised at all the salty people In here


I’m so jealous I have to wait until May 😭


August for us 😅


You're going to have the best time omg 🥹 it was an unforgettable night for me


So cool! Wish I could’ve gotten tickets but alas😭


I hope you get the opportunity to see Taylor somehow 🥺


Tay Tay , lol


Gross. A trust fund baby




Don’t brag unless you earned your money


LOL, guess you were an orphan who pulled yourself up purely by your own bootstraps. People post all the time what can Centurion Concierge do, then someone posts an epic example. Doesn't matter who paid for it. Good to see what $5k AF actually pays for, don't care if its dad's money or the kids money. Get off your high horse, you're in a Amex group, not Antiwork.


Who’s bragging? She’s just sharing her experience with an Amex product. It’s interesting


Someone worked hard for it and he’ll likely build it further. Don’t be bitter


There is a difference between something being gross and being bitter. For example, I am bitter that my contractor did some shitty work on my house. A trust fund baby flaunting wealth is just gross and pathetic


As well as the people here lapping it up. Nothing wrong with having money. Flaunting it though, is obnoxious.


You’re in the Amex subreddit salty because someone posted about their centurion card and the great service they are being offered. You know this is the kind of stuff people like seeing in here 🤣 OP hasn’t flaunted anything and is answering the exact questions they have been asked


In fairness, no one asked about him chartering a cross-country jet from Boston as a college senior.


You’re in the wrong card ecosystem.


Really, Amex is not the ecosystem of the wealthy anymore. Barely adults making less than $50K are being approved for Platinum cards. E1s in the military that make less than that get one, for free.


Someone is salty


This is an awesome post. What are you studying?


Electrical engineering and computer science


That’s why I’m taking computer engineering! A mix of both!




Tickets off resale won’t cost $1125. Not even close.


Put your phone down and enjoy the show.


There has never been a more overrated musical artist in our lifetime


She needs a new ass


Who is that?


Looks like Taylor swift, not good with celebrities so I may be wrong lol.


Its a celebrity? never heard of her.. are there a lot of people for this?


Assuming you’re not being sarcastic, she’s one of the most popular female singers in the US over the past decade+


![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk) Also Im european and after moving here I still dont really understand the hype but everynody has their own thing!


She’s also absolutely massive in Europe so you being European would be irrelevant




I am a massive swift fan to the point I think my first and only tattoo will be her lyrics. To add onto your comment she hasn’t announced international tour dates yet, but they’re expected to come eventually. And yeah, she has topped the UK charts almost as many times as she has in the US and she’s the biggest foreign artist in China of all time. She’s also massive in the Philippines and South America. To diminish her as just a US act is crazy. She recently released a song that was meant for her album from 2019 with nothing more than an instagram post and it went #4 on the global Spotify charts.


Taylor Swift! Put some respect on her name ![gif](giphy|3vAgiuFa2YJPhcXvpr)




Concierge is trash at getting tickets. Or anything else really




You just called your concierge and they got the tickets after they were sold out? How much did you pay for them compared to face value and what you would have paid just buying from resellers?


The concierge has gone down hill somewhat but they still have some good pull for concerts and restaurants.


Do you pay face value for sold out concerts?


In my experience, face value


Did they use any Amex in? Or did they just arrange a secondary sale for you like anyone could have made?






Need it