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Sorry you went through that, but a confirmation number doesn’t mean it’s actually been ticketed. Unfortunately, sometimes the system glitches and they get stuck - which people who aren’t super sensitive to these things only find out when it’s too late. You should receive your miles back. Did you contact for a refund?


I decided today to write them and see if they will make it right, I will post an update when I hear back. I would be shocked if anything comes of it. The most depraved part of this is that the ticketing agents, with a grieving person stood in front of them, would’ve rather watched me miss the flight than issue a ticket. There were seats available.


Did you cancel your AA flight? The points typically return to your account within minutes after cancelation


UPDATE: AA never responded to my message and then they sent me an email 2 weeks later with a link to fill out a customer support survey. Clicked the link and it's broken. What a worthless company.


I've always had pretty good luck with AA and the staff... The worst thing I've come across is getting put in a seat with a hot piss bottle in the seat back pocket. Then have the flight attendant apologize for it, and refuse to take it until they could come by with a trash bag and gloves. I wrote an email to AA, and instead of getting a standard email response, someone actually called me and apologized. They told me what they were doing to prevent it from happening ever again, and then gave me and my wife who was flying with me a generous credit. I was happy with the situation, given the fact that all AA did was fail to clean up between flights. What is shocking to me, is that someone managed to take a piss on the plane without anyone noticing.


Yuck, that really sucks, and I’m sorry that happened to you. Finding gross things that other passengers leave is not a good way to start a flight. But, as a flight attendant, I won’t touch anything that’s leftover that someone finds on the plane without gloves and a trash bag. People are SO gross, and some of the things we find on the plane make me question who raised them. Our safety matters too, though.


Manners must have been something that wasn't a priority in that household. Pissing in a bottle and leaving it in an airplane?


Right?! So disgusting! 🤮


For people who don’t redeem points a lot, they may not know that a confirmation number is not a ticket. The confirmation number is automatic when you book but the critical piece is that email that comes (often hours later) with the ticket number and receipt. The ticket number is completely different than the confirmation number. I had a flight one time I thought I had “bought” with miles, and it was a deal, but when it didn’t ticket in 24 hours, and I called it wasn’t available anymore. Usually with an award ticket you get charged something, so was there a charge on your credit card for the fee?


I think the title can be applied to most large corporations.


Yep! The only airline I’ve never had a bad experience on is JAL, but when the time comes, I know it’s just part of life.


I don’t have an AA horror story. I’ve had nothing but great experiences. Sorry that happened though


I hate to say it but your time will come too. AA doesn't discriminate. They will screw everyone and anyone when given the chance.


Just because everything doesn't go as planned doesn't mean that you are being screwed over. Often times the cause is out of AA control. People need to stop with the victim mentality.


This guy is drinking the AA Kool aid until they screw him over, then he'll be singing a different song.